Ear Care Tips From Ear Specialists in VA, DE, MS, & NC (2024)

Ear care might seem simple, yet knowing the right way to clean your ears will make all the difference. The topic of ear cleaning comes with many opinions, but there are safe practices – and some that aren’t a great idea.

Most of the time, your ears do a great job cleaning themselves, thanks to their natural defenses. But sometimes, gentle cleaning can be beneficial, especially for removing excess wax from the outer ear. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to take care of your ears the safe way. Let’s get into some essential ear tips and tricks approved by certified ear doctors.

What to Know About Earwax

First, let’s talk about earwax, also known as cerumen, which is something your body makes naturally. It acts as a protective shield for your ears. This natural substance helps keep your ears lubricated, preventing itchiness and dryness. Plus, it has antibacterial properties, meaning it helps keep your ears clean.

Earwax works like a filter, blocking dirt and dust from entering deeper into your ear. When you chew food or move your jaw around, the motion helps move earwax from the canal to the ear opening, where it usually dries up and falls out. Importantly, earwax forms in the outer ear, not deep inside.

If you’re dealing with an earwax blockage, it’s probably the result of using a cotton swab to clean your ear. There are some misconceptions about using cotton swabs as an ear-cleaning tool, but it’s best to avoid this temptation, as doing so can push earwax deeper into your ear and even puncture your eardrum.

Should I Clean My Ears?

For most of us, cleaning our ears isn’t needed. Your ears have their own cleaning system that usually works well. But, if you have too much earwax and start feeling discomfort or it bothers your doctor during a checkup, you might have what’s called earwax impaction. This means earwax has completely filled your ear canal.

Earwax blockages are more common if you wear hearing aids, have had ear surgery, or put objects like cotton swabs in your ear. The symptoms can include a feeling of fullness, partial hearing loss, ringing in your ears (known as tinnitus), coughing, earaches, or even an odd smell.

Impactions are quite rare, but this type of earwax blockage can still happen. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to see an ear specialist. They can safely clear out the earwax using specialized tools or other methods, like irrigation or suction.

Safe Ways to Clean Your Ears

Taking care of earwax at home can be easy if done right. Using a soft, clean washcloth can gently clean the outside of your ears. To soften the earwax, you might try adding a few drops of baby oil, hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil, or glycerin to the ear.

As mentioned before, never insert cotton swabs into your ears, as this could push wax deeper. Ear candling is also not recommended, as it’s archaic, ineffective, and poses the risk of burning your ears.

If you want to use ear drops, you can find both water-based and oil-based options over the counter. Water-based ear drops might have ingredients like hydrogen peroxide or sodium bicarbonate, while oil-based drops often include olive or almond oils.

Always follow the usage directions on any product or from your doctor. If you have frequent infections, holes in your eardrums, or have had ear surgery, ask a healthcare professional for advice before using ear drops.

Hearing Aids and Earwax Buildup

Wearing hearing aids or always using earplugs can affect the ears’ natural cleaning process and lead to a buildup of earwax. This accumulation might block the ear canal, causing temporary hearing loss until it is treated.

If you experience hearing issues, schedule an appointment at a hearing clinic. They can clean your ears carefully and identify the root cause of the problem. Proper ear care is crucial because earwax and leftover ear drainage can actually damage hearing aids. It’s wise to visit your nearest hearing center regularly if you wear hearing aids.

Keep Your Ears Healthy With Next Level Hearing Care

Taking control of your ear health has never been easier. With Next Level Hearing Care, you have access to free hearing evaluations and industry-leading hearing healthcare from top-rated professionals. Embrace better hearing and contact us to explore our hearing protection solutions. Find your nearest hearing center and schedule your appointment with us today.

Ear Care Tips From Ear Specialists in VA, DE, MS, & NC (2024)
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