Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (2025)

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Making sure you have the best settings for FPS, graphics and visibility in Escape from Tarkov is a great way to ensure you have a slight edge, as well as maximising your enjoyment of the game.

Escape from Tarkov is a notoriously tough game to run where gunfights are decided by millisecond advantages, so getting the best performance and visibility can turn painful deaths into successful extractions.

What are the best settings in Escape from Tarkov?


Quick slotsAutohide
Stamina and stanceAutohide
Health conditionAutohide
Health colour schemePolychrome
Highlight available operationsEverything
Double click item quick useIn raid and stash
Vaulting over medium obstaclesHotkey
Automatic RAM CleanerOff
Only use physical coresOff
Head bobbing0.2
Malfunction notificationsOn

All settings from 'Quick slots' to 'Vaulting...' should be kept as default apart from the 'Health colour scheme' which should always be set to Polychrome for additional information. While both 'Automatic RAM Cleaner' and 'Only use physical cores' should in theory be beneficial, they largely don't actually do anything for your performance, so it's best to keep them off until this changes.

The field of view slider is a slightly different story, as it is both down to personal preference, and comes with some additional benefits too. Another thing to watch out for is that it is measured in vertical degrees, as opposed to the traditional horizontal, so you will be using a different number than what you are used to.

If you're looking for the absolute maximum FPS, then setting the FOV to the lowest is the way to go, as there is less information on screen for the game to render. The obvious trade-off for that though is that you have inherently less visibility, so you might miss someone right at the edge of the frame that you would have seen otherwise.

The other thing to consider when choosing your FOV is how you like to use guns in Escape from Tarkov. Lower FOVs do 'zoom' in the player's view, making it easier to see targets at longer ranges with semi-automatic weapons, but the effect of camera recoil is significantly more due to the 'zoomed in' view.

Therefore, if you're more the type of player to spray and pray instead of one-tapping headshots, then a wider field of view will suit you better. This is slightly less effective with the recoil changes in patch 0.14 though, so you don't have to worry too much about severe camera recoil anymore.

I like to have the best of both worlds and stay in the middle at around 63 FOV, getting the benefits of a tighter field of vision, while still retaining enough information to stay alert in my raids.


Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (1)

Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (2)Click to enlarge

Screen resolutionYour monitor's resolution
Screen modeBorderless
Texture qualityMedium (Low on Lighthouse/Shoreline)
Shadows qualityLow
Object LOD quality2
Overall visibility1000
Anti-aliasingTAA (N/A if using DLSS/FSR)
Resampling1x off
NVIDIA DLSSQuality/Balanced
AMD FSR 1.0Off
AMD FSR 2.2Quality/Balanced (only use if you don't have DLSS)
Anisotropic filteringOff
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyOn + boost
High-quality colourOn
Chrom. aberrationsOff
Grass shadowsOff
Mip StreamingOff
Streets of Tarkov Lower Texture Resolution ModeOn

Texture quality has become one of the most important settings in recent times, as it can make or break your performance on most maps - especially ones like Lighthouse, Shoreline, and Streets of Tarkov.

Escape from Tarkov can typically take up your entire VRAM and RAM budget, so players with less graphical memory and under 32GB of RAM will definitely want to keep the Texture quality as Medium at the highest, switching to Low before raiding on the more intensive maps.

While we have set the Overall visibility to 1,000, you can lower this if your framerate is struggling - but you might want to consider keeping it at 1,000, or even upping it to 1,500 on maps like Lighthouse and Woods where sniping is more common.

Anti-aliasing, DLSS, and FSR will be completely dependent on how powerful your system is. It is very much recommended to at least have some form of antialiasing on, as it not only greatly improves the look of your game, but also helps you spot enemies at a distance from their surroundings.

If you've got an NVIDIA graphics card from or after the 20-series, then you'll have access to DLSS, which can dramatically improve frame rates at very little cost. You can play around with how far you're willing to push this setting, but the quality option is a good and reliable starting point. Otherwise, you'll want to ensure that you're using FSR 2.2, as that will give you a performance boost without too much visual degradation.

While it has been useful in the past, we cannot recommend using Mip Streaming at this point in time, as it causes visual bugs, extremely low-quality textures, and can dramatically increase the time spent loading after a raid has finished. This might change in the future as Battlestate has tweaked with the setting, but for now, it's simply detrimental to turn it on.

The Streets of Tarkov Lower Texture Resolution setting is essential for anyone without a super high-end PC, as it essentially lowers your texture quality down one level and dramatically increases performance on the map. Streets is one of the most challenging maps to run in the game, and this makes it very playable for the majority of the player base.


Overall volume100
Interface volume50
Chat volume50
Music volume0
Hideout volume75
Music on raid endOff
Binaural audioOff
Enable VoIPOn

Hideout and music volume are very much down to personal preference but I like to keep them lower/off entirely, and the same is true for the music at the end of a raid.

One of the best things you can do is lower the Interface volume to 50, as that will help you remain alert when switching items, packing ammo into mags, and other miscellaneous noises in a raid. It's surprising how loud loading a magazine is, and that can easily block out the sound of a bush or some footsteps heading towards you.

Binaural audio has been a point of contention within the community for a while now, but I'd recommend keeping it off as it can cause audio glitches and 'fake' noises that will confuse you in your raids. It can improve your ability to track footsteps on a horizontal plane, but the trade-off for me isn't worth it.

Finally, VoIP is always handy to keep on, as you never know when a player might call out, and you can have some rather intriguing interactions if you engage with other players too.

Best postfx settings

Luma sharpen70
Adaptive sharpen0
Color gradingBoost
Colourblind modeNone

Postfx is very much an area of personal preference, as what works for one person might not work for another. Generally, it's used to make enemies easier to see - especially in darker areas - but that can depend on your own monitor colour settings and how clear your vision is.

The settings you'll want to play around with the most are saturation, colourfulness, and colour grading intensity. These all play a part in how strong the overall postfx effect is on your game and can make a big difference in how clear your image is.

I also found that my normal brightness was far too strong in the daytime when the snow is active in-game, as the white reflected the light far too harshly, leading me to turn it down. This won't be a factor most of the year when the snow isn't in the game, but it's something to consider once it returns.

How to improve visibility in Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (3)

Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (4)Click to enlarge

The main ways to improve visibility in Escape from Tarkov are by increasing your graphics settings and optimising your postfx.

It is no surprise that the 'better' your image is, the easier it is to make out enemies, especially at a distance. Of course, the key thing here is to find a balance between quality and performance, but settings like antialiasing will play a huge part in achieving this equilibrium.

The other primary way to increase your visibility is through the postfx filters. Naturally, Escape from Tarkov can look quite washed out, making it quite hard to spot minor details - especially in lower-light scenarios. Using postfx can brighten up the game a lot, and bring detail into the shadows, and more information-dense areas.

Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (5)

Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (6)Click to enlarge

Which postfx you choose however can make a difference, but it is very much down to what look suits you best as a player. Switching between the Montreal and Cognac colour grading for example can make the game look quite different, and that is before playing around with the intensity of such effects.

From a pure visibility point of view, then the more red-toned filters like Cognac are better for the game, as they light up the shadows in maps with darker indoor areas like Interchange and Reserve, but Montreal can offer a more consistent, realistic look across both outside and interior locations.

So, that wraps up our guide on the best settings in Escape from Tarkov, giving you all the information you'll need if you're looking to improve FPS and visibility.

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Escape from Tarkov best settings to improve FPS, graphics & visibility (2025)


What is the best framerate setting for tarkov? ›

  • Screen Resolution: Monitor Native Resolution (1080p or 1440p)
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:10.
  • Screen Mode: Fullscreen.
  • VSync OFF.
  • Texture quality: high.
  • Shadows quality: medium.
  • Object LOD & Overall visibility: minimum.
  • Cloud details : medium.
Aug 25, 2024

How to improve visibility in Escape from Tarkov? ›

Settings to Boost Visibility
  1. Object LOD Quality: 2.
  2. Overall Visibility: 1,000 (1,500 for snipers).
  3. FOV: 60.
  4. Grass Shadows, Chromatic Aberrations, Z-Blur, Noise: Turn all off.
Jan 7, 2024

How to make Tarkov graphics look better? ›

If you run Tarkov on a low-end PC, turn Antialiasing completely off or use FXAA difference between off and FXAA is very minor framerate-wise, but very noticeable graphics-wise). If your PC can handle it, you can choose to go for the TAA High, as it makes the game look much, much better.

How to make Tarkov more responsive? ›

Under power management mode, set to 'prefer maximum performance' (if this negatively effects gameplay, then change it to 'optimal power' instead) Under preferred refresh rate, set to 'highest available' (the option with the Nvidia icon) Turn shader cache to 'on'

What is the best FPS setting? ›

decent gaming experience can be had at 30 or 45fps, 60fps is where things start to get buttery smooth. If your hardware can handle a greater fps than its refresh rate, this can improve your gaming experience by reducing input lag.

Why is my FPS so low in Escape from Tarkov? ›

Your CPU is not Fast enough for your GPU. Your GPU can only render the stuff thats your CPU is processing. For Tarkov you need an AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX with an 4080 or at least a 7950x3d. Tarkov needs a good CPU not a good GPU.

What is the best aspect ratio for Escape From Tarkov? ›

Screen Mode: Keep this setting on the "Fullscreen" option for optimal performance. Aspect Ratio: Set it native to your monitor for an optimal visual experience. However, you can try the 4:3 setting on a 16:9 monitor since several esports players use this in professional CSGO.

What does anisotropic filtering do in Tarkov? ›

Anisotropic filtering improves the appearance of textures viewed at oblique angles, rather than straight-on. That might sound abstract, but the onscreen impact can be dramatic. Distant points on the surface of a cobblestone road, for example, can look blurry in-game without texture filtering.

Do sunglasses help in tarkov? ›

Eyewear can be equipped to reduce the duration of flashbang effects as well as the size and number of raindrops on the players' screen.

How to boost FPS on Tarkov? ›

Whether you're struggling with stutters or simply want to maximize FPS, these tweaks will help you get the most out of your system.
  1. Optimize the EFT Launcher. ...
  2. Free Up RAM with Empty Standby List. ...
  3. Enable XMP in Your BIOS. ...
  4. Prioritize EFT with Process Lasso. ...
  5. Increase Your Page File Size. ...
  6. Tune Nvidia Control Panel Settings.

How to make tarkov less laggy? ›

Lower Graphics Settings and Resolution

If you are still facing lag despite having a powerful gaming PC, you should try lowering the graphics settings. High or Medium graphics settings are just as good-looking as Ultra settings, but they will give you a ton of boost in your framerate.

Why am I getting low FPS on my high end PC? ›

There are many reasons why the system has a low FPS, including outdated GPUs, insufficient RAM, high in-game settings, underpowered CPUs, and slow HDDs. The best way to resolve these issues is to identify the specific bottleneck in the system and address it through hardware upgrades or in-game settings adjustments.

What is the most ideal FPS? ›

60fps is ideal for FPS games, other types of games are usually ok at 30 and up. Remember also that the frame rate at slow points isn't as important as the frame rate when the action peaks.

What FPS value should I use? ›

Most users should generally set frames per second (fps) at 30. For people in certain regions of the world, however, 25 frames per second are standard. However, 30 fps will work anywhere.

How to get max frame tarkov? ›

Optimize the EFT Launcher

Clear your cache regularly - This prevents a bloated cache from bogging things down. Try clearing it once per day before launching the game. Delete log files - Old log files eat up disk space unnecessarily. Unless you need them for bug reports, delete all logs occasionally.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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