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Boston University Commencement 2012


Contents 2

About Boston University

3 Program 4

The Metcalf Medals


The Metcalf Cup and Prize


The Metcalf Awards


Honorary Degrees


Honorary Degree Recipients of the Past 25 Years

Candidates for Degrees and Certificates 15

College of Arts & Sciences


Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


College of Communication


School of Education


College of Engineering


College of Fine Arts


Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine


School of Hospitality Administration


School of Law


School of Management


School of Medicine


Metropolitan College


School of Public Health


College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College


School of Social Work


School of Theology


University Professors Program


Division of Military Education


Academic Traditions


School and College Diploma Convocations and Map


Prelude, Processional, and Recessional Music




The Corporation


About Boston University medical college in the world. Martin Luther King, Jr., perhaps our most famous alumnus, studied here in the early 1950s, during a period when nearly half of this country’s doctoral degrees earned by African American students in religion and philosophy were awarded by Boston University.

Boston University’s impact extends far beyond Commonwealth Avenue, Kenmore Square, and the Medical Campus. Our students, faculty, and alumni go all around the world to study, research, teach, and become a part of the communities in which they live. Today, BU is the fourth-largest private university in the country and one of the world’s leading research universities. As a measure of its global reach, Boston University is currently engaged in more than 340 separate research, service, and educational programs and projects around the world.

For many at Boston University, a commitment to serving and shaping the world is formed while still a student. The early dream of engagement “in the heart of the city, in the service of the city” has been deeply and abidingly realized in numerous ways: through the University’s twenty-year partnership with the Chelsea Public Schools, the more than $135 million in scholarships provided to graduates of the Boston Public Schools via the Boston Scholars program and the new Boston Public High School Community Service Award, and the pioneering merger of the BU Medical Center Hospital and Boston City Hospital. Students and faculty regularly engage in a broad range of both formal and informal community service activities.

Enduring commitments to teaching, research, global education, and community engagement are the touchstones of Boston University’s proud past and promising future. In the rich tapestry of Boston University’s history, one thread runs true: quality teaching by an excellent faculty. Students benefit from direct instruction by dedicated professors who are actively engaged in original research and scholarship, as well as from the University’s combination of a strong liberal arts foundation and exceptional professional programs. Many students work closely with faculty mentors to advance the frontiers of human discovery. Opportunities for educators and researchers to collaborate across disciplines leverage the breadth and depth of the University’s program offerings.

Boston University’s academic community reaches near and far. Today, the University’s sixteen schools and colleges enroll more than 33,000 students from all fifty states as well as the District of Columbia and three U.S. Territories and 139 foreign countries. The nation’s first collegiate international exchange program was created here at the end of the nineteenth century. Since then, Boston University’s Study Abroad offerings have grown to include nearly one hundred programs in twenty-four countries. This global emphasis is integrated into the on-campus curriculum, with courses and programs that bring an international perspective to subjects from anthropology to zoology.

Since its founding, Boston University has embraced two principles that have come to define higher education today: a belief that the pursuit of learning is enhanced by direct engagement with the community and the world, and a conviction that higher education should be accessible to all. Boston University has made a commitment to providing educational opportunity without regard to race, class, sex, or creed from its beginning, and this has led to a number of momentous “firsts”: the first to open all its divisions to women, the first to award a Ph.D. to a woman, the first coeducational

Today’s graduates take their place in a long line of alumni whose inclusive and engaged educational experience prepared them to help serve, shape, and improve the world.


Program Prelude Concert (musical titles on page 104)

Boston University Brass Choir Aaron Goldberg, Director

Processional (musical titles on page 104) Call to Order


National Anthem

Michael Convicer COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS ’12



Student Speaker


Presentation of the Class Gift


Welcome from the Alumni Association


The Metcalf Awards for Excellence in Teaching The Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching


Conferring of the Honorary Degrees

Robert A. Brown

Norman R. Augustine, Doctor of Science Thomas G. Kelley, Doctor of Laws Sandra L. Lynch, Doctor of Laws Leonard S. Nimoy, Doctor of Humane Letters Eric E. Schmidt, Doctor of Science Address

Eric E. Schmidt

Presentation of Candidates



Promotion of Candidates to Degrees

Robert A. Brown

President’s Charge to the Graduates

Robert A. Brown

Clarissima (words and music on page 105)

Michael Convicer




Recessional (musical titles on page 104)

Bb An A.S.L. interpreter for guests with hearing impairment will be stationed on the field, in front of the accessible seating area. A large-screen, real-time, open-caption video feed will also be available for the deaf and hard of hearing at this site. The First Aid Station is located in the Boston University Children’s Center, 32 Harry Agganis Way, adjacent to the ­stadium. It is staffed by Emergency Medical Technicians. The Lost & Found Counter is in the lobby of the Boston University Police Headquarters, next door to the Children’s Center.


The Metcalf Medals The Metcalf Medals are conferred upon

member, and founder and endower of the Metcalf

winners of the Metcalf Cup and Prize for

Awards, served on the Board of Trustees from 1956

Excellence in Teaching and the Metcalf

to 1997 and was the Board’s Chairman from

Awards for Excellence in Teaching. On

1976 to 1994, when he became Chairman

the back of each medal is engraved the

Emeritus. The Cup and Prize medal is

winner’s name; on the front appears a portrait

struck in gold, the Award medals in

of Dr. Arthur G. B. Metcalf (1908–1997) by President


Emeritus John Silber. Dr. Metcalf, an alumnus, ­faculty

The Metcalf Cup




The Metcalf Cup and $10,000 Prize

the University’s president. “The purpose

were created by an endowment gift

of the prize,” Dr. Metcalf stated at

from the late Dr. Arthur G. B. Metcalf,

the time of its ­creation, “is to establish

an alumnus and Trustee of Boston

a systematic ­procedure for the review

University. Candidates are nominated by

of the quality of teaching and the

students, faculty, or alumni, and finalists

identification and advancement of those

are selected by a screening committee of

members of the faculty who excel as

faculty and ­ ­ students. The committee’s

teachers, of which this cup is symbolic.”

recommendation is then forwarded to

The Metcalf Awards

FOR EXC E L L E NCE I N TE A CH I NG The Metcalf Awards are given annually to one or more

tiveness, respect for the past and the future, a struggle to

finalists in the competition for the Metcalf Cup and Prize.

comprehend the world and the ideas we have of it, and a

The winners of the Metcalf Awards each receive $5,000.

community defined by its open-ended debates. Teaching

In describing the Metcalf Awards in 1997, then President

is what elevates and unifies these diverse elements and

Westling said, “the Metcalf Awards for Excellence in

brings them directly into the lives of students. By recog-

Teaching express Boston University’s understanding of

nizing and encouraging outstanding teaching, the Metcalf

the centrality of teaching in higher education. A univer-

Awards express Boston University’s deepest purpose.”

sity is many things: an active tradition of inquiry, atten-


The Metcalf Cup




Andrew G. Duffy C OL L E GE OF A R T S & SC IENC ES, DEPA R T MENT OF PH Y SIC S Dr. Andrew G. Duffy is an inspired teacher whose creative methods have transformed how students experience introductory physics. Dr. Duffy engages his students through active learning, using the latest technological tools and demonstrations that bring course material to life. Even in his largest classes, Dr. Duffy—who is am ­ aster at learning hundreds of names—creates an ­intimate environment.

Dr. Duffy communicates his passion for physics and his deep devotion to his students. They respond with superlatives: “Dr. Duffy is the best professor I have ever had,” wrote one. “Incredible energy and charisma,” wrote another. Some resort to hyperbole: “He is the god of Physics.” Perhaps the most telling praise: “We left his class with a newfound understanding of and appreciation for the physical universe.”

Dr. Duffy creates compelling instructional resources for his students, including numerous introductory videos, which illustrate central concepts in physics. His classes combine lecture, interactive exercises, group discussion, and memorable demonstrations. Whether it is by crashing model cars to explain momentum or shining a laser through water to show total internal reflection, Dr. Duffy inspires and engages his students, causing them to raptly anticipate his next demonstration or explanation. Once, he mounted a revolving table, with weights in hand, to illustrate the concept of centripetal force and why figure skaters spin faster when they bring their arms closer to their bodies. In such a dynamic classroom, students gain a deeper and richer understanding of physics.

Dr. Duffy has published and presented nationally on education in physics, advocating the use of varied pedagogical techniques. He has taught physics and science to secondary school teachers and is part of a National Science Foundation–funded program, called PhysTEC, to recruit and train future physics and physical science teachers to meet pressing national needs. Pedagogical innovator, dedicated teacher, and g­ enerous mentor, Dr. Duffy explicates the world around us with flair and insight, and provides the tools to improve ­physics education. Boston University proudly presents Master Lecturer Andrew Duffy with the Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching.


The Metcalf Award

for Excellence in Teaching

Robert Craig Lowe, M.D. S CHO O L O F M E DI C I NE , B OS T O N M EDIC A L C ENT ER , SEC TION OF GA ST R OENT ER OLO G Y Dr. Robert Craig Lowe is an inspired teacher, distinguished researcher, and superb clinician. His passion is medical education, and his masterful teaching helps train skilled and empathetic doctors. Dr. Lowe’s enthusiasm for and total dedication to teaching medical students grow out of his conviction that “being a doctor is the greatest profession in the world.”

the Wards”; “he is an effective, compassionate, and knowledgeable physician”; and “he demonstrates how empathy itself can be healing.” Perhaps the greatest tribute that was received is “he is exactly the kind of physician I would hope to be in a few years.” Dr. Lowe considers himself a student of medical education as well as a teacher. He is always seeking to improve his teaching and the medical curriculum. He has offered faculty development courses, lectured, and published on multiple aspects of liver disease. He also has won every teaching award in the School of Medicine.

Dr. Lowe strives to combine the discipline-based approach of the basic sciences with the more practical, problem-solving focus of clinical instruction. His teaching, enriched by research findings, uses cases to prompt the students to apply their knowledge and to hone their diagnostic skills. He is a caring mentor to students at all stages and to faculty colleagues; he is also a wonderful role model as a teacher and clinician. Students in his Gastroenterology Module, DRx, had only praise: “Dr. Lowe is awesome—he makes you marvel at the physiology of the GI tract!”; “the course was superbly taught and great for both the Boards and

Dr. Lowe was recently selected by Boston magazine as one of the “Best of Boston”; more important, he is also one of the best of Boston University. His exemplary commitment to the teaching of the art and science of medicine has shown students how to practice their profession with both expertise and compassion. Boston University proudly presents Dr. Lowe with the Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching.


The Metcalf Award

for Excellence in Teaching

Marisa Milanese C O L L E GE O F A R T S & SC IENC ES, WR ITING PR OGR A M Ms. Marisa Milanese is an outstanding Senior Lecturer in the freshman Writing Program, who welcomes the challenge of teaching required writing courses. Her aim is to transform students’ understanding of the writing process and to give them rhetorical and critical skills that are broadly applicable to their career at Boston University and beyond. Admitting that she is “almost embarrassingly excited about everything from film theory to semicolons,” she achieves her goal using carefully crafted interdisciplinary courses, taught with irrepressible enthusiasm.

embodied every aspect of the active, interested, and patient professors advertised in the admissions office”! As Curriculum Coordinator, Ms. Milanese mentors Writing Program faculty and has greatly increased the teaching resources for her colleagues. The Program Director praised her as “a shining star on the Writing Program’s faculty . . . she illuminates everything around her. She is a superb teacher, but she is also a superb institutional citizen, whose generosity toward her c­ olleagues makes them better teachers as well.” Ms. Milanese has been active in outreach efforts, providing writing tutorials at English High School and participating in the educational initiative, Success Boston.

Ms. Milanese engages her students through challenging content. She then carefully reads multitudinous writing assignments and holds intensive individual and group working sessions, through which students receive invaluable mentoring, and her class becomes a true community. Grateful students praise her: “She provides the perfect transition for entering freshmen, combining real-world expectations with guidance for the next four years”; “she is a model teacher . . . and has a personal investment in each one of her students”; “Ms. Milanese

Gifted teacher, caring mentor, and contributor to the community, Ms. Milanese has transformed the writing and sharpened the reasoning of all her students. In so doing, she has given them powerful tools to be used in any field. Boston University is pleased to present Ms. Milanese with the Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching.


Honorary Degrees

Norman R. Augustine D OC T OR OF SC IENC E Norman R. Augustine was raised in Colorado and

Mr. Augustine served for 16 years on the President’s

attended Princeton University, earning a Bachelor

Council of Advisors on Science and Technology under

of Science in Engineering, in aeronautical engineer-

Democratic and Republican presidents and led two

ing, magna cum laude, and a Master of Science in

major reviews of the future of the U.S. space pro-

Engineering. He joined the Douglas Aircraft Company

gram, in 1990 and 2009. He led a 2005 National

in 1958 as a research engineer, and later became chief

Academies of Science commission that produced a

engineer. Beginning in 1965, he served in the Office

landmark report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm:

of the Secretary of Defense as assistant director of

Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter

defense research and engineering.

Economic Future.

He joined LTV Missiles and Space Company in

He has been chairman of the American Red Cross and

1970 as vice president for advanced programs and

the National Academy of Engineering, served as president

marketing. In 1973 he returned to government ser-

of the Boy Scouts of America and on the boards of Johns

vice as Assistant Secretary of the Army and in 1975

Hopkins, MIT, and Princeton, and as a Fellow of the

became Under Secretary of the Army, and later Acting

National Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Secretary of the Army.

Mr. Augustine has received the National Medal of

He joined Martin Marietta Corporation in 1977 as vice

Technology, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Distinguished

president of technical operations and became CEO in

Public Service Award, and the Department

1987 and chairman in 1988. He became president of

of Defense’s highest civilian decoration, the

Lockheed Martin upon the formation of that company

Distinguished Service Medal.

in 1995, retiring as chairman and CEO in 1997.


Honorary Degrees

Thomas G. Kelley DOC T OR OF LA WS Thomas G. Kelley, a native of Boston, joined the United

the operation by relaying orders through one of his men,

States Navy after graduating from the College of the Holy

thereby saving the Army company and the men and boats

Cross in 1960.

under his command. For his bravery and leadership, he was awarded the Medal of Honor.

In June 1969, while in command of River Assault Division 152, he led a column of eight assault craft up a

Following his recovery from injuries sustained in the fight,

canal in Kien Hoa Province, South Vietnam, to extract a

including the loss of an eye, he convinced his superiors to

U.S. Army infantry company. One of the boats became

allow him to remain in the Navy, serving until 1990 and

disabled when its ramp malfunctioned just as the

retiring as a captain.

Americans came under heavy fire from Viet Cong forces

After leaving the Navy, he worked for the Department of

on the opposite bank. Lieutenant Kelley ordered the other

Defense and then returned to Massachusetts, where he

boats to form a protective cordon around the disabled

was appointed Commissioner of the Commonwealth’s

boat while its crew attempted to raise the ramp manually.

Department of Veterans’ Services in 1999, and Secretary

He maneuvered his own boat into the line of fire in order

of the Department in 2003. Having advocated tirelessly

to engage the enemy. A rocket-propelled grenade

for veterans, individually and in groups, he retired from

exploded near his head, causing severe wounds. Although

public service in 2010 with the deep respect and admira-

unable to stand or speak clearly, he continued to direct

tion of those he served and their families.


Honorary Degrees

Sandra L. Lynch DOC TOR OF LA WS The Honorable Sandra L. Lynch, the daughter of a

Litigation Department in the prestigious Boston firm

career Army intelligence officer, lived overseas during

of Foley, Hoag and Eliot, handling numerous com-

much of her childhood before attending high school in

plex litigations, as well as pro bono cases. She also

Dallas. She is a graduate of Wellesley College and the

has served as an Assistant Attorney General for the

Boston University School of Law.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts and General Counsel to the Massachusetts Department of Education, where

She became Chief Judge of the United States Court of

she worked on the Boston School desegregation case

Appeals for the First Circuit in 2008. Judge Lynch was

and implemented the state’s gender equity and special

the first woman to be appointed to that court, in 1995,

needs statutes.

after Justice Stephen Breyer was named to the Supreme Court. She is also chair of the First Circuit Judicial

A former president of the Boston Bar Association, she

Council and a member of the Judicial Conference of

successfully promoted state court reform and account-

the United States, which sets policy for the federal

ability legislation. Judge Lynch was instrumental in

courts. The New York Times reported that Judge

the creation of public outreach programs at the federal

Lynch’s opinions were among the most cited federal

court, including an education project for elementary,

court of appeals decisions.

middle, and high school students. She also has been active in the American Bar Association and has won

After law school, she became the first female law

numerous awards in recognition of her contributions.

clerk in the U.S. District Court for Rhode Island, and later was the first woman to serve as the head of the


Honorary Degrees

Leonard S. Nimoy DOC T O R OF H U MA NE LETTER S Leonard Nimoy was born in Boston in 1931, the son

He earned his fourth Emmy nomination when he

of Russian Jewish immigrants. He grew up in a West

appeared in A Woman Called Golda, opposite Judy

End tenement and began acting at a young age at

Davis and Ingrid Bergman. In Never Forget he por-

the Elizabeth Peabody Playhouse on Charles Street.

trayed a survivor who fought a successful court battle

He moved to Los Angeles at 18 and spent the next

against Holocaust deniers. The program was nomi-

16 years pursuing his craft and career in television,

nated for a Cable Ace award.

stage, and film. His success in Star Trek beginning in

Nimoy’s fine art photography is in private collec-

1966 gained him worldwide recognition for his iconic

tions, galleries, and museums throughout the country.

portrayal of the Vulcan science officer Mr. Spock and

His photographic essays have covered the subject of

earned him three Emmy nominations.

the feminine presence of God, in Shekhina, and body

He became a successful movie director with Star Trek

image, in The Full Body Project. His most recent

III: The Search for Spock, Star Trek IV: The Voyage

work, Secret Selves, is a large-scale photographic por-

Home, The Good Mother, and the blockbuster hit

trait series that explores each individual’s lost or hid-

Three Men and a Baby.

den self. It opened at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art in 2010, and was named one of the

On Broadway, Nimoy has starred in Equus and Full

10 most important museum exhibits of that year.

Circle. Other stage credits include Camelot, Twelfth Night, Caligula, and Fiddler on the Roof. Vincent, his

A successful recording artist and author, Nimoy has

one-man play about Vincent Van Gogh, toured the

published two autobiographies and several volumes of

United States and was broadcast on A&E.

poetry, two of which also feature his photographs.


Honorary Degrees

Eric E. Schmidt DOC T OR OF SC IENC E Eric E. Schmidt was born in Washington, D.C.,

technical and business strategy alongside founders

and grew up in Blacksburg, Virginia. He earned a

Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Under his leadership,

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from

Google dramatically increased the scale of its

Princeton University as well as a master’s degree

infrastructure and diversified its product offerings

and Ph.D. in computer science from the University

while maintaining a strong culture of innovation.

of California, Berkeley.

Prior to joining Google, Dr. Schmidt was the chairman

A transformational business leader and engineer,

and CEO of Novell and chief technology officer at

Dr. Schmidt has earned worldwide respect for

Sun Microsystems, Inc. Previously, he served on the

changing how we use and rely on the Internet.

research staff at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Bell Laboratories, and Zilog.

Since joining Google in 2001, Dr. Schmidt has helped grow the company from a Silicon Valley

Dr. Schmidt is a member of the President’s Council

start-up to a global leader in technology. As executive

of Advisors on Science and Technology and the

chairman, he is responsible for the external matters of

Prime Minister’s Advisory Council in the United

Google: building partnerships and broader business

Kingdom. He was elected to the National Academy of

relationships, government outreach, and technology

Engineering in 2006 and inducted into the American

thought leadership, as well as advising the CEO and

Academy of Arts and Sciences as a Fellow in 2007. He

senior leadership on business and policy issues.

also chairs the board of the New America Foundation, and has been a trustee of the Institute for Advanced

From 2001 to 2011, Dr. Schmidt served as Google’s

Study in Princeton, New Jersey, since 2008.

chief executive officer, overseeing the company’s


Honorary Degree Recipients 2011 Katie Couric Victoria Reggie Kennedy Jacques Pépin Frank Stella Nina Totenberg Ahmed Zewail 2010 Edward Albee William T. Coleman, Jr. Wafaa El-Sadr Eric H. Holder, Jr. Osamu Shimomura 2009 J Allard Larry J. Bird Michael E. Capuano Alan M. Leventhal Steven Spielberg Gloria E. White-Hammond 2008 Earle M. Chiles Millard Drexler William H. Hayling Billie Jean King Lawrence Lucchino 2007 Bill Kovach Steven Chu Brice Marden Judy Norsigian Samuel O. Thier Peter H. Vermilye 2006 Nancy Goodman Brinker Aram V. Chobanian Dean Kamen Leslie Moonves Frederick S. Pardee Patricia Meyer Spacks 2005 David Aronson John W. Henry Shirley Ann Jackson Hamid Karzai John Forbes Kerry Christine Todd Whitman Edward J. Zander 2004 His Beatitude Anastasios Bill Belichick Saul Bellow Irwin Chafetz Keith Lockhart Edward J. Markey J. Craig Venter Alfre Woodard

of the

Past 25 Years

1996 William M. Bulger Aaron Feuerstein John A. Kelley Paul J. Liacos Steven A. Schroeder Alfonso Valdivieso Sarmiento Barbara Polk Washburn Henry Bradford Washburn, Jr. August Wilson

2003 Van Cliburn Lukas Foss Karen Elliott House Nasser David Khalili Velia N. Tosi Gerald Tsai, Jr. Jon Westling George F. Will 2002 Rev. Michael E. Haynes William F. Russell Marisa Tomei

1995 Jason Alexander Stephen G. Breyer Adelaide M. Cromwell ˘ Robert K. Kraft Nakedi Mathews Phosa Norman Podhoretz Rabbi Joseph Polak John Silber

2001 Sila M. Calderón Leonard Florence Thomas M. Menino Kathryn Underwood Silber Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou 2000 Olympia Dukakis Norman B. Leventhal Guy A. Santagate Ruth J. Simmons Tom Wolfe 1999 James F. Carlin Geena Davis Rev. Ray Alexander Hammond II Henry A. Kissinger Stephen J. Trachtenberg 1998 Jordan J. Cohen Mary Jane England Ralph D. Feigin Rev. Floyd H. Flake Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson Rachel B. Keith Gary Locke Donald O’Connor David Satcher

1994 Luciano Benetton Jo Benkow Dorothy L. Brown Janez Drnovsek Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Julie Harris François Léotard Ross Perot Sumner M. Redstone Robert Shaw Diana Chapman Walsh 1993 W. Edwards Deming Joseph H. Hagan C. Everett Koop John F. Smith, Jr. Gordon R. Sullivan Derek A. Walcott Marilyn E. Wilhelm Rev. Johnny Ray Youngblood 1992 Beverly B. Byron Wynton Marsalis Joseph A. Moore Fred Rogers Sue Bailey Thurman Mario Vargas Llosa

1997 John Biggers Fredrick Fu Chien Joseph Ciechanover Maurice Druon Sheikh Hasina Kim Woo-Choong Lee Teng-hui John J. Parker Christopher Reeve Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada Joseph L. Tauro Rev. Juan Julio Wicht Rossel


1991 Gregory H. Adamian Roone Arledge Thomas Stephens Haggai Jesse Loftis Johnson Toshiki Kaifu Aubrey Fook-Wo Li C. Eric Lincoln David Riesman Yitzhak Shamir Eduard A. Shevardnadze 1990 Satoshi Iue Angela Lansbury Louis E. Lataif K. T. Li Andrew P. Quigley Louis W. Sullivan Vernon A. Walters Marion Wiesel 1989 Barbara Pierce Bush George H. W. Bush May-ling Soong Chiang King Hussein Ibn Talal Helmut Kohl François Mitterrand Paul Weiss 1988 Harold Burson Arthur Cohn Howard B. Gotlieb Mary-Jane Hemperley Karl Alexander Muller Richard John Neuhaus Carlo Rubbia An Wang Faith Ryan Whittlesey Carl Michael Yastrzemski 1987 Lerone Bennett, Jr. Virginia Hughes Chiles Robert F. Daniell Harry Ellis Dickson Clara Hale Gertrude Himmelfarb Benoit Mandelbrot William H. Rehnquist Terence A. Todman

Candidates for Degrees and Certificates College of Arts & Sciences VIRGINIA SAPIRO, Dean

BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A.) Abdurahman Ahmed Abdelgany Colette Christianne Abichaker‡ Tesla Rene Abrego Patricia Abreu Nicole Margaret Acciavatti,

Jumana Khozema Shaikh Amiruddeen‡ Regina Elaine Amorello,

Brielle Christine Acevedo‡ Elena Mary Acuna, CumLaude Adam Ira Adelson, CumLaude Lindsay Selma Adler Robert Samuel Adler Stephen Patrick Marshall Adler‡ Karena Sanjay Adnani§ Ankit Agarwal, MagnaCumLaude Parul Agarwal, MagnaCumLaude Jaclyn Janine Agui Saatvik Ahluwalia So Hee Ahn Andrew Gregory Ajemian Sharmin Akhter, CumLaude Darya Vladimirovna Akimova,

Faqir Riasat Saleqin Anam Kelsey Andersen, MagnaCumLaude Elizabeth Ingrid Anderson, CumLaude Jesse Evan Anderson Nicholas Lee Anderson,



Katherine Y. Akinyemi Artem Abramovich Akopyan Rahim Akram† Franziska Renate Albietz Anya Siobhan Alexander, CumLaude Laura Ashley Alexander, CumLaude† Adien Mishall Algadrie Stirling Somers Algermissen Kara Dawn Alhadeff, CumLaude Gianna Marie Aliberti AmirAli Alizadeh Rad Mae Noaf Bashar Al-Kalamchi§ Lauren Chanel Allen* Stephen Robert Allen, MagnaCumLaude Lisa Sue Ally Abdullah Naji Al-Mutairi Amanda Margaret Alon Cody Alongi Vanush Michael Aloyan‡ Nourah H. S. M. Alsager Nazar Iesa Al Saleh Hussain Abdul Karim AlSarraf, CumLaude

Brianne Marie Altomonte Julie Victoria Alvord Razan Abdulkarim Al Yusuf Todd Derek Amaral Allison Amaro Giordana Amato† Alex Amaya Lily-Kathryn Elizabeth Ames Pouya Amiri-Hezaveh Najmia Chakri Amirina


Lesli Danielle Amos, CumLaude* Nicolas Alessandro Ampuero, CumLaude


Gregory Russell Andrews, MagnaCumLaude

Lauren B. Angueira‡ Michael Leonard Antinozzi Rebecca Michelle Hines Antonoplos John William Arbogast Jacqueline Gabriela Argueta Benjamin Meir Arnold* Charlotte Elizabeth Arthun, CumLaude‡ Haroot Arthur Artinian Danit Ashkenazi Julie Dimitra Athanasiadis‡ Michael Theodore Athans Chantelle Attarian Matthew Bo Au, MagnaCumLaude Benjamin John Austin, MagnaCumLaude

Monica Bianca Austria Nafiun Razzaq Awal, CumLaude* Lisa Kim Awaya Martin J. Azzam Pooja Bachani Stephanie Lauren Bachewski Laura Cathryn Bachmann§ Sibel D. Bagcilar, CumLaude Deena Ara Baig Melanie Dawn Baird Aurora Lucia Baker, CumLaude Chase Lee Baker, CumLaude Kayla Kristine Baker† Jose Antonio Balderrama Emily Elizabeth Bales Arielle Marie Balicki† Patricia Gisela Ball‡ Sarah Marie Ballister, MagnaCumLaude Diana A. Balluku William Badlam Balson Helen Kristine Banach, CumLaude† Arjun Banerjee Seung Jin Bang† Amanda Rene Banks Ashley Theresa Banks, CumLaude Cayla Marie Banton

Rebecca Dalia Bar Alexander Michael Barbaro, CumLaude Nicholas Charles Barbati, CumLaude John Bark, SummaCumLaude Leon Denis Barker Christie Marie Barone Alexandra Mackensie Barrett Kyle Andrew Barrett Ryan Armour Barrett, MagnaCumLaude‡

Steven Goncalves Barros Richard Robert Barsk Tessa Bartholomew-Good, CumLaude Kristen Jennings Bartlett, CumLaude Meredith Marie Bartlett Christopher Bartolome Christopher A. Bartolomei Christina Lynn Bastarache‡ Maura Katherine Bastarache, MagnaCumLaude

DeAnna Marie Baumle, SummaCumLaude* Austin James Bay Ramzi Bazzy§ Meaghan Elisabeth Beatley, CumLaude† Crystal Stephanie Becerril† Charles Joseph Beck Julianna Becker Nathan Jeremy Beer Ekaterina Beglova, CumLaude Yousef Abdulmutalib Behbehani Valerie A. Belding† Danica Hope Bellini Leila Belmahi Charlotte Clare Belok Yuliya Belyayeva Letizia Bemberg§ Alec Taylor Bendix Amram Ariel Bengio Matthew William Bennet† Rachel Sara Bennett, MagnaCumLaude* Jorind Beqari, CumLaude Krista Lee Berardi‡ Kyra Jane Correa Berg, MagnaCumLaude

Drayton Holwell Berger‡ Anthony Vincent Berghelli, CumLaude Andrea Noelle Bergman§ Brittany Deborah Berk, CumLaude Alex Jared Berkowitz Eric Kim Berman† Reena Lynne Berman Holly Marie Bernard Daniel J. Bernays Alexander Morton Berne§

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. *Degree earned with distinction in concentration  †January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Robert Aaron Berry Marissa Fara Berstein† Benjamin David Berube Alexandra Irene Beskrowni Megan Christine Bevis, CumLaude† Shahzad Bhatti Shirley Wenwei Bi, CumLaude Xueying Bi, MagnaCumLaude Beatrice Bianchi Fasani, CumLaude Lillian Frain Bicchieri, CumLaude Haley Brice Bihlmaier§ Pamela Ann Bilewicz Chelsea Bingham Abigail McCormack Binns Diana Shakila Binti Abdul Sukor Lester Bernard Black, MagnaCumLaude William D. Blair Patrick Joseph Blais Siobhan Kathleen Bledsoe† Cristina Margaret Bleicher, MagnaCumLaude

Miranda Joyce Bloom Ruth Nevada Bluestone Adam Michael Bobella Dinah Alexis Boehle, MagnaCumLaude Brittany Marie Boesenhofer, CumLaude James Thomas Boggie, CumLaude Katherine Elizabeth Bohny Madison M. Bold Emily Nicholson Bollman, CumLaude Shiva Bolourchi, CumLaude Samantha Lucille Bommelje, MagnaCumLaude

Matthew Simon Bonder Abigail Joy Bonnice† David J. Bopp§ Rebecca Kelli Bornheimer Brian Alexander Bornstein Chana Boruchov, CumLaude John Christopher Bosco, CumLaude Sebastian Hodges Botzow Madeline Stedman Bourque Lauren Marie Box, MagnaCumLaude Eric Adam Boxer Andrew Darwin Boyle† Molly Elizabeth Bradley‡ Felipe Bogoricin Braga§ Allyson K. Brainard-Smith§ Elise Sarah Braun Andrew Clifford Cooper Bream, MagnaCumLaude

Sean Matthew Breen, CumLaude Piper A. Breves, MagnaCumLaude Lawrence Jordan Breyfogle Chelsy Lee Brindley‡ Jonathan Richard Broderick, CumLaude Kyle Christopher Brogle, SummaCumLaude

Phillip Alexandru Brougham, CumLaude

Jennifer Joyce Brousseau George Stelian Brova, SummaCumLaude Laura Elizabeth Brown Patrick William Brown‡ Natalie Browne Michael Edward Bruffee David Fernando Bruni Lara Elizabeth Bryfonski, MagnaCumLaude

David John Buchanan

Catherine Elizabeth Buchholz Brittney Simone Bullock† James Laighton Bunn Michele Susan Buonanduci,

John Allan Chapman, MagnaCumLaude Mary Aquila Chase Kathy Hui Chau, CumLaude James Manuel Chaves,

Mary Rose Burbridge, CumLaude Trevor Burd Jennifer Leslie Burg‡ Arthur M. T. Burke, CumLaude Kelly Ann Burke Willis Tuthill Burke‡ Benjamin Murry Burkholder Kate Linden Burnham, CumLaude Theodore Patrick Burns Naomi Maureen Burnside Camilo Malcolm X Burr Avery Burton Tara Bylsma, MagnaCumLaude* Laura Alexandra Cadena§ Lauren Elise Cagino Matthew Alexander Cahn, CumLaude* Jessica Cai, MagnaCumLaude Jialu Cai Anuhya Caipa Janet Kathleen Calcaterra‡ Lise Ann Caldara§ Beth Elaine Callahan, MagnaCumLaude Adam James Day Camblin Elizabeth Sullivan Cameron,

Théo Jeffrey Chayegan Neangkanika Chea Marissa Jean Chechette, CumLaude† Asheesh Ram Cheerath§ Bradley Michael Chehab† Mark Matthew Cheis‡ Alice Vivian Chen† Brian Ray Chen Jimmy Chen, CumLaude Katheryn Yeu-Ching Chen, CumLaude Kelly K. Chen Nancy Chen Peter Edward Chen, CumLaude* Xing Chen, CumLaude† Yu Ping Chen Andy Yi-Ming Cheng,



Kevin Patrick Camps, CumLaude Adrian Thomas Cann, SummaCumLaude* Alexandria Lola Cannon Alex Ortman Canova Yuan Cao, CumLaude‡ Ross Luciano Caputi‡ Rachel Lauren Cardi Rafaella Cardoso, MagnaCumLaude Kelly Lynn Carlin Lauren Theresa Carlson, CumLaude Michael Anthony Carollo, CumLaude* Angelica Russolillo Carreon‡ Amanda Lee Carter Erica Catherine Casacci Gina Marie Caselden Jennifer Margaret Casey‡ Monica Marie Castillo‡ Sara Elizabeth Cathcart Lena Marie Cavallo, MagnaCumLaude Herbert Robin Cayzer Alex James Cecchinelli, MagnaCumLaude

Julia Kolb Cennamo Joseph Anthony Cerasuolo, MagnaCumLaude†

Nicole Ariane Chabaneix Samuel Lawrence Chalfin Meaghan Anne Chalifour, CumLaude Jonathan Daniel Chamberlain, MagnaCumLaude* Maxwell Metz Chamberlin‡ Komal Chamling§ Anthony Kaiwah Chan Grace Eunhae Chang Jessica Ying Chieh Chang Po Kai Peter Chang Samuel Wonil Chang Sandy Chang Madeleine Wolff Chapin

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate





Daniel J. Cheng, MagnaCumLaude Stanley Shen Cheng Yajie Ivy Cheng Travis Samuel Cherry Tyrone Cheung, MagnaCumLaude Tammy J. Chiang Matthew Chin‡ Monika Harshad Chitre Danny Chiu Ah Ra Cho Eun Sun Cho‡ Seong Joon Cho§ Su Youn Cho, CumLaude† Crystal Yong Choe Eileen Choi Jessica Hyun Choi Michelle D. Choi Nak Joon Choi‡ Sae Ron Choi‡ Woosung Choi§ Elizabeth Christian Emily Katherine Christian Sacha Behr Christianson Melissa Jean Christie, SummaCumLaude

Maureen Casey Christin‡ Man Chung Stanley Chu George Chung Jihyun Chung Lessa Josephine Yeh Roo Chung Terence William Ciavarra Carolina Ciccia Anthony Albert Cifone, CumLaude Omer Cingillioglu§ Radu Alexandru Cioata Jeremiah Joseph Cioffi, CumLaude Anthony John Cirino Andrew Anthony Clark Emily A. Clark Alexis T. Claytor Kimberly Anne Clemens Katharine Lynnae Clements, CumLaude Nicola Lehar Clements,

September 2011 graduate



Borah Coburn† Sarah Katherine Coe§ Christopher Wayman Coffee‡ Gregory Charles Cogswell Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Natasha B. Cohen, SummaCumLaude*† Dea Coka Brinia Jane Colbert§ Amanda Lyn Colby† Alexander Michael Cole Colin Cole Sarah Catherine Cole Jorge Eduardo Colindres, CumLaude Eduardo Oscar Colon Baco Evan Andrew Conaway, CumLaude* Jacqueline Anne Conese Milagros Serena Conislla Loza§ Carolyn Rose Conley Jeremy Richard Conlin Michael Alexander Connerney* Julia Ann Connolly Lindsey Connolly Nora Mairead Conroy Tara Maireid Conway, CumLaude Emily Bigelow Cook Philip Stylianos Cook,

Roshni Dattani‡ Srivatsa Gopala Dattatreya Daniel Robert D’Auge‡ Georgios Davaris† Ishan Dave, MagnaCumLaude Nathan C. Davidson Elizabeth Ashley Davis Emily Caroline Davis Michelle Shiner Davis† Clare Carrolly Dean Regina Deap Nicholas James Deaver Audrey DeBarros Alyssa Elaine DeCamp Stephen James DeCosta Benjamin Frederick DeDominici Jenna M. Dee Peter Burke DeGenaro Ethan C. DeGracia‡ Alexandra Lynn Degutis David Christopher de las Morenas,

Benjamin Alexander Cooper‡ Cheryl Ann Copson Julianne Louise Corbin, CumLaude Sara Kathleen Cordial Angelina Jacqueline Cords, CumLaude Jasmine C. Corona, CumLaude Gabrielle Corrado† Sigmund Mark Correa Andrew Kennedy Corse§ Wesley John Cosby Margaret Christine Costello Luke Anthony Coughlan, MagnaCumLaude†* Alex Robert Cournoyer‡ Charlie Cox Jessica Lauren Cox Sarah Elizabeth Cox‡ Adrian Robert Coyne, CumLaude† Alesondra Elise Crea‡ Colleen Cressman§ James Stillman Rockefeller Crompton,

Laura Marie Del Camp Alex Andrea Depompolo, CumLaude* Rachel Derman Brendan Patrick DeRoo† Pratik Paresh Desai Rushil Desai David Joseph De Santis§ Erin Elizabeth Deskin,



Daniel Eduardo Crouch Eli Alexander Crozier, CumLaude Alicia Marie Cruz Jessica Lorraine Cuellar Brianne Marie Cuffe‡ Alexis Rene Culhane§ Linnea Janae Curtiss Leanna Nicole Cwiklinski‡ James Samuel Czodli, CumLaude Zoe Dabbs Pouya Esfahani Dabiri Olivia Rose D’Accordo, MagnaCumLaude

Andrea Diane Dacka, SummaCumLaude* Kristina Graham Dahm‡ Allison Nicole Daley, MagnaCumLaude Aakarsh Dalmia‡ Bryn Catherine Daly, CumLaude Erica Marie D’Amato, SummaCumLaude* Kristian Danorwayan Matthew Packard Darling§ Caleb Alexander Darsch, CumLaude Shamael Rabia Dastagir Chandini Ishwarlal Daswani†



Taylor Jean Desmond, CumLaude Frank Peter DeVita Mikyla Elise DeWitt Florian Damien Dhondt† John Winner Dickenson III, CumLaude Joseph Luigi DiFazio Ludovica Di Gaetano§ Monica Djunaidi Anh Phuong Do Tien Thien Do Alethea Cecilia Dolan† Macayla Donegan, CumLaude Steven Silva Dong‡ Jacob Daniel Dorman Benjamin Joshua Dornfeld Jennifer Elizabeth Doucette, SummaCumLaude

Alexander Calef Dow, CumLaude† Colleen Elizabeth Drapek, MagnaCumLaude

Aisling Brigid Driscoll, CumLaude Rebecca Ann Drof George Gordon Drouillard Amanda Du Conor Kalevi DuBois, MagnaCumLaude Samantha Danielle DuBois, MagnaCumLaude

Taylor Rae Dubord Matthew Thomas Duffy Timothy James Duffy William Gray Dunlap, CumLaude‡ Kayleigh Anastacia Dunn Wesley David Dunphy Tram T. Duong Camille Isabelle Dupaquier, CumLaude Elyse Marie Dupre, CumLaude Ana Maria Duque Moreno Ashvary Parth Dwivedi Ashley Lillian Dziegielewski

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Jenna Lee Ebersole, CumLaude Jose Andres Echegaray Katharine Anne Edgar Jonathan James Edgerton§ Jessica Lauren Eichler Alex Eizo Eitoku Suzanne Knar Ekchian* Tolga Can Eksioglu§ Adam L. Elessawi Charles James Elia‡ Chelsea Anne Elkaim, CumLaude Roger Gerard Elliott Scott R. Ellis Amani Usama El Sehrawey, MagnaCumLaude* Girma Tsegaye Endale Adam Even Engel Kirill Mikhailovich Epelbaum Katrina Pajarillo Erikson Sven Eric Sluti Eriksson, CumLaude Elisabeth Caroline Erskine Arturo Manases Escajeda Felipe Escobar‡ Elisa Espinoza Nicole Katherine Estabrooks, MagnaCumLaude†

Hilliana Estrada, CumLaude James Bernard Evans Jr.§ Ryan Walter Evans, MagnaCumLaude* Matthew Edward Ewen, CumLaude Alexandra Eve Exner Chinemelum Elochukwu Ezekwesili Allison Shelly Fahey Chelsea Lauren Fairbanks Diana Fang, CumLaude Navah X. Farahat* Hannah Rose Berke Farber Kamal Said Farha Mary Kathryn Farina, MagnaCumLaude

Thomas Roy Farndon Shazim Khan Farooq Jordan Ross Farrer, SummaCumLaude† Charles Bégué Fawell, SummaCumLaude

Emily R. Fazio, CumLaude Courtney Averill Federico§ Katelyn Lorraine Federico Marisa Caitlin Feehan Elena Christine Feldman, CumLaude Robert Fera Nicholas Edward Ferbert§ Daniel Eduardo Fernandez‡ Joseph Michael Fernandez‡ Francesca Sulit Ferrante Carlene Rebelo Ferreira Nicholas Roy Ferreri Michael Thomas Ferruggia Mauricio Figueroa† Dorothy Aikaterini King Filiotis§ Libby Olga Finer Jenna Rachel Fiore‡ Sheila Nassim Firoozan,

September 2011 graduate



Christian T. Fischer† Kelsey Nicole Fitta Kathryn Fitzgerald, CumLaude Timothy Ryan Fitzpatrick William James Fitzpatrick‡ Brett Allen Flaherty Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Justin David Flamenbaum John Robert Flanagan Kathleen Elizabeth Flanagan Caitlin Elizabeth Flannery, MagnaCumLaude

Meagan Taylor Fleishman Carly Janell Fleming, CumLaude Samantha Maria Flick Alex Jacob Flumenbaum‡ Julie Noelle Flynn, CumLaude* Lucy Claire Flynn, SummaCumLaude* Courtney Cobb Foley, CumLaude Erin Foley Yevgenia Ykovlevna Fomina, CumLaude Devon Jeanine Forest James William Tait Forman Sarah Jameson Forster‡ Kayleigh Roxane Foulkes Matthew John Fowler Benjamin David Fox, CumLaude Cassandra Gardner Fox, SummaCumLaude

Colin Sears Fraher Benjamin M. Fraimow David Gilbert Francescone, SummaCumLaude‡

Rebecca Gabrielle Gelernter Maria A. Gellepes Audrey Joy Gellman-Chomsky Nicholas Akira Geron, CumLaude Ravneet Ghumman§ Alison Claire Giangrasso Sheena Rose Gibbs Laura Rachel Gigliotti Elisa M. Gill, SummaCumLaude* Shea Nicole Gillet, CumLaude* Katherine Marie Gillman, SummaCumLaude* Genevieve Dawn Gilroy, CumLaude‡ Kyla Bridget Gineitis Dina Ginzberg, CumLaude Carl Vincent Giovannucci‡ Kristen G. Glass Melani Julia Glassman Vassili Glazyrine, CumLaude Annaliese Crane Godderz, MagnaCumLaude* Margo Elizabeth Godersky Jason Thomas Godfrey, SummaCumLaude

Hallie Dorothea Goertner, MagnaCumLaude†

Taylor Franchi Tara Dima Francolini† Caroline Frances Frazia† Eli Shlomo Fredman, CumLaude* Jaclyn Michelle French Christina Anne Fresta Kayleigh Elizabeth Fretwell, CumLaude Greg Mitchell Friedlander† Scott Matthew Imai Friedlander Brittanee Leigh Friedman,

Valerie Hui Min Goh, CumLaude Kathryn Marie Gohn, MagnaCumLaude Molly Rebecca Gold, MagnaCumLaude Mandi Ilana Goldberg, CumLaude Isaac Goldman, CumLaude Rachel Hilary Goldman,

Joshua T. Friedman† Samantha Tracey Friedman, CumLaude Auri Edward Friedrich Breanna Micheline Fuhrmann,

Amanda Rosa González Justin R. Gonzalez‡ Kathryn Ellen Goodfriend, CumLaude Spencer Matthew Goodman, CumLaude Hannah Tebelman Goor Ashley Rose Gordon Daniel James Gordon Margaret Kehoe Gosewisch† Patrick William Goss Tess Rogoff Gostfrand§ Hannah Elizabeth Gotlieb§ Amy Elizabeth Governale† Logan John Gowdey,



Christopher James Fundora Charlotte Anne Funk Sarah Jane Funk, MagnaCumLaude Katharine Mary Gallagher Allyson Erynn Galle Brianna Lynn Gallivan Juan Issac Galvan Mohammed Basem Garada Carlos Daniel Garcia‡ Lorena Garcia Sara Alicia Garcia Alexander Nicholas Gardell Jenee Marie Gardner Megan Marie Garland, SummaCumLaude* Patricia Rose Garrity Melissa Thileni Garuthara, CumLaude Elizabeth Maverick Gary Emily Elizabeth Gasda, MagnaCumLaude

Victoria Louise Gau, CumLaude Chance Elston Gautney, CumLaude‡ Ljubica Gavrilovska Daniel Michael Gawlik Emma Jane Gehrman, MagnaCumLaude

Nikolaus Wolfgang Geihe Justin Robert Geldzahler, CumLaude


Taryn R. Goldman Rafaella Zuri Goldsmith† Jessica Natalia Gomez, MagnaCumLaude


Christoffer Michael Gowesky Abhinav Goyal† Kelsey Melissa Graber, CumLaude Allison Grace Erik Pierre Richard Graff‡ Amber Ann Graham, SummaCumLaude Casey May Graves, MagnaCumLaude Stephanie Marie Graves‡ Jennifer Lee Gray Megan Ann Gray Alison Renee Greco Elizabeth Annie Green Maryellen Christine Green Andrea Greene Silva Jennifer Elizabeth Greene, SummaCumLaude†

Matthew Gerard Greene II Rachel Catherine Greenfield, CumLaude Janessa Marie Greenleaf, CumLaude

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Drew Connor Gresh Abigail Lee Griffith‡ Anastasiia Grinberg, MagnaCumLaude Mary Estelle Grinman, MagnaCumLaude

Lucas James Griswold† Tina Gruene, SummaCumLaude* Kathleen Claire Grueter, CumLaude Joanna Grunin Jessica Guadarrama§ Calvin Xin Guan Kevin Nicholas Guerra Carol Guerrero, MagnaCumLaude Victoria Marie Guida Annum Abdulmajid Gulamali§ Fei Guo Li Guo Zirui Guo, MagnaCumLaude Megha Gupta‡ Deniz Gurbuz, SummaCumLaude* Joseph Michael Gurski Jacqueline Michele Gushue, MagnaCumLaude

Brittany Reveé Gutierrez Maria Gabriela Gutierrez Rachael Alexandria Gutierrez Lisa Helen Haapaniemi Andrea Grace Hage§ Ryne René Hager Christiane Emily Haikel Matthew James Hajek Laura E. Halcomb, CumLaude Heather Elizabeth Hall, SummaCumLaude* John William Thurston Hall Julie Katherine Hall§ Sarah Bethany Hall Danielle Hallock Brittany Natasha Ham, SummaCumLaude

Matthew Douglas Hames† Lee Elizabeth Hamill, CumLaude Christopher Lydon Hamilton, CumLaude

Jacob Anthony Hampton† Joung Soo Han‡ Yunoak Mellany Han Thomas John Hanes, MagnaCumLaude Brian John Hanley Patrick Michael Hanlin Troy Michael Hannigan Megan Lorianne Hanno Gabriela Soares Hansen Adwoa S. Hanson-Hall Nazmul Haque‡ Angelos G. Hardouvelis§ Claire Eileen Hardy, MagnaCumLaude† Emily Claire Harned Samir Ahmed Haroon, SummaCumLaude

Shadane Micilla Harris Samantha Jean Hart Alessandra Vera Hartkopf Tiegan Hatch Brian Richard Hause, MagnaCumLaude Dennis Nicolai Hauser, MagnaCumLaude

Richard Russell Hayes,

September 2011 graduate



Jordan Yu Feng He

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Victoria M. Heath, CumLaude Alexandra Anne Hebert‡ Leif Hede Brierley Patrick Bryan Hegarty, SummaCumLaude

Charles Fredrik Heisler, MagnaCumLaude

Alexander Ian Helfand Melanie Jane Helmer Brian Anderson Hepler, CumLaude* Nelson Paúl Hernández, SummaCumLaude

Lauren Elizabeth Herrera* Beverly Lida Hersh§ Julia Elizabeth Hershonik Kathryn Maclean Hess, SummaCumLaude†

Nicholas John Heupel, CumLaude Ryan Mary Hevia Brian Tully Hickey, CumLaude Charles Alexander Hill, SummaCumLaude

Edward Tayloe Hill Jackson Gilbert Hill Katherine E. Hill, MagnaCumLaude* Alison Nicole Foster Hird Julie Ann Hirsch, MagnaCumLaude* Lulia Hito Victoria Catherine Hoch Nicholas Anton Hoff Anis Homayoon Hoffman, CumLaude‡ Grace Dover Hoffman Tess Clasen Hofmann§ Kelley Elizabeth Holden Nicholas Robert Holden, SummaCumLaude

Emory Jane Hennig Holland, MagnaCumLaude

Grace Maria Teresa Holley§ Julienne Jiyun Hong Kathleen Hong, CumLaude† Alexander Michael Honza Sean Fitzgerald Hopkins Daniel Jacob Horowitz‡ Balint Horvath Jesse Hou, MagnaCumLaude† Amanda Marian Hough, CumLaude† Samantha Lynn Howe Yu- Yi Hsia† Henrison Ulrick Ong Hsieh, SummaCumLaude

Ke Hu, SummaCumLaude Ian Wang Huang, CumLaude* Jiexin Huang Karen Lin Huang Louis M. Huapaya George Martin Huber David Martyn Huckle‡ Margo Elizabeth Hudson William James Huebner Micaela Ruth Huerta§ Diego Huezo-Rosales, CumLaude* Alexandra J. Hughes, MagnaCumLaude Emma Catherine O’Connell Hughes, MagnaCumLaude

Olivia Marina Huleatt, CumLaude Amanda Christine Hunt Clayton Russell Hunter† Sarah Emily Hunter, MagnaCumLaude Gregory Stalo Huntoon‡

Jennifer In Young Hur Joanna Eileen Hurd, CumLaude Bethany Clarissa Hutchens, SummaCumLaude

In Seul Hwang§ Jun Il Hwang, CumLaude Winifred Hwang, SummaCumLaude Jeremy Hynes Rachael Alisha Ibarra Stephanie Marlene Ibarra, MagnaCumLaude

Alexandra Yesennia Ibarra Carmona§ Michael Louis Illiano§ Alexa Marie Ippolito‡ Sylvia Skyy Irizarry Alison Audrey Irwin, CumLaude Janella Monique Isaac Carolyn Salazar Ives Christopher Emmanuel Jackson‡ Anjali Jacob, MagnaCumLaude Adam Robert Jacobs Rachel Ariel Jacobs John Hanus Jacobsen, MagnaCumLaude‡

Kenneth Louis Jahan Mikail Jaikaran‡ Xiaofei Jalette, CumLaude Nathan Samuel Janis Amanda Lynn Janish, MagnaCumLaude†

Emma Claire Javits Tara Suviyana Jayakar Rascha Marie Jelks Elizabeth Anne Jerome May Mei Jiang Zhixing Jiang Jessica Andrea Jimenez Jenessa Katie Job, MagnaCumLaude Emily Katherine Johnson, CumLaude Hanah Diah Johnson, CumLaude Chelsea Nicole Johnston Corinne Ann Jones‡ Arjun Kumar Joshi* Renee Bun-Chi Jou‡ Johannah Adaire Juarez, CumLaude Kenneth Juarez‡ Se Hyun Jung‡ Alexa Baiardo Justice, SummaCumLaude* Alanna Rachel Kahn Anna Charlotte Kalil† Olivia Ann Kalmanson* Laura Maria Kalpas, CumLaude Dimitrios Theodore Kamberidis Daniella Jain Kang† Hyemi Kang‡ William Hyunwook Kang‡ Yun Suk Kang‡ Arjun Kannan, CumLaude Manasa Kanneganti, CumLaude Gary Zane Kanner, MagnaCumLaude Krista Shizuko Kano, CumLaude Chelsea Leigh Kantor E-Jay Kao, CumLaude Alyson Bari Kaplan, SummaCumLaude Leora Michelle Kaplan Valerie Elizabeth Kaplan Zoe Baysdorfer Kaplan Kenneth Ray Karas Octavio Simon Karbank

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Nazli Kardes Emily Catherine Karp Divya Kotisha Kasaraneni Emily Senghas Kassis Smriti Kattel, CumLaude† Addie Tal Katz, MagnaCumLaude Ariana Elizabeth Katz* Justin Michael Katz Gugandeep Kaur, MagnaCumLaude John A. Kavouris‡ Sai Spandana Kaza† Kelly Jordan Kearney Shannon Kathleen Keating† Katherine Marie Keegan, CumLaude Kacy Lynn Keenahan, CumLaude Sara Helen Keimig Victoria Ann Kelberer, SummaCumLaude

Lauren Alexandria Keller Noah Richard Kelley† Jenna Ashley Kelly, SummaCumLaude† Lisa Christine Kelly, MagnaCumLaude Daniel Alexander Kempf Daniel Peter Kennedy‡ Hannah Caroline Kennedy Tara Lynne Kenworthy* Emma Lee Rebekah Kerr-Carpenter Tatevik Keshishyan Rachel Olivia Khalili Ahmad Khan Gabriel Jamil Hart Khan, MagnaCumLaude* Christopher Sean Khurdan§ Fallon Renee Kiehl, MagnaCumLaude David Jackson Killmon Che H. Kim‡ Daniel De Hun Kim Donghyun Kim† Erica Eunji Kim‡ Esther Seulgee Kim Genevieve Sooin Kim† HeeKeun Kim, CumLaude† Jefferson Kim Kate Kim§ Katie Wray Kim Lindsay Kim, CumLaude Min Kyung Kim§ Sangah Kim, CumLaude* So Hee Kim Soojin Kim Susan Kim, CumLaude Theresa Soo Kim Ye Eun Kim Danice Alexandria King, CumLaude Elizabeth Katherine King§ Meghan Elizabeth King Thomas Joseph Kirby† Torie Frances Kirshe† Benjamin James Kitchen Jared Alexander Kleiman Sarah Sinicropi Klein, CumLaude‡ Kristin Elizabeth Klimas Katherine Elizabeth Klyng Amanda Claire Kmetz, CumLaude Axel Thorson Knust Justin Alan Koch, SummaCumLaude Vedika Niraj Kochhar‡ Ludwig Sebastian Koeneke Hernandez,

September 2011 graduate



Benjamin Koevary Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Christopher James Kohberger Michael Kolesnik Kiril Delianov Kolev Sai Saneet Reddy Konda, SummaCumLaude

Ashley Noelani Rodriguez Kong, SummaCumLaude†

Kwang Lim Koo Araminta Julia Koppenheffer§ Adam Brett Korn*‡ Ashley Samantha Korn* Yannis Koroneos Joshua Jerome Korshak June Kathryn Kowalewski Amanda Leigh Kozar Ada Kozicz† Alix Foodim Kraminitz, MagnaCumLaude

Andrew Francisco Kratzer Kaili Murphy Kreiner Matthias Patrick Kriegel Alexandra Kritzman, CumLaude Abigail Evaclaire Kruger David James Krugman† Eryn Lee Kruk, CumLaude Judy Shirley Kuang Maxine Y. Kuang‡ Melanie Anne Kudra, CumLaude Sharon Kuo, MagnaCumLaude Miare Kuse§ William Gunawan Kustiono§ Avra June Kutcher Jina Kwak, CumLaude Ho Young Kwon§ Yong Gu Kwon Andrew Lai, MagnaCumLaude Kam Ho Lai, CumLaude Leticia Nickole Laines Brendan M. Laing Prakash Vashdev Lalwani, MagnaCumLaude

Myles Jay Lambert II Sumner Karsh Lambert† Aaron Jeffrey Landau, CumLaude Howard Adam Landau, CumLaude Hila Ariane Landesman Michele Renee Landry, CumLaude† Christopher James Lane, MagnaCumLaude

Emily Kathryn Lane Sean Mccoy Langan‡ Elizabeth Leanne Langer* Maxwell Joseph Langevin Erika Ann Langley Ksenia R. Lanin‡ Zachary M. Lans, MagnaCumLaude Nicholas John Lattanzi Sarah Ellen Lattrell, MagnaCumLaude Danielle Lauto, CumLaude Jacob Ian Lavenhar Jordan Anne Lavy Olivia Catherine Lawson, MagnaCumLaude Cam Dung Le, CumLaude

Daniel Curtis Leader Angella Eunji Lee‡ Chris (Younghoon) Lee, CumLaude Colin Anthony Lee Da Yeon Lee† Dasom Lee§

David Chung Hyun Lee Edwin Chan Lee Gina Lee Hyomin Lee§ Hyosun Lee† Jennifer Sang-Jee Lee, MagnaCumLaude†

Ji Youn Lee Jun Young Lee Luri Lee, CumLaude Min Ji Lee† Minsoo Daniel Lee§ Nam Hoon Lee Paul Yeon Chul Lee Seung Min Lee Soo Jin Lee, CumLaude‡ Soo Yeon Lee Sun W. Lee‡ Sung Hoon Lee Sung Min Steven Lee Victor S. Lee† Victoria Y. Lee, SummaCumLaude† Allison Leemann Dylan Z. Leidig Marina Ariane Lekkas‡ Maureen Anne Leninger Celestina Melissa Leon§ Angela Mary Leonard Gregory John Leonelli Kaiyang Leong Brian Christopher Lepre Jenna Alexa Lerner Amber Leung Tsz H. Leung, CumLaude Lauren Nicole Levenson, MagnaCumLaude

Romy Levin Benjamin Max Levine Hester Ann Levine, MagnaCumLaude‡ Matthew Evan Lew‡ Marian Amanda Lewin Sylvia Klare Lewin, SummaCumLaude Breanna Shea Lewis Corinne Paige Lewis, MagnaCumLaude Jeannette Kristine Lewis, CumLaude Tingyan Li Ying Li, MagnaCumLaude‡ Andy Liang‡ Charlene Liang Li Shan Liang Ying Liang Evelyn Kay Liberman, MagnaCumLaude

William Anthony Liberti III, CumLaude* Brian David Liebman Kristina Ann Lieu Stanley E. Likver, SummaCumLaude Daniel Alan Geoffrey Lilley, CumLaude* Jonathan Andrew Lim, MagnaCumLaude

Lynn Lim Brian Lin Jessica Y. Lin† Shuci Lin, CumLaude Justin David Lipsky, MagnaCumLaude Anna Lishay Colin James Lisy, CumLaude Aleeza Erin Liu, MagnaCumLaude

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Jimmy Liu§ Louisa Tao Liu§ Lucy Xi Liu† Mengqi Liu, CumLaude Peter Chi-Cheong Lo‡ Derek DeHart Locke§ Michele Loduca‡ Nick David Loewen Gabrielle Jeanne Marie Logan§ Madeleine Ann Logan Anita Kaman Lok‡ Matthew Donal Lonergan, CumLaude Mary Elisabeth Longenecker Emily Hui Lin Loo‡ Angelica Marie Lopez, MagnaCumLaude†

David Justin Lopez Magdalena López Ashley Marie Loranger, CumLaude‡ Julia B. Loraque Gabriel Abella Loterena Samantha Rose Lotto Andrew Scott Lowe, MagnaCumLaude Nathaniel Lewis Lowenthal Carlos Lorenzo Lu Paul Kin Lu† Xiao Lu Zhi Hui Lu Stephanie Anne Lui Qing Ning, CumLaude

Andrea Anne Luk§ Anna Elizabeth Lukacs, CumLaude Annamaria Klara Lukes Rebecca Sue Luna, MagnaCumLaude† Alexandra Elizabeth Lundsted, MagnaCumLaude

Da Cheng Luo Irina Lut Jaime Elizabeth Lutz, CumLaude Andrew Ma Calvin Ma† Gabriel Ma Lian Lian Ma, CumLaude Yinan Ma Michael Anthony Macchi Michaela Elizabeth MacDonald, CumLaude

Margot Worthington Mache Kristen Anne Macher, CumLaude Julia Marie Mackin Ann Gilbert Mackowski† Craig Thomas MacPherson Rachael Lois Maddox Beatriz Atenas Madico, CumLaude Ashley Kimiko Maetani† Maggie Lannon Maffione Katherine Mahoney Jennifer Krystina Mainor Elizabeth Gillian Makal Julie Marie Mallon† Rufat Chingiz Mammadyarov Prem Manghanmal Chattani,

September 2011 graduate



Vikas Venkat Mangipudi§ Alexis Manning Madeline Jaeger Manning Brock Christian Mantella‡ Alexandra Caroline Maramba† Matthew Ryan Marchany‡ Miranda Lenore Marchese Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Robert Charles Marchwinski, CumLaude* Louis Angelo Mareschi Elizabeth Marino, MagnaCumLaude Michael Julien Marino Elisabeth Sarah Markman Samuel B. Markson Laila Nabil Marouf, CumLaude Ruben Tiago Gomes Marques James Malcolm Marshall† Mahendra Arifien Marshall Megan Elizabeth Marshall,

Theodore Nicholas Mejia Samantha Elizabeth Mele Cailee Louise Mellen‡ Kerri Lynn Mellert‡ Michael Jacob Meltzer Rishi Mahesh Melwani Alyssa K. Mendlein, MagnaCumLaude Nicole Renee Mengini Samantha Ashley Menjor Kelisha Tara Menon, CumLaude Adam Menzin§ Christopher James Mercurio,

Larissa Martchenko‡ Samuel Martin§ Odette Tavares Martins Joshua Lev Mascoop Nessa Lili Mashayekh,

Blanca Merino De Paz Jessica Yount Merrell† Sarah Elizabeth Merriman* Gillian Emily Mertens Nicholas Joseph Messana, CumLaude* Maxwell Van Bokkelen Metcalfe, CumLaude* Danielle Elise Meyer Zachary Steele Meyer Monika Roza Mical, SummaCumLaude Meghan Elizabeth Michalski§ Iris Mile Stephanie Yadhira Miliano Caroline Johanna Miller,



Benjamin Blix Masters Nithya Rachel Mathews William Kyle Mathews, MagnaCumLaude

Vidhya Mathiyazhagan*† Andrew John Matsas, CumLaude Ayaka Matsui Brendan Peter Scott O’Reilly Mayer, MagnaCumLaude

Sophia Alexandra Mazanitis, MagnaCumLaude‡

Christopher James Mazur Alexander Eli Mazurek, CumLaude Katherine Corbin McAnallen Lisa Ann Mcauliffe Camille Marie McCall Miles Andrew McCann, CumLaude† Timothy Patrick McCann Jr., CumLaude Molly Rose McCargar Sean Christopher McCarthy‡ Sharrod Keon McClusky James Edmund McConnaughy Kalani Hoe McDaniel§ Brendan Stephen McDermott† Marlee Katlyn McDonald Christopher Thomas McDonough Marissa Diane McDonough† Madison Alyssa Avellino McEvoy Ryan Charles McFadden‡ Jenna Kathleen Corwin McGrath† Lillian Caitlin McGuire Timothy James McHugh§ Michelle Katherine McInnis Claire Cecelia McKinley Trevor James McManamon, MagnaCumLaude†

Therese Anne McNamee* Drew Logan McPartlin, SummaCumLaude

Oliver David McRae Caitlin Marie Meagher, MagnaCumLaude†

Andrea Marie Medeiros Shweta Megati Shayaan-e-Mohammad Mehdi Armir Mehmeti Hiba Mehmood Selam Gabriella Mehretu Amol Rajen Mehta Anita Daksha Mehta Bhaven K. Mehta



Jackson L. Miller* James Zenon Miller Kyrei Jendaya Miller Michael Jared Miller Kathryn Milner Kyoyoon Min§ Yae Jee Min Cristina Isabel Miñana Daniela Eugenia Miranda Elizabeth Mirovich Niloofar Mirsaidi, CumLaude† Gaurav Misra, MagnaCumLaude Rawan Missouri Anna Lind Mitkevicius‡ Colin Taylor Mitts‡ Kento Miyake, MagnaCumLaude Michael D. Mobilio Hayley Ann Moen§ Emily Christine Mohr, CumLaude Andrew Ka Mok Stephanie Molina Shelagh Eve Mollohan Jessica Leigh Molskness Kathryn Monahan, MagnaCumLaude† Justin McPherson Monestime† Anthony Phillips Moneta‡ Kridipak Mongkolyuth Elizabeth Carmela Monroe, SummaCumLaude

Rena Beverly Montville Ariana Araxi Mooradian‡ Samantha Genna Mor Elena Mora Saba J Moreh Brooke Erin Morgan Rebecca Lee Morgan§ Lisa Marie Morgillo Arnault Marie Marc Morisson de la Bassetiere‡ Colleen Barbara Morrissey, MagnaCumLaude

Alissa Morrone, CumLaude

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Ian A. Moskowitz Lisa Patricia Motameni Amanda Motomochi Rebecca Moura Caressa Lynne Moy, MagnaCumLaude Patrick Joseph Moynahan, SummaCumLaude

Daniel Edmund Mucinskas, MagnaCumLaude* Sebastian Mueller† Ryan Michael Mulhern‡ Christine Marie Mullane Alexa Daniela Muller, CumLaude‡ Anupriya Mundra, MagnaCumLaude Michael Joseph Murowchick Nairika D. Murphy Katherine Elizabeth Murray, CumLaude Shawn Andrew Musgrave, SummaCumLaude

Giovanni Musto Kristin Lee Myers‡ Hilary Ross Mylon Jaejoon Joseph Myong, CumLaude John Homayoun Nahai Jennifer Lynn Nann§ Archana Narain Monica S. Narang, CumLaude‡ Aditi Rammohan Narayan Rajvin Narula Christopher Michael Naso, CumLaude* Ramah Nazieh Nassief, CumLaude‡ Jose Antonio Nazario Jr. Marcus Daniel Neafsey, CumLaude Lina Necib, SummaCumLaude* Vamsee Krishna Neerukonda, MagnaCumLaude

Ami Negishi Kevin Ezra Nemandoust Erica Lynn Newman Jaclyn Michelle Newman, CumLaude* Ryan Andrews Newton§ Matthew R. Ng Nelson Chak Hei Ng§ Yvonne Kuei Lan Ng*† Felicia Luu Nguyen Jeremy Phach Nguyen Phuong Nguyen§ Thien Tai Thanh Nguyen, CumLaude Trudy Hien Nguyen Tayler Flynn Nichols Alec Benjamin Nicholson, SummaCumLaude

Rebecca Emilia Nickson Heidi Ann Niederhausen, MagnaCumLaude†

Kimera Shea Nielsen† Josue Roberto Nieves, MagnaCumLaude

Lisa Nip, CumLaude Rohan Robbins Nobis Patricia Josephine Nugent,

September 2011 graduate



Ana Margarida Nunes Henriques Lourenco Branco, MagnaCumLaude Kelley Michelle Nunn, CumLaude* Faith Ndidi Nwaoha Jesse Joseph Obert, CumLaude‡ Irene O’Brien Evan Gregory O’Connor, MagnaCumLaude

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Katharine Mary O’Connor‡ Molly T. Sarah O’Connor† Avi A. Offer† Alexandra Oh‡ Ryangseok Oh Caitlin Anne O’Halloran,

Hillary Holgate Pennypacker† Kenny Peou Franco Lorenzo Perez-Redondo† Andrew Pertusi, CumLaude† Alyssa Francine Peterkin Matthew Joseph Petersile,

Kelley Elizabeth O’Leary‡ Robin Marie Olinyk María Sofía Oliver Meredith Leah O’Neill Larry Torrefranca Ong, Jr. Georg Andreas Onodi‡ Tiffany Birago Opong† Micah Gregory Oppenheim Jillian Orcel David Michael Oricchio‡ Tracie Roberta Orman, CumLaude† William Scott Orman Jr.,

Amanda Jacqueline Peterson Amy Lynne Peterson* Chelsea Lane Peterson‡ Mihayl Petkov Petkov Lea Petrovic Julie Pfeffer Christina V. Pham Dai Le Trang Pham§ Hong-Van Thi Phan Judy Phan, SummaCumLaude Samantha Anne Philip Amanda Phillips§ Rebekah Grace Parrish Phillips Natalia Aiala Piazzarolo Isabella Noelle Pietroboni,



David Mark Orr Henry Stephen Orzynski, SummaCumLaude†

Cady Ophelia Osgood-Otis Kohei Oshima§ Woodly B. Osias, CumLaude Shun Otaka Steven Joseph Oustecky† Amey Elisabeth Owen Ekrem Yi˘git Özyol Barcley Talon Pace, MagnaCumLaude† Frances Marie Pacheco Glenys Sweeney Packer Nathalie Paez Ariel May Pakier, MagnaCumLaude Abby Pan Emily Y. Pan† Jeffrey Nelson Pan, MagnaCumLaude* Yuxi Pan Sonya Siraj Panjwani Kathryn Brooke Papa Christopher Peter Pappas, SummaCumLaude Ujas Nigam Parikh, MagnaCumLaude

Ji Hye Park Michael Jones Parry§ Kevin L. Passione Derek John Pastuszek, MagnaCumLaude

Andrew Adams Pate Ankita Mahesh Patel† Dhrupesh Patel§ Hemali A. Patel Jaanki Patel Krupa Kaushik Patel, SummaCumLaude Mrugesh Navinchandra Patel, CumLaude

Prayag Suresh Patel, MagnaCumLaude Sohni Asit Patel, MagnaCumLaude* Vishal Jatin Patel† Christopher Thomas Paterson* Regina Evelyn Patterson Anthony Joseph Patullo Rachel Abigail Paul Matthew William Paulson Jarod Aubrey Payne§ Tetyana Pecherska, CumLaude† Esha Peddireddy Ariel Jocelyn Pellegrino† Jordan Louis Pelletz


Lily Esterly Ramseyer Parimal C. Rana‡ Sumeet Randhawa§ Jamal Mikal Rasheed§ Julia Yvonne Rashid, MagnaCumLaude Andrew Thomas Rasmussen Daniel Ravan† Shivani Ray, CumLaude William Franklin Rayburn, MagnaCumLaude* Shane Campbell Reardon, CumLaude Terence Kingston Reardon Divya Cherukuru Reddy,


Sithara Reddy§ Jared Lawrence Reed§ Matthew John Reichert, MagnaCumLaude* Zoe Elizabeth Reiches, CumLaude Karen Rebecca Reichgott, CumLaude Jesse Avery Reinherz, CumLaude Bena Rose Reiter Maria Renken, CumLaude* Hanna Andrews Repp Pamela Anne Rerko Andrew Nicholas Reswow Andrea Revivo Joseph Gabriel Reytan Stefanie Dianna Rich, CumLaude§ Julianne Nicole Richard, CumLaude Shana Savannah Ré Richards,

Nicole Danielle Pietromonaco Lucinda Stearns Pike, MagnaCumLaude Lauren Jacqueline Piña‡ Jennifer Pino Morgan Faye Piskorz‡ Michael Reginald Pitter, CumLaude Joshua David Pitts† Heshini Kalhari Piyathilake§ Alex Plamm, CumLaude Cassandre Marie Plantin, CumLaude Alexandra Marie Plassaras, MagnaCumLaude* Taylor Nora Platt Kelsey Ann Plew† Pimpiroon Ploysangam§ Katarina Polacikova, MagnaCumLaude Andrew Leonard Politis Zachary Meyer Pollack Alexander Michael Pomerantz Cayla Jon Poteete, CumLaude Jason James Pouris Christine Marie Power, CumLaude Ann Gerard Powers, SummaCumLaude Robert D. Pratt‡ Ethan Thomas Pravetz Rachel Ann Preloh, CumLaude Samantha Nicole Pressman Lauren Frances Daneu Price Rachel Primé, MagnaCumLaude Caroline Prince Ashley Easton Proctor Nina Psoncak, CumLaude† Margaret Ellen Purdy Hannah Claire Putnam§ Han Pye Yuxin Qin, MagnaCumLaude Dora Quach Jacqueline Rose Querubin Minaqa Quinn Alexandra Biorka Quiñones Thomas J. Quitadamo, CumLaude‡ Tara Raam, MagnaCumLaude Kaitlan Emily Radoycis, CumLaude Zachary Joseph Rahaim Alex Lawrence Raike, CumLaude‡ Mamtha S. Raj, MagnaCumLaude Thomas Robert Ramirez§

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate





Samantha Elise Rick Irene Teresa Maria Riestra Amy Mikaela Ringquist, CumLaude* Andrew Jeffrey Ritchie Alexander Lloyd Rittenberg, SummaCumLaude

Ashley Kristine Rittershaus, CumLaude† Evan Thomas Ritzinger, CumLaude Alexander Michael Rivenburgh, CumLaude

Jessica Nicole Rivera Jorge Alejandro Armando Rivera Robles Kayla Jean Rivers Arianna Maria Rizzo Duney Roberts Amanda Bellah Robertson§ Michael Robinson Adriana Mendoza Robledo Emmanuel Rochaix‡ Robert Pearson Roche III Lara E. Rodgers Emily Ann Rodil Santiago Roel Santos, MagnaCumLaude Jonathan Daniel Roger, SummaCumLaude

Katherine Rogers§ Stephanie Nicole Rojas§ Sophia Elizabeth Rokkas Jasmine Seanita Rollins Julia Romano* Yasmin Romitti† Emma Lawrence Roose,

September 2011 graduate



Annie Wynn Ropeik Ines Marylia Rosas Caitlin Breann Rose Aaron Matthew Rosenberg‡ Kate Rebecca Rosenberg Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Stephanie Lynn Rosenfeld Emma Rachel Rosenthal, CumLaude Shoshana Eve Rosenthal, CumLaude Cloe Jade Rosenwald§ Erica Paige Ross, MagnaCumLaude Stephanie Rossi Jordan Joseph Rossman Jacob Walker Roy Faina Rozental, SummaCumLaude‡ Lindi Rruka Lee Joseph Rubin§ Rachelle Leora Tenenbaum Rubin, SummaCumLaude

Ryan Paul Ruikka, MagnaCumLaude Adina Rusakov, MagnaCumLaude* Robert John Russo, CumLaude† Neil Kiran Rustgi Justin B. Rutherford Caterina Anna Sacchini, MagnaCumLaude

Nisha Kishori Sachdev‡ Ekaterina Sadikova, MagnaCumLaude† Jacklyn Gail Saferstein-Hansen, CumLaude

Stephanie Elizabeth Sagey, CumLaude Stephanie Salcedo§ Gregory Joseph Salimando, MagnaCumLaude* Parissa Kimia Salimian, MagnaCumLaude

Hannah Ariel Samet Faizaan Fehmi Sami‡ Amanda Elizabeth Sampson Mallory Jennings Sampson‡ Michelle Samuel LyAnna Marie Sanabria Jaime Sanchez Tessa Francesca Sanchez§ Laura Sancho, SummaCumLaude* Christine Marie Saniuk‡ Fred Christopher Santaite Audrey-Jo Soriano Santo Adriana Marie Santos‡ Rutuparna Sarangi, MagnaCumLaude Shoaib Pedro Cyprian Hugo Sargeant Sarah Elizabeth Sargent Skylar Frederick Sarkis§ Maria Karen Sarkissian Ana Sarsenbay§ Beata Teresa Sasi nska, ´ CumLaude Rachaintr Sasirajpornchai§ Amanda Marie Savage, CumLaude Michelle Jolivette Savage Rebecca Iris Savoy, MagnaCumLaude George L. Savvidis Nicholas John Sawyer,

Rebecca Kathleen Schuberth, MagnaCumLaude

Kiersten Haley Schultz† Michael Paul Schulze‡ Thomas John Schumann, CumLaude Amanda Jean Schwab, CumLaude Ian Matthew Schwartz, CumLaude† Rachel Schwarzman, CumLaude Ronnit Schwebel Whitney Elizabeth Schweizer Jenna Sciabbarrasi§ Lauren Alexandra Scungio§ Allison Christine Sebastiani§ Nicholas Francis Secatore Rizwana Seeham‡ Karishma Sekhon, MagnaCumLaude* Raguraman Selvakumar Jonathan Ivan Senin Chang Woo Seo§ Elena Fountain Serio Paloma Celine Sylvie Evelina Serra Abhishek Seth Ami Shah, MagnaCumLaude Anuj Jitendra Shah Barkha Shah Deep Bharat Shah, CumLaude Neil Shah Parth Prashant Shah, MagnaCumLaude Parth V. Shah, MagnaCumLaude Romaisa Shah Peter Sarko Shahinian, MagnaCumLaude

Aydar Zamirbekovich Shaildayev§ Norae Yasmeen Shakur§ Skylar Alexandra Shapiro, MagnaCumLaude

David Joshua Saxon Amy Elizabeth Scheiner Joshua Abram Schenkein, CumLaude* Shelby Anne Schermeyer Molly Elizabeth Schettewi Jamie Michelle Schiffer, CumLaude* Christopher James Schlauch, CumLaude David Benjamin Abrams Schleider,

Brian Jones Sharkey Anika Sharma§ Michael Peter Shaughnessy§ Muna S. Sheikh, SummaCumLaude Nathan Adlai Sheinfeld‡ Sarah Anne Sheridan, SummaCumLaude Ethan Maxwell Sherr† Dorothy Yunci Shi, MagnaCumLaude Elaine Antonia Shields§ Allyson Caroline Shifley, CumLaude Ommi Shimizu Livca Shin† Nathan Joong Hun Shin Yoo Jung Shin, CumLaude Emily B. Shoov, CumLaude Cara Huongsa Shorey Simone K. Shorter Natasia Umi Sidarta§ Jacob Philip Siegel‡ Samantha Moira Sievering† Matthew Rey Silva§ Nayara Arantes Silva Nadia P. Silver Michael Nicholas Simmons Benjamin James Simon James George Simoneau§ Anna Elise Sims, MagnaCumLaude Jill Christina Sims Michelle Stephanie Simunovic,

Courtney Elyse Schneider Katharina Anneliese Schnepel§ Keith Michael Schrumpf, CumLaude

Blaise Thomas Sindone Timothy Patrick Singer, CumLaude‡ Amit Singh, CumLaude




*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Tarun Pal Singh Maxine Tess Singleton Nicole Martine Sirianni, CumLaude Nalinee Sirivatanaaksorn, MagnaCumLaude‡

Meenakshi Sivaraman, CumLaude Alexander David Skillin, MagnaCumLaude

Andrew Bennett Sklar Kira Lee Skolas Jacob Shimon Slutsky, SummaCumLaude* Akanke V. Small Kendra Verhoeven Smallwood† Abigail Marie Smigelski David Lyman Smigen-Rothkopf§ Rupert Daniel Smit† Brendan Mychal Smith, CumLaude* Christine Rebecca Smith Erika Wynn Smith, SummaCumLaude Erin Malay Smith† Ian Paul Smith† Jasmine Cordola Smith Jennifer Marie Smith† Kathryn Christine Smith§ Leah Catherine Smith, CumLaude Sarah Elizabeth Smith Haley Elizabeth Smith-Fries* Marissa Ann Snyder Tracy Kimberly Snyder* Maryellen Pires Sofiste Sara Rachel Sokolove§ Rishub Solan, CumLaude‡ Alexandra Joy Sollers Melanie Solorzano§ Hannah Marguerite Somerville,

September 2011 graduate



Frank Feldher Sommers Ellen S. Song Ming Song, MagnaCumLaude Xuli Song Pejmon Sorornejad Virginia Rose Soskey, MagnaCumLaude Pauline Sou† Panagiotis Ektor Souroulidis† Alexander Santos Sousa Isabelle Marie Soussou‡ JoAnne Marie Spagnuolo Nathan John Spector Leon L. Spencer Shannon Ennis Spencer† Sasha Tiffany Garcia Spite‡ Raphael Eleazar Spitzer, CumLaude Saranya Sridaran Kendall Reid Stacey§ Caroline Stack Amanda Renee Stamler Aaron Nicholas Stanley Margaret Mary Stanton Laura O’Connell Steel Kirzia Steele Barry Michael Stein‡ Catherine Elizabeth Stein, CumLaude Jeffrey Phillip Stein‡ Caitlin Dorothy Steinberg Maria Andreevna Stepanchak Cali Ann Stephens, CumLaude* Christina Rose Stephens Nicole Elizabeth Stephens

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of ARTS & SCiences

Jason Peter Stern Jessica Ann Stewart§ Lauren Elisabeth St. Germain Aaron R. Stinehour§ Samantha Jean Stockman,

Jill Elizabeth Thorsen* Thant Thurane§ Raymond Thomas Tobias,

Ariel Grace Stone, CumLaude Hally Bissell Stone, MagnaCumLaude† Margaret Katherine Strabala Theresa A. Strachila, MagnaCumLaude† Jacqueline Nadine Strawbridge,

Alyssa Barbara Tochka, CumLaude Melissa Marie Toland, CumLaude Jonathan Wolcott Toll Whittney Ann Tom, MagnaCumLaude Katrina Danielle Tomecek‡ Julie Anne Tomolonis, SummaCumLaude* Wenting Tong, CumLaude Trevor William Toohey§ Leda Rose Tornaritis Corey W. Toscano, SummaCumLaude† Brittainy Kathleen Tousley Pond Gordon Robert Towne,



Joseph William Stroman§ Christine Elizabeth Stuart Eva Anne Stutzman Marzena Maria Stykowska, CumLaude Emily Patricia Stypolkowski, SummaCumLaude

Arthur Su, MagnaCumLaude†* Ting-Yi Su Aurora Camila Suarez Zahra Ismail Suleiman§ Emma Marie Lopo Sullivan† Kerry Elizabeth Sullivan Michael David Sullivan, SummaCumLaude

Kaila M. Summers Cherng-Mao Sun Enid Sun, MagnaCumLaude Huan Sun, CumLaude Brian Samuel Sussman Jacqueline Ozawa Sussman Sarah L. Swain, CumLaude Holly Jean Swanson, CumLaude† Sarah Mae Swenson Theadora Jo Swenson, SummaCumLaude* Zachary Allen Sylvane Misha Anastasia Sylver Peter Henly Szujewski, MagnaCumLaude

Ricardo Tabacow§ Hyunseo Tak Mansiya Adilyevna Takenova† David Nathaniel Pulido Tan, SummaCumLaude

Victoria Tan Alina Tanbayeva, CumLaude Caroline Robin Tarpley§ Sabrina Tasnova§ Valerie Rose Tassinari, MagnaCumLaude

Elisa Kathleen Tatham† Brynn Julia Taylor Zachary William Taylor§ Aida Tazi Cyrus Ali Massih Tehrani Theodore Molai Tehrani Yajahira Tejada‡ Deren William Temel, CumLaude Howard Paul Terry III Kyle Scott Teves Vanessa Thai, CumLaude Michael Francis Thees Jason Michael Thole Kehvon Phillip Thomas§ Matthew Chester Thomas, MagnaCumLaude

Susan Mary Thomas Nathaniel Kanzler Thompson§

Yesmín Alexandra Vega Valdivieso, CumLaude


Rachel Chiyoko Tochiki, SummaCumLaude†


Chelsea C. Towson§ Thach Ngoc Tran† Eryn L. Trauben, SummaCumLaude§ Daniel Seiji Travin, MagnaCumLaude Diem Trang Thi Trinh Megh Mayank Trivedi, MagnaCumLaude

Nichole Ann Trosino§ Kyle A. Trotman‡ Caitlin Ann Trottier, SummaCumLaude James Timothy Trussler Nickolas Tsakmaklis§ Aaron Cheuk Lon Tsang, MagnaCumLaude

Ka Lo Tsang§ Tsun Yeung Edwin Tsang§ Ethan Tseng, CumLaude Chloe Elizabeth Tuck, SummaCumLaude

Stephanie Catherine Tucker Adam J. Twente, SummaCumLaude‡ Caroline Eugenia Twyman† Eleftheria Tzigizis Daniel San Ping Ugolick‡ Frances Omotese Uhomoibhi Renée-Marie Ulysse Julia Hali Louise Umansky Christopher M. Unger, CumLaude* Shivam N. Upadhyaya Maximiliano Vicente Urdaneta Di Filippo§ Rafael Umberto Urdaneta Di Filippo, CumLaude

Julien Hampton Urraca Alejandro Urrutia Rodriguez Sarah Lynn Vacca Michael Rylan Vachon§ Ronny Valdes Emilce Valdez‡ Ashley Anne Valdivia Eliel van Buren, SummaCumLaude Simon Nicoll Vance, MagnaCumLaude Nathalie Michele Donghwa Van Der Elst, MagnaCumLaude Pim Nicolaas Wilhelmus Van der Sluis Nil Vanli§ Jaime Victor Vara† Bernardo Vargas Trasfí Robert William Vatter Alena Vecerova, CumLaude

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Rebbekah Irene Cecilia Vega Romero‡ Fiorella Antonella Velasquez‡ Kevin Chang Velasquez Tessa Marie Velazquez, CumLaude* Ivana Veliskova Balakrishna Vemula, CumLaude Anya Geiss Veremakis, CumLaude Jennifer Victorica Beatriz Elena Vidal Liceaga Meghana Vijaysimha Mercedes Barbara Villalonga‡ Jennifer Helen Villegas Maya Viner, MagnaCumLaude Lisa Luz Virgen Katie Marie Vitale† Trang Thuy Vo‡ Jennifer Dorothy June Wakefield Miranda Aya Wakimoto† Amelia Michel Walcek Lisa Danielle Waldon, CumLaude Andrea Frances Walker Christina Lee Walker Rachel Walker, MagnaCumLaude John Heaton Walsh Kaitlin Louise Walsh, MagnaCumLaude Matthew Walsh Sean Andrew Walter, CumLaude Shelby Renee Walton Man Yeung Angus Wan Chao Wang§ Chen-Hsu Wang David Junliang Wang Feijie Wang Ji Wang Junjun Wang Maggie Yachao Wang§ Megan Kathleen Wang, CumLaude† Shyan-Wen Wang, SummaCumLaude† Tian Wang, MagnaCumLaude Yue Wang Allison Elizabeth Ward† Anna-Marie Ashley Ward§ Amelia Anne Warren, CumLaude Lauren Ann Waslick Claire Sarah Wasserman Julia Storino Waterhous, CumLaude Rachel Marie Watsky, MagnaCumLaude Leona Cecilia Watson Tabitha Jori Watson, CumLaude Vaughn Michael James Watson Rachel L. Waxman Catherine Markham Way, SummaCumLaude

Emily Gerardina Weaver Allison Rose Webber† Olivia Frances Weeks Deborah Beryl Weinberg Marni Blair Weiner Rose Lynn Weiner§ Steven Samuel Weisman Gregory William Weitzner,

September 2011 graduate



Jeffrey Ernest Wessell, CumLaude† Elizabeth Claire Whetstone, CumLaude Jillian Patricia Whipple‡ Anna Mary White Brendan James White‡ John Francis White§ Tentative September 2012 graduate


GRADUate school of ARTS & SCiences

Kate Eileen White, CumLaude Andrew Scott Whiteman* Jennifer Lynn Whiteside, MagnaCumLaude

Rebecca Nan Wier Alexandra Victoria Williams Eliza Amelia Williams Courtney Jean Willis, CumLaude Olivia Evelyn Wilson, MagnaCumLaude Peter Cowie Wilson Alexandra Strudwick Wiltsie Lindsey Lane Wimberly, CumLaude Kim Salo Win, CumLaude Amanda Katherine Winchester Laura Marie Wing, SummaCumLaude* Alyssa Kaatje Winter, MagnaCumLaude* Robert Lehman Winter Meredith Withelder† Gabrielle Marisa Witte Ilyse Maura Wolberg Colin Herbert Wolfgang Genevieve Sabrina Wollenbecker, SummaCumLaude†

Alia Emily Wong, SummaCumLaude Annie Wong Annie Wong, CumLaude Gregory James Wong Jennifer Krystal Wong Mai S. Wong, CumLaude* Stephanie Hoi Yee Wong Stephanie Jung-Ying Wong, MagnaCumLaude

Tin Kin Wong Vanessa Wong, CumLaude Vincent Wong, MagnaCumLaude Kristen Evian Woo Hannah Kells Woodman Michael C. Woolford

Sylvia Emilia Wozny Macklin Joseph Wrixon Timothy Liang Wu§ Wanwen Wu, MagnaCumLaude Yi Zhe Wu, CumLaude Kaitlyn Pamela Wulfken‡ Brendan Wylie Alexander Noble Wynn Edward McGowan Wyrwicz,

Won Seok Yoon Crystal Shaojay Yu† Jia Xin Yu, SummaCumLaude Fang Yuan Yelena Yukhvid, MagnaCumLaude Daniel Hongmin Yun Emily Christine Yunkun Paul Zablowski* Bryan Kenneth Maguire Zaramba,

Margaret Hannah Wyschogrod,

Joseph John Zatkovich IV Jennifer Pearle Zeheb, CumLaude Brendan James Zehnder, SummaCumLaude* Marc Victor Zemel, MagnaCumLaude‡ Aleksey Mikhailovich Zemmel§ Ji Hye Clarice Zeon† Karen Ileana Zepeda Lu Zhang, MagnaCumLaude Rui Zhang, CumLaude† Shuochen Zhang Wenji Zhang YiFeng Zhang‡ Katherine D. Zhao§ Zeqiang Zhao, MagnaCumLaude Alan Zhou, MagnaCumLaude* Yi Zhou Enoch Zhu Yanci Zhu Owen Ferdinand Ziegler,

CumLaude CumLaude

Yaoyubai Xiao, CumLaude Dianping Xu, MagnaCumLaude† Yuzhao Xu Michael Ilan Yakuel Rae’e Yamin, CumLaude Yige Yan, MagnaCumLaude† Di Yang§ Katherine Kai-Lin Yang† Sae Lin Christina Yang Sou Hee Yang, MagnaCumLaude† Tao Yang Adrienne Marie Yangas‡ Christopher John Yanish§ Chang Yao‡ Sheung Ting Mazy Yap Noel Yarze, CumLaude Na Ye† Chia Li Cleo Yeh Alan Tien Yeo, CumLaude‡ Stacey Lynn Yesenosky Alissa Michelle Yi Jimmy Yi Peter Yi Steven Kwon Yi Emily Blaine Yoerger‡ Janice K. Yong, CumLaude



Jessica Lynn Ziemek, CumLaude Michael Louis Zimmerman, CumLaude‡ Alexandra Thorey Zimmermann‡ Eleni Zneimer Oriana Zoghbi Harb Amanda Ann Zuazua Lillian Aniela Zulueta†

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences MASTER OF ARTS (M.A.) Sarah Abravanelli, B.A., B.A.‡ Nicole Margaret Acciavatti, B.A. Aarushi Aggarwal§ Deniz Alaçam‡ Layla Abdulaziz Eissa Ibrahim Almandoos Albalooshi Selena Ali Taliento, B.A.‡ Abdullah Abdulaziz Almana, B.S.B.A.‡ Abel Djassi Amado, B.A.‡ Sarah Inae An, B.A. Revathi Ananthakrishnan, Ph.D. Asrianti Mira Anggraeni Banu Aras† David Lee Askenazi, B.A.‡ Lara Ayad, B.A.‡ Gurmeet Bajaj§ Chase Lee Baker, B.A. Shaun Michael Baker, B.S., M.A. Ji Won Bang Keith Barbato, B.S. Jessica Marie Barnes, B.S. Christopher Bartolome, B.A. Jasmeen Batra‡

Fred Bayles, B.S. Julianna Becker, B.A. Muhammed Benli Solomon Michael Berman, B.S.‡ Clare Sullivan Bernard, B.S.† Justine Lavallée Berti, B.A.‡ Tong Bi, B.S.§ Jonathan Binstock, B.A.‡ Jaime Elizabeth Blackmon, B.A. Jesse Westlund Blaisdell, B.A., J.D.‡ Ruth Nevada Bluestone, B.A.§ Grai Peace Bluez, B.A. Shiva Bolourchi, B.A. Matthew D. Bolt, B.S. Neil Carlos Borland, B.A.† Michelle Lee Bourgeois, B.A. Amelia Cathryn Bourne, B.S.† George Stelian Brova, B.A. Yulia Bubnova, A.B.‡ James Toshio Sakai Burchill, B.A.‡ Jeremy Hill Butman, B.A.‡ Devin Lee Byker, B.A.‡ Rui Cai, B.Ec.†

*Degree earned with distinction in concentration

January 2012 graduate



Elizabeth Sullivan Cameron, B.A.† Eric John Camire, B.S. Christopher Dorian William Campbell, B.A.‡ Thomas Matthew Campbell, B.B.A.‡ Eric Christian Carlson, B.S.§ Luis Carrasco, B.S.C.E.† Esat Doruk Cetemen‡ Erin Anne Chapman, B.A.‡ Shuoyi Chen, M.S. Tzu Hua Chen‡ Yang Chen‡ Esther Yoon Chung, B.A. Sarah Chung, B.S.† Benjamin Jackson Clark, B.S.‡ Chelsea Marcia Cogan, B.A. Amanda Lyn Colby, B.A.† Matthew James Collins, B.Mus., B.A. Scott Lenz Condren, A.B.† Emily Anne Cottrell, B.A. Peter Grant Courtright, B.A.† Ameliah Lorrin Croft, B.A. Patrick Thomas Culhane, B.A.‡

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


graduate school of arts & Sciences

Juliana Da Costa Plaster† Maria Bernarda Dall’Aglio‡ Sandra Amelia Daniel, B.A.‡ Nicholas Stephen Danis, B.A., B.S.‡ Shamael Rabia Dastagir, B.A. Sayondeep Deb, B.S.‡ Raquel Elizabeth DeBartolo, B.A. Nicole Kristine Delgado, B.A. Roman Demerzhan, B.A.‡ Deniz Demirci† Zayd Assim Ismail Jawad Derweesh, B.Sc.† Seema Mukesh Desai, B.Sc.‡ Amanda Nicole Devane, B.A. Brett Thomas DiBenedictis, B.S.† Catherine J. Dimas, B.A. Kaitlin Cynthia Dinota, B.S.† Bryan Christopher DiStefano, B.A. Amreena Jaffar Diwan† Erin Ross Doherty, B.A. Jennifer Bridget Doherty, B.A. Ewan Streets Douglas, B.S.‡ Alexander Krusin Draine, B.A. Abaigeal M. Duda, A.B.‡ Aditya Dugar‡ Lauren Danielle Eckenroth, B.A. Jordan Lee Eisenback, B.A. Shintawati Elizabeth§ Girma Tsegaye Endale, B.A. Danielle M. Enserro, B.A. Nelsa Leonor Estrella, B.S. Ethan Henry Fahy, B.A.‡ Rocio Falcones Bordallo§ Hua Fan§ Qiushi Fang Xian Fang Lauren Michelle Farrell, B.S. Rainer Alexander Felder Chen Feng§ Ashley Ferrer, B.A.† Michael Joseph Figuccio, B.A., B.S. Clara Eleanore Fletcher, B.S.‡ Kathryn Hannon Franich, B.A.‡ Meryl Inez Franklin, B.A.† Amanda Marie Frink, B.A.† Shuting Fu† Zhe Fu‡ Jared Killian Fujii, B.A. Alan Gabel, Sc.B.‡ Xiaying Gao† Florian Pierre Gargaillo Michael Robert Garrison, B.A.‡ Victoria Louise Gau, B.A. Michael David Gechter, B.A. Leann Katharine Gehlke, B.A.† Kun Geng Hanna Gerlovin, B.A. Debanjali Ghosh, B.A.† Jason Thomas Godfrey, B.A. Gareth Goh, B.Sc. Perin Gokce† Jose Santiago Gomez Monte† Yun Gou§ J. Kingsley Greenland III, B.A.‡ Yingying Gu‡ Mozhu Guan, B.G.S. Haifan Guo§ Wangshu Guo Zirui Guo, B.A. Jacqueline Michele Gushue, B.A.

Jeffrey David Gustafson, B.A.† Collin James Haberl, B.A.† Megan Joyanne Hacker, B.A. Molly Nicole Hale, B.A.§ Satgin Seraj Hamrah, B.A., M.P.A. Han Han† Ling Han§ Mifrah Haq† Jianming He† Qian He, B.A. Shiwen He† Laurel Jo Heggernes, B.A. Margaret Driscoll Helms, B.A.† Sarah Elizabeth Henly-Thomas, B.A.† Bernardita Maria Henriquez Ricke† Nina Vanessa Hildebrand, M.A.‡ Alexander McGavock Hill, B.A.† Edward Tayloe Hill, B.A. Brian Evan Hoffman, B.A.† Caroline A. Holcomb, B.A. Colin Beattie Howard, B.S.† Nan Hu† Xin Huang, B.A.† Yan Huang† Ma De La Azucena Huebe Espin† Clayton Russell Hunter, B.A.† Sarah Emily Hunter, B.A. Warren David Hynson, B.A.‡ Gina Marie Iacobelli, B.A.‡ Momoko Ichikawa Alexander Ivanishev‡ Carolyn Dicey Jennings Fanglin Jiang§ Muying Jiang, B.S.§ Shen Jing, B.A.‡ Ian Michael Johnson, B.S. Henry Horatio Joyce, A.B. Evan Thomas Judd, B.S. Michael Kahn, B.A., M.S.‡ Sima Kalmens, B.A. Rong Hui Kan‡ Ji Yeon Kang‡ Gul Karaduman Nilufer Ipek Karyagdi‡ Clarissa Ann Keen, B.A. Caroline Suzanne Kelley, B.A. Johnathan Irving Kelly, B.A.§ Gail Nia Kemp, A.B., M.P.H.‡ Jesse Michael Keppley, B.A.§ Udit Mohan Khanna§ Lawrence Namkyun Kim, B.S. Na Yeon Kim‡ Youran Kim, B.S.E.‡ Amelia Elisabeth Kimball, A.B. Alexander Luke Kitt, B.S., B.A. Sabrina Alyse Klein, B.A. Sarah Sinicropi Klein, B.A.‡ Aaron Tristan Knapp, B.A., J.D.‡ Jordan Douglas Kokot, B.A. Catherine Mary Kozelka, B.A. Zarina Krebayeva§ Michael Kruskal, B.S., M.S.E.‡ Hyosung Kwon Oh Hyun Kwon, A.B.‡ Sean Michael Lacey, B.S.† Andrew Edison Lai, A.B.‡ Marineh Lalikian, B.A. Conor J. Lally, B.S.† Alex Hunter Lang, B.S. Joseph William Larkin, B.S.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Timothy James Layton, B.A. Katie Elizabeth Lazuk, B.A. Rachael Marie Leary, B.A.‡ Jenna Danielle Leavitt, B.A.‡ Joohyun Lee† Maysoon Lehmeidi, B.A.‡ Jocelyn Elizabeth Levin, B.A.‡ Daniel Li, B.A.§ Li Li† Nicholas Young Li, B.A.† Sijie Li§ Simin Li Xueting Li‡ Yang Li, B.A.‡ Ying Li, B.A.‡ Pak Kau Lim, B.S. Chia-Jung Lin Shuheng Lin, B.S. Jie Ling Michael Louis Litano, B.S. Bochi Liu, B.A.‡ Kevin Liu, B.A.‡ Quan Liu Sizhe Liu§ Tianqiang Liu‡ Tzu-Ping Liu‡ Xiaojun Liu§ Peter Chi-Cheong Lo, B.A.‡ Yi Luan‡ Nicholas Edward Williams Lubbers, B.S.† Jason Paul Lucas, B.A., B.A. Amber M. Ludwig, B.A.‡ Xiao Luo† Jiajing Ma§ Arthur Alastair MacConochie, B.A. Donald A. MacDonald, A.B., J.D. Chad Allen Madsen, B.A. Dylan Solomon Maguire, B.A. Stephanie Jane Maiocco, B.S. Rufat Chingiz Mammadyarov, B.A. Prem Manghanmal Chattani, B.A. Bradley Earl Markano, B.A.‡ Gretchen Hague Markiewicz, B.A., B.A.† Lauren Elizabeth Masak Amanda Alexandra Daly Mathews, B.A. Serena Hoikuen Mau, B.A.† Jenna Kathleen McGrath, B.A.† Perry Walter McManis, B.B.A.‡ Kathleen G. Mcnamara, B.A. Bhaven Mehta, B.A. Nathanael Raymond Meneer, B.Mus.† Kathryn Anna Mesh, B.A.‡ Lei Miao, B.A., B.A.§ Samantha Wakefield Michalka, B.S.‡ Oskar Tadeusz Milik, B.A. Lauren Michelle Miller, B.S.‡ Katherine Maria Minakov, B.A. Sophia K. Mizouni† Junghwan Mok Annan Michael Mozeika, B.S. Martha C. Muniz, B.A. Nairika D. Murphy§ Tomoko Nagakura Virginia Nasika§ Nigel R. Nation, B.S.‡ Elizabeth Ann Nelli, B.A.† Shayna Rae Nestor, M.S. Huy Xuan Nguyen, B.S., B.A. Thien Tai Thanh Nguyen, B.A.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


graduate school of arts & Sciences

Isadora Kriegel Nicholas† Lisa Nip, B.A. Erin Hyde Nolan, B.A.† Catherine Elizabeth Nordstrom, B.A. Bryan Ellis Norwood, B.A., B.Arch.‡ Vanessa Sarah Obourn, B.A.‡ Michael Williamson O’Boyle, B.A.† Brian Oh, B.A.† Indu Ohri, B.A. Jason William Olejarz, B.S.‡ Christopher Paul O’Neil, B.A.‡ Georg Andreas Onodi, B.A.‡ Michael David Orr, B.A.† Colleen Ortiz, B.Mus. Robin Taylor Osten, B.A.‡ Ibrahim Oumarou, B.A.‡ Danielle Marie Pahud‡ Joseph Nicholas Palmisano, B.A., M.P.H.† Feifei Pan§ Weiwei Pan† Saachi Pande§ Mary Patricia Papows, B.A. Kyounghoon Park‡ Won Myung Park‡ Yang Shin Park Setari Parsa, B.A. Qinzeng Peng Yangyi Peng§ Gaia Penteriani Maria Francisca Perez Veyl Elisabeth Ruth Perlman, B.A. Katherine Elizabeth Peruzzini, B.A. Dai Le Trang Pham§ Lauren Jacqueline Piña, B.A. Joel Lester Pinsker, B.A. Sergio Mauricio Poblete Vargas Daniel Michael Podgorski, B.S. George N. Popham, B.A., M.A. Avantika Prabhakar‡ Brendan Stewart Pratt, B.A.‡ Andrew Richard Proffitt, B.S. Bridget A. Pulice, B.A. Qiao Qiao† Leisa Mabel Quiñones Oramas† Erick Shane Rabin, B.A. Ryean Moayedzadeh Rad, B.A. Kristin Michelle Radcliffe, B.A.‡ Mamtha S. Raj, B.A. Maria Ramirez-Lopez, B.A., M.A. Karen Rebecca Reichgott, B.A. Sebastian Christoph Remi Gretchen Olson Reynolds, A.B. Joao Pedro Ribeiro Dos Santos† Erik Andrew Richardson, A.B.‡ Jennifer Marline Rodríguez Báez Maya Rosen, B.A.‡ Shoshana Eve Rosenthal, B.A. Zachary Alex Rotfus, B.A. John Roush, B.S.‡ Faina Rozental, B.A.‡ Ryan Paul Ruikka, B.A. Robert John Russo, B.A.† William Chounghoon Ryu‡ Louis Hedwig Joris Cornelius Sabbe‡ Claire Ellen Sadar, B.A. Sarah Nicole Sadrakula, B.A. Shakhida Sadyrova‡ Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo‡

Lindsay Catherine Sansom, B.A.† Siddharth Sarma‡ Yasemin Satir Lea Yassamin Savoji, B.S.† Serhan Sayin§ Marissa Ann Scatena, B.A. Gene L. Schlack, B.A.† Terri Lynn Scott, B.A. Lindsey M. Seaver, B.A.† Rachel Marie Seely, B.A.‡ Katherine Eileen Shanahan, B.S.§ Jonis Shehu, B.S.‡ Elizabeth Ann Muske Sherva Dale Dimon Shidemantle, B.A. Tanmay Shukla Aliza Hayat Sial, B.S. Brett Adam Sidelinger, B.S. Grayson Keith Sieg, B.A. Anushka Danielle Silva, B.A.† James Brian Silva, B.Sc.‡ Talya Kayla Silver, B.A. Rizki Nauli Siregar‡ Evangelia Irene Sloth, B.A.† Nathaniel Benjamin Soule, B.S.† Brian Jonars Besana Spielberg, B.A., B.A. Casey L. Stevens, B.A. Kimberly Anne Stradal, B.A.§ Elena Gennadyevna Strekalova, B.S., B.S., M.S.‡ Andrew Clare Strikwerda, B.A.† Christine Elizabeth Stuart, B.A. Carling I. Sturino, B.A.‡ Hye Sun Sul‡ Chun Yi Sum, B.A.‡ Kathryn Eva Summo, B.S. Luyang Sun Hyun Suk Sung Shannon Dolan Supitkowsky, B.A. Kensuke Suzuki, M.P.P.M.‡ Edward Ronald Sywulka, B.M. Kristin Lynn Szuhany, B.A. Leyong Tan‡ Alina Tanbayeva, B.A. Xiaojing Tang Karishma Thawani Jason Michael Thole, B.A. Laura Whitney Thomas, B.A. Sean Michael Tobyne, B.A.‡ Carla Tokman Niza Alejandra Tonarely, B.A. Sarata Lisette Toriola, B.A. Alanna Torres, B.A. Brittainy Kathleen Tousley Pond, B.A. Gordon Robert Towne, B.A. Thomas Walter Trembley, B.A.§ Tsung-Po Tsai† Andre George Tutundjian, B.A.‡ Tania Tzelnic, B.A. Galiya Urymkhanova‡ Rucha Prashant Vankudre, B.A.† Elizabeth Anne Vazquez, B.A.§ Pablo Andrés Villalobos Dintrans‡ Margaret Joanna Virzi, B.A.† Daniel Volovik, A.B.† Daniel von Allmen, B.A.† Candace Leigh Walsh, B.A.† Chan Wang, B.A.‡ Chao Wang§

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Chenzhi Wang§ Huaiyuan Wang† Jue Wang† Siyang Wang† Yang Wang† Yiqun Wang§ Matthew A. Wargo, B.A.† Tyler Campbell Warrick, B.S. Ryan David Weberling, B.A., B.A. Maximilian Johannes Weidl† Russell Michael Weinstein, A.B. Carl William Weitkamp, B.A.† Gregory William Weitzner, B.A.† Boyang Wen Jordan Robert Wilkinson, B.S.† Amanda Katherine Winchester, B.A. Thomas Taejun Woo, B.S.‡ Paul Stephen Wozniak, B.S. Samantha Carrie Wright, B.A.§ Hongwei Wu‡ Linxi Wu John Robert Wyatt, B.A. Patricia MacMorris Xi, B.A. Zheng Xiang, M.S. Fenglong Xiao Han Xiao‡ Zinan Xie§ Dianping Xu, B.A.† Haiyan Xu Jiewei Xu Jing Xu† Wenxi Xu, B.S.§ Xuejie Xu§ Yanbei Xu† Yiming Xu† Raymond Ting Gee Yan, B.Sc., M.S. Xin Yan, B.A.§ Dongliang Yang, M.S.‡ Nuo Yang† Qinsha Yang Tuo Yang‡ Han Ye† Alan Tien Yeo, B.A.‡ Bolatbek Yeraliyev Haoran Yin‡ David Guy York Jr., B.S. Katherine Bermingham Young, A.B.‡ Jia Xin Yu, B.A. Xinrui Yu Omar Zeid, B.A.‡ Zhe Zhai, B.Ec.§ Mengxi Zhang Xuan Zhang‡ Xueqiao Zhang† Yashi Zhang‡ Yi Zhang‡ Zhenzhong Zhang, B.A.§ Jingjing Zhao† Mengqi Zhao§ Rongrong Zhao‡ Yuanyuan Zhao† Li Zhou† Qitai Zhou, B.S.‡ Yuchen Zhou‡ Liang Zhu‡ Logen Choma Zimmerman, B.A., M.S. Michael Louis Zimmerman, B.A.‡ Li Zou§

Tentative September 2012 graduate


graduate school of arts & Sciences

MASTER OF ARTS (M.A.) Overseas International Relations Hannelore Ilse Heinz Nevena Kostic†

Preben Verberkt‡

Jason C. Wright, B.S.

MASTER OF FINE ARTS (M.F.A.) Katherine Anne Ayars, B.F.A.† Ashley Ellen Chow, B.A.† Morgan Taylor Cotton, A.B.‡ Charles Alfred Donate, B.A.† Antonio Coronel Elefano, Jr., B.A., J.D.‡ William Andrew Ewell, B.A.‡ Peter Martin Floyd, S.B.† James Edward Gavin, B.A.† Deirdre Ann Girard, B.A., C.A.G.S.‡

John Edward Greiner-Ferris, B.F.A.‡ Sophie Summertown Grimes, B.A.‡ Lisa Harri Hiton, B.S.‡ Elisabeth Rachel Houston, B.A.† Jeff Howe, B.S.J.† Lara Markward Hellie Jacobs, B.A.‡ Langston Jay Kerman, B.A.‡ Daniel Edward Kraines, B.A.‡

Nicholas Peter Leonard, B.F.A.† Stacy Hilton Mattingly, B.A.† Theodore James McLemore, B.A.‡ Phuong Binh Le Nguyen, B.A., B.A., M.A.‡ Calvin Dale Olsen, B.A.‡ Laina Mullin Pruett, B.A., B.A.‡ Rebekah Stout, B.M.‡

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.)* Evan Michael Appleton, B.S. Chet Bradley Birger, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Rishi Ganguly, B.E., M.Eng. Yu Fei Li, B.S.† Carol L. Munroe, A.B., M.A., M.A.T., Ph.D.

Alexandria R. Papa, B.Sc.‡ Bonny Pravin Patel, B.S. Juan Carlos Ramirez Tapia, B.S. Matthew Charles Schu, B.S., M.S.Ed.† Simone Sciabola‡

Sivasish Sindiri Badri Narayan Vardarajan, M.S.† Viktor Nikolaev Vasilev, B.S.† Ran Xue

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Cesar Gabriel Abarca-Guevara, B.A., M.S.W., “Securing Work and Keeping the Family Together: A Study of Latino Immigrants in New Mexico”† Ingólfur Ágústsson, M.A., “Satellite Galaxies as Probes of Dark Matter Halos”† Stephen Peter Amato, B.S., “The Role of Bioenergy Sensing in Neuronal Polarization and Synaptogenesis” Eric Rosell Anderson, B.A., “A Computational Study of Regional Variations in the Excitability of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons that Have Differential Vulnerability in Parkinson’s Disease”† Myriam Sonia Laure Arcangeli, “For Water, Food, Tables, and Health: The Colonial Ceramic Culture of Guadeloupe, French West Indies” Andrew Barton Armstrong, B.A., “The Japanese ‘GhettoGangsta’: Searching for Prestige in Kansai Hip Hop Performance” Byoung Ho Bae, M.A., “Three Essays on Banking Frictions, Uncertainty and Business Cycles” Timothy Robert Barnes, B.S., “Visual Depth Perception from Texture Accretion and Deletion: A Neural Model of FigureGround Segregation and Occlusion” Anna Michele Barry, B.A., B.S., M.S., “Vortex Crystals in Fluids” Clinton Frederick Becker, B.A., “Biophysical Investigation of Bacterial Cytochrome c Peroxidase by Protein Film Voltammetry and Spectroscopy”† Maren Behrensen, “Justifying Exclusion: Political Membership and the Nation-State”† Kristin Marie Smith Bezio, B.A., M.A., “King and Corpus: Performance and Monarchy in Early Modern Drama”† Shai Biderman, “Philosofilm: Towards a Cinematic Philosophy” Eric Paul Bishop, B.S., “Characterization of Chromatin Architecture and the Mechanism of Dosage Compensation”*

Anne M. Blaschke, B.A., M.A., “Racing to Win: Women Track and Field Athletes in American Political Culture, 1928–1978” Jan Joseph Blom, B.S., “Characterization of the Nitric Oxide and Adrenomedullin Signaling Pathways in Normal and Diabetic Mouse Retina”† Kaca Bradonjic, B.S., M.A., “Unimodular Conformal and Projective Relativity” Ryan Alton Brawn, B.A., “Enantioenriched Allenylsilanes as Building Blocks for Stereocontrol in Organic Synthesis”† Briana K. Brown, B.S., M.A., “Small-Scale Community Structure and Trophic Ecology of Groundfishes in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Under Two Anthropogenic Disturbance Regimes” Edward Robert Brzostek, B.A., “Proteolytic Enzyme Activity in Soils: Interactive Effects of Soil Temperature and Moisture, Substrate Availability, and Mycorrhizal Fungi”† Anthony Bak Buccitelli, B.A., M.A., “Remembering Our Town: Social Memory, Folklore, and (Trans) Locality in Three Ethnic Neighborhoods in Boston” Brian Anthony Buzzella, B.A., M.A., “The Initial Evaluation of a Relationship Education Program for Male Same-Sex Couples”† David Byrne, B.E., M.S., “Genetic and Environmental Perturbation Effects on Metabolic Networks and Engineering Objectives”* Joshua David Campbell, B.A., M.S., “Genome-wide Characterization of MicroRNA and Gene Expression Patterns in Smoking-Related Lung Disease”* Katherine Lynch Carroll, B.A., M.A., “Modernizing the American Medical School, 1893–1940: Architecture, Pedagogy, Professionalization, and Philanthropy” Dane Jason Cash, B.A., M.A., “The Forgotten Debate: American Political Opinion Journals and the Korean War, 1950–1953”†

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


graduate school of arts & Sciences

Paul Scott Cassell, B.A., M.Ed., “A Semiotic and Emergent Theory of Religious Communities”† Maria Isabel Castro Escudero, M.A., “Raúl Andrade, Crítico de la Modernidad: Un Estudio de sus Crónicas”† Kim Celone Willment, B.S., M.A., “Characterizing the BrainBehavior Basis of Habit Learning in Women with Eating Disorders”† Jeremy Charles Chaufty, B.A., “Protein Sorting and Trafficking by Neuronal Adaptor Proteins: Characterization of a Conserved Dendritic Targeting Motif on Kv4 Channels and Endocytic Sorting of Amyloid Precursor Protein by Mint2/ X11L”† Hui-Wen Cheng, “Semantic and Phonological Activation in First and Second Language Reading” Hyo-Youn Chu, “Three Essays on Investments and International Trade” Sungju Chun, M.A., “Three Essays on Statistical Inference for Stock Return Predictions and Capital Asset Pricing Models”† Devora Cohen-Karni, M.Sc., “The MspJI Family of Restriction Endonucleases—Characterization, Mechanism and Application” Huan Cong, B.S., “Development and Applications of DielsAlder Cycloadditions of 29-Hydroxychalcones”† Sarah Laure Darghouth, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.A., “Marital Status, Family Processes and Mental Health Among Latinos in the United States”† Susan L. DeHoff, B.S., M.Ed., M.Div., “Distinguishing Mystical Religious Experience From Psychotic Experience in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)” Candice Corinne Delmas, M.A., “The Duty to Disobey” Olga V. Demler, M.A., M.S., “Impact of New Variables on Discrimination of Risk Prediction Models” Charles Anderson Demm, B.A., M.Div., “John E. Smith as Pragmatic Philosophical Theologian” Cecile Gunn Desmond, A.B., M.Div., “Spiritual Growth and Decline After Trauma: The Mediating Role of Benevolence Beliefs” Mark Edward Dickison, B.S., “Dynamic and Interacting Complex Networks” Tzoulia Dimitriou, B.A., M.A., “Funny Love: Images of Aphrodite in Old Comedy”† Qi Ding, M.A., “Statistical Topics Relating to Computer Network Anomaly Detection”† Catalina Donoso Pinto, “Infancia Marginal en el Cine Hispanoamericano (1950–1969)”† Edmund Madison Douglass, B.S., “The Galaxy Cluster Environments of Wide Angle Tail Radio Sources”† Alexandra Dumitriu, M.S., “Genome-Wide Expression and Genomic Data Integration Analyses in Sporadic Parkinson Disease”* Tyler Adam Dunn, B.S., “Nonlinear Dynamics in Micromechanical and Nanomechanical Resonators and Oscillators” Elizabeth R. Ellwood, B.S., M.S., “Climate Change and Species Phenology at Three Trophic Levels” Ceren Ergenc, “Public Hearings as a Venue for Representation and Participation in Reform Era China”† Lucia Esposito, “Theoretical Essays on Delay, Policy Interactions and Information Disclosure”† Yue Fan, M.A., “Machine Learning Methods in Construction of Transcriptional Regularity Networks”† Sarah E. Farkas, B.A., “Uniting Right and Duty: Hegel’s Critical Appropriation of Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals” Matthew Teague Ferenc, B.S., M.S., “The Effects of Shockwaves on Cultured Mammalian Neurons and Their Implications for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury”† Juan Gabriel Fernandez Garcia-Huidobro, “Three Essays on Competition and Health Insurance Markets”† Hege C. Finholt, “The Sovereign Nation-State: A Reconsideration in Light of European Integration”†

Susanna Catherine Finn, Sc.B., M.A., “Molecular Line Observations of Infrared Dark Clouds in the Galaxy”† Bret Fortenberry, B.A., “A Neural Model of Head Direction Calibration During Spatial Navigation: Learned Integration of Visual, Vestibular, and Motor Cues”† Elizabeth N. Fucetola, A.B., M.A., “Determining Meteoroid Properties Using Head Echo Observations from the Jicamarca Radio Observatory”† Katherine Garcia-Sage, B.S., M.A., “Effects of Ionospheric Oxygen on Magnetospheric Structure and Dynamics”† Daniel Edward Gastler, B.S., M.A., “Design of Single Phase Liquid Argon Detectors for Dark Matter Searches” Megan Elaine Gibbons, B.A., M.A., “Speaking Out from Within: Ana Caro and Her Role as a Woman Writer in Seventeenth-Century Spain”† Amanda Lea Gibeau, B.S., M.A., “Synthesis and Reactivity of Nonconjugated 1,n-Dialkynyl Systems”† Amanda Kate Nam Gibson, B.A., M.A., “Gender Differences in the Social Networks of Science and Engineering Graduate Students”† Julie Zeskind Gil, B.S., M.Eng., “Gene Expression Alterations Associated with Progression of Emphysema and Small Airway Disease in Smokers with COPD”†* Mary Stephanie Golden, B.S., “Use of Angle-Resolved Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRi) for the Characterization of Protein Binding Dynamics”† Theodora Esther Goss, B.A., J.D., M.A., “The Monster in the Mirror: Late Victorian Gothic and Anthropology”† Adam Chapin Gower, B.S., “Discovering Biological Connections Between Experimental Conditions Based on Common Patterns of Differential Gene Expression”* Kerri K. Greenidge, M.A., “Bulwark of the Nation: The Northern Black Press, Political Radicalism, and Civil Rights, 1859–1909” John Richard Tietze Grey, B.A., “Spinoza’s Account of Composition” Michael F. Hamburger, B.A., M.A., “The Poetics of Charity and Relief: The Problem of Poverty and Aid to the Poor in the Development of the Early Romantic Lyric”† Loren L. Hansen, B.S., “Computational Analysis of Chromatin Features Associated with Transcription and Recombination in Yeast”†* Stephen William Hartley, B.A., “Bayesian Methods for Multivariate Modeling of Pleiotropic Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Genetic Risk Prediction” Douglas Lawrence Hayden, B.A., M.A., “Causality, Uncertainty, and Falsification in Clinical Research” Christopher John Hein, B.S., “Styles of Coastal Evolution in Response to Holocene Changes in Sea Level and Sediment Supply”† Audrey Eleanor Hendricks, B.A., B.M., M.A., “Exploration of Gene Region Simulation, Correction for Multiple Testing, and Summary Methods”† Rafael Stockschneider Hipolito, B.S., M.A., “Relaxation and Thermalization of Nonequilibrium Quantum Systems in the Semiclassical Limit”† Man Ho Ho, “On the Differential Grothendieck-RiemannRoch Theorems” Sean Michael Horan, A.B., “Three Models of Procedural Choice”† Matthias Imboden, “Diamond Nanoelectromechanical Resonators: Dissipation and Superconductivity” Pablo Santiago Jarrin Valladares, M.A., “Species Boundaries in Bats: A Philosophical, Morphometric, Environmental and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genera Anoura, Carollia and Sturnira”† Larissa Ariana Jarzylo, B.A., “The Role of Glutamate Transporters and the Scaffolding Protein IQGAP1 in the Regulation of AMPA Receptor Trafficking and Turnover”

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


graduate school of arts & Sciences

Carolyn Dicey Jennings, B.A., M.A., “Attention, Subject, and World”† Yohan Joshua John, B.Sc., M.Sc., “A Neural Network Model of Reinforcement-Driven Acquisition and Performance of Timed Action Switching in Corticostriatal Circuits”† Paul Edward Karner, B.A., B.S., “Family Networks and Household Outcomes in an Economic Crisis” Sohrob Kazerounian, B.S.Eng., B.S., “A Laminar Cortical Model of Conscious Speech Perception: Phonemic Restoration and Speech Category Learning”† Douglas C. Kierdorf, B.A., “Social, Political and Economic Life in the Post-Conquest Kingdom of Valencia: La Plana de Catelló” Charles M. Kieswetter, B.A., “Cryptic Diversity, Landscape Genetics and Diversification in the Pristimantis w-nigrum Species Complex” Hee Kyung Kim, M.Div., “Dialectical Harmony of the Self and the Other: Implications of Philosophical and Religious Anthropology for Social Justice and Fundamental Ethics”† Albert Rice LaFarge, B.A., M.A., “A Fine and Growing Art: Norman Mailer, William Styron, and James Jones in Conversation”† Andres Larrain Hubach, “Pseudodifferential Bundles” Thomas M. Laudate, B.A., M.A., “Visual Correlates of Functional Difficulties in Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease”† Joseph Peter Laycock, B.A., M.T.S., “The Church and the Seer: Veronica Lueken, the Bayside Movement, and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy”† Shane Lee, B.S., “Interactions of Gamma Frequency Rhythms in Computational Models of Primary Auditory Cortex” Jee-Yeon Kim Lehmann, B.A., M.A., “Essays on Discrimination in the Labor and Legal Markets”† Carolyn Ritterson Lew, B.S., “Non-Glycolytic Roles for Aldolase in Actin-Dependent Cellular Processes” Aaron David Lewis, B.A., M.A., “The Superhero Afterlife Subgenre and Its Hermeneutics for Selfhood Through Character Multiplicity” Terrence Omar Lewis, B.A., M.S.W., “The Phenomenon of LGBT Affirming Black Churches and Their Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Black America”† Rong Li, M.S., “Synchrony of Time Series, with Applications to Surveillance Data”† Jianxun Lin, M.A., “Probing RNA Structure and RNA-Protein Interactions Using Nanopore Force Spectroscopy”† Monica Wong Link, B.A., “What’s Wrong with the Problem of Moral Luck?”† Chen Liu, M.A., “Variational Methods and Their Applications to Frustrated Quantum Spin Models” Mengkun Liu, “Ultrafast Far-Infrared Studies of Vanadates— Multiple Routes for an Insulator to Metal Transition” Jeremy Robert Love, B.S., M.A., “A Search for Technicolor at the Large Hadron Collider”† Amber M. Ludwig, B.A., M.A., “Becoming Emma Hamilton: Portraiture and Self-Fashioning in Late Enlightenment Europe”† Matthew David Lynes, B.A., “Control of CD36 Phosphoryla­ tion by Global Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase Mediates Intestinal Adaptations to High-Fat Diet”† John Joseph Magee IV, A.B., M.A., “Adaptable Interfaces for People with Motion Disabilities”† Yin Hing Mak, M.A., “Information Asymmetry, Public Report, and Regulation”† Michael L. Mann, B.A., M.A., “Agricultural Rents, Ecosystem Services, and Land-Use Incentives in the Brazilian Amazon”† Scott Mitchel Marr, B.A., “Urban Encounters and the Religious Divide: Catholic-Protestant Coexistence in Saumur, France, 1589–1665”†

Gillian P. Mason, B.A., “Porn Is the Theory: Pornography, Obscenity and the Politics of Affect in the American Sexual Revolution”† Varun Mazumdar, M.S., “Metabolism in the Human Microbiome, From the Single Organism to the Community Level”* Mary Arla McCleary, B.A., M.A., “Textual Composition and the Macbeth, Othello, and Falstaff of Shakespeare and Verdi” Michael Edward McGuire, B.A., “An Ephemeral Relationship: American Non-Governmental Organizations, the Reconstruction of France, and Franco-American Relations, 1914–1924”† Rebecca Kathryn McHugh, B.A., M.A., “Assessing the Amplification of Distress: Factor Analytic, Experimental, and Genetic Evaluation of Distress Intolerance”† James Michael McNerney, B.A., B.A., M.A., “Applications of Statistical Physics to Technology Price Evolution” Jennifer A. Meade, B.A., M.S.W., “Who Has the Power? Diversity and Discourse Within Domestic Violence Organizations”† John David Metz, B.A., M.A., “ ‘Room for Improvement, but No Room for Progress’: The Material Basis of the Economic Transition in the Georgia Piedmont, 1880–1910”† Xiaopeng Miao, M.S., “Statistical Evaluation of Surrogate Markers in Randomized Clinical Trials”† Gregory D. Miles, B.S., M.S., “Identifying Dysregulated Pathways and Signatures Associated with Tumorigenesis and Survival Differences in Cancer”* Kelly Ann Mills-Dick, B.S., M.S.W., “Voices from the Street: Exploring How Older Adults and Outreach Workers Define and Mitigate Problems Associated with Urban Elder Homelessness”† David Wesley Mislin, B.A., M.T.S., “Faith Bounded and Unbounded: The Protestant Establishment, Secularism, and the Emergence of Religious Inclusiveness in America” Kyounghwan Moon, M.A., “Effects of Financial Frictions on Wealth Distribution, Capital Accumulation and Business Cycles”† Ellen Spensley Moriarty, B.A., M.A., “Classic Maya Ceramic Technology and Political Dynamics in the Central Peten Lakes Region, Guatemala”† Andrea Catharina Mosterman, “Sharing Spaces in a New World Environment: African-Dutch Contributions to North American Culture, 1626–1826”† Steven Mullenbrock, B.S., “Global Investigation of Transcriptional Programs Involved in Cell Proliferation and Differentiation”† Ruth Ann Murray, B.A., Ed.M., M.A., “Through Their Stomachs: Shakers, Food, and Business Practices in the Nineteenth Century” Raeanne Lynn Napoleon, B.S., “Understanding Small Molecule-Protein Interactions” Ana Nuevo Chiquero, M.A., “Three Essays in Demographic Economics”† James David O’Brien, B.A., M.A., “Bob Dylan’s Fugitive Writings: Selected Poetry, Prose, and Playscript 1963–64” Christopher Michael Ohge, B.A., M.A., “Paul Bowles and His Early Mentors: A Life in Letters (1930–1943) to Gertrude Stein, Aaron Copland, and Virgil Thomson” Emily Anne Pace, B.A., M.A., “Investigating Combinatorial Ligand Addiction Provides Insights into Rational Drug Combinations in Cancer Therapy” Jesse Thomas Palma, B.A., “Sigmoid Signaling and Pattern Processing by Spiking Cortical Circuits: AfterHyperpolarization Currents, Acetylcholine, and Recurrent Competitive Dynamics” Jignesh Parikh, B.S., M.S., “Interrogating Signaling Pathways Using Transcriptomic and Proteomic Data”*

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


graduate school of arts & Sciences

Karol Mateusz Pencina, “Quantification of Improvement in Risk Prediction Models” Carina Sheree Peritore, B.S., M.S., “Biological Applications of Boronate Optical Probes, Neurotoxins and Antioxidants in Neuronal Cell Culture”† Francisco Jose Pino Emhart, M.A., “Three Essays on the Political Economy of Under-Represented Groups” Michalis Potamias, M.A., “Analyzing Probabilistic Graphs”† Jessica Linn Rasmussen, B.A., M.A., “Acquisition and Impulsivity in Compulsive Hoarding”† William M. Reichmann, B.S., M.A., “Methods in Subgroup Analysis: Estimation of Risk and Implication for Randomized Controlled Trial Design” Mark Clifford Reynolds, B.S., M.S., “Security Analysis of Bytecode Interpreters Using Alloy” Esther Rheinbay, “Integrative Analysis of Histone Modification Landscape of Embryonic and Glioblastoma Stem Cells”* Ida Beatrice Rothschild, B.A., M.A., “ ‘Man’s Final Lore’: Melville’s Use of Shakespeare to Critique American Nationalism”† Susan Michelle Mosher Ruiz, B.S., M.A., “Gender Differences in Brain Structure and Function in Alcoholism”† Meaghan Kathleen Russell, B.A., M.P.H., “Molecular Mechanisms of Diaphragm Development: Implications for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia”† Eva Shirley Sanchez, B.A., M.S., “Localization and Functional Characterization of the Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Signaling Pathways in the Postnatal Rat Hippocampal Formation” Lauren Cristina Santucci, B.A., M.A., “A RandomizedControlled Trial of a One-Week Summer Treatment Program for Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder”† Dana A. Satir, B.A., M.A., “An Experimental Analysis of Alliance Focused Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa”† Elizabeth Jones Sbrocco, B.S., M.S., “A Seascape Genetics Approach to Exploring the Phylogeographic Response of Marine Fishes to Late Quaternary Climate Change” David Alexander Schaich, A.B., M.A., “Strong Dynamics and Lattice Gauge Theory”† Jude R. Schneck, B.S., M.A., “Femtosecond Electronic Dephasing and Population Relaxation of Some Novel Semiconducting Materials” Stephen Shane Scully, B.S., “Studies Towards the Diazo­ benzofluorene Natural Products: Total Synthesis of the Epoxykinamycin FL-120B”† Daniel Ryon Seichepine, B.A., A.L.A., M.A., “Vision, Perception, Visuospatial Cognition and Everyday Function in Subtypes of Parkinson’s Disease”† Christopher Anthony Serino, B.S., M.A., “Statistical Properties of Systems with Damage and Defects”† Caixia Shen, M.B.A., “Essays on Airline Economics”† Chien-Yuan Sher, “Voting Behavior and Political Campaigns” Mackenzie Allana Firer Sherwood, B.A., “Electron Transfer in Multiheme Cytochromes of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Cyma and the Dissimilatory Metal Reduction Pathway”† Toshiaki Shinozaki, M.A., “Three Essays on International Economics”† Andrew Shryock, B.M., M.M., “Handel and the Sublime: Crafting Librettos, Composing Oratorios, and Transfixing Audiences in Eighteenth-Century England” Heather Condie Shull, B.S., M.A., “Demography, Selection and Comparative Molecular Evolution in Brood Parasitic Indigobirds (Vidua Spp.) and Their Firefinch (Lagonosticta Spp.) Hosts” Monica Simal, B.A., M.A., “Tres Escritores de la ‘Generacion del Mariel’ y el Canon Literario Cubano: Reinaldo Arenas, Carlos Victoria y Guillermo Rosales”† Leslie Sandra Simon, B.A., M.A., “Novel Relations: Dickens, Narrative Realism, and Nineteenth-Century Mathematics”†

Lynell Renee Skewis, B.S., M.A., “Plasmon Coupling Based Single-Molecule Biosensors”† Zachary Colin Smith, B.A., M.A., “From the Well of the House: Remaking the House Republican Party, 1978–1994”† Christine Marie Snyder, B.S., M.A., “Wnt Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Regeneration Is Modulated by a MEF2A-Regulated miRNA Mega-Cluster” Anne Maria Socci, B.S., “Impact of Winter Climate Change on Nutrient and Water Uptake in a Northern Forest Ecosystem”† Judith Rose Spector Stern, B.A., J.D., M.A., “Evaluation of a Yoga Intervention for Music Performance Anxiety in Conservatory Students: A Pilot Study”† Jason Michael St. John, B.A., “A Search for New Resonances with the Dijet Angular Ratio Using the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment” Jack Davis Stopa, B.S., “Small Molecule Stabilization of A149P-Aldolase, the Most Prevalent Form of Aldolase B Associated with Hereditary Fructose Intolerance”† Elena Gennadyevna Strekalova, B.S., M.S., M.A., “Effects of Confinement on the Thermodynamics of Supercooled Water” Andrew Clare Strikwerda, B.A., M.A., “Metamaterial Enhanced Coupling” Razvan Sultana, M.S., “High-Throughput Genotyping and Fingerprinting of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Multi-Drug Resistant Strains”* Jian Sun, “Parameter Estimation of Coupled Water and Energy Balance Models Based on Stationarity Constraints of Soil Moisture and Temperature”† Jonathan James Szalay, B.S., “Neural Substrates of CocaineCue Extinction Learning and Consolidation in Rats” Alan Creston Taylor, B.A., M.A., “Paper Nation: American Literature and the Surveying of North America” Joel Nathan Tenenbaum, B.A., M.A., “Interdisciplinary Applications of Statistical Physics to Complex Systems: Seismic Physics, Econophysics, and Sociophysics” Denis Tkachenko, “Frequency Domain Analysis of DSGE and Stochastic Volatility Models” Nikki Georgina Traylor-Knowles, B.S., M.S., “Molecular Insights into the Stress Response of Cnidarians with a Focus on Wound Healing in the Sea Anemone Nematostella vectensis and the Coral Pocillopora damicornis”† Charikleia Tsatsaroni, M.Ed., “Political Ideology and Moral Perspectives on Invasion, Torture, and International Law: A Sociomoral Ecological Approach” Bradley Steven Turner, A.B., “Expression of Cysteine-rich Pig Gastric Mucin (MUC5AC) Domains in Pichia pastoris and Their pH-Dependent Properties” Johannes Adrianus Antonius Maria van Gorp, B.A., M.A., “Party System Change in the Netherlands: Intra-Party Cohesion, Discourse, and the Socio-Cultural Cleavage” Itai Vardi, “Normalizing Accidents: Cars, Carnage, and the Disappearance of Social Problems”† Michael J. Vincze, B.A., M.A., “Dying to Know: Five Studies on Death and Identity in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses” Brian M. Walsh, B.A., M.A., “Energetic Particles in the Earth’s Magnetospheric Cusps”† Courtney L. Weiner, B.S., M.A., “Predictors and Correlates of Sleep-Related Problems in Anxious Youth” Jolie Lauren Weingeroff, B.A., M.A., “The Course of Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and Its Subtypes in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder”† Francine Weiss, B.A., “Visual Verses: Edward Weston’s Photographs for Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, 1941– 1942” Jeremy Michael Weiss, M.A., “Strategizing for Peace: Approaches to Global Security in Crisis and War 1933– 1953” Valerie Rosen Wilson, B.A., M.A., “Attachment, Experiential Avoidance, and Mindfulness in the Narrative Disclosure Task”†

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


graduate school of arts & Sciences

Jonathan Alexander Winkler, B.S., “Improving Antibiotic Activity by Manipulating Bacterial Oxygen Species Metabolism” Francis S. Wolenski, B.A., “The NF-kappaB Signaling Pathway of the Sea Anemone Nematostella vectensis: Functional Characterization of Core Elements and Two Naturally Occurring Polymorphisms” Jie Wu, M.A., “Total Synthesis of (-)-Virginiamycin M2 and Chiral Organosilane Based Sequential Transformations to Access Polycyclic Scaffolds” Vanessa Xanthakis, “Assessing Methods for Inclusion of New Disease Markers into Risk Prediction Models”† Qinchuan Xin, “Fusion of MODIS and Landsat Data to Allow Near Real-Time Monitoring of Land Surface Change”†

Xiaoyuan Yang, “Using a Ground-Based Lidar Instrument (Echidna®) to Reconstruct Three-Dimensional Forest Structure for Biophysical and Ecological Studies”† Tian Yao, “Measuring Forest Structure and Biomass Using Echidna® Ground-Based Lidar” Georgios Zervas, “Data-Driven Analysis of Electronic Commerce Systems”† Qiang Zhang, M.S., “Total Synthesis of Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acylphloroglucinol Natural Products and Derivatives”† Weiwei Zhang, “Chinese Exceptionalism?: Conspicuous Consumption Versus Conspicuous Frugality Among the Chinese Middle Class”† Wei Zhuang, M.S., M.S., “Using Phenotyped but Ungenotyped Relatives in Genetic Association Tests”

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


College of Communication THOMAS E. FIEDLER, Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) Communication Gina Marie Abatangelo Elena Mary Acuna, MagnaCumLaude Emily J. Adams† Emily Jane Africk Sam Agoos Cassandra Elizabeth Albee, CumLaude Sana Younus Ali, CumLaude Jerusha Faith Aman, SummaCumLaude† Gabriela Catalina Arias Adam B. Azahari Lindsay Nicole Bachmann Edward Aaron Baida† John Wills Baker III† Justine Ariel Bakhshi Haley Davis Ballentine Holly Jeanne Barber, CumLaude Shirley Rebecca Afi Enam Barrett Arianne Becker Marcano Linel Roxette Bello Olivia Ruth Bennett Halee Bernard‡ Shirley Wenwei Bi, CumLaude Stephanie Bibeau Christine Marie Blain,

Ellen Ariel Cohn Allison Marie Coleman Jorge Eduardo Colindres,

Dinah Alexis Boehle, SummaCumLaude Fani Paola Bonilla Philippe Nelson Bosshart Eleanor Quinn Botelho, CumLaude† Frances Carolyn Bova Jamie Leigh Bradley Miles Dillon Branman, CumLaude Alyssa Rachel Brodie Andrew G. Bungert§ Kristen Marie Buttolph Jessica Cai, MagnaCumLaude Schyler Jean Cain Jeanevra Lynn Calhoun† Eva Frima Cantor Fuming Cao, CumLaude Delanie Alana Carney Erin Elizabeth Caron, CumLaude Laura Carmen Castro Brandon Kyle Castronovo, CumLaude Emily Marie Caulfield Antonius Chandra‡ Victoria Molly Chang,

Elizabeth Mariel Duff,



Elizabeth Victoria Chaplin‡ Angela May Chen Christopher J. Cheong, MagnaCumLaude

Christina S. Chnaider Hyun Young Choi Stephanie Marie Ciotta Lindsay Arden Cohen Michael Pearlman Cohen


Kristin Keeley Colville Molly Caitlin O’Dell Coyne, CumLaude Tommaso Gianpiero Croci Sean Richard Croegaert-Key Elissa Mae Dailey Maggie Patricia Daly Courtney Noelle Dampolo Katerine A. DeFrank Yvonne Renée deFuria Kimberly Tara Maud de Geer Jessica Nicole DeJean, CumLaude Katrina Nicole De Rosa Brian Christopher DeVito, CumLaude Britni J. Morgan Diamond Sarah Tompkins DiBella, SummaCumLaude

Jillian J. DiPhillips, CumLaude Devondra Christine Dominguez Victoria Elizabeth Donahue Katherine Courtenay Donnelly, CumLaude


Danielle Belinda Dupre† Katherine Corbin Emmett, CumLaude Nicole Veronica Farin Nathalie Felsberg John Paul Fichera Rachel Joy Finkelstein Kristiane Kvaase Fiore, MagnaCumLaude

Carly Alexandra Fitterman Timothy Jerome Flach Laura Margaret Flanagan Jasmine Florencio Prima Alexandra Formica Justin L. Franklin† Danielle Straefer Freiberg Cassandra Devon French, CumLaude Jessica Mari Friedowitz, MagnaCumLaude

William Steven Funk Ariel S. Gaknoki† Caroline Ann Ganson, CumLaude Elena García Díaz-Pinés Leechen Gershon Stephanie Elizabeth Goldman, CumLaude

Stacey Beth Goodman, MagnaCumLaude

Samantha Hope Gordon Michael C. Goyette‡ Kathryn Barry Greenthal

Katherine Hartford Grillon Alison Quon Gruosso Katherine Marie Guiney Elena Sica Gulotta Lauren Elizabeth Gumport, CumLaude† Sarah Ann Halle Joseph John Hamel Jehan Munir Hashim Patrick Anthony Hazel Celia Webster Herrera, CumLaude Elizabeth Sawyer Higgins, CumLaude† Gwendolyn Adeline Hoerman‡ Jennifer Lynn Hogrefe, MagnaCumLaude

Nicholas Robert Holden, SummaCumLaude

Kathleen Hong, MagnaCumLaude† Victoria Rose Huber Willemijn Laurine Huizing, MagnaCumLaude

Sophia Grace Hunter, CumLaude Proma Huq Claudia Yin Iao Samantha Hailey Inchausti‡ Jennifer E. Isakowitz, SummaCumLaude Xiaofei Jalette, MagnaCumLaude Riya Rajen Jhaveri Stuti Jhawar Hanah Diah Johnson, CumLaude Liat Hana Justin‡ Manpreet Kaur Kalra, CumLaude‡ Cynthia Kan Alyssa Michelle Kane Brittany Anne-Hyokon Kang† Jason Michael Kaplan, CumLaude Lindsay Morgan Kaplan Rebecca Jean Kaufman, CumLaude Michael Joseph Kelliher Bonnie Kim Kyung Mi Kim Meghan Elise Kluth Cailey Ann Kneis, SummaCumLaude† Stephen Jeremy Knox Grace Ko Emily Drew Kopit Laura Atlas Kravitz, CumLaude Leah Schley Kuhlmann Angela Kitty Kung Jeanine Leda Kutil Margaret Madden Lapp Sarah Ellen Lattrell, MagnaCumLaude Adam Gabriel Lauria Miriam Elisheva Lazoff‡ Nicholas Kevin Lee Natalie Blair Levine Jessica Carole Levitt‡

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate



Leanne Marie Lewis,

SummaCumLaude† Haley Marie Loftus, CumLaude Ashley Marie Loranger, CumLaude‡ Rebecca Ann Loya, CumLaude

Sarah Amber Luan Gellena Lukats Nicole Mariel Luna Brianna Lynch Marielle Frances Malamud Nicole Marie Maley, MagnaCumLaude Ashley H. Marand Abigail A. Maroon Susie Marquina Taylor M. Martin† David Marulanda Kelsey Leigh Mason Katherine Luberta McCabe Gabrielle Braun McGonagle, CumLaude Marie Jacqueline McGwier, CumLaude Rebecca S. McLouth Ryan Devan McPhee, CumLaude Ann Victoria Medeiros‡ Susan Mei Samantha Monica Melendez, CumLaude Kelisha Tara Menon, CumLaude Chelsea Ann Merget Anna Meskishvili Julianna Marie Michniewicz Joseph Louis Mielenhausen, MagnaCumLaude

Carly Bryn Milden, SummaCumLaude‡ Rose Arlene Milgrom† Lauren Elizabeth Minella Krista Minto Katie Mishaan Cohen Kelly Ann Molewski Brittany Adaora Faith Momah Giovanna Marie Monaco Valentina Emily Monte† Ivellisse Marie Morales Christopher Delafield Morisseau Danielle Renee Moroukian, CumLaude† Rachel Samara Moskowitz Julius Martin Moyo Colleen May Murphy, SummaCumLaude

Mary Elizabeth Murphy Brittany Erin Nahum Vernon Neo Kelly E. Nichols† Gabriela Nicolescu, SummaCumLaude Patricia Josephine Nugent, MagnaCumLaude Kelsey Oates, CumLaude†

John Joseph O’Brien Irem Defne Onel Sireedhorn Onsri Amey Elisabeth Owen Alyssa Palermo Rachael Ann Palmisano, CumLaude Ga Hyun Park NaEun Park†

Isaiah Peacott-Ricardos, MagnaCumLaude

Allison Kelly Pescatore Vitor Petrone Elyse Danielle Phelan, CumLaude Megan Elizabeth Pisani, CumLaude Natasha Jade Port Heather Kelsey Potts Joshua Kenneth Pranckevicius Margaret Ellen Purdy Xiaoyue Qin§ Caitlin Beeth Quigley Natalee Marie Ranii-Dropcho, SummaCumLaude

Arielle Sarah Rapaport Maya Prescott Reddy Samantha Ann Reinstein Chelsea Rose Resnick Nicole Alexandra Rice† Rosa Marie Rivera Gautier† Hilary Elizabeth Roberts Jennifer Anna Roche Emily Paige Roesch, CumLaude Hannah Marie Rosenthal, MagnaCumLaude†

Kathleen Barbara Rothschild, CumLaude

Alexandra Lillian Rutkosky Kaitlin Kelly Ryan, MagnaCumLaude Marcella Sacco James Andrew Sachar Margaret Pearle Sanderford Petra Santini, SummaCumLaude Tessa Noelle Schaaf Marina Schachnik Natalie Nelson Schiera, SummaCumLaude

Ana C. Senior Abhishek Seth, CumLaude Alyssa M. Shames Allison Marie Shannon† Victoria Shannon† Benjamin Eli Shaw† Sara Jane Sheehy† Mallory Mackenzie Shelbourne Gabriel Benjamin Sherman Emily Audrey Shields† Eric Si Ashley Elizabeth Simmons Andrea Jean Sobieski, CumLaude† Virginia Rose Soskey, MagnaCumLaude Lindsay Frederick Southwick, SummaCumLaude

Stephanie Sprayregen Kristin Elizabeth Sroka, CumLaude LaTresha Chantel Staten Elizabeth Stavis Alexander Joseph Steinberg Miranda Elizabeth Steinway Samantha R. Stern, CumLaude Jerri Evans Sternstein Samantha Jean Stockman, SummaCumLaude

Annie Marie Stookesberry Alyssa Maria Storm Ashlyn Nicole St. Ours, CumLaude Brittany Faye Sullivan Sarah Elizabeth Sutton Danielle Sophia Syrop, CumLaude Connie Lam Tang Margaret Joye Tate Xavier Ivan Taveras Zachary William Taylor Alexandra Helena Teixeira Jade Nicole Terry, MagnaCumLaude† Casey Megan Thornton Catharine Amanda Tilton Sarah Ruth Timmings, CumLaude† Danielle Lauren Tolkin, MagnaCumLaude

Elizabeth Sommers Townsend, CumLaude†

Bonnie Gamo Tuballa Silvia Mariana Tueros-Cossio† Alyssa Consuelo Turner Asli Unlu Kaitlin Marie Urban Alexandra Rae Vaccarino Christina Sophia Vailas, MagnaCumLaude

Sayaka Varma Nadine Eva Viegas§ Elizabeth Alison Vilnits Aleksandra Vragovic, CumLaude Holly Johanna Vrotsos Lisa Danielle Waldon, CumLaude Anne Taylor Walker Taylor Philip Walker Jennifer Wang Sai Wang§ Yu Wang, CumLaude Zachary Hanley Warder Christine V. Warner, CumLaude Quentin Harrison Weil Marisa Jill Weilheimer Michelle Adina Weiser Maayan C. Weiss, MagnaCumLaude† Jessica Hannah Wenger Chelsea Jo Werner, CumLaude Jake Edward Wetherbee, CumLaude† Jennifer Zallen Whitman, CumLaude Emily Hayes Wienberg, MagnaCumLaude

Christopher Robert Wilcox, CumLaude Hannah Albertina Wolfson Tracey Marie Workman Hannah Alisa Wright Quincy W. Wright, CumLaude Sheung Ting Mazy Yap Beliz Yerguz Alexandra Virginia Young Crystal Shaojay Yu† Emily Ka-Man Yung Riana Jade Zimmerman† Gillian Owen Zwengler‡

Film & Television Hartley Abdekalimi Carolyn Rose Abend, CumLaude Elizabeth Marie Alfonso Alexis Maria Amorosi

Kevin A. Anton Mariel Arroyo‡ Elena Lorraine Autin-Hefner† Matthew Kevin Bae, MagnaCumLaude

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Marisa A. Balkus, CumLaude Jessica Lauren Beavis Martín Alonso Bégué Emma Lauren Belli, CumLaude†

Tentative September 2012 graduate



Robert Binger Bench Robert Aaron Berry, CumLaude Daniel James Blundell James Peter Boger Vedat Bonfil, CumLaude Michael Spiros Bell Brazda,

Adam Preston Kasper,

Tetyana Pecherska, MagnaCumLaude† Ariana Nicole Pecoraro Patrick Luke Pereira§ Kenneth Christopher Petti Ryan Anthony Piccirillo,

Emma Akdag Kazarian‡ Alexa Rose Keane Michael Joseph Keating James Driscoll Kent Aanchal Khaneja§ Margaret Elizabeth Kimball, CumLaude Olivia Cutaiar Kimmel Emily Gray Kister, CumLaude Samuel Quinn Klein Alexandra Drew Klimavich William John Klophaus,

Tess Savannah Plotkin Michael Ryan Pogarian Justin Nicholas Premo‡ Melissa Janine Prieto, MagnaCumLaude Melissa Rose Raffalow John Connor Reidy Katherine Mary Reilly Stephanie Anne Reining Kevin Joseph Reuning Christine May Riccio§ Kimberly Diane Rideout,

Kari Marissa Koeppel Scott Graham Krier Sam Abbot Krinsky-Rogoff Valerie Kate Krulfeifer† Sarah Elizabeth LaBrusciano Stefan Maximillian Lan Ariel Sophia Levine, CumLaude† Brian Levine§ Jae Hyun Lim, CumLaude Kate Alexandria Llona, CumLaude Kendra Margaret Long,

Lindsay Rose Riordan, CumLaude† Abigail Rose Roman, CumLaude Scott Lewis Rosenkrantz,

Stephen Gregory Jones Joel Nathaniel Kahn, MagnaCumLaude Jan Paul Alexander Kaim, MagnaCumLaude† MagnaCumLaude†


Elizabeth Caron Breen, SummaCumLaude

Joseph Edward Brislin§ Brittany Joy Buchanan Sean Sullivan Buckley, MagnaCumLaude

Adam Nathaniel Burnstine, CumLaude Melanie Mary Carr Jonathan Joseph Caso, CumLaude Alan Rill Causey, SummaCumLaude Benjamin HyunJun Cho Anthony Albert Cifone, CumLaude Louis Irving Cohen Alexander Lee Janjigian Colbeth, MagnaCumLaude

Diamond Coleman Christina Elaine Cook§ Stan Corston† Jose De Burgo Cota Jr. Daniel Edward Creed, MagnaCumLaude

Danielle D’Avignon, CumLaude Sinead Mary Deane Ryan DellaCagna Sean Andrew Devin Cassandra Rose Dinesen Charisse Elaine Dunkley Barry James Eastmond, Jr. Samantha Beth Faigen Ryan Alexander Featherman§ Scott Joshua Feldman Elizabeth Ellis Fitzgerald Brendan Fletcher Allison Saiya Floyd Victoria Elyse Fuesterer, CumLaude Lucia Maria Gadala Maria Eserski Grant Nathaniel Garson Jonathan R. Gaudet§ Justin Robert Geldzahler, CumLaude Anna Kristen Gerstenfeld, MagnaCumLaude

Michael Wilson Gold Matthew Robert Goodhue, CumLaude Daniel Chapman Graf, MagnaCumLaude

Julia F. Grimm, SummaCumLaude Ezequiel Gurovich Jacob Michael Haungs Julia Antoinette Henken§ Karla Rocio Heredia‡ Sean Hester Nicholas John Heupel, CumLaude Tess Clasen Hofmann§ Kathryn Marie Holt, CumLaude Emily Anne Jachimiak Stephen P. Jacobs, MagnaCumLaude Lauren Kate Jaffie Elliott Carl Jenkins Julian Jensen



Megan Kathleen Lovallo Jenna Ann Lubliner§ Ariel Courtney Lyon Pedro Padilha Maia Carolyn Day Mainardi Zachary Ross Mandinach Louisa Mardirossian Jessica Maroney§ Javier Adrian Martinez Megan Ruth Masur, MagnaCumLaude† Devin M. McDonough, MagnaCumLaude

Kara Brianne McGuire, CumLaude Kaitlin P. McKinney Samuel Matthew McLennan Kyle McNee Michael Matthew McWalters Lindsey Kate Metselaar Taylor E. Miller Dylan Michael Moir Carling Rhiannan Monder Philip Ryan Moniz, MagnaCumLaude Evan Scott Moore, SummaCumLaude Kelly Elizabeth Mount§ Caroline Margaret Nardilla Jordan Christianne Carlson Nelsen‡ Nevline Winona Nnaji Ryan Casey Nolan Dylan York Norton Evan Michael Olmsted Alexandar Antun Ortloff Ariel May Pakier, MagnaCumLaude Dhruv Piyush Panjuani‡ Alyssa Michelle Parella† Derek John Pastuszek,



Nicole Lara Saccomandi† Daniel Laurence Salgarolo, MagnaCumLaude

Kyle R. Sauer, MagnaCumLaude† Nicholas John Sawyer, SummaCumLaude

William Stuart Sayre, CumLaude Stephen Douglas Schley, MagnaCumLaude

Alexander Kyle Schneps, CumLaude† Emily Blake Schwartz Lindsay Robyn Schwartz§ Colin John Scully Isabel Jane Shanahan Kyle Jared Shevrin Kara Aileen Siebein§ Laura Renee Simon Michelle Stephanie Simunovic, CumLaude

Alexis Mattison Smith§ Alec Martin Spitz Madeleine Elizabeth Staszak, MagnaCumLaude‡

Ryan Mitchell Steinke† Chandler Robert Stephen Abraham Benjamin Stern Kerry Elizabeth Sullivan Sarah Elizabeth Tamarkin, CumLaude Christian Duane Trapp Chloe Elizabeth Tuck, SummaCumLaude

Joshua Henry Ullman Walter Francis James Wachter§ Phoebe Marie Waldron§ Amelia Anne Warren, MagnaCumLaude Emily Frances Webb, CumLaude Rebecca Lynn Wilkinson, CumLaude Ilyse Maura Wolberg Alexander Sigiel Wolinetz† Janice K. Yong, MagnaCumLaude Dakota Rose Zantay, CumLaude Olga Zhukov, MagnaCumLaude†


January 2012 graduate


September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Journalism Maria I. Alafouzos Andrea Renee Aldana, CumLaude Nourah H. S. M. Alsager, CumLaude Nicholas Jaryd Amos‡ Kristin Emily Anderson‡ Arielle Hannah Aronson, §


Arianne Charlotte Atlan Gretchen Bradley Baker Renata Barbosa Do Nascimento Brito Crystal Stephanie Becerril† Danica Hope Bellini Lester Bernard Black, MagnaCumLaude Brian Michael Bochner Nicholas A. Bove Paige Pihl Buckley, MagnaCumLaude Lauren Alyce Burnstein, MagnaCumLaude

Julia Margaret Butler Joshua Paul Cain† Kathryn Margaret Calvin Kane David Carpenter‡ Benjamin Robert Carsley, CumLaude Alison Kay Carter, CumLaude Erin Maureen Chack, MagnaCumLaude Hanna Yeeji Choi† Junhee Chung Carroll Kennedy Cole, CumLaude Benjamin Jacob Cooper Brittany Ann Devane§ Meghan Kaur Dhaliwal, CumLaude Jordan Diaz§ Alison M. Donohue Angus William Dunk Elyse Marie DuPre, CumLaude Andrew Gregory Dwyer§ Samuel Collins Dykstra, CumLaude† Katherine Elizabeth Eberle, SummaCumLaude

Hilary Ann Falcon Lee Andrew Feiner, MagnaCumLaude Brittany Elizabeth Fischer Alana Ryan Flanagan Alexandra Jean Flanders Molly Maitlin Ford Nicholas Anthony Forster Rebecca Lynn Fox Samantha Michelle Galanis, MagnaCumLaude

Jennifer Lee Galvin, CumLaude Christopher John Gambon Jillian Michelle Geib, MagnaCumLaude Alia LeeAnn Gilbert, MagnaCumLaude Lyssa M. Goldberg† Mia Ana Greenberg Kayla Richards Hamel‡ Meara Amanda Hamidiani, MagnaCumLaude

Elizabeth Marie Hansen

Alessandra Vera Hartkopf Brianna Rae Healy, MagnaCumLaude Angela Victoria Holohan Emanuelle Clara Honnorat Julia Parsons Horne Yue Huang, MagnaCumLaude‡ Anna Sofia Broderick Jacoby WenHui Ji† Danica Lauren Jorge Krista Shizuko Kano, CumLaude Meghan Marie Kemp Janet Jae Yeon Kim Sylvia B. Kim, MagnaCumLaude† Katherine Carter King Matthias Patrick Kriegel, CumLaude William Louis Kruse Sarah M. Kuschner, SummaCumLaude† Grace H. Kwon† Sean McDowell Lamm‡ Kaitlyn Lannan, SummaCumLaude Angela Lee§ Yul Lee Vivian Faye Leung Rebecca Abigail Lewinter Sydney Alison Lindberg, MagnaCumLaude

Jaime Elizabeth Lutz, CumLaude Jasmine Shay Lywen-Dill Michaela Elizabeth MacDonald,

Lauren Rebecca Pyes, MagnaCumLaude Kaitlin Courtney Quinn‡ Nina M. Reschovsky‡ Neal Jonathan Riley, CumLaude Nicole Andrea Rojas Camille R. Rubin Laura Ellen Snow Sacco Molly Saito Alyssa Maria-Louisa Santiago† Michael Paul Schulze‡ David Philip Scopac‡ Hannah Dee Sheinberg Anna Elise Sims, MagnaCumLaude Grace Sin Alexandra Sliwkowski, SummaCumLaude† Erika Wynn Smith, SummaCumLaude

Richard Abraham Sobey, MagnaCumLaude

Mallory Brook Sofastaii Mariah Grace Sondergard, MagnaCumLaude

Caroline Darby Stewart Rachel Bethany Sabourin Stine† Eva Anne Stutzman Emily Patricia Stypolkowski, SummaCumLaude

Ian Moergen Macleod Sarah Gloria Mantegani Jillian Paige Martin Hailey B. McCall, CumLaude Timothy Patrick McCann Jr., CumLaude Maura Elizabeth McGowan Anna Grace McKeon,

Amanda Lee Swinhart Kirsten Leigh Taggart Mariko Ann Takahashi Kedzie Chase Teller, SummaCumLaude Jackson William Tobin Michelle Margaret Trosclair§ Morgan Daniel True§ Ariel Utin Lalkin, CumLaude Carolyn Vallejo, MagnaCumLaude Ashley Lauren Varela,

Craig Alan Meyer, CumLaude Alexandra Caitlin Miller Seol Hyeon Min§ Vanessa Beth Misciagna, CumLaude Alyssa Nicole Moni, SummaCumLaude Laura Rose Montorio‡ Ursula Maria Duarte Munn,

Samantha Regan Varner† Maya Viner, MagnaCumLaude Madelyn Marie Vitamia Jessica Marie Walsh† Kaitlin Louise Walsh, MagnaCumLaude Menolly Ann Walter Julia Storino Waterhous,

Leland Tyler Murray,

Tabitha Jori Watson, CumLaude Rachel Hollingsworth Wellford William Vincent Whelan Alyson Claire Whitman,





Megan Elizabeth Murray† Emilia Carmen Navarro Marjorie Nesin Jaclyn Michelle Newman,




Erin Kathleen Wiegert,


Tiffany M. Obembe§ Alexandra Romi Osherow Jessica Rebecca Owen, CumLaude Thomas Christopher Parrotta‡ Elizabeth Susan Peters


Tess Alison Wiley Alia Emily Wong, SummaCumLaude Catherine Margaret Frances Young Shannon Kathleen Young† Scott Alexander Raeside Zaramba‡

MASTER OF FINE ARTS (M.F.A.) Film Marta Armengol Royo Yaniv Aronson Peter John Atsave George Carstocea, B.A.

Alvaro Congosto Martinez, B.S. Christopher Paul Csont† Melissa Rae Davis Haeli Elizabeth Dunstan† January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Sharon Elizabeth Flynn† Walter Louis Gardner† Rachel Lynn Imbriglio Andrew Kent Kightlinger†

Tentative September 2012 graduate



Jonathan Creswell Knight† Bethany Grace Lewis Catherine Eloise Martin Sandra Rosalie Miska† Patrick Craig Regan†

Julie Meredith Reizes, B.A. Padrick Sean Ritch† Geoffrey Byron Ross, B.F.A. Christopher Alexander Scannell Scofield† Alexandra Catherine Sear

Davia Nicole Sills† Erika Justine Street Jason Teich, A.B.† Jared Vincenti, B.A.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) Advertising E. Bruce Berman, Jr.* Ryan Powers Callahan, B.A.* Keith A. Chachkes, B.S., B.S.* Ana V. Cosmas* Rachel Read Whitman Wass Cox, B.F.A.† Lilianne M. de la Calle§ Staci Ann Fanelli‡ Jennifer Leigh Foster‡ Mariana Gallardo García, A.B.A.‡

Max Graham* Jillian B. Horvath, B.A., Cert.* Jidekene Amara Iruka‡* Khaled Arafat Kazi, B.A.‡ Siuzanna Khachatryan, B.A.†* Adam Richard Krueger‡* Jesse Mallon Macomber‡* Samantha Newman† Holly Sue Ann Nunes†* Katerina Upevche Potter*

Nicole Racicot, B.S.†* Michelle Charlene Diane Roberts§* Benjamin Elliot Sacks* Lauren Elise Sampson‡ Jessica St. Clair Smith§* Ankita Sodhia, B.S.B.A.† Nandini Trivedi† Declan Kyle Van Welie† Allie Michele Wassum†*

Broadcast Journalism Brittany Erin Abery Pin-Yu Chen Danielle Nicole DuGuay Gauthier Umberto Giacomoni†

David Matthew Lombardi† Meghan Elizabeth Ottolini† Joseph A. Parello

Lacey Severins† Amanda Brooke Tramont, A.B.† Lingfeng Zhao

Business & Economics Journalism Hui Dong† Xiaoye Tan†

Film Sha’Day J. Hart‡ Jamie A. Mattone

Deborah E. Carroll† Randall John Coll

Edward Leonidas Merritt†

Health Communication* Erika Michelle Abe, B.A. Jennifer Marie Barrett‡ Sarah L. Beams, B.A. Danielle Taylor Benjamin, B.A.‡ Jeffrey Bruce Benyacar§ Yvette Jimenez Bernal, B.A.‡ Jill Beth Bloom, B.S. Elizabeth Whitney Brandt, B.S.‡ Sheila Elizabeth Brion, B.A.‡ Charles McBrayer Broadway III, B.A.† Karl Uldis Bucus, B.A.‡ Stephanie L. Burke, B.S., M.H.S.A.† Erica S. Collins, B.A., Cert.† Melanie E. G. Cousins, B.A.§ Lydia Curtin-Wilding, B.A.‡ Sylvia Diane Davis, B.S.§ Stephanie Lynn DeBoer, B.A. Meeghan Donahue De Cagna, B.A. Margaret Victoria Delashmit, B.S.Ed., A.M., Ph.D. Daren Dean Denniston, B.S.§ Erin Dilber, B.S.B.A.‡ Linda Jean DiPersio, B.L.S. Ellen M. Druckenmiller, B.S.‡ Bennet R. Dunlap, B.S.§ Adib Qaadir El-Amin, B.S.† Anna S. Elgart, B.A. Amanda Leigh Estes, B.A. Erica Lynn Fabo, B.S.‡

Ferren Leah Farah, B.A.‡ Sara Kathryn Friend, B.S.§ Margaret M. Gavan, B.S. Rebecca Ann Gomez, B.A. Gabrielle Christine Hathaway, B.S. Jamar Michael Hawkins, B.S.§ Debra Leigh Henderson, B.A.‡ Tammy Herro, B.A.§ Jane C. Hildebrandt, B.A., B.A.§ Ivy Jena Jackson Theresa Jacobellis, B.S.† Amy Lahoma Jennings, B.A. Deann Marie Jepson, B.S.‡ Pamela Marie Jones, B.S.‡ Karen Brislin Julius, B.A.† Eli Kogan Abbie Derrick Kozomara, B.S. Katherine Layer Kraines, B.S.‡ Joseph W. Krause, B.A. Susan Jill Lackey, B.B.A.‡ Jody Renee LaVerdure§ Robert Alan Mansfield§ Chanelle Mars, B.S.§ Lauren Wheeler McCoy, B.A. Carolyn Marie Mongillo, B.A.‡ Jennifer Lynn Morss, B.A.† Jacqueline Newell, B.S. Lindsey Bateman Nichol, B.A.

Evangelyn Chigozirimu Nkwopara, B.A.† Barbara Jean Noble, B.A.‡ April L. Norris, B.S.‡ Payal Patel Jolene Nicole Posey, B.S.§ Lauren Marie Prodouz, B.S. Alison Elizabeth Ralbovsky, B.A. Amy Margaret Ramsay, B.A.‡ Celina Louise Ramsey, B.A.§ Malavika M. Rao, B.A. Janice Teresa Robinson, B.A. Vecepia Poneia Robinson, B.S.† Claudia Roth, B.S.N.‡ Patricia Andrea Salomon, B.A. Arynne Saunders, B.A.† Rachel Eileen Slamon§ Nancy Stricklen-Juneau, B.S. Letitia Antoinette Stryk, B.S.† Samuel Abie Thomas, M.B.B.S.† Laura Nicole Torgerson, B.L.A.‡ Kimberly Fisher Uccellini, B.S., Cert. Amy J. Walencik, B.S.‡ Robin R. Wearley, B.S., Cert.† Lisa Palacios Welch, B.A. Ayla Mariel Withee, B.S.§ Michele Mary Wojtowicz, B.A. Kirstin Amanda Yokel, B.S.

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication




Journalism Taylor Caroline Bigler Jill Alison Breit† Laura Nicole Bulgrin, B.A. Kristianne Zara David† John Wayne Ferguson, B.A.§ David Evan Finn† Scott Michael Flaherty† Jillian Maher Foley Meghan Foley Jane Kedzie Fox† Carly Ann Gelsinger Connor Mark Gleason‡

Matthew Goisman, B.A.† Dana Stuart Hansen§ Stephanie A. Horst Ryan Patrick Hutton Lisa Linnea Kaczke Dara Elizabeth Kelley Amy Marie Laskowski, B.A. Heidi Ann Leach† Melissa Anne Levanti Evan Meyjes Lips Michelle Elizabeth Mangum† Sarah Mongeau-Birkett

Kathleen Michelle Morrison Amy Louise Rafferty Nitya Rao, A.B. Per Magnus Nordrum Riseng James Andrew Lloyd Robinson† Kevin Richard Schwartz Adam Wesley Tamburin Sarah Ann Ruth Kess† Sarah Michalina Thomas‡ Jamie Theresa Webben† Varsha Yeshwant Kumar

Mass Communication Divya D. Amladi Jeanean Ontiveros Ayala† Mia Angeline Tanseco Bacarro† David Alex Blumberg, B.A.† Julia E. Fadzeyeva, B.A.† Jeffrey Barr Howanek†

Lisa Michelle Kevorkian† Hyojin Kwon, B.S., B.S.B.A.† Laura J. Lemire, B.A.† Jessica Mari Maki† Amy Elizabeth Miller†

Emilie Jeanne Suzanne Plat‡ Crystal Cherie Reitmeir† Kimberly Ann Romanello‡ Marcello Campos Santana† Charles Duncan Street†

Media Ventures Pedro Manuel Abreu Jimenez‡ Steven Patrick Annen, B.A.‡ Gaston Derchi Russo, B.S.B.A.‡ Stephen Michael Gallagher§ Clarissa Nicole Jaime‡

James Jerlecki‡ Rasha TN. Kassab‡ Erica Ashleigh Kritt‡ Thomas Bowman Muller, B.A.‡ Oscar Luis Rohena Cardona, B.S.‡

Rakshita Saluja§ Josyula Jagannadha Sastry, B.E.§ Hiroko Sumikura‡ Hannah Jane Wurzel‡

Public Relations Jacob Ackman, A.B. Nina Marie Akerley† Cristin Casper Verity Deidra Elize Conrad‡ Amy K. Crook§ Madison Jane Dennis† Wenwen Fan† Whitney Dow Ferguson‡ Colleen Conaty Flynn§ Lauren Hendrix§ Xinru Huang† Diana Iovescu, A.B. Eugene Jeong

Bevin Coaine Kennedy Lola Elizabeth Keyes‡ Michael Frank Kieloch Elise Rochelle Kovi† Paul David Kresge, B.S.§ Abra Beatrice Landau† Emily Lynn Lospennato, B.F.A. Courtney Nicole Lyerly Sara Rafik Morgan‡ Juliana Berzin Nicholson† Benjamin Astbury Overaas§ Jennie Marie Porto, A.B.†

Kathleen Lynn Slocum† Camille Catherine Szramiak, B.S.† Yin Tang§ Xue Teng Bailey Triggs, B.A. Grace Ros Turiano† Stephanie Marie Vermillion§ Karis Rhea Vigil Austin William Weedfall‡ Di Xie† Yi Zhang§ Xuan Zhao†

Science Journalism Emily R. Greenhalgh, B.S. Hillary Elizabeth Hoffman† Jessica Paige Johnson, B.S.†

Mary Philippa Parker† Alicia Prewett Arezu K. Sarvestani

Anne-Marie Patricia Singh† Kristen Michelle Stivers†

Television Giana Lee Battista John Phillip Bogulski† Brittany Nicole Flynn, B.A. Gail Elizabeth Friedland, B.A.

Gøril Furu Jeanne Rose Herring, A.B. Xiaoxuan Jin Remona Cornelia Nastassia Outar

Eric Sydney Phillips‡ Peter Santana† Lindsay Mechelle Wolfe Hao Wu

Television Management Zarah Klink Hansen‡

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Education HARDIN L. K. COLEMAN, Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) Veronica K. Bacher, CumLaude Brenna Marie Banister Alison Jeanne Bartlett,

Courtney Cobb Foley, CumLaude Lily Ann Koufman Frederick Abigail Rachel Gavens Ben Robert Gibbons§ Kathryn Ellen Goodfriend, CumLaude Benjamin Wilcox Greenfield Julia Marie Hajedemos,


Alexandra Deanne Beck Meryl Frances Becourtney, MagnaCumLaude

Carrie Christina Belden, CumLaude Ellen Elizabeth Belinsky,



Emily Bernstein§ Emily Nicholson Bollman, CumLaude Piper A. Breves, CumLaude Zachary J. Brokenrope Christopher A. Bruno† Lara Elizabeth Bryfonski, MagnaCumLaude

Katherine Anne Benshimol Carlebach, CumLaude

Joseph Chismar Aaron Talbot Kennedy Coleman Jessica Ilana Couture Eric Freidhoff Cowan Adrian Robert Coyne, CumLaude† Matthew Packard Darling§ Kristen Marie Dimitriades Emily Amanda Dino Amanda Rachel DoAmaral John Christian David Dolan Robert Edward Dubovy III Braxton Thomas Wayne Duckworth† Daniel Thomas Ferro Christina Anne Finkel Emily Flukes, SummaCumLaude

Sohee Han† Lindsay Samson Harrington Melissa Claire Heller, CumLaude Brittany Leigh Howling Jennifer Hye-Young Hwang James Chiyoki Ikeda, CumLaude Madolyn Beatrice Kendall† Fallon Renee Kiehl, CumLaude Jillian Barbara Kirchner Ashley B. Klane Juliana Michelle Klein Michelle Beth Kosow, SummaCumLaude

Laurence Joseph Kozakowski, Jr. Alix Foodim Kraminitz, MagnaCumLaude

Laura Kathleen Leahy, CumLaude Lyle Ray Thomas Loewen Lauren Marie Lutz, SummaCumLaude† Robert Curtis Mahoney Kathryn J. Matthews, SummaCumLaude

Madison Alyssa Avellino McEvoy Daniel David McGean Rebecca K. McGhee Jacqueline Diane Mills

Rachael Minor Jessica Devon Moskowitz Daniel Patrick O’Connell Christine Elizabeth Olsen Kristina Lana Ortloff Albert Peter Paez, CumLaude Melissa Ann Pastorello, CumLaude Judy Phan, SummaCumLaude Nicole Elizabeth Popp Ethan Thomas Pravetz Erin Margaret Quinlan Scott Richard Rawdon Julia Meredith Richmond§ Angela Leigh Rodriguez Emma Rachel Rosenthal, CumLaude Sarah Esther Shainwald Rebecca Claire Spitz, MagnaCumLaude Brittany Teresa Stein† Grace Stephanie Stewart Elise Carol Stora, CumLaude Maggie Hoera Tittler Michael Robert Tivey Jr., MagnaCumLaude

Rachel Chiyoko Tochiki, SummaCumLaude†

Denise Michelle Treacy Lindsay Nicole Vozar Nicole Ashley Warren‡ Nicole Marie Wenstrom§ Amy Marcia Woogmaster, CumLaude† Harrison Pierce Wright‡ Jacob Tyler Yanovich† Margaret Susan Young

MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING (M.A.T.) Jeremy Saul Adams, A.B. Darilyn Lee Kealohamakua Barney, B.S.‡ Christina A. Barton, B.S.‡ Andrea Bassett, B.A.‡ Kelsey Anne Bishop, B.A. Tristan Black-Ingersoll Anne Comfort-Cole, B.A. Tara Kathryn Conley, B.A. Taryn Craig, B.A.‡ Erin Cronin, B.A. Katherine Barbara Dammann, B.A. Rachel Lee DeBiase, B.S.I.E. Genna Drooker, B.S. Christine Dunn, A.B.‡ Mary Feeley, B.A. Christopher J. Flores, B.A. Grant Gary, M.S. Elizabeth Gibbons, B.A. John Gilling, B.A., M.A.

Robert S. Guastella, B.A. Kathryn Harney, B.A. Carolyn Frances Herman, B.A. Hubert Yen-Chih Hwang, B.S. Ila S. Illario, B.A. Brian Japp, B.S.† Vincent J. Kane, B.A. Jennifer Ann Katz, B.A.† Mollie Kathleen Kaufman, B.S.‡ Joseph Thomas Kelly, B.A. Lillian Kouletsis, B.S. Desa Ann Lavrusky, B.S.‡ Mark Keily Leach, B.A. Erin Louise Leonka, B.A.‡ Cameron Jane Lobianco, B.A. Na Lu, B.S.‡ William Ramsay MacLaughlin, B.A. Julie Marie Marshall, B.A.

James Robert McCartney V, B.A. Shari Faith Meyer, B.A., B.S.‡ Amanda J. Miles, B.A. James Charles Miller, B.S. Elizabeth Lauren Moguel, B.A.‡ Samantha S. Murrell, B.A., M.P.H. Heather Marie McBean Nelson, B.A., J.D.† Kelly Baumli Pendergast, B.A.‡ Emily Rose, B.A. Erin Bailey Rosene, A.B., M.A.§ Joseph Michael Sacks, B.A.‡ Michelle Marie Saperstein, A.B. Ryan Giovannetti Shrey, B.A. Zachary Paul Sorenson, B.S.‡ Yoo Kyung Suh, B.A.‡ Anna M. Szabo, B.A., M.A. Lindsay S. Webber, A.B.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate



MASTER OF EDUCATION (Ed.M.) Patricia Adam, B.A., M.A.§ Munirah Mohammed I Alaboudi, B.A.§ Kelly Janet Alfaro, B.A.‡ Jennifer Marie Aller, B.S. Estefania Alves, M.S.W.§ Stephanie Kathryn Antoniou, B.S.† Todd L. Aronson, B.S. Robin C. Arruda, B.A.† Muhammad Adil Arshad, B.S.† Mary M. Atlee, B.A., Cert. Wyndham Langston Ayares, B.A., Ed.D.‡ Maha Ahmed S Bahammam, B.D.S., M.S., Ed.M., D.Sc., C.A.G.S.† Donna Balaouras, B.A.§ Jennifer Katharine Barkin, B.A. Andrew Jonathan Barlow, B.A., B.S.§ Alexandra Helen Bazzano, B.A.‡ Elizabeth Carol Bear, B.A. Lianne Nicole Beauregard, B.S.‡ Kira Rebecca Bell, B.S. Claire Louise Bergin, B.A.‡ Emily Jane Berman, B.A., B.S.‡ Stephanie Frances Bielagus, A.B. Jocelyn Susan Blanton, B.S.§ Abbie Emily Bloom, B.A. Alison Laura Bluestone, B.A.‡ Sandra Bonfiglio, B.A. Terri Bowman, B.A. Steven James Brady, B.S. Sarah Britton, B.S.† Cynthia A. Brossman, B.A., M.S., M.A.† Suzanne Lynn Brown, B.A., M.A.§ Kali Amanda Harper Burnham, B.S. Emily Elizabeth Burns, B.S. Amy Hope Burton, B.S.§ Sarah Elizabeth Butler, B.A.‡ Amanda Lynn Buttolph, B.A.‡ Carrie Francis Cabot, A.B. Mary Corinne Cafferky, B.S.† Kara A. Caffrey, B.A. Mariana Canaval Nikitine, B.S., B.S.‡ Lauren Elisabeth Carlson, B.A. Jamie Lynn Cascio, B.A.‡ Caitlinn Elizabeth Casey, B.S. Gail Castaneda, B.S. Scott Russell Chamberlain, B.S. Chien-Ni Chen, B.A.§ Xiaohan Chen, B.A.† Kristin Marie Ciappina, B.S.‡ Janine Claysmith, B.A., B.A. Alicia Belair Clemente, A.B. Jesse Hardin Kennedy Coleman, B.A. Courtney Ann Combies, B.S.‡ Stephanie Nicole Conelias, B.A. Lauren Emily Consalvo, B.A.† Patrick Michael Curran, B.A. Victoria Anne Curry, B.A. Emily Adkinson Dalton, B.S. Pia Dandiya, A.B.‡ Bradley Robert Dean, B.A.‡ Lauren Alayna DeGenaro, B.S. Courtney B. de Lacy, B.A.‡ Whitney Delorey, B.S. Lauren Desautels, B.A.† Tyler Matthew DeShaw, B.A. Prachi Deshmukh, B.A., M.A.‡ Lauren Kelly DeViney, B.A.

Valentina Maria Di Blasi, B.A. Micah M. Doak, B.A.‡ Ryan James Donaher, B.A.‡ Carly Jo Donelson, B.A. Tara B. Dragoon, B.A.‡ Heather Suzanne Ewing, B.S.‡ Jessica Sarah Feigenbaum, B.S. Laura Kelsey Field, B.A. Catherine Margaret Sprague Foley, B.A. Whitney Elisa Ford, B.S. Jillian A. Forschner, B.A. Amy Elizabeth Fox, A.B. Richard Kenneth Fox, B.A.‡ Andrea Leah Fugazot, B.A.‡ Gina Marie Galland, B.A. Melody Brooke Gammon, B.A.† Anurupa Ganguly, B.S., M.E.† Diana Marie Garity, B.A.‡ Sarah Mahmoud Ghulman, B.A.§ Shaina Vicki Gilbert, B.A.§ Sarah Anne Godwin, B.S.§ Stephanie Gonzalez, B.A., B.S. Maria Jorgelina Gonzalez Tristan, B.A.‡ Anya Elizabeth Good, B.A.‡ Chelsea Rae Grandchamp, B.S.‡ Eric Alan Gregoire, B.S. Jessica Mae Griffin, B.A.‡ Brendan Grimm, B.A.† Alan Hatton, B.A.† Michael Gerard Healy, B.S.† Ashley Meredith Hebert, B.A.‡ Brittany A. Heist, B.A. Jennifer Bess Helfand, B.A. Gabrielle E. Helfgott, B.A.‡ Cynthia Maria Hernandez, B.A.§ Margaret Hickey, B.A.† Renèe I. Hirschberg, B.A. Melody R. Holmes, B.A. Justin Horvath, B.F.A. Alyson Humphreys, A.B. Vali Huseynov Mammadhasan, B.Ec. Adsina Fibra Ibrahim, B.S. Lori L. Ioannone, B.S. Erin Nicole Jackson, B.A. David James, B.S.‡ Boo Moon Jang, B.A.§ Hermaine Jeanie Jean, B.S.Ed. Andre Eugene Johnson, B.S. Kristy Alida Johnson, B.A.‡ Mitzi Johnson, B.A., M.P.H., M.D.‡ Ashley Adams Johnston, B.A.† Brittany Marie Jordan, B.S.‡ Maria Jensen Jouttenus, B.A. Maureen Lee Beatriz Kattah, B.A.‡ Elizabeth Jane Katz, B.A. Noriaki Kawai, B.A. Elizabeth M. Keenan, B.A. Carly Jean Kaylor Keese, B.A.§ Kristina Marie Kelleher-Bianchi, B.A.‡ Timothy Michael Kelly, B.A.† Deborah Lee Kent, M.B.A. Jennifer Anne Kline, B.A. Emily Adrienne Knight, B.A. Louise Estelle Kraft, B.A.‡ Jennifer Elizabeth Kras, B.A., A.B. Lauren Elizabeth Kudisch, B.B.A. Tracy Labady, B.A.‡

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Josie Mariah Ladle, B.A.§ Andrew D. Lafrenz, B.A. Julia Marie Latino, B.S.§ Tania S. Lee, A.B. Yi-Hsin Lee, B.Ed. Stephanie Lynn Lepardo, B.A.§ Dror Levy, B.A.B.A. Naama Liberboim, B.A.‡ Rachel Leah Lichtenberg-Scanlan, B.S.‡ Felicia Lynne Lipari, B.A.‡ Cherylanne Marcelle Lombardi, B.A.§ Micaela Jean Long, B.A. Andrew K. Ly, B.S.‡ Caitlin Fair MacDonald, B.S.B.A., B.A. Sara Elice Mack, B.A., M.S.W.‡ Erica Michelle Manczuk, B.A. Audrey Mangone, B.A. Kelly Christine Mara, B.A. Lindsey Jane Mayer, B.A.‡ Ellen Marie Maynard, A.B., M.S.W. Evan Handley McAlear, B.S., M.S.† Allison Cook McCartney, B.A.‡ Caitlin McCarty, B.A.† Kathryn Marie McColgan, B.S.‡ Sara Jane Renee McCullagh, B.A. Davida Sheri McGhee, B.A. Laura Helen McLaughlin, B.A. Bridget Abigail McNulty, B.S.§ Sarah Elizabeth Meyer, B.A.‡ Nathaniel S. Meyers, B.A. Thomas Milaschewski, B.A.‡ Stacey H. Milton, B.S.† Paulina A. Mitropoulos, B.A.‡ Erin Mooney Phipps, B.A., M.S. Sarah Anne Morris, B.A. Cecile Faye Moskowitz, B.S. Angela Cooper Mota, B.S. Cheryl Ann Nalbach, B.F.A., B.A. Erin Katherine Newell, B.S.‡ Elizabeth Marie Niles, B.A.‡ Somer Alexis Nugent, B.A., M.A.§ Charles Oladipo Ogunro II, B.A.‡ Katelyn Marie O’Hara, B.A.† Jennifer Marie O’Leary, B.S. Nikki Lee Olivas, B.A.† Napitchaya Panum, B.A., Cert. Tessa Christine Paolini, B.A. Michelle Etta Paré, B.A. Chong Myung Park, A.B., A.M.‡ Injoo Park, B.A. Seung Hyun Park, B.A.† Erin C. Parker, B.S.‡ Sarah W. Peteraf, A.B.‡ Sacha Pfeiffer, B.L.S.† Christin Marie Pinto, B.A.† Samantha Robin Pitter, B.A.‡ Amanda Natalie Plasencia, B.A.‡ Jeanine Dorothy Pollard, B.S.‡ Michael A. Posternack, B.A.‡ Katherine Christine Pyskaty, B.A., M.A.T.‡ Rebecca Ann Quinn, B.S.§ Karen Elisabeth Reback, A.B., M.S.‡ Stacey Eady Reed, B.A. Allison Pamela Reichentahl, B.A. Rebecca Sue Relyea, B.A., M.S.W.† Caroline Janet Rende, B.A.

Tentative September 2012 graduate



Breanna Sherri Reynolds, B.A.Ed. Theresa Courtney Sharp Rezendes, B.S. Claire Gallogly Rheaume, B.A.‡ Barbara Dryden Rice, B.S. Arianna Marie Rigano, B.A. Denise G. Rodrigues, B.A. Emily Sue Rogan, B.A. Lynn A. Rosenbaum, B.A., M.A. Gena Lynn Rosenberg, B.S.‡ Hanna Rosenthal-Fuller, B.A.† Bayla Rothstein, B.A.‡ Michael Edward Rubino, B.S. Emily Salander, A.B. Courtney L. Sandrue, B.S.Ed.§ Melissa Narcissa Savage, B.S.Ed.§ Margaret L. Sawada, B.A. Colleen Marie Schenker, B.A.† Katherine Anne Schooler, B.A. Melissa Lynn Schwartz, B.A.† James Searle, B.S.† Ashley Marie Sheehan, B.S.† Michael R. Shilalie, B.A.‡

Stephen Adam Silversides, B.A.† Matthew Sims, B.A. Ziggy Michael Smith, B.A.‡ Dena B. Snyder, A.B.‡ Brittain Lynn Sobey, B.A. Courtney Leigh Spring, B.A., Cert. Kira Marie Stewart, B.A. Linda Parks Strain, B.A., Ed.M., C.A.G.S.§ Maryette Andrews Stuart, B.S.† Andrea Jean Sullivan, B.A. Allyson Grace Takara, B.A.‡ Ainsley E. Taylor, B.A.‡ Jennifer Marie Teuscher, B.A.§ Emily Ann Tomita, B.A. Gina Marie Tonelli, B.S. MyHanh T. Tran, B.A.† Brittany Carol Trimble, B.S. Wasadrey Urban Bennett, B.S. Ivanna Antonella Ursino, B.A. Tara Kathleen Vaglica, A.B. Emily Jane Wandrei, B.A., M.A.

Hanfei Wang, B.Ec. Colleen Patricia Ward, B.S. William B. Warren, B.L.S. Melinda Webster Loof, B.A., M.S. Esther Yeongshin Wei, B.A.‡ Stephen John Wells, B.A. Sarah Western, B.S. Denise Tina Wilkins, B.A. Marcia Lynn Williams, B.A., M.S.W. Lauren Natalie Witek, B.A.‡ Elizabeth Suzanne Wolfe, B.S.Ed. Liana Rae Wolk, A.B.† Debra Helen Woods, B.A., Ed.M.‡ Chen Wu, B.A.† Chen Wu, B.A.† Chien-Peng Wu, B.Ed. Wanling Xu, B.Ed. Mei-Ju Yen, B.A.§ Elizabeth Lauren Young, B.A.‡ Xueqing Zheng, B.A.† Mengya Zhou, B.S.†


CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED GRADUATE STUDY (C.A.G.S.) Jeanne Caron, B.S., Ed.M. Mary K. Fries, B.S., M.A. Alissa D. Greif, B.A., M.A. Allison McCabe Hamilton, B.A., Ed.M.‡ Beth Ann Kershner, B.A., M.A.T.§

Flora J. Keumurian, B.A., Ed.M.† Andrea Katherine Masiello, B.A., M.Ed.‡ Ashiya N. Smith, B.A., Ed.M. Timothy C. Stirk, B.S., Ed.M.†

Dianne Van der Meer, Ed.M.‡ Krystal Ann Velazquez-Bergeron, B.A., Ed.M. Rachel Layne Wetschensky, B.F.A.‡

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION (Ed.D.) Nancy Canavan Anderson, B.A., B.S., Ed.M., “Preservice Teachers’ Learning Through Discourse-Intensive Mathematics Instruction” Angela Linn Atkinson Duina, “Moving the U.S. Teacher Workforce from Highly Qualified to Effective” William H. Blackwell, B.A., Ed.M., “Making Alternate Assessment Scores Reports a Meaningful Tool for Parents” Kara Wheatley Brown, B.A., M.A., “Pretty Good for a Girl: Women Athletes Reflect on Title IX, Gender, and Playing Sports in 21st Century America”‡ Gregory Edward Cartin, B.A., Ed.M., “Efficacy of the Team Advisory Program at the Boston English High School from the Perspective of Its Faculty” Rebecca Ryan Caruso, B.S., M.P.H., “Evolution of Training for High Containment Personnel” Christina Marie Cassano, B.S., Ed.M., “Examining Patterns of Growth in Vocabulary and Phonological Awareness in the Preschool and Kindergarten Years: A Multi-Level Modeling Approach” Beverly A. Chase, B.A., M.S.W., M.A., “Effects of Dynamic Assessment on Language Development” Michael Yangjen Chen, B.A., Ed.M., “Resilience and Hope Among Internally Displaced Persons in Nepal” Nicole Amanda Cohen, B.S., M.Ed., “Effectiveness of Toys as an Enhancement to Instruction in Explanation for Students with Learning Disabilities” David Craig, B.S., M.A., “Matthew Effects and the ReadingWriting Connection”

January 2012 graduate

Paula Anne Donnelly, B.A., M.A., “Investment in SchoolBased Mental Health Consultation: Perspective of Multiple Stakeholders” Kevin Eugene Finn, B.S., M.A., “Integration of Physical Activity and Technology Motion Devices Within a Combined 5th and 6th Grade Science Curriculum”† Evelyn L. Ford-Connors, B.A., Ed.M., “Examining Middle School Teachers’ Talk During Vocabulary Instruction” Rebekah Amy Freeman, B.A., M.A., “Suicide Prevention on a College Campus: An In-Depth Look at Students’ Experiences in a Peer Education Program”† Peter Gregory Ghazarian, B.A., M.A., “Measuring Quality, Measuring Difference: International Rankings of Higher Education”‡ Rachel Zucker Gould, B.A., M.A.T., “Adolescent Development of Global Competencies Through a Short-Term International Study-Travel Experience to China” Deborah Lee Halliday, B.A., M.B.A., M.A., “Managing the Gap: The Psychology of Personal Transition”† Michael Dennis Harten, B.A., M.A., “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Written Reflection to Improve High School Students’ Writing and Metacognitive Awareness” Kathleen Ryan Hickey, A.B., Ed.M., “Examining Factors that Contribute to Academic Success: A Qualitative Study of Boston Public Exam School Students” Lisa Lewis, B.A., M.A., “Choosing to Move: Physical Activity Differences Among Urban Adolescent Females” Dianne Hope Lochhead, B.F.A., Ed.M., “Altered Selves: Re-Entry into a Traditional High School Following an Alternative Program Placement”‡

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Katherine Canal Meyer, B.A., M.A., “Adolescents’ Internalization of Parents’ Aspirations and Expectations” Tanyika Mobley, B.S., M.S., “An Examination of the Factors Influencing Sport Choice(s) of African-American Athletes” Dana Andrew Robertson, B.M., M.Ed., “Teacher Talk: Transcript Analysis as a Method of Improving Effectiveness During Comprehension Strategies Instruction” Mary Erin Sheppard, B.A., Ed.M., “A Study of Preschool Special Education Teams in New York City as Reported by the Parents of Preschoolers with Special Needs” Thomas Stephen Stoner, B.A., M.Div., “Toward More Distinctive Christian Schools”

January 2012 graduate

Theresa Go Suico, B.A., M.A.T., “Older Adolescent Girls’ Responses to and Interactions with Three Works of Popular Young Adult Literature” Sarah Thomas, B.A., M.A., “The Influence an Overseas Teaching Experience Has on Teaching Decision” Patricia Kathryn Vasiliadis, B.S., Ed.M., “Assessment of Emotional Disturbance Following a Sport Injury in the High School Athlete: Developing Social Support Through E-Mentoring”‡ Anthony Joseph Zavagnin, B.A., M.Ed., “Politics in the Classroom: Teacher Political Disclosure and the DecisionMaking of Secondary Social Studies Teachers”

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of Engineering KENNETH R. LUTCHEN, Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) Aerospace Engineering Matthew John Appleman Robert Kendrick Bennett Matthew John Bentley‡ Kayla Paige Binggeli Patrick James Brandenburg Daniel Lim Carrozzi Jose Luis Cayuela Calvo

Natasha Alekzandria Hagen Casey Alexis Harris§ Alonso Percy Holmes Carlos Antonio Jimenez Daniel James Kazanjian, CumLaude Oliver F. Kempf, CumLaude Daniel Frederick King

Oluwatosin Eniola Adedokun Julian Meredith Anding Vedran Beganovic, CumLaude Aaron Jacob Berliner David Barnes Berry, CumLaude Katherine Elizabeth Black Cassidy Helene Blundell,

Hufsa Iqbal, CumLaude Raeef Eric Istfan, SummaCumLaude Supriya Jain Pawel Kalinowski Jae Yeon Kim Leslie Kim Raphael Jose Landaverde,

Anthony Michael Rinaldi, CumLaude Alexis Rodriguez Valenti§ Dayana Rojas Katheryn Elaine Rothenberg,

Kali J. Brong Lisa Danielle Cervia Betty Chan‡ George William Chapman IV Xudong Chen Dan Kristoffer Chin, CumLaude Suh Young Steven Choi Dorothea Anne Crowley Molly Ford Dacus Chantal Marie-Jeanne de Bakker,

Megan Gana Lee Max Jonah Lerman, CumLaude Nicholas Mauriello Luzod,

Eric Gordon Schwarz Michael Patrick Shaw Dante Joseph Smith Megan Marie Sperry, CumLaude Hang Su, CumLaude Seyed Javid Taghados David Nathaniel Pulido Tan,

Colin Patrick Kipping-Ruane David Thomas Kvartek Eric S. Munsell, MagnaCumLaude Richard Rakowski Anissa Senouci-Bereksi Andrew Baran Wagner Eric Robert Womer, MagnaCumLaude

Biomedical Engineering



Rachel Nouha Deraney Magi Galal Sayed Abdel Aziz El-Manchy Tess Ellen Forster‡ Jessica Lynne Fraser Kaitlin Colleen Gargiulo Morgan Belinda Giles Xhorxhi Gjoka Daniel Joseph Grasso, CumLaude Joseph Thomas Greenspun, MagnaCumLaude

Mark Mina Guirguis, CumLaude Julian Ian Hart Christopher Hernandez Jacob Herrmann, MagnaCumLaude Nathaniel William Hixon, MagnaCumLaude

Joshua P. Hodgson Dongjian Hu, MagnaCumLaude Benjamin Joseph Huey§



Ian Cody MacDonald Ashish Venkat Krishna Sai Malladi, CumLaude

Herve Phillipe Mathelier§ Steven Nalonnil Mathews, CumLaude Suhina Minocha Rahul Navin Modi Rubayath Mohsen Caitlin Mallory Monahan, CumLaude Keri Ann Mroszczyk, SummaCumLaude Imaly Anoshka Nanayakkara Stephanie Jean Nelson Ajinkya Shashank Nene Linda Nguyen Angela Lucia Nocera Olurotimi O. Ogunbiyi Evelyn Cristina Orozco Alexander Castano Paloranta Arjun M. Patel Parth G. Patel, MagnaCumLaude Parth Pankaj Patel, MagnaCumLaude Chelsea Lynn Peragallo‡ Joseph John Pirrello Ryan Michael Pope Victor Stefan Radulescu, MagnaCumLaude


Chelsea Jordan Saniel Andrew Franklin Schiff, MagnaCumLaude


Elias B. Thorp, MagnaCumLaude Zachary Lukas Tochka Shahar Torton, CumLaude Wei-Lun William Tsang Teena Mary Varghese Natalia Marie Vieira, MagnaCumLaude Boris T. Virnik Alexandra Christine Walco Cynthia Warman‡ Anne Marie Thomasina Weber Benjamin Harris Weinberg, SummaCumLaude

Frank J. Weng§ Sharon Michelle Wolfson, MagnaCumLaude

Angela Wang Xie, SummaCumLaude Vanessa Fatima Yanez Chian Yang, CumLaude‡ Anastasia Ilinichna Yaroslavsky Frank Hao Zong Vincent Zuo

Computer Engineering Kholood Waleed Al Tabash§ Andrew Michael DeNicola Donald Nichols Dougherty Gregory James Andres Duguies

Benjamin Francis Duong, SummaCumLaude

Derek Ryan Heyman, CumLaude Eric Allan Hsiao, MagnaCumLaude

Ryan Gregory Hunter† Ian Robert Koenigsknecht Michael Thomas MacNeil† Brian Thomas Meyers

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate



Sunny Ngan, CumLaude Javier Tiotuyco Onglao Sergio Hyun Woo Shin Nicholas Bradford Stiegman, CumLaude

Mason Tan Philip Tan Tracy T. Thai‡ Idan Miron Warsawski,

Min Wei Robert William Winnett Gregory Andrew Zoeller


Electrical Engineering Evgeni Aizenberg, CumLaude Anuar Akizhanov William Frederick Anthony, MagnaCumLaude

David Matthew Beauchesne, CumLaude Abigail Joy Bonnice† John Sarris Burke‡ Thomas William Cashel III‡ Alex Chan David Anthony Chang David Yu-Fong Cheung Andrew Paul Francis Peter Dennis Galvin§ Sarah Emily Griesse-Nascimento, CumLaude

Nima Haghighi-Mood Pattaya Chowidhyangkul Hongsmatip Jamesy Jean-Michel Michael Paul Kasparian, CumLaude Kshitiz Kohli Yevgeniy Kolodenker, CumLaude Kam Ho Lai, CumLaude Jim Juchuang Lee Henry Chi Ken Lok Kevin William Lovely Eric James Markwith, MagnaCumLaude Shayla Natasha Melo Yeshaswini Mohan Eulalia Raquel Moreno, MagnaCumLaude

Drew Eugene Morris† Thomas Ian Murphy Christopher John Petrik Elena Paul Pliakas Besmir Sulejmani Gerardo J. Talavera Díaz Alexander James Tooke, MagnaCumLaude

Syed Naufal Bin Veqar Lindsey Nicole Whitehurst, CumLaude Alexander MacMillan Whittemore Kevin Wong Matthew Chet-Yen Yee, CumLaude Jingfeng Zhao Kenneth Zhong

Manufacturing Engineering Kurt A. Abrams Jr. Seif Eldin Ashraf Mahmoud El Attal Tarik Burak Ficicioglu, CumLaude Daniel Garnier Ventura

Michelle Marie Guevremont Ricardo Andres Hernandez Hilado Jadeson Leng Komolvipat‡ Charles Manning

Mahmood Ishaq Alhusseini,

Marla Anne Gutmann, CumLaude Thomas Richard Hall Christopher Steven Hatem, CumLaude Jennifer Shie He Samuel Max Hoffman Masaru Ichihara James Maxwell Collin Jelavich Matthew Barnett Johnson, CumLaude Ita Christine Marie Kane Anthony James Kardelis Michael Iljoong Kim Iva Kokoshi John Stephen Koningswood III Krum Georgiev Kostadinov Evangelia Adriana Kostopoulos Kayla Rose Kruper Ryan James Lacy William Gillmore Lally Jr.,

Cameron Babak Sadri-Azarbayejani Perry Matthew Schein,

Clarence Chiho Lee Sang Wook Lim Yu-Cheng Lin, CumLaude Daniel Lopez Jackson Luo, MagnaCumLaude Connor Brian Mace Peter James Malloy Colin James Mansfield Roger Rudolf Santos Maranan Elissa Claire Henke Mueller Christopher Roger Nehme, CumLaude Huong Hoai Thi Nguyen David Ouk, MagnaCumLaude Jared B. Reiter Peter Joseph Rock Jr.,

Obehi Ukpebor, MagnaCumLaude Vasileios Valsamis Gabriel Ricardo Venegas,

Brianna Ella Nelson Bryan Soedarsono Jose Miguel Tineo Raga Jacky Yeh

Mechanical Engineering SummaCumLaude‡ Shahd Alrashed, SummaCumLaude Amy Christine Ashur, MagnaCumLaude

Ashwin Asokan‡ Yasmin Margo Atefi Aditi Basu, CumLaude James Matthew Beck Thomas David Belna Christopher John Bernard Michael Spiros Bell Brazda, SummaCumLaude

Erik William Brizzee‡ Matthew David Brooks Preston Paul Buehrer, CumLaude Eric Randall Carlson† Michael John Cataldo Jr. Brian Chang Stephen Diec Cheng Vaibhav Chhabra John Craig Chisholm, CumLaude Michael Zhongming Chu† Trung Duc Desa Ali-Zain Dhukka, CumLaude Mark Joseph DiFilippo Paul Anthony DiTullio Hannah Coolidge Doherty Patrick Michael Ehrlicher, CumLaude Natasha Elezabeth George§ Daniel Allan Gill Peter David Girouard, MagnaCumLaude

Louisa Marie Going Ifran Govani Wade Guan



January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate



Ian Pardes Schon Michael Leo Sehn Russell Joseph Shomberg Kara Ashley Silver, CumLaude Faisal Mazen Snobar Michael Anthony DiSimons Stone Michael David Sylvia Ricardo Tabacow§ Mark A. Taddonio, CumLaude Carlo Alberto Tagliabue Daniel Braden Taylor Caroline Grace Tennyson, MagnaCumLaude

Francis John Thalakotur Christopher Douglas Tommila, CumLaude


Preetika Vishwanathan Thomas Chadwick Waldman, SummaCumLaude

Patrick Nilsen Walsh Kailee Johanna Widanka Diego R. Yanez Soogon Yoo, CumLaude Kevin Douglas Zagorski Khaldoun Walid Zeidan, MagnaCumLaude

Elbara Ziade, CumLaude

Tentative September 2012 graduate



MASTER OF ENGINEERING (M.Eng.) Biomedical Engineering Christopher Bennett Dubois, B.S. Yuval Adam Harel, B.S. Dale Brittannie McGrath, B.S.

Matthew Nels Batterton, B.A.† Wei-Hsiang Chang, B.S.B.E. Esteban Chavez, B.S.† Sean Leo Cotton, B.S.

Kate Paiva, B.S. Peter Robert Russo III, B.S. Tina T. Zhou, B.S.B.E.

Computer Engineering Joohi Mittal, B.E., M.S.

Wei Zhang, B.E.†

Yuxiang Zhang, B.E.

Electrical Engineering Benjamin Jackson Clark, B.S., M.A. Molly K. Crane, B.A.

Gozde Guckaya, B.S. Jennifer K. Marx, B.S.

Gene William Schildkraut, B.A., B.A.

Manufacturing Engineering Ali Sinan Hassan, B.S.

Materials Science & Engineering Jackson Chang, B.S. Poornima Muralidhar, B.A.

Mechanical Engineering John Edward Fitzpatrick, B.S. David Scott Hamilton Giraud, B.S. Dana Mashayekh, B.S. Edward Allen Miller, B.S.M.E., B.M.

Gregory Michael Boumil, B.S. Tyler Johnson Cronk, B.S.§ Timothy James Davidson, B.S.§ Sean James Driscoll, B.S.

Patrick Alan Pease, B.S. Barry John Veltman, B.S. Zhipeng Wang Eric Allen Zipfel, B.S.

Photonics Joseph Weizong Yu, B.S.†

Systems Engineering Ludovico Jose Fontana Pelgron, B.S.

David Joseph Kuchinsky, B.S.†

Yerzat Marat, B.S.†

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) Bioinformatics* Evan Michael Appleton, B.S. Chet Bradley Birger, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Rishi Ganguly, B.E., M.Eng. Yu Fei Li, B.S.† Carol L. Munroe, A.B., M.A., M.A.T., Ph.D.

Alexandria R. Papa, B.Sc.‡ Bonny Pravin Patel, B.S. Juan Carlos Ramirez Tapia, B.S. Matthew Charles Schu, B.S., M.S.Ed.† Simone Sciabola‡

Sivasish Sindiri Badri Narayan Vardarajan, M.S.† Viktor Nikolaev Vasilev, B.S.† Ran Xue

Biomedical Engineering Raffi B. Afeyan, B.E. Samir Dilip Amin, B.S. Vivek N. Bhatia, B.A.† Whan Wook Chang, B.S.‡ Alexander Michael Fichtenholtz, B.S.‡ Timothy Nehiley Ford, B.S.† Christopher Dane Garay, B.E. Michelle Elizabeth Kinahan, B.S.‡ Zhuting Li, B.S.†

Kevin D. Litcofsky, B.S.‡ Benjamin McNally, B.E.† Sheetal Rajendra Modi, B.S.‡ Margo R. Monroe, B.A., B.S.† Charlotte Chia Ch’I Naylor, B.S. Rikin Vasudev Patel, B.S.† Matthew Wayne Peterson, B.S. Eduard Reznik, B.S.† Jared C. Saffie, B.S.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate

Sean Michael Serell, B.S.‡ Kevin Shiue Shiuan, B.S. Rachel Christine Stewart, B.S.‡ Brian Talbot, B.S.† Tyler J. Wellman, B.S. Jon Woodard, B.S.† Raphael Yao, B.S.† Eunice Sunyoung Yi, B.S. Stefan Thomas Yohe, B.S.‡

Tentative September 2012 graduate


*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences



Computer Engineering Sri Krishna Chaitanya Bhattam, B.E. Daiwen Chen, B.E. Leran Chen, B.E. Yushan Chen, B.E.† Shizun Ge, B.E. Roza Ghamari, B.S.‡ Ruoyu Huang, B.S. Rohindra Vighnesh Lall, B.Tech.† Qimeng Li, B.E. Xiaonan Li, B.E. Kan Lin, B.E.‡ Xulei Liu, B.E.

Xiaohui Ma, B.S. Xiaojing Ma, B.E. Cankut Orakçal, B.S. Vijeth Rajashekar, B.E. Rohan Roy, B.E. Ishita Saxena, B.S.† Rashmi Sampatlal Shah, B.E.† Chen Sun, B.S., B.M. Zafar M. Takhirov, Diploma Alice Tsing, B.S. Aylin Turhan, B.S.

Po-Cheng Wang, B.S. Yan Wang, B.E. Idan Miron Warsawski, B.S. Yi Wei, B.E. Yupeng Xing, B.E. Jingxi Xu, B.S. Haohan Yao, B.E. Feitong Yi, B.S. Xiang Yu, B.E. Jiang Zhang, B.E.† Zuojun Zhu, B.E.

Electrical Engineering Rohan Arora, B.E. Dipesh Bhattarai, B.A., M.A. Huibin Bi, B.S., B.E. Zhu Chen, B.E.† Daniel James Cullen, B.S. Kane Alexander Martino Cunningham, B.A., M.F.A.† Ermias Dendir, B.S.‡ Jeffrey Di Maria, B.S.† Sourav Kumar Dutta, B.Tech.‡ Joshua Einstein, B.H.A.‡ Willem Daniël Esterhuizen, B.S. Dordaneh Etezadi, B.E.‡ Ken-Hao Fan, B.S. Pavel Gilenberg, B.S.† Kumarapuram Ananthakrishnan Gopalakrishnan, B.E.† Jinshan Guo, B.E.

David Mark Harrah, B.S. Fei He, B.E. Zhuotao He, B.E. Jonathan Carl Hedstrom, B.S.† Yavor Lyubomirov Kolarov, B.S. Nathaniel Thomas Lawrence, B.S. Jonathan Michael Lobo, B.S.† Di Lu, B.S. Alexander Thomas Macdonell, B.S. Anusha Madala, B.Tech.† Runsheng Mao, B.E. Ryan M. McGovern, B.S. Pinar Ozdemir, Diploma‡ Kyle Anders Pearson, B.S.† Mohammed Osamh M Rahbini, B.S. Gustavo G. Ramallo, B.S.‡ Lokesh Amarnath Ravindranathan, B.Tech.‡

Alexander P. Reddington, B.S. Omar Ryan Sadder, B.S.† Fahmil H. Shah, B.S.† Qingchuan Shi, B.S. Peter John Staats, B.S. Jeremy Stark, B.S., B.S. Robert C. Sumner Jr., B.S. Xiaochun Sun, B.E. Gary F. Walsh, B.S., B.S.‡ Chen Wang, B.E. Huan Wang, B.S. Junfei Wang, B.E. Meng Wang, B.E. Eric Andrew Wolf, B.S.‡ Yaoqi Zhang, B.S.† Qi Zhao, B.S.

Manufacturing Engineering Maria T. Castro, B.S.M.E., B.S. Lu Liu, B.E.†

Bryan Mario Marazzi, B.S.†

Shaun M. Phillips, B.S.†

Materials Science & Engineering Katharine Claire Bailey, B.S. Peter David Girouard, B.S.§ Christopher Brooks Henderson, B.A.‡ †

Shou-Chia Hwang, B.S.† Sijie Jia, B.E.† Yihong Jiang, B.E.†

Gultekin Tasdirek, B.E., M.S. Wenjie Tu, B.S.‡ Chih-Lun Wang, B.S., M.S.†

Mechanical Engineering Matthew Tyler Adams, B.S. Olalekan Adeoye Babaniyi, B.S.§ Xue Ben, B.S. Christopher Michael Ceglio, B.S.† Christopher David Cooper Villagrán‡ Neil Dhandhukia, B.S.B.A.† Steven Fernandez, B.S.† Preston Edward Jenkins, B.A. †

Saurav Kumar Dubey, B.S., B.S. Charles A. Lissandrello, B.S.† Ian Harwood McGuinness, B.A. Hasan Kayhan Ozcimder, Diploma‡ Zenan Qi, B.N.S. Thomas J. Raymond, B.S.† Alexander Gerald Roan, B.S.† Robert Michael Schleicher, B.M.§

Daniel Thomas Seidl, B.S. David Stapleton, B.S.† Karin Peggy Sung, B.A. Jacob Thomas Trueb, B.S.‡ Brede Joseph Wegener, B.S.† Jonathan David White, B.S.† Reimi Yonekura, B.S.‡ Rachel Lindsey Yu, B.S.

Photonics Ahmed Magdy Farouk Mohamed, B.S.

Systems Engineering Aaron Jacob Berliner, B.S. Justin MacLeod Foster, A.B.‡

Yanfeng Geng, B.E. Jizong Shang, B.E., M.E.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Xiaojin Tang, B.S.‡ Egill Tómasson, B.S.‡

Tentative September 2012 graduate



DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Bioinformatics* Eric Paul Bishop, B.S., “Characterization of Chromatin Architecture and the Mechanism of Dosage Compensation” David Byrne, B.E., M.S., “Genetic and Environmental Perturbation Effects on Metabolic Networks and Engineering Objectives” Joseph David Campbell, B.A., M.S., ”Genome-Wide Characterization of MicroRNA and Gene Expression Patterns in Smoking-Related Lung Disease” Alexandra Dumitriu, M.S., “Genome-Wide Expression and Genomic Data Integration Analyses in Sporadic Parkinson Disease” Julie Zeskind Gil, B.S., M.Eng., “Gene Expression Alterations Associated with Progression of Emphysema and Small Airway Disease in Smokers with COPD”† Adam Chapin Gower, B.S., “Discovering Biological Connections Between Experimental Conditions Based on Common Patterns of Differential Gene Expression”

Loren L. Hansen, B.S., “Computational Analysis of Chromatin Features Associated with Transcription and Recombination in Yeast”† Varun Mazumdar, M.S., “Metabolism in the Human Microbiome, From the Single Organism to the Community Level” Gregory D. Miles, B.S., M.S., “Identifying Dysregulated Pathways and Signatures Associated with Tumorigenesis and Survival Differences in Cancer” Jignesh Parikh, B.S., M.S., “Interrogating Signaling Pathways Using Transciptomic and Proteomic Data” Esther Rheinbay, “Integrative Analysis of Histone Modification Landscape of Embryonic and Glioblastoma Stem Cells” Razvan Sultana, M.S., “High-Throughput Genotyping and Fingerprinting of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Multi-Drug Resistant Strains”

Biomedical Engineering Michael Nicholas Economo, B.S., “Investigating the Mechanisms of Cellular and Network Rhythmogenesis in Hippocampal Formation and Neocortex”† Alexander Michael Fichtenholtz, B.S., M.S., “In Silico Bacterial Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction from Sequence”† David Reynolds Hall, B.S., M.S., “Analysis of Molecular Interactions in the Presence of Side Chain Flexibility” Walter Ferdinand Heine, B.S., M.S.E., “The Spatiotemporal Receptive Field Properties of Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells” Abhishek Jain, B.Tech., M.S., M.S., “Blood Rheology and Biomimetic Rare Cell Segregation on Microfluidic Platforms”† Henry Hung-Yi Lee, B.S., M.S., “A Systems Approach to the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance”† Kevin Daniel Litcofsky, B.S., M.S., “A Breadboard for Synthetic Gene Networks”† Jiahui Spring Liu, B.E., M.S., “Neural Coding of Circadian Rhythm: Efferent Modulation of Limulus Visual Sensitivity”†

Benjamin McNally, B.E., M.S., “Next Generation NanoporeBased DNA Sequencing”† Chi Ho Ngan, B.S., M.S., “Identification and Analysis of Ligand Binding Sites by Computational Mapping”† Benjamin P. Perrone, B.A., “Neural Selectivity in the Secondary Auditory Forebrain of the Zebra Finch”† Dorea Ruth Ruggles, B.A., M.S., “Individual Differences in Processing of Supra-Threshold Sound: An Investigation of Normal-Hearing Listeners”† Michele Diane Savery, B.S., M.E., “Quantitative Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Integrity of the Microvascular Glycocalyx in Healthy and Transgenic Mice”† Alon Singer, B.S., M.S., “A Solid-State Nanopore-Based Platform for Molecular Diagnostics” Philipp Stefan Spuhler, B.S., M.S., “High-Throughput Detection of DNA Orientation and Conformation for Characterization of Protein-DNA Interactions”† Jane Yuqian Zhang, B.A.S., M.S., “Concentrating Complex Biological Samples for Point-of-Care Diagnostics”†

Computer Engineering Vyas Venkataraman, B.S., M.S., “Lyra: A High Level Modeling and Synthesis Methodology for Concurrent Systems Using Rendezvous”†

Electrical Engineering Sonal Ambwani, B.Tech., M.S., “Joint Cardiac and Respiratory Motion Correction and Super-Resolution in Coronary PET/ CT”† Bryan Thomas Cole, B.S., M.S., “Integrated Machine Learning and Signal Understanding for Movement Disorder Recognition”† Kai Guo, B.E., M.Phil., “Action Recognition Using LogCovariance Matrices of Silhouette and Optical-Flow Features”† John Timothy Irvine Henson, B.S., M.S., “Plasmonic Enhancement Engineering of Semiconductor Light Emitters”†

January 2012 graduate

Brian Andrew Hicks, B.A., M.A., “Nulling Interferometers for Space-Based High-Contrast Visible Imaging and Measurement of Exoplanetary Environments”† Chen-Kai Kao, B.S., M.S., “Development of Ultraviolet Electroabsorption Modulators and Light Emitting Diodes Based on AlGaN Alloys”† Craig Alan Keasler, B.S., “Advanced Numerical Modeling and Characterization of Infrared Focal Plane Arrays”† Burkay Birant Orten, B.S., M.S., “Exploitation of Sensing Structure in High-Dimensional Decision Making Motivated by Computed Tomography Perfusion Imaging”† Ivana Stojanovic, ´ B.S., M.S., “Sparse Reconstruction in Monostatic and Multistatic SAR”†

September 2011 graduate

Tentative September 2012 graduate


*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences



Materials Science & Engineering Lincoln James Miara, B.S., “Kinetics of Oxygen Reduction in Perovskite Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: A Combined Modeling and Experimental Approach”†

Yongwoo Shin, B.S., M.A., M.S., “Modeling Energy and Charge Transports in Pi-Conjugated Systems”† Stephen Gibson Topping, B.S., “Vapor Deposited Europium Doped Lutetium Oxide for X-ray Imaging Applications”†

Mechanical Engineering Qingqing Cao, B.E., B.M., M.S., “Microfluidic Platform for PCR Based Nucleic Acid Diagnostic”† Andrew Bruce Draudt, B.S., M.S., “Evaluation of Harmonic Motion Elastography and Acousto-Optic Imaging for Monitoring Lesion Formation by High Intensity Focused Ultrasound”†

Peng Zhang, B.S., M.S., “The Application of Phase-Shift Nanoemulsion in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound: An in vitro Study”†

Systems Engineering Ali Kebarighotbi, B.S., M.S., “Perturbation Analysis in Fluid Scheduling and Optimization of Stochastic Hybrid Systems”†

January 2012 graduate

Zeyu Wu, B.S., “Free Space Optical Networking with Visible Light: A Multi-Hop Multi-Access Solution”†

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of Fine Arts BENJAMÍN JUÁREZ, Dean

BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS—VISUAL (B.F.A.) Emily Michelle Avedissian,

Jessica Mari Friedowitz,

Chelsea Lynn Bathurst, CumLaude Philippa Palmer Bradberry Arielle Victoria Bremby, CumLaude Reuben William Buchanan Beth Campbell‡ Allison Fong Chi, MagnaCumLaude Erica Lorrie Chin, CumLaude† Jessica Lynn Churchill,

Raleigh Daniel Froeber Christopher Joseph Goodale Amy Guan, MagnaCumLaude Brittany Anne Haynes Jennifer Lilly Hinkle Alyssa Clare Hoersten, CumLaude Lara Ann Holt Abigail Catherine Kaiser Melissa Nicole Katz Erin Meylan Kelly, CumLaude Jessica Jinkyoung Kim‡ Juyoung Kim Aline Dalit Kovacs, CumLaude Calais Erika Kraichoke Christopher Albert Lee, CumLaude Abigail R. Lewis Yihyoung Li, CumLaude Alicia L. Link Tania Maria Machado Maxwell Douglas McArdle, CumLaude Joelle Brianne McKenna Emily Megan McMahon, CumLaude Anna Rose Mulry, CumLaude



Kristen Elizabeth Connors, MagnaCumLaude

Abigail Farelo Costeira, MagnaCumLaude†

Jennifer Maya Crandall Charis Erin Dalessio Elyssa Beth Dion, CumLaude Molly Marie Douglas, MagnaCumLaude

Simone Duff Anna Faber-Hammond Kristina Flores Deborah Fong Colleen Ann Fremont-Smith†


Ji Hyun Oh† Jessica Li Pang, CumLaude Kim Tuyen Thi Pham Juliet Rose Phillips, MagnaCumLaude Rebecca Priscilla Villanueva Puno† Luke Taylor Rogers, SummaCumLaude Caroline Rothston Madeline Michele Saggiomo Marissa Salas Natalie Nelson Schiera, SummaCumLaude

Crystal Marie Seitz, SummaCumLaude Samantha Ray Siegel, CumLaude Rachel Peery Sloan Eric Matthew Strother James Gustav Svahn-Jaccoma Virginia Mollenhauer Swain Michele Rose Trio Lauren Katherine Vershon Amber Nicole Vittoria, SummaCumLaude

Lindsay Ilyse Weitzman Kristen Mckenzie Winner Hye Ji Yang Eunice Yeung

BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS—THEATRE (B.F.A.) Lauren Elizabeth Acker, SummaCumLaude

Anna Katarina Adamowicz Edda Simone Baruch Mary Kathleen Budzn‡ Trevor Scott Campbell Adrienne Michelle Carlile, SummaCumLaude‡

Melissa Kaitlyn Carter Nicholas David Alexander Carter Samuel Auld Coughlin‡ Caitlin Elizabeth Crawley‡ Sonia Rhay Karuna Decker, MagnaCumLaude

Stephen Crane Dee Jr. Nicole Olney DiLoreto, CumLaude Edmund C. Donovan Stephen Razzari Elrod Callie Jane Farnsworth Daisy Alexandra Farrant

Jahna Nicole Ferron-Smith, CumLaude Maria Gianna Gilhooley Sacha Glasser Amelia Anne Gossett, CumLaude Kate Jean Hamilton Tessa Regina Hayward Olivia Joan Hendrick, CumLaude Hayley White Holbrook Cloteal Lee Horne Matthew Seiji Ketai, MagnaCumLaude Antonia Sive Lassar, CumLaude Sydney Noel Lemmon Matthew Allan Lytle Benjamin Kyle Martin, MagnaCumLaude

John Clifford McLean Stuart Benjamin Meyers Melanie Joy Neu Bridget Mary O’Neill Maria Lucia Pasquini, CumLaude

Loren Primeau Leigh Mackenzie Robinette Kaley Clare Ronayne Emily Rose Rudofsky Kevin D. Schlagle, SummaCumLaude Kathleen Britian Seibert Gail Rachel Shalan, CumLaude Brian Andrew Shaw German Slutskiy Daniel Ross Solomon Leo Maxwell Stagg, CumLaude Chelsea Moriah Thomason Jessica Ann Uher‡ Caroline Lynne Waldman Forrest Edward Weber§ Amber Reauchean Williams, CumLaude Brittany Clair Wineteer§ Jay S. Zawacki John Robert Zdrojeski, CumLaude Emily Kiefer Zickler

BACHELOR OF MUSIC (Mus.B.) Constance M. Bainbridge Emily Elizabeth Baker David Elias Baroody Patrick Edward Bergerson Lee Anne Blackmore

Jonathan Winton Brenner Michael Philip Convicer, CumLaude Thomas Arthur Curry Michael Brian Gallagan‡ Ian Grodsky Gottlieb, MagnaCumLaude

Benjamin Russell Green Emily Elisabeth Hudson, SummaCumLaude

Silvija Lara Kristapsons, MagnaCumLaude

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of FINE ARTS

Megan Isabelle Lotz, MagnaCumLaude Seth Jordan MacLeod Lea Marie Madda, MagnaCumLaude Catherine Elizabeth Marino, CumLaude Brandon R. Mason Matthew Scott McDonald Tavia Marie Merchant

Robert Lawrence O’Brien Ashlyn M. Olson, CumLaude Evan E. Perry Laura Kim Pincus‡ Joseph Enrico Pratolongo† Alexandra Elizabeth Rinn Elise Margaret Roth

Miles Anthony Salerni, CumLaude Jeremy Andrew Allen Salo, MagnaCumLaude

Michael Carpenter Sherman, CumLaude Katrina Marie Tammaro Andres Santiago Trujillo

MASTER OF FINE ARTS—VISUAL (M.F.A.) Natalia Afentoulidou, Diploma Roeya Amigh, B.F.A. Kyle John Anger, B.F.A. Christopher Gareth Bain, B.A., B.Phil., Art Dip. Abigail Randolph Beauregard-Lewis, B.A.‡ Melinda Sol Brechbuehler, B.A. Joel Morris Brown, B.F.A. Jinkyung Cho, B.F.A. Leah Claire Davis, B.A.† Andrew K. Dunn, B.F.A.

Mayce El Kharouf, B.S. Yan Gao, B.A. Stefan Alexander Jones, B.S.Ed. Nathan Alan Keay, B.F.A. Kyle Robert Larson, B.A., M.A. Alla B. Lazebnik, B.F.A., B.S. Shanshan Ma, B.E. David Keith Mar, B.F.A. Meghan Patricia Marshall, B.A., B.S. Christina Elizabeth Mastro, B.A. Amanda Christine Matthews, B.F.A. Sarah Elizabeth Mosser, B.S.

Margaux Higby Ogden, B.A., Cert. Kei Omotaka, B.A. Brian Paul Savignano, B.F.A. Marc Nicholas Schepens, B.S., Cert. Chi-Yao Tang, B.A. Erika Marie Wastrom, B.F.A. Emily Natrese Wist, B.A. Mengyuan Xue, B.A. Jieling Yang, B.F.A., B.A. Yang Yang, B.A.‡ Benjamin Howell Zawalich, B.F.A. Ye Zhang, B.A.

MASTER OF FINE ARTS—THEATRE (M.F.A.) Jeremy C. Barnett, B.F.A.† Lane Clare Black, B.A. Nancy J. Brennan, B.A. Christopher Shane Dills, B.F.A. Steven Matthew Ginsburg, B.A. Jennifer Leigh Hebner, B.F.A. Elena Rose Heyman, B.S.

Alicia Lyn Hunt, B.F.A. Jason King Jones, B.F.A. Eleanor Sarah Kahn, B.Arch. Ryan Miller Kichler, B.A. Kamilla Kurmanbekova, C.A.S., B.A. Diane L. McLean, B.S.

Jessica Christine Pautler, B.A. Tristan Scott Barton Raines, B.S.† Darby A. Smotherman, B.S., B.A.† Joshua Staines, B.S. Eric Sean Watkins, B.E.E. Andrew Duncan Will, B.A.

MASTER OF MUSIC (Mus.M.) Seth Michael Adams, B.Mus. Pamela Ann Agius, B.M. Ismail Akmuradov, B.M., Perf. Dip. Bradley Neil Allen, B.M.† Rafael Borges Amaral, B.M. Jon Christian Mayhew Anderson, B.S., B.A.‡ Kathryn Elizabeth Anderson, B.M.E.‡ Jessica Schmeck Bannasch, B.M.‡ Kimberly Karen Bain Barclift, B.M. Tana Nicole Barnett, B.M.‡ Maria Jean Stone Bassett, B.M. Aubrey L. Bauers, B.M. Anna Louise Bielawski, B.M. Chad Matthew Bieniek, B.M.‡ Melodie Bishop, B.A. Lisa Laury Blanchette, B.M.E.† Stephanie Ann Bonitz, B.M.E.‡ Justin Houtz Brehm, B.A. Rebecca Mae Brendli, B.A.† Kyle David Brightwell, B.M. Jonathan Andrew Britt, B.A.† Timothy Alan Bupp, B.M.E.‡ Christopher L. Burns, B.A., M.F.A. Heidi Lynne Bush, Ed.B. Amanda Carol Cagle, B.M.E.‡ Amanda Marie Caretta-Hull, B.A.† Heather A. Carlson-Jaquez, B.M. Megan Carrie Carmody, B.M.E.‡ Jason Adam Champlin, B.M.‡ Mu-Fan Chan, B.M. Kai-Yun Cheng, B.M.

Jamie Chimchirian, B.M. Donna Jean Clark, B.M.E. Alexandra O’Shaughnessy Coghill, B.M.E. Audra Rose Comer, B.M.‡ Kenneth William Craig, B.A.‡ Heidi Ann Dahms, A.B., M.M. Kimberly Sue Damian, B.M.E.‡ Jeffrey Ryan Daniels, B.A.† Kelly M. Danner, B.A. Lisa M. Davey, B.Mus.† Maxwell Spenser DeCurtins, B.A., B.A.‡ Joanna Erin Deputy, B.M.E.† Lucas Elliot Dickinson, B.F.A.‡ Brigitte Emenheiser Dill, B.M.E.‡ Laura Elizabeth Donovan, B.S.Ed.‡ Mary Katherine Dulweber, B.M. Brian Christopher Elder, B.A. Kelly Jeanne Eldridge, B.M.‡ Jill Greenwood Ensign, B.M. Christina Michelle Esposito, B.M.E.† Bethany Anne Estano, Mus.B. Jesse Lee Evans, B.M.E.† Zora Wafer Foster, B.M.E.‡ Christine Marie Froomer, B.M.E. Kaitlin Elizabeth Fry, B.Mus. Henry William Fu, B.Ed.‡ Gina Nicole Gaspary, B.M.E. Edward John Gibney, B.M.‡ Amy Louise Gier, B.M., M.M.† James Glenn Gillette, B.Mus.‡ Melissa Elizabeth Glover, B.S.Ed.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Kristin A. Golding, B.M.E.† Valerie Jane B. Gonzales, B.M. Jennifer Gonzalez, A.B.Ed., Ed.M.† Shelly Denise Goughnour, B.M.† Jennifer Ann Grant, B.S. James Sidney Greene, Jr., B.Mus.† Anna Lydia Griffis, B.Mus. Jason Lee Groon, B.M.E.‡ Alexander Carey Grover, B.A.† Brandon James Hagan, B.M. Paul Alex Halpainy, B.M.E.† Paul Charles Halverson, B.A. Kelly Ann Harms, B.M.‡ Sharen Wynona Hart, B.S.‡ Megan Irene Hauck, B.M.E.† Eric Augustus Hayslett, B.M.† Isabel Virginia Hernandez-Cata, B.A.‡ Eugene John Hernandez Jr., B.M.† Tiffany Leilani Hitz, B.M.E. Loyda Esmirna Hjelte, B.A.S. Maria Kathleen Hoffman, B.M. Bonnie Jeanne Holmes, B.S. Katie Marie Houck, B.M. Devin Tyler Householder, B.M.E.† Candice A. Howard, B.A.‡ Matthew K. Howe, B.M. Chen-Ling Hsu, B.M. Tyler Joseph Hull, B.A. Lauren Christine Hurd, B.M.‡ James Michael Hurley, B.A.† Amy Elizabeth Iceman, B.M.E.† Laura Jacky, B.M.†

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of FINE ARTS

Teresa Lynn Jazo, B.M.E.‡ Christopher William Johnson, B.S. Jennifer Lynn Johnston, B.M.‡ Samantha Christine Jones, B.A. Rachel Marie Juszczak, B.M. Caroline M. Kaupa, B.A.‡ Christopher Harrison Keiper, B.S.† Benjamin John Kepler, B.M.E. Amy Elizabeth Keus, B.Mus.† Todd James Keyser, B.S.Ed. Rebecca Lyn Kilgus, B.M. Hyun-Ji Kim, B.M. Aaron Jonathon Kirschner, B.M. Jonathan Ross Kladder, B.M.E.‡ Katelyn A. Kurpiewski, B.M.‡ Krista Linnea Lane, B.M.E.‡ Sean Michael Larkin, B.M. Laura K. Leary, B.M. Holly Joanna Lehman, B.S.Ed. Daniel William Leimer, B.M.† Laura Marie LeSaffre, Mus.B., B.M.E.† Vivien Tsz Yan Leung, B.S., M.A. Sarah Rae Lidy, B.M.‡ Jonathan Michael Lischak, B.M.† Kelly Ann Lopes, B.M. Melissa Elizabeth Lund, B.M. Sahara Ann Lupo, B.S. Elizabeth Anne MacDonald, B.M.E.† Alicia Marie Maloney, Mus.B. Julie Ann Manfredi, B.M.E. Connie Esther Mann, B.M.E.† Angela Christine Mantie, B.M.E. Elizabeth Louise Markofski, B.M.‡ Roberto Marti Jr., B.M.E.† Marilyn Ann Mascitti, B.M.E.‡ Molly Kay Mason, B.A. Raymond Massoud, B.Mus. Todd Michael Mastric, B.M.† Patricia Jo McMullen, B.M.E. Jeffrey Todd McNurlan, B.A.† Kate Ellen McRae, B.M.† John Basil Mears, B.M. Teryl Marie Mertzeis, B.M.E.‡ Christopher Lee Metcalfe, B.M.‡ Anna Maria Andrews Miller, B.S. Crystal Michelle Miller, B.M. Shannon Alisha Miller, B.M.

Charles Mondre Moffett, M.A.‡ Mason Alexander Morton, B.M. Mellissa Sue Mulvey, B.A. Jennifer Michelle Murray, B.M. Forest Nathanael Muther, B.M. Stephanie Myre, B.A.‡ John Marcus Levi Nance, B.M.E.† Devon Grace Nelson, Mus.B. Jessica Elizabeth Nelson, Mus.B. Luke Allen Nelson, B.A.‡ Michael Carl Nelson, B.M.† Peter Roddy Nelson-King, B.M. Lauren Elizabeth Nicosia, B.M.† David Andrew O’Brien, B.A.‡ Ricardo Robert Oliva, B.M. Natacia A. Owens, B.A. Lisa Latrell Pariseau, B.A. Min Su Park, B.M.E. Denali Dawn Pearce-Alt, B.S.Ed.‡ Anne Elizabeth Pendleton, B.M.† Brianna Aislinn Pesce, Mus.B., B.M.§ Daniel Joseph Peterson, B.S. Daniel Marshall Peterson, B.M. Allyn M. Phelps III, B.Mus. Jerry Lynn Phelps, Jr., B.M.E.‡ Anthony Ronte Pierce, B.A. Amanda Renae Pitzen, B.M.‡ Jenna Ann Poling, B.S. Evelyn Joyce Pricco, B.M.‡ Kaitlin Christine Pucci, B.M. Stephen Raleigh, B.S.‡ Kendall Rashad Ramseur, B.M. Matthew Walter Reeves, B.S. Eric Reynolds, B.M. Danielle Elizabeth Ripa, B.M.† David Keith Roberson, B.S.Ed. Michael Nathan Roberts, B.M. Roxanne Elizabeth Roca, B.A. Justine Judith Rodriguez, B.S.Ed.‡ Alison Lea Rohrbach, B.S.‡ Abigaile Linda Rosen, B.M.E.‡ Ronald Gregory Roskowske, B.Mus.† Andrew Alan Rothrock, B.M.‡ Donna Seddon Roye, B.A.‡ Paula M. Ryan, B.A.‡ Randa Gaber Sadik, B.A.‡

Sarah Kay Sandstrom, B.M.E. Colin Matthew Sapp, B.A.† Rachel Marla Saul, B.M. Erika Lea Scheig, B.M.E. Philip James Schroetter, B.M.E. Tracy James Seiber, B.M.‡ Sara Marie Sesack, B.S. Morgan R. Shaffer, B.M.E.‡ Brendon Adam Shapiro, B.M. Seth Michael Shirk, B.M.‡ Carey Mercer Shunskis, B.Mus. Mark Christopher Shuping, B.M.‡ Denise M. Sitler, B.M.E.‡ Daniel Ian Sitomer, B.M.† Janine Salomon Slaga, B.Mus.† Alison Matta Smith, B.S.Ed.‡ Allison Marie Sproul, B.M.E.‡ Sandra Dawn Stehman, B.A.† Andrea Dorothy Strong, B.S.Ed. Jeffrey Michael Sturgeon, B.A. In Ji Sung, B.M., B.A., M.Ed.† Rachelle Meredith Swank, B.M.E. Stephenie R. Swart, B.M.‡ Lacy Catherine Swauger, B.S. Cora Halma Swenson, B.M. Leonard John Szaltis II, B.M.E., B.A., M.B.A. Whitney Dorne Tandon, B.A.† Crystal Angelique Traini, B.M.E. Ying-Chen Tu, B.Mus. Casey William Vanderstouw, B.M.E.‡ Matthew Joseph Visconti, B.M. Jessica Carolanne Welch, B.M.‡ Thomas N. Weston, Mus.B. Ross Daniel Whiting, B.M.‡ Erin Leigh Wilday, B.M.E.‡ Dale Lamar Williams, B.S.‡ Kevin Richard Williams, B.A. Paul Vincent Williams III, A.B.Ed.† Anna Katherine Wooderson, B.S. Mitchell Alan Wyman, B.M.‡ Kai-Chien Yang, B.M. Kyungsun Yoo, B.M. Lauren Noelle Yorgensen, B.M.E.‡ Ah Young You, B.A. Rebecca Elise Zeisler, B.A.

Master of Arts (M.A.) Naima Safiya Abdul-Haqq, A.B.Ed.† Ruby Michelle Aday, B.A. Janet Marie Allison, B.A.† Jessica Ryan Baldwin, B.A.† Jennifer F. Bass, B.A.† Jacqueline Bergeron, B.F.A.‡ Mark Andrew Bielecki, A.B.Ed.† Jennifer Jill Braverman, B.A.† Graciela Maria Gambetta Brehmer, B.S.B.A., M.B.A. Jennifer Lynn Bucy, B.S.Ed. April Jane Busch, B.A. Genecie Camacho, B.A.† Bridget Therese Casserly, B.A.‡ Katherine Elizabeth Chawula, B.F.A.† Corey Remelle Cianfarano, B.A. Whitney Scott Clement, B.A.‡ Erica Beth Connolly, B.A.† Alyse K. Daly, B.F.A.

Chao Ying Su Davis, B.A.‡ Lisa Miriam Davis, B.S.† Meranda Michelle Dawkins, B.S.Ed.† Kay Frances Oiler Dean, A.B.Ed.† Jennifer Lynn Devin, B.A. Catherine R. Digioia-Laird, A.B.Ed. Julie Dimino, B.S.Ed., Ed.M.‡ Stephanie Michelle Donaldson, B.S.‡ Maeve Kathleen Doolan, B.F.A. Jolanda Dranchak, B.S.Ed.‡ Karen Ruth Duke, B.S.Ed.† Lora Marie Durr, B.S.A.D., B.A.† Katrina Eichorn, A.B.Ed.† Sarah Ellen Erdmann, B.S.† Elizabeth Dianne Evans, B.F.A. Gregory James Falta, B.F.A. Arthurina Fears, B.A.† Gina Fera, B.A.‡ Mark Allen Fisher, B.A.‡

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Joseph Richard Fontinha, B.F.A. Michael Charles Fullerton, B.A.† Angela Yvonne Galvan, B.A. Alyssa Laverne Gangemi, B.A.† Renee Kathleen Gary, B.F.A.† Emily Jane Glass, B.Eng.‡ Lauren Christine Goric, B.S.Ed. Jennifer Lynn Grimaldi, B.A.† Emily Jeanne Hossfeld, B.A.† Jessica Francene Howell, B.L.A.† Crystal Darlene Jahnig, B.S.† Heather Jo Jamesgaard, B.S.Ed.† Mary Schepis Johnson, B.A.‡ Susan Johnson, B.F.A., M.F.A.† Jamie Lynn Jones, A.B.† Nancy B. Jordan, B.A., B.S.‡ Landry Ceann Kelly, B.F.A. Nancy Davies Kenney, B.F.A.† Marcia Kiley-LeMay, B.F.A.‡

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of FINE ARTS

Hyojin Kim, B.F.A. Elizabeth James Kingsley, B.A.† Jennifer Karen Kipnis, B.F.A.‡ Panagiota Patty Klibansky, B.A.† Heather Lea Kostal, B.A.† Kristen Claire LaJeunesse, B.S.† Amanda Guyton Lange, B.F.A., B.A. Megan Colleen Leary-Crist, B.F.A. James Michael Lee, B.A.‡ Lindsay Noelle Lehmann, B.F.A.‡ Heather Anne Libby, B.F.A. Emily Magee Linne, B.S.Ed. Li-Wei Liu, B.F.A.‡ Mary Howard Pender Logel, B.A. Alexandra Kay Ludovici, B.S.Ed. Maria Lorena Maldonado Samaniego, B.A. Katharine Anne Malone-Smith, B.F.A.† Alice Elizabeth Matz, B.F.A. Danielle Marie Meyer, B.F.A.† Nancy J. Meyer, B.F.A. Brendan J. Mruk, B.F.A. Donna Ellen Muchnicki-Hurwitz, B.A.

Andrew John Mullen, B.S.‡ Amanda May Murphy, A.B.Ed.‡ Aubrynn Gwenn Nealis, B.A.† Jennifer Sue Nitschke, B.F.A. Jessica Marie Noel, B.A.† Yolanda W. Ortiz, B.F.A.‡ Katherine Otlowski, B.F.A. Marlene Marie Ouellette, B.S.† Pamela Grace Ouellette, B.S. Tanya Lorraine Patterson, B.S.Ed.† Virginia Settle Peros, B.A.‡ Gretchen Lang Petrarca, B.S.‡ Stephanie Anne Pollard, B.A. Angela Marie Rago, B.F.A.† Jama Worthington Raines, B.A.‡ Jennifer Rebecca Rankey, B.S.Ed.† Brenda Estela Reyes, B.A.‡ Evelyn Rivas, B.A.† Elizabeth Tobin Rodriguez, B.S. Kara Margaret Rosenberg, B.A.‡ Jessica Renee Rupp, B.A.† Megan Ashley Sabatini, B.A. Kara Michele Salinas, B.S.A.D.‡

Clara Jane Schuster, B.F.A. Lisa Robin Schwal, B.F.A.† Alexandre Hugo Selarque, B.A.† Sarah Lyn Sharp, B.F.A. Stephanie Jayne Sherman, B.F.A.† Wendy Taka Shiraki-Raphael, B.F.A., B.A. Christy Adair Steagall, B.S.Ed.† Stephanie L. Stiassni, B.A.S. Leah Elizabeth Todd, B.S.† Joni Marie Turner, B.A.† Holly Nielsen Vlajinac, B.F.A. Jennifer Anne Walk, B.A.‡ Lauren Ashley Watkins, B.F.A. Nicole Marie Whitescarver, A.B.Ed.‡ Sarah Stafford Whitlock, B.F.A.‡ Toni Whittington, B.S. Jeff Vernon Willis, B.A. Leah Louise Winters, B.A. Jessica Lauren Yennie, B.F.A. P. Jayne Marie Young, B.A.† Michael C. Zaba, B.S.Ed., B.S.† Thomas Richard Zuber, B.A.

DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS (Mus.A.D.) Elissa Kathryn Alvarez, B.M., M.M., Voice Performance§ Mark Alun Anderman, B.A., M.A., “Musicianship Instruction in the California Community Colleges”‡ Christopher John Belluscio, B.M., M.M., Brass Performance† Suzanne Therese Cartreine, A.B., M.M., Historical Performance Tiffany Hsu Han Chang, B.M., M.M., Orchestral Conducting Yu-Fang Chang, B.M., Mus.M., String Performance† June Yin-Hsuan Chen, A.B., M.M., M.Ed., “Analysis on Yehudi Wyner’s Piano Concerto, ‘Chiavi in Mano’ ”† Graham John Dixon, B.A., M.Mus., M.A., “Horizon”‡ Eric Peché Esparza, B.M., M.A., M.M., “The Motets of Francesco Cavalli’s ‘Musiche Sacre’: Performing Editions with Critical Commentary” John Michael Genovese, B.M., M.A., “Three Movements for Orchestra” Kristine Elizabeth Gray, B.Ed., B.Mus., M.M., Woodwind Performance Michelle Hansen Snow, B.M., M.M., “Music Education and Entrepreneurship, Post Secondary Music Education and Value Creation for Individuals and Communities” Jamie Timothy Hillman, B.Mus., M.M., Choral Conducting Bo Young Hyun, B.M., M.M., String Performance Yoko Igarashi, B.A., M.M., G.P.D., Collaborative Piano Jee-Hyun Kim, B.M., Mus.M., M.M., “An Introduction to Arthur Bliss’s Solo Vocal Works: An Interpretive Approach”† Ji-Eun Kim, B.M., M.M., P.D., Piano Performance§ You Lee Kim, B.M., M.M., String Performance Hyun Ji Kwon, B.M., P.D., M.M., String Performance Geneviève Leclair, Dip., Dip., B.M., M.M., Orchestral Conducting‡ Jou-Won Lee, B.M., M.M., Perf. Dip., Piano Performance Yi-Hsiu Liu, B.F.A., M.M., String Performance Wen-Chieh Lo, Dip., M.M., “The Piano Music of Mathilde Kralik von Meyerswalden (1857–1944)” Rosemarie B. Manganello, Mus.B., M.A., “Movement in the Middle School Choral Rehearsal”‡ Amy Melissa Mcglothlin, B.F.A., M.M., Woodwind Performance Kenneth James Moore, B.M.E., M.A., “A History of the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association: 1959– 2009”†

January 2012 graduate

Bianca Oglice, B.A., M.M., “Tracing the Enhancement of Sonorities in Beethoven Sonatas” Karl Lloyd Nilsen Orvik, B.M., M.M., String Performance† Maria Pikoula, B.M., M.M., Piano Performance Ana Sorina Popa, B.M., M.M., “You Become What You Practice: Applications of Taijiquan Principles to Piano Playing” Bonnie Anderson Rising, B.M., M.M., Piano Performance Rafael C. Rodriguez, B.M.E., Mus.M., “Continuing Education in Music Ministry of the Atlantic Union Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church” Jason A. Sabol, B.M., M.M., “Cantico delle Creature: A Microtonal Original Composition for Soprano and String Quartet to a Text by St. Francis of Assisi, Including Analytical Commentary” Jelena Simonovi´c Schiff, B.A., M.A., M.A.T., “Music History Pedagogy: Content Analysis of Six Editions of the Norton Anthology of Western Music (1980–2009)” Jung-Won Sun, B.M., M.M., G.P.D., “The Study of Recueil d’Airs de Danse Caractéristiques By Johann Philipp Kirnberger” Pei-Yeh Tsai, B.M., Perf. Dip., M.M., Piano Performance Amanda Wang, B.S., M.M., “An Analysis of Krzysztof Penderecki’s String Quartet No 3 ‘Leaves of an Unwritten Diary’ ” Benjamin Safer Warsaw, B.M., M.M., Piano Performance‡ Timothy Paul Westerhaus, B.A., Mus.M., M.M., “The Baroque Requiem Mass at the Imperial, Habsburg Court in Vienna: A Study of Context, Musical Characteristics, and Signification” Christopher Stuart Whyte, B.M., M.M., “The Stone Tears of Ixtaccihuarl: Into the Serial Timpani Music of Meyer Kupferman” Lei R. Yu, B.M., M.M., “Reconsidering the Yellow River Cantata by Xian Xing-Hai: A Non-Revolutionary Composition” Holly Marie Zagaria, B.A., M.M., Voice Performance Nathan Andrew Zullinger, B.S., M.M., “A Guide to the Choral Music of Charles Fussell”†

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of FINE ARTS

Opera Institute John Malsbary Irvin, B.Mus. Adrian Nathaniel Smith, B.A., M.M.

Christiaan Jesse Smith-Kotlarek, B.M., M.M.

Marcus Heath Sorensen, B.A., M.M. Amanda Nicole Tarver, M.M.

PERFORMANCE DIPLOMA Elizabeth Cecilia Barksdale, B.M., M.M. Chi Hui Kao, B.F.A., M.A.† Meredeth Gwyn Kelly, B.M., Mus.M.

Nayoung Kim, B.M. Jiyoung Lee, B.M.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Chen-Ti Lin, B.F.A. Lindsay Rae McIntosh, B.M., M.M.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine JEFFREY W. HUTTER, Dean

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN DENTISTRY (M.S.D.) Dental Public Health Sarah Ahmed S Bahammam, B.D.S.† Maha Sameer A Linjawi, D.M.D.†

Endodontics Adela Agolli, B.A., D.M.D., C.A.G.S. Mashael E. H. A. M. A. Al-Qallaf, B.A., B.D.S.‡ §

Heba M S A Al-Qatami, B.A., D.M.D.§ Loai Abdulfattah Alsofi, D.Sc., D.D.S.§

Rayan Kafri, D.M.D.‡ Marci Mazzuca, B.S., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.§

Operative Dentistry Asma A. Ibrahim Ben Salah, B.D.S.

Ahmed Faraj Kaddi, B.D.S.§

Maryam M. A. A. AlNajdi, B.D.S.‡ Ghadir Atout-Hajhamad, D.D.S.‡ Gokay Goktug, B.D.S. Bo Lam Kim, B.D.S.‡ Yong Soo Kim, D.D.S.‡

Wen-Tse Lin, D.D.S.§ Enrique Daniel Muller Klein, D.M.D.‡ Zeina Nseir, D.M.D.§ Kishore Sama, B.D.S.§ Abdelrouf Otman Suwid, B.D.S.§


Ali Mohamad M. Ahmad Khiblil, B.D.S., C.A.G.S.§

Oral Biology Konstantina Thomadaki, D.M.D.§ Georges Kamal Traboulsi, D.D.S.‡ Paul Chi-Lin Tsai, B.D.S.‡ Cynthia Yee, B.S., D.D.S., C.A.G.S.§

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics Fawzi M. S. A. Al Qatami, B.A., D.M.D.‡

David P. Blackburn, B.S., D.M.D., Cert.‡ Daniela Beatriz Toro Ramirez, D.D.S.†

Elizabeth Derby Walker, B.S., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.

Pediatric Dentistry Michael Posada, D.D.S.†

Prosthodontics Ozair Banday, B.D.S.† Claire Chang, B.S., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.‡

Manuel Salvador Posada Orozco, D.D.S.§ Fabio Scutella, C.A.G.S.†

Shila Sharifi, B.S., D.M.D. Andreas Skyllouriotis, D.D.S.§ George Ding-Chun Wu, D.D.S.†

DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE (D.M.D.) Sahar Abtahi, B.S., SummaCumLaude Nitin Agrawal, B.D.S.‡ Anu Aheer, B.D.S.‡ Hamed Mohammed S. Alenezi, B.A., D.M.D., MagnaCumLaude‡ Sayed M. Al-Mousawi, B.A., MagnaCumLaude

Mohammed Nazar Al Rawas, B.D.S. Paritosh Amburle, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Anju Aneja, B.D.S.‡ Oshin Samuel Anjirghooli, B.A., CumLaude

Matthew Richard Annese, B.S.,

MagnaCumLaude Shruti Apte, B.D.S., HighHonors

Hossein Aram, B.A.‡

Divya Arora, B.D.S. Puneet Arora, B.D.S., HighHonors Farah Arshad, B.D.S., HighHonors Cammellia Shahram Askari, B.S., CumLaude

Jasmeen Aujla, B.S., MagnaCumLaude Nicholas Bacos, B.S., MagnaCumLaude Rishi Bafna, B.D.S.‡ Christopher Douglas Baker, B.A.,

Neal Baweja, B.S., CumLaude Katherine Alexis Bednar, B.A., MagnaCumLaude

Sathvik Begur Seshadri, B.D.S. Richa Belbase, B.D.S., HighHonors Jeffrey Anthony Bellanti, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Elizabeth Garrett Benz, B.S., MagnaCumLaude‡

Lucinda Jayne Barry, B.S.,

Lakshmi Bethi, B.D.S. Rakesh Matulal Bhatt, B.A. Bibeka Bhattarai Koirala, B.D.S., Honors Jessica Leigh Bogucki, B.S.,

Vijaya Lakshmi Bathina, B.D.S. Vinay Kumar Reddy Battula, B.D.S.‡ Aaron Matthew Baumler, B.S., M.S.

Pawandeep Kaur Boparai, B.D.S. Elmehdi Boujida, B.S., CumLaude Robert Lee Bowling, B.S., CumLaude‡


Julia B. Barbagallo, B.S., MagnaCumLaude MagnaCumLaude


Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


Henry m. goldman school of dental medicine

Joshua Neil Josell Bratt, B.S.‡ Hayley Glenn Buchholz, B.S., M.S.,

Alana Elizabeth Gilgurd, B.S.,

Parneet Khokhar, B.D.S.‡ Ryota Kikuchi, D.D.S., HighHonors Jion Kim, B.S., SummaCumLaude Soeun Jenny Kim, B.A., CumLaude Julie Danielle King, B.A.,

Ketan Girishbhai Ginoya, B.D.S.,

Alisun Elizabeth Kovach, B.S., M.A.,

Shivali Narendra Gohel, B.A., M.S.,

Matthew Gerard Kramer, B.A.,


Michelle Faith Goldstein, B.S.,

Olga Krikunenko, B.A., M.A.,


George Gotsiridze, B.A., M.S.‡ Anshu Goyal, B.D.S. Lauren Anne Greco, B.S., CumLaude Shawn Mitchell Groyeski, B.S.,

Snehlata Kulhari, B.D.S., Honors‡ Sharanya Kumaraswamy, B.D.S. Kennie Kwok, B.S., MagnaCumLaude‡ Sara Lalani, B.S., SummaCumLaude Christian Lares, B.S. Alexey Latsilnik, D.D.S.‡ Jaeseop Lee, B.A., SummaCumLaude Jong Jin Lee, D.D.S., HighHonors Peter Aaron Eu Wung Lee, B.S.,


Alma Javed Bukhari, B.S.‡ Ravindra Kumar Burugapalli, B.D.S., M.S.D. Seth Caldon, B.A., CumLaude Derrick Call, B.S., CumLaude Bradley Cammack, B.A. Christopher Alejandro Canizares, B.S., Zachary John Cargill, B.S.,

Kai Gao, M.S., M.S.D., D.M.D.‡ Adam David Garaas, B.S., CumLaude Danny Michael Gennaoui, B.S., CumLaude‡

MagnaCumLaude Honors‡

MagnaCumLaude MagnaCumLaude

Christopher M. Cassidy, B.S., CumLaude‡

Pankaj Kumar Chadha, B.D.S.‡ Sumit Chanana, B.D.S. Mary Mei-Wa Chau, B.S.,


Danielle Leigh Gulis, B.S.,


Vijaya Laxmi Cheethirala, B.D.S., Honors‡

Pallavi Chellur, B.D.S. Derrick Kuang-Hsi Chen, B.S., M.S., CumLaude

Ruo-Hsuan Chen, D.D.S. Yang-San Chen, B.S., MagnaCumLaude‡ Jared Shiaw-Cheang Cheng, B.S., CumLaude

Vera Chernomordik, B.A., MagnaCumLaude


Yamini Gupta, B.D.S., Honors‡ Arshan Haghi, B.S., SummaCumLaude‡ David Christopher Haluska, B.S., CumLaude

Ahmed Mohamed Hamada Ibrahim, B.D.S., Honors Imran Ali Hameedi, B.S. Nidhi Ajit Handa, B.D.S., Honors‡ Sabahat Hanif, B.A., CumLaude William C. Harding IV, B.A., CumLaude‡

MagnaCumLaude‡ MagnaCumLaude MagnaCumLaude CumLaude


Soonki Lee, D.D.S., Honors Jessica Leonetti, B.A., CumLaude‡ Ivey Leigh Lipman, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Melissa Ann Ripeka Lowry, B.S., CumLaude

Hue To Ly, B.S. Namratha Madapu, B.D.S. Spaska Lachezarova Malaric, D.D.S.,

Melissa Choi, B.A., MagnaCumLaude Young Ah Choi, B.S., CumLaude‡ Michael Chong, B.S., CumLaude Neha Chopra, B.D.S.‡ Sophia Chou, B.A., B.A., CumLaude‡ Rajesh Chunduri, B.D.S. Mark Paul Cipolla, B.S.,

Cherry Harika, B.D.S. Mark William Hartzler, B.S.,

Jeffrey Paul Clark, B.S., M.A., M.A.,

Thomas Mitchell Horgan, B.A.,

Purveshkumar Labhubhai Malaviya, B.D.S., Honors‡ Rahul Malik, B.D.S. Amy Yvette Mann, B.S., CumLaude Derek Michael Martin, B.A., CumLaude Ana Carolina Lopes Mattos, B.S. Matthew Joseph Meador, B.A.,

Evan Ross Cohen, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Elizabeth Hsi, B.A. Alex Po Man Hung, B.S.,

Kiyan Mehdizadeh, B.S., CumLaude Elizabeth Allison Merritt, B.S.,


Jun Hyuk Hwang, B.S.,

Andrew James Miller, B.S.,

Lindsey Dawn Jackson, B.A.,

Hiral Mukundkumar Modi, B.D.S.,

Rohit James, B.D.S. Jatinder Singh Jawandha, B.D.S. Amulya Jayanty, B.D.S. Shyam Sunder Jindal, B.D.S. Nelishah Jiwani, B.S.,

Sean Patrick Monaghan, B.S. Lizania Montero, B.A., M.A.,



Sean Thomas Collins,



Farah Hasan, B.D.S., HighHonors Khaled Mohamed Abdelsalam Hashem, B.D.S.‡ Andrea C. Herold, B.S., SummaCumLaude‡ SummaCumLaude MagnaCumLaude

Alicia Dawn Cook, B.S., CumLaude‡ John Joseph Costandi, B.D.S., HighHonors

Michael William Courtney Jr., B.A., M.A., MagnaCumLaude Sarah Lyn Courtney, B.A., M.A., MagnaCumLaude

Danielle Louise Culp, B.S., CumLaude Savio Joseph D Cruz, B.D.S.† Andrew Danczak, B.S. Kaushal Chandresh Desai, B.D.S., Honors

Salimah Dhanji, B.S., CumLaude Pabina Dhawan, B.D.S. Jaya Gumanmal Doshi, B.D.S.‡ Rushabh Jayprakash Doshi, B.D.S. Hemasundra Reddy Duggireddy, B.D.S. Wadie O. Dughman, B.S., MagnaCumLaude†

Richard G. Egan III, B.A. Marc William El Masri, B.S.,






Shilpi Joshi, B.D.S. Uros Jovovic, B.S., CumLaude‡ Joseph Kabaklian, B.S., CumLaude Shayan Kafri, B.A., CumLaude Kunal Mukesh Kanani, B.D.S. Janaki Kanti Kanzaria, B.A., CumLaude Aditya Arvind Kashyap, B.D.S. Surpreet Kaur, B.D.S., Honors‡ Mayur Kewalramani, B.D.S.‡ John Randall Keyes, B.S., CumLaude Sheede Khalil Ciccarese, B.A., MagnaCumLaude

Adeel Ahmad Khan, B.S., M.A.,

MagnaCumLaude‡ Adar Finkel, B.S., CumLaude

Margarita A. Galvez Fuentes, B.S., CumLaude‡

Rachel Gandler, B.S., CumLaude‡


Fatima Khan, B.D.S., HighHonors Taimur Khan, B.S., MagnaCumLaude Deepika Khanna, B.S., CumLaude

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate



HighHonors CumLaude‡

Angela Moon, B.A. Joshua Craig Morrow, B.A. Joseph H. Musselman, B.S., MagnaCumLaude‡

Guruprasanna Nagarajan, B.D.S.‡ Sarah Naghibi, B.A., MagnaCumLaude Saif Munther Naji, B.D.S. Marcus L. Ngai, B.S. Timothy Ngork, B.S., CumLaude Arnold Nguyen, B.A. Tatiana Novas, B.A., M.A., CumLaude‡ Thomas O’Connor, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Sean O’Grady, CumLaude‡ Nina Mi Hyun Oh, B.A., CumLaude Young Ju Oh, D.M.D.‡ Sybil Ann Padavathil, B.S., CumLaude Mayank Pahwa, B.D.S.‡ Manjari Pamulapati, B.D.S. Rajeev Panakanti, B.D.S.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


Henry m. goldman school of dental medicine

Mike Papastamatis, B.S. Kony Park, B.S., CumLaude Mohammed Parvez, B.D.S. Amit Patel, B.S., CumLaude Amitkumar Pravinkumar Patel, B.D.S., Honors

Dhagash Bharatkumar Patel, B.D.S.,

Johannes N. Seywerd, B.S.‡ Kajel Shah, B.S., CumLaude Kinnar Rameshchandra Shah, B.D.S.,

Kiran Kumar Tamminidi, B.D.S. Toshar Taneja, B.D.S., HighHonors‡ Jay Muruga Theva, B.A., M.A.,

Mansi J. Shah, B.A., MagnaCumLaude Rani Rajen Shah, B.S.,

Viet Tran, B.S., CumLaude Malav Bakul Trivedi, B.S., CumLaude‡ Petrushka Tuli, B.D.S., Honors Elizabeth Tweddale Correa, B.A. Charles Alexander Ullman, B.A.,




Jimishkumar Patel, B.D.S. Shivani Tapan Patel, B.D.S., HighHonors

Tapan Patel, B.D.S.‡ Madhur Sudhir Patil, B.D.S. Benjamin Pham, B.S., CumLaude Jesbina Piya, B.D.S. Naima Qureshi, B.D.S. Darshil Bhupatbhai Ranpariya, B.D.S. Chad E. Rebhun, B.S.,

Aliesha Lashell Shaw, B.S., CumLaude‡ Tanuja Shekhawat, B.D.S.‡ Zheng Shi, B.M. Rakshya Shrestha, B.D.S. Madhav Shrirao, B.D.S. Henry Wing Hong Shum, B.S., MagnaCumLaude‡

Jagdeep Sibia, B.D.S. Aprajita Singh, B.D.S. Priya Singh, B.A., M.S., MagnaCumLaude


Moira Kathleen Sinnott, B.A.,


Hillary Critchlow Sivik, B.S.,


James Ryan Smith, B.A.,

Matthew Rhee, B.A., D.M.D.,


Kathleen Kane Rigden, B.S.,


Michael Z. Rolin, B.S. Alan Robert Rosales, B.S.‡ Kevin Ryan, B.A., MagnaCumLaude Mahesh Hiralal Sadhnani, B.D.S., Honors

Leyla Sahabi, B.S., MagnaCumLaude Karim Salem, D.D.S. Gurpreet Kaur Sandhu, B.D.S., Honors Lillelenny Santana Gutierrez, B.D.S., HighHonors

Bhumi Raghavbhai Savani, B.D.S. Robert Logan Schmidt, B.A., MagnaCumLaude


Kandis Alexis Smith, B.S., CumLaude Timothy Sidney Smith, B.A., MagnaCumLaude

Shikha Sohal, B.D.S. Seung Han Song, B.S., CumLaude Aida Soroori Ebadi, D.D.S., HighHonors

Soorya Srinivasan, B.D.S., HighHonors‡ Boris Stein, B.S.‡ Wade Su, B.S., M.S. Betty S. Suh, B.S., MagnaCumLaude



Kimberley Marie Ung, B.S., SummaCumLaude

Dhwani S. Upadhyay, B.D.S., Honors Vanessa Valdez, B.S., CumLaude‡ Vivian Valdez, B.S., CumLaude‡ Jay George Varghese, B.D.S. Rani Varghese, B.D.S. Deepthi Vasireddy, B.D.S. Harichandana Vemireddy, B.D.S., HighHonors‡

Lisa Vu, B.A., CumLaude Puneet Wadhwa, B.D.S., Honors Ke Wang, B.M., HighHonors‡ Cory J. Williams, B.S., MagnaCumLaude†

Fang Xia, B.M. Eugenia You Yea Yang, CumLaude‡ Song Yang, B.M., Honors Wen-Chyi Ying, D.D.S., C.A.G.S. Marita Zguri, B.A.‡ Jing Zhang, B.D.S., D.Sc.‡ Michael Yu Zhang, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Myrna Zohni, B.S.

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (D.Sc.) Oral Biology Rima J. Abdallah, D.D.S., C.A.G.S., D.Sc.‡ Jazia Abdullah R Alblowi, B.D.S., D.Sc., C.A.G.S.‡

Maha Ahmed S Bahammam, B.D.S., D.Sc., C.A.G.S.‡ Hesham Nouh, B.D.S.§

Mai Fouad T Zamakhchari, D.D.S., D.Sc., C.A.G.S.‡ Ahmed Elmagtouf Zarrough, B.D.S.§

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE IN DENTISTRY (D.Sc.D.) Dental Public Health Rehab Zaki H Alabduljabbar, B.D.S. Jehan Ahmed S AlHumaid, B.D.S.‡

Ehab Nafea M Alshouibi, B.D.S.‡ Michelle Henshaw, B.A., B.S., M.P.H., D.D.S., C.A.G.S.

Dalia Ebrahim Meisha, B.D.S., M.P.H., C.A.G.S.

Operative Dentistry Summer Farouk Khatib, B.D.S., C.A.G.S.†

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Basim Tarek S Jamal, B.D.S.‡

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics Jan N. Ortiz, D.M.D.‡ Senan Khalil Ziadeh, B.D.S., M.S.D.‡ January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


Henry m. goldman school of dental medicine

Prosthodontics Mohammed Khalil Fahmi, B.D.S., C.A.G.S.† Chaimongkon Peampring, D.D.S.†

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Oral Biology Min Zhu, Master of Medicine†

CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED GRADUATE STUDY (C.A.G.S.) Dental Public Health Joseli Aparecida Alves-Dunkerson, D.D.S.

Gary Marshall Henley, D.D.S.

Adela Agolli, B.A., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.§ Ghyath S Alkhalil, D.M.D., D.D.S., C.A.G.S.§ Mashael E. H. A. M. A. Al-Qallaf, B.A., B.D.S.‡ Heba M S A Al-Qatami, B.A., D.M.D.‡ Loai Abdulfattah Alsofi, D.Sc., D.D.S.‡ Yasmine Basseghi, B.S., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.§ Emanouela Dimitrova Carlson, D.D.S.‡

Jason Tyler Conn, B.S., D.M.D.§ Usman Fazli, B.D.S., D.M.D.§ Gabriel Antonio Fuentes Arroyo, D.M.D.‡ Samuel Gegamian, B.A., D.M.D.§ Laila Kafi, B.A., D.M.D.§ Rayan Kafri, D.M.D.‡ Richard John Kolanda, D.D.S.‡ Stylianos Krithinakis, D.D.S.‡ Sophia Lalani, B.E., D.M.D.‡

Richa Mehta, B.D.S., M.S.§

Endodontics Hongsheng Liu, B.D.S., M.S.D., D.M.D.§ Marci Mazzuca, B.S., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.§ Michael Russo Pauk, B.S., D.M.D.§ Laura Ann Piroutek, B.S., M.A., D.M.D.§ Andrew Richard Stubbs, D.M.D.‡ Kristel B. Tabet, D.M.D., C.A.G.S.‡ Bing Wan, B.A., D.M.D.§ Yale Alexander Winestock, B.D.S.‡

General Dentistry Selsabeel Adham, D.M.D. Hamed Mohammed S. Alenezi, B.A., D.M.D.§ Alexandra Antonescu, B.S., D.M.D.§ Hema P. Arany, D.D.S.‡ Lindsay Ashley Bruneau, B.S., D.M.D.§ Moira K. Casey, D.M.D.§ Justin Michael Cifuni, B.S., M.A., M.S., D.M.D.§ ‡

David-Meir Dano, B.D.S., D.M.D.‡ Pablo Duluc Vega, D.D.S.§ Roxana Hashemian, D.D.S.§ Sara Jeffrey, D.M.D.‡ Flavio A. Kottar, D.D.S.§ Miranda Janine Lucht, B.S., D.M.D.§ David Peltier Malouf, D.M.D.‡ Derek Charles Metzger, D.M.D.‡ Ismael Rafael Montane, M.S., D.M.D.‡

Lorenzo Mordini, D.D.S.§ Ami Mahesh Patel, B.S., D.M.D.‡ Adam Charles Polivy, B.A., D.M.D.‡ Manal Mahmoud Abdallah Saadoun, B.D.S.‡ Babar Saleem, B.S., D.M.D.‡ Candace Sabrina Schoengold, D.M.D.§ Jonathan Michael Shinay, B.S., D.M.D.‡ Leila Zamani, B.A., D.M.D.§

Operative Dentistry Ammar Ali Eshky, B.D.S. Asma A. Ibrahim Ben Salah, B.D.S.§ ‡

Ahmed Faraj Kaddi, B.D.S.§

Ali Mohamad M. Ahmad Khiblil, B.D.S.‡

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Mark Leonard Jesin, D.D.S.§ Brandon Jon Meier, D.M.D.‡

Abhishek Avinash Mogre, B.D.S., D.M.D.‡

Mohammed Mansour A Nadershahh, B.D.S.‡ Nathan Frederick Turley, D.D.S.§

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics Fawzi M. S. A. Al Qatami, B.A., D.M.D.‡ Soulafa Susan Baloul, M.S.D., D.Sc.D., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.‡

David P. Blackburn, B.S., D.M.D., Cert.‡ Mary-Katherine Fasy, D.M.D.‡ Jasun Matthew Mahaffey, B.A., D.M.D.‡

Jan N. Ortiz, D.M.D.‡ Daniela Beatriz Toro Ramirez, D.D.S.† Senan Khalil Ziadeh, B.D.S., M.S.D.‡

Pediatric Dentistry Eman Abduljalil I Bakhurji, B.D.S.§ Patricia A. Benton, D.D.S.‡ Tyler Wood Davis, B.A., D.M.D.§ Renato de Luna, B.A., D.M.D.‡

Michael C. Brown Dowling, D.M.D.‡ Amy Lee Fugate, D.M.D.§ Jungwon Joun, D.D.S.§ Christine Nicole Kim, D.M.D.‡

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Rene Landa, D.D.S.‡ Andre Leon Lewis, D.D.S.‡ Raffi Miller, B.S., D.M.D.‡ Michael Posada, D.D.S.‡

Tentative September 2012 graduate


Henry m. goldman school of dental medicine

Breno Rabelo Reboucas, B.D.S., D.Sc.§ Alex K. Roh, B.S., D.M.D.‡ Talia S. Miller, B.A., D.M.D., C.A.G.S.§

Shrenik Mukesh Shah, B.A., D.M.D.§ Erik James Smith, D.M.D.§

Shailaja S. Thaker, D.M.D., C.A.G.S.‡ Justin Lee VanBibber, D.M.D.§

Periodontology Rima J. Abdallah, D.D.S. Jazia Abdullah R Alblowi, B.D.S.‡ Maryam M. A. A. AlNajdi, B.D.S.‡ Ghadir Atout-Hajhamad, D.D.S.‡ Maha Ahmed S Bahammam, B.D.S., Ed.M., D.Sc., C.A.G.S.‡ Gokay Goktug, B.D.S. Robert Gyurko, D.M.D.§ ‡

Paola Andrea Hurtado Buckley, D.Sc., D.D.S.§ Eleni Kanasi, D.D.S.‡ Bo Lam Kim, B.D.S.‡ Yong Soo Kim, D.D.S.‡ Wen-Tse Lin, D.D.S.§ Enrique Daniel Muller Klein, D.M.D.‡ Zeina Nseir, D.M.D.§

Kishore Sama, B.D.S.§ Abdelrouf Otman Suwid, B.D.S.§ Konstantina Thomadaki, D.M.D.§ Georges Kamal Traboulsi, D.D.S.‡ Paul Chi-Lin Tsai, B.D.S.‡ Cynthia Yee, B.S., D.D.S.§ Mai Fouad T Zamakhchari, D.D.S.‡

Prosthodontics Reem Abdulelah Abualsaud, B.D.S. Khulud Al-Aali§ Ozair Banday, B.D.S.† Dana Elena Culda, D.D.S.‡ Marium Hasan, B.D.S.§


Waleerat Kaweevisaltrakul, D.D.S.‡ Chaimongkon Peampring, D.D.S.† Manuel Salvador Posada Orozco, D.D.S.§ Osama Ahmed H Qutub, B.D.S.§

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Diego Romero, D.D.S.§ Shila Sharifi Gonzalez, B.S., D.M.D. Andreas Skyllouriotis, D.D.S.§ George Ding-Chun Wu, D.D.S.†

Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Hospitality Administration CHRISTOPHER MULLER, Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) Tiffany Afshani† Emely Victoria Almonte,

Alanna Mary Joyce Deborah Minjoo Kang,

Dipali M. Patel, CumLaude Samantha Denise Nicole Peia,

Brittaney Victoria Battaglino Jessica Lorraine Boenning† Amanda Rochelle Brown Michael Dean Butvinik§ Kasie Nicole Carbacio Rachel Katherine Carlson Kerry Lynn Cashman‡ Andres Raul Castello Elyse Clara Caxide† Danya Arielle Celmaster,

Joshua David Kelsey, CumLaude Kerianne Dineen Ketterer,

Jeff Pelage Sallie Pernick Gabriela Paloma Pineda Olivia Josephine Prineppi,



Hilary Felicia Chalson Joanna Gail Chan, CumLaude Helen Chang‡ Carly Leialoha Rodriguez Chase‡ Jing Ya Chen, MagnaCumLaude Madison Yilian Chen Susan Waiyee Chen, CumLaude Michael Domenick Cimino Danielle Elizabeth Clark Cole, CumLaude

Merritt Elizabeth Conway, CumLaude‡ Kathleen-Elizabeth Fitzgerald Cook† Samantha Lynn Cramer, MagnaCumLaude

Raul Antonio Cueva† Magaly Dacosta-Calheiros§ Spencer Ian Davidson Alison Claire DeBorba Michael Anthony DiFillippo Leslie Maria Duran, SummaCumLaude Jill Merritt Eelman Alexandra Lauren Erbiti, CumLaude Rachel Joy Finkelstein Jessica Eileen Foong Alana Michele Frey Leah Jennifer Gabel Ross Edward Gaudet Seth Raymond Gerber, CumLaude Travis Charles Giske Daisy Isabel Grondin Manuel Luiz Grunenfelder, CumLaude† Alexandra Nicole Habie Anika Paige Havlicek Brendan William Henne Laura Kathryn Hennemuth, MagnaCumLaude

Fallon Rebecca Hirschhorn Hannah Kasden Hoffman Morgan Rose Homer Lisa Yu Wen Huang Ziling Huang, MagnaCumLaude Shannon Marie Hudson Eric Scott Jacobs‡ InHyang Jang Sarah Anne Jesup§

MagnaCumLaude MagnaCumLaude

Eileen Yeun Kim Rebekah Kim Christos Kounnas Olivia Kragen‡ Laurel Paige Kramer, MagnaCumLaude Yael Tamara Krimsky, SummaCumLaude†

Sejin Kwag, CumLaude† Asis Lamba Dana M. Laustsen, CumLaude I Lee JinKyung Lee Danielle Christina Lefebvre Parker Braden Lieberman Alex Liu Ivan Lo† Katherine Anne LoFaso Garbo Loo, CumLaude† Tiffany Louie‡ Meghan Siew-Yee Low Allison Marie Lynch, MagnaCumLaude William Everett Madison Nicoleen Alys Maldonado Howard Benito Male, MagnaCumLaude Natalya Malysheva Jonah Charles Mandel§ Catherine Nora Manning David Lyle Marquis§ Laura Allison McNeill Julio Alexander Mejia Hillary Anderson Meyer Michael Angelo Milano-Picardi Claudia Mimo, CumLaude Daniel John Mitro, CumLaude Lauren Melissa Moger§ Nicholas Moinian Zahra Mehmood Motiwala† Wilson Mui Lauren Elizabeth Mulherrin, MagnaCumLaude†

Alexa Daniela Muller, MagnaCumLaude‡

Katherine Francis Murphy Melissa Ng Pack‡ Sarah Elizabeth Nicksa‡ Stefanie Nunic Javier Manmohan Oberoi Correa‡ Randi Sarah Okun Elizabeth Marie O’Leary Corey Jonathan Padnos Jessica Karmen Pang Jason Michael Pappadio Caroline Park‡



Daniel Queiruga, MagnaCumLaude Michelle Margaret Rappoli‡ Veronica Alexandra Rodriguez Nicholas Patrick Rogers Grant Lyle Rollheiser Jeffrey Tucker Rose Nora Catherine Rossini Won Shick Ryu Deepti Sataluri Natalie Victoria Shellito, CumLaude Danah Shin Peri Hannah Silverberg§ Luiza Maria Casimiro Smith Hannah Rose Soboroff‡ Jonah Lyle Stella Casey Allison Stievelman§ Mason Mercy Su, CumLaude Kate S. Sullivan, CumLaude Alison M. Tague‡ Jonathan Lichuan Tay Juliana Catherine Taymor Ryan Nicole Till, MagnaCumLaude Jonathan Michael Toobi Weichy Tsai, CumLaude Amy Tseng§ David Thomas Van Meerbeke† Ariella Tabachnik Viner Sarah Jean Vorhaus, MagnaCumLaude Kristin Cooper Wagner, SummaCumLaude

Lydia Alexis Warco, CumLaude Nathan Andrew Weiner§ Jasper Paul White Rachael Elizabeth White, SummaCumLaude

Soo Won Wie‡ Caroline Anne Wilhelm† Katherine Sarah Wilson§ Samantha A. Winnick Carmen Yeung‡ Clara Sun Yoon Melissa Harue Yoshimoto, MagnaCumLaude†

Elizabeth C. Yu Glen Peter Yu Huanjia Yu, SummaCumLaude Carolina Priscila Zeldin Yi Ji Zhang Lingyun Zhao Amine Zlaoui‡

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Law MAUREEN A. O’ROURKE, Dean

JURIS DOCTOR (J.D.) Lynda Joelle Abend, B.A., M.A. Allen F. Acosta, B.A., M.L.A. Ariana Tiffany Afshar, B.A., M.Sc. Nana Agyeiwaa Annan, B.S. Safa J. Ansari, B.A. David J. Arnold, B.A., M.Ed. Owen E. Barcala, B.S., M.E.M. William David Becker, B.B.A. Joshua Elliott Beldner, B.A. Ava Marie Bessel, B.A. Daniel L. Biller, B.A. Laura P. Birnbaum, B.A. James Early Bryan Bobseine, A.B. Tabitha A. Bolden, B.A. Michael John Bordonaro, A.B., A.M. Andrew Patrick Borges, B.S., M.B.A. Igor A. Bratnikov, B.Eng. James D. Britt, B.A. Renee Elaine-Mae Burgher, B.A. Sonya Rose Burke, B.A. Jessica S. Burniske, B.A. Richard Cassidy Burson, B.S.B.A., M.S. William Joseph Bussiere, Jr., B.A. Darian M. Butcher, B.A. Crystal Anne Callahan, B.B.A. Robert F. Callahan, Jr., B.A. Cynthia L. Caramana, B.S., M.S. Andrea Carrillo, B.A. Amanda N. Catalano, B.A. Patrick C. Cento, B.A. John M. Chambers, B.S. Wai Carolyne Chan, B.A. Camden Blake Chancellor, B.A. Hsin-I Chen, B.S. Alexis Lauren Chernow, B.A. Kyle A. Childers, B.A. Eunjin Choi, B.A. Natalia Julia Cianfaglione, B.A. Emalene M. Clark, B.A. Robert Joseph Coniglio, A.B. Kevin J. Conroy, B.A. Kyle Gregory Cowser, B.A. Benjamin R. Cox, B.A. Jeffrey Jay Cravens, B.A., M.S.Ed. Jacqueline Leigh Croteau, B.S. Brian A. Daluiso, B.A., M.A. Ami Atul Davé, B.A., B.S. Celeste Renée Davis, B.S., M.P.H. Richard P. Davisson II, B.A. Michelle M. Deldjoubar, B.A. Robert DeLeon, B.A. Rebecca Rose Delfiner, B.A., M.A. Geoffrey J. Derrick, B.S. Stephanie Dickstein, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Sc. Christine Elizabeth Dieter, B.A., B.Mus. Nicholas Salvatore DiLorenzo, B.S. Caroline Edwards Dotolo, B.A. JennyBess Dulac, B.A. Andrew E. Dunning, B.S.

Bradley K. Eberly, B.A. Mark S. Eisen, B.A. Amanda Michelle Ekey, B.A. Margalit Caroline Faden, B.A. Thomas Faiella, B.A. Deborah Farber-Kaiser, B.A. Johanna Dinkins Ferguson, B.A. Juliet Marie Fiege, B.A. Jamie Luellyn Frank, B.A. Stephanie L. Frank, B.A. Alex J. Freundlich, B.A. Caroline Goodspeed Gammill, B.A. Jack T. Gannon, Jr., B.B.A. Y. Aquilah S. Gantt, B.A. Alex P. Garens, B.A. Brendan A. Gavin, B.A., Ph.D. Kyle Evans Gay, B.A. Benjamin Robert Giumarra, B.S. John Cartier Godfrey, A.B. Ivan J. Goering, B.A. Bailey Adam Goldberg, B.A. John F. Gonzalez Benitez, B.A. Adam T. Goodstone, B.A. Mark T. Goracke, B.A. Benjamin Daniel Greenberg, B.A. Samuel T. Grover, B.A. Emerich F. Gutter, A.B. Miranda Joy Ha, B.S., M.E. Brittany S. Hale, B.A. David John Harris, Jr., B.S. Timothy Nettleton Hatfield, B.A. Mary A. Herman, B.A. Edwin William Hinsee, B.A., M.S. Tamiel S. Holloway, B.A. Kelly M. Horein, B.A. Lynn Amanda Horowitz, B.A. Mirela Veselinova Hristova, A.B. Elizabeth M. Hugetz, B.A.† Jessica A. Hurley, B.A. Benedict E. Idemundia, B.A. Regina S. Ingberman, B.S.B.A., B.A. Sarah Mirzazadeh Javaheri, B.A. Avalon C. Johnson, B.A. Caitlin Alexandra Johnston, B.S. Stephen T. Kam, B.L.A. Schneur Z. Kass, F.R.D. Anna Bethany Katz, B.A. Ryan P. Kelly, B.A. Fred E. Kemper, B.A. Carolyn J. Kendzia, B.A. Patrick C. Kilgore, B.S. Robert Adam Killip, B.A. Kathleen B. Kim, B.A. Tae Yeon Kim, B.A., B.B.A., M.I.S. Matthew D. Kimberlin, B.A. Laura Beth Kirshner, B.A. Dominik Kolodziejczyk, A.B. Blair R. Komar, B.A. Amber Colleen Kopp, B.A., M.S.

Nicholas Justin Korbas, B.S. Christopher Matthew Kornak, B.A. Namrata Kotwani, B.A. Kevin Edward Kozlowski, B.A. Matthew R. Kugizaki, B.S., M.S. Yasser Kemal Kureshi, B.A. Yuliya A. Kuzovkova, A.B., A.B.J. Eric J. Lavin, B.A. Jonathan Mark Lee, B.A. Lina Lee, B.S. Maximilian Kai-Yin Lee, B.A. Odelia J. Lee, B.A. So-Yeon Lee, B.S.B.A. Andrew Harris Lehrer, B.S. Lindsay F. Leone, A.B. John D. Leppanen, B.A. Jia Y. Leung, B.S. Nicholas A. Levenhagen, B.A. Anthony Michael Lewis, B.A. Michael Christopher Lezaja, B.A. Lisa Dorothy Liebherr, A.B. David Jiri Linhart, B.S., M.E. Paul C. Lively, B.A. Natalie M. Logan, B.A., B.S. Adam J. Lyke, B.A. Woo R. Lyou, B.A. Andriy Lytvyn, B.S. Pamela Christine Mahle, B.S.B.A. Chloe Major, B.A. Peter Joseph Mancuso, B.A. Karen June Marcus, B.A. Blakely E. Markham, B.A. Aaron A. Marshall, B.S. Mathew A. Martinez, B.A. Nicholas W. Mason, B.A. Kaitlyn R. Maxwell, B.A. Adam C. Mayle, B.A., M.A. Jonathan E. McAlister, B.A. Patrick C. McCooe, B.M. Alison K. McKinney, B.A. Liam McMahon, B.A. Deanna L. Meehan, B.A., M.P.W. Zaki E. Megeed, B.S., Ph.D. Molly C. Merlini, B.A. Stephanie Marie Meyer, B.A. Marina Alexandra Miasnikova, B.A. Brandon Jerrard Middleton-Pratt, B.S.B.A., M.B.A. Lisa Mikhail, B.A. Casey Ann Milianta, B.S. Joshua J. Miller, B.S. Robin Nicole Miller, B.A., M.Sc. Julia G. Mirabella, B.A. Christopher A. Mireles, B.S.B.A., B.A. Ramon Andres Miyar, B.A. Alexander Henry Modell, B.S.B.A. Valerie A. Moore, B.A. Diana Winter Richey Myers, B.A. Melissa Beth Nasson, B.A.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate



Katrina R. Neal, B.S.W. Jennifer E. Neubauer, A.B. Diana Mary Nevins, B.A. Mark E. Nickas, B.A., Ph.D. Jacqueline O. Nyenke, B.A. Adamma C. Obele, B.A., M.Sc. James A. Odell, B.A. Julia Min Min Ong, B.A. Elena Olga Papoulias, B.A. Daniel Minsoo Park, B.A. Sapna N. Patel, B.A., M.Sc. Naveen Z. Paul, B.A., M.B.A. Ian Knowlton Peck, B.A. Lorraine Pereira, B.A. Theresa A. Perkins, B.S. Christina R. Phelan, B.S. Jasmine D. Pierce, B.A. Ephraim J. Pierre, B.A. Justin M. Polk, B.A. Kathryn S. Pollack, B.S. Adam Chin Ponte, B.A. Leah M. Prestamo, B.A. Christopher Ryan Puck, B.A. Jacob D. Pugh, B.S. Amon Hart Purinton, B.A. Athena A. Rapis, B.A. Joanna Elizabeth Ray, B.A. Francesca Rios, B.A. Lauren Elizabeth Ripley, B.S.B.A. Amanda Elizabeth-Lee Risch, B.S.B.A. David E. Rod, B.A. Cordaro H. Rodriguez, A.B. Jenny Maria Rodriguez, B.A.

Anne N. Ross, B.A. Elizabeth A. Rossi, B.A. Jonathon Henry Roth, B.A., B.B.A. Christoph Paul Rupprecht, A.B. Jessica Alana Sanchez, B.A. Jarrod L. Schaeffer, A.B. Katharine Lee Schanz, B.A. Jonathan I. Schreiber, B.A. Matthew A. Schultz, B.A. Michael J. Sears, B.S., B.A. Paul D. Shapiro, B.A. Matthew Shayefar, B.A., B.S., M.S. Meredith Paige Shih, B.A. Orly Shoham, B.A., M.A. Artem V. Shtatnov, B.S. Aleksey Shtivelman, B.S. Peter R. Shults, B.A. Ashley Elizabeth Siegel, B.A. Audrey C. Siegel, B.A. Margaret A. Siegel, B.S. Clayton W. Skinner, B.S. David T. Skinner, B.A. Christopher James Smith, B.A. Molly Rebecca Soiffer, B.A. Joshua Adam Stafman, B.S.B.A., M.Acc. Victoria Marie Starrett, B.A. Matthew M. Stayman, B.A. Joel Douglas Steward, B.A.† Daniel F. Suraci, B.A. Maura Jennie Tansley, B.A. Marianne J. Tassone, B.A. Samuel L. Taylor, B.A. Julia K. Tebor, B.A.

Tara M. Thomas, B.A. Kyle L. Thomson, B.A., M.P.H. Christopher Tom, B.A. Adam Linus Toporoff, B.A. Angelo R. Trivisonno, B.S.Eng. Marissa Renee Urban, B.A. Hallie Marin Van Duren, A.B. Gabriela Marina Ventura Gonzales, B.A., M.P.P. Elizabeth Mifflin Verney, B.A. Kristen Verrastro, B.A., B.A. Hao Wang, B.S. Julie Tong-Ting Wang, B.B.A., M.Acc. Matthew E. M. Waters, B.A., M.A. Brittany Lauren Webster, A.B. Zachary A. Weinman, B.A., M.F.A. Matthew J. Welch, B.A. Meghan Brid Welteroth, B.A. Kristen Ebbe Wheeler, A.B. Evan Matthew Wisser, B.A. Sarah Alexandra Wolf-Boyd, B.A. Joshua M. Wolk, B.A. Nathaniel J. Wonderly, B.A. Henry Blake Wong, B.S.E.E. Sirui Sherry Xia, B.S. Richard F. Xu, B.S. Victor T. Xu, B.A. Marissa R. Zator, B.S. Ke Zhang, LL.B., LL.M. Veronica H. Zhang, B.A. Shudan Zhou, B.A., M.A. Thea B. Zimnicki, B.S., B.A. Joel E. Zoch, B.A.

MASTER OF LAWS IN AMERICAN LAW (LL.M.) Ido Amidi, LL.B. Sunghee An, LL.B. Asha S. Anand, LL.B. Gary P. Bagnall, LL.B., Ph.D. Fabian Sebastian Behrens, LL.B. Yoab Abraham Bitran Hasson, LL.B. Laura Vera Julie Blondel, Licence Hannah Rachel Eveliane Cauhépé, Licence, Maîtrise, Maîtrise Shao-Teng Chang, LL.B., LL.M. Dooho Choi, LL.B. Carrie L. Cook, LL.B. Chungang Dong, B.A., LL.M. Andrea Claire Dufaure, Licence Sarah Juliane Fegert, First State Exam, Second State Exam Francisco Jose Fernandez Rostello, Abogado Wanye Fu, LL.B. Soleine Linh Gautier, Licence Francesca Danielle Gibbs, LL.B. Ekaterina Grechka, Lawyer Andreas Gritsch, First State Exam, Second State Exam Jeeyeon Han, B.Pharm., M.S., LL.B. Junko Hatomi, LL.B. Dana Michelle Hunte, B.A., Diploma Tomoko Iwasa, LL.B.

Dana Junger Gutman, B.A., LL.B. Takeshi Kamazawa, LL.B. Christos Symeon Kapsalas, LL.B. Abdul Rauf Karimi, B.A.† Simon Alexander Karlin, First State Exam Atsuko Koga, LL.B. Kalyani Kulkarni, LL.B. Shusuke Kuwabara, LL.B. Qingyang Li, LL.B. Xiafan Li, LL.B. Daniele Maria Longo, Laurea Magistrale Elham Marzouk, Licence, Maîtrise, Maîtrise, Maîtrise, Maîtrise Yuiko Matsumura, LL.B.† Desislava Stefanova Mihaylova, LL.M. Kyong Nam Moon, B.S., LL.B. Maryam Naghavi, Licence, Maîtrise Jaspreet Kaur Narang, LL.B. Vu Ngoc Anh Ngo, First State Exam, Maîtrise Marvin Kwaku Nimoh, First State Exam† Fernanda Susana Novoa Tonda, B.S. Max Wilhelm Oehm, First State Exam Yi Peng, LL.B., LL.M. Diego Perez Ara, Abogado

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Galina Svetoslavova Petkova, LL.M. Pauline Camille Rampazzo, Licence, Maîtrise Elias Resinger, Magister iuris Pradujduan Sirion, LL.B., LL.M. Michele Slizza Marchisio, Laurea Magistrale, Laurea Specialistica Maria Slobodchikova, Lawyer, LL.M. Jung-Won Sung, B.S., LL.B. Aurore Tonnellier, B.A., Maîtrise, Maîtrise Juan Carlos Tristán Rodríguez, LL.B. Manuela Uribe Echavarría, LL.B. Takashi Usui, LL.B. Maurits Joost van Buren, LL.B., LL.M. Ivethe Clarissa Vega Ruiz, LL.B. Solange Villarroel Riquelme, LL.B. Kayoko Wadayama, LL.B. Kai Wang, LL.B. Yiping Wang, LL.B. Megumi Watanabe, LL.B., LL.M.† Kaewta Winyoopradist, LL.B. Minye Wu, LL.B. Luyang Xing, LL.B., LL.M. Shiyuan Xu, LL.B., M.S. Inhong Yeo, B.S.† Jingyi Yuan, LL.B. Bo Zhu, LL.B.

Tentative September 2012 graduate



MASTER OF LAWS IN BANKING & FINANCIAL LAW (LL.M.) Temisan Agbeyegbe, B.A., J.D.† Ainur Akhmetova, B.A., LL.B. Malak Mohammed A Alnamy, LL.B. Emanuel Alves, B.A., J.D. Agustin Ignacio Andrade Reveron, LL.B., LL.M. Lina Bagautdinova, Diploma Sona Baghdasaryan, Licence en Droit, Mastere en Droit Christoph Emanuel Baumann, Licentiate Iuris Gabriel Rodolfo Bizama, LL.B. Anastasia Bobyleva, Diploma Cecilia Lorainne Bueso Matheu, LL.B. Gong Cheng, LL.B. Wing Cheng, B.A., J.D. Cristhian Mauricio Cruz Gonzalez, Abogado, Specialist, Specialist Maria Eugenia Delgado R, Abogada† Roberta S. R. B. Demange, Bacharel em Direito Matar Diouf, B.S., M.S., J.D. Gena Rose Dirani, B.A., J.D. Diane Mounir Doumit, LL.B. Duong Quynh Nga, LL.B. Scott Christopher Durocher, B.A., J.D. Devin Aaron Ehrig, B.A., J.D. Maria Lucia Fernandez, Abogada Takehiro Fujita, LL.B.

Sudhanshu Goil, LL.B. Jose Benoit Gonzalez Brown, Licenciado en Derecho, Specialist Yue Han, LL.B.† Mauricio Javier Herdocia Icaza, Licenciado en Derecho Daniela Hernández Roa, Licenciada en Derecho Yini Hou, LL.B. Jun Jinushi, LL.B.† Kelina Kantzou, LL.B. Nimaldeep Kaur, LL.B. Aleksandr Khachaturyan, Licence en Droit, Mastere en Droit Princess Emefa Afua Kludjeson, B.A., B.S., J.D.† Evanthia Koutsioumpa, LL.B., LL.M. Yasushi Kumashiro, LL.B., LL.M. Yuqi Li, LL.B. Pei-Yi Liu, LL.B. Johnaida Llantin, B.S., J.D. Hsiao-Fan Lu, LL.B. Xiangpeng Meng, LL.B. Patrick Francois Michod, Licentiate Iuris Juan Andres Morales Santaella, Abogado† Eduardo Oliveira Martins Pachi, Bacharel em Direito

Ayse Tugba Ozkarsligil, LL.B.† Wendy Xiaowen Pan, B.Com., LL.B. Pranisa Panurach, LL.B. Pavel L. Paromov, LL.B., LL.M. Arun Abraham Paul, M.A., LL.B.† Carlos Jose Paulino Gaton, B.S.B.A., Licenciado en Derecho Tigran Piruzyan, LL.B., LL.M.† Laura Fernanda Ramos Parra, Licenciada en Derecho Kristin Anne Seltman, B.A., J.D.‡ Jiexin Shi, LL.B. Siriya Sirithienthong, LL.B., LL.M.† Joel Douglas Steward, B.A., J.D. Neela Rekha Swaminathan, B.A., J.D. Koh Ueda, LL.B. Elizabeth Louise Unger, B.A., J.D. Xinyi Wang, LL.B. Nipapat Wongwatthanadej, LL.B., LL.M. Juan Yang, B.A., LL.B. Zaure Yespayeva, LL.B. Yueer Yu, LL.B. Liangmin Zhang, LL.B. Yan Zhou, LL.B. Weiyi Zhu, LL.B.

MASTER OF LAWS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW (LL.M.) Albert Singson Alday, B.A., LL.B., Ph.D.† Jeffrey Scott Gitto, B.A., J.D.†

Thomas Schubert, Mag.iur.†

Marini Sulaeman, S.H., M.H.†

MASTER OF LAWS IN TAXATION (LL.M.) Emma Rose Armstrong-Blanchard, B.S.B.A., J.D. Jonathan Peter Ash, B.S., J.D. Beata Bala, M.S. in Law Kelly A. Bennett, B.A., J.D. Elephteria V. Boutalis, B.S.B.A., J.D. Thomas Earl Crice, B.S., J.D. Sara Goldman Curley, B.A., J.D. Jason Thomas Della Sala, B.A., J.D. Matthew Richard Deutsch, B.A., B.A., J.D.† Sean T. Donovan, B.A., J.D. Ryan J. Dugan, B.A., J.D. Alfred E. Fargione, B.S., J.D. Thomas B. Ferrante, B.A., M.B.A., J.D.† Marten Wallace Finlator, B.A., M.S., J.D. Anna Marie Finney, B.S., J.D. Ryan B. Ghazey, B.S., J.D. Alyssa Brinn Graham, B.A., J.D. Robert C. Guth, B.A., J.D. Marina Heindel Gouvea de Miranda, LL.B.

Peter Caldwell Herbst Jr., B.S., J.D. Nicole A. Hostettler, B.A., J.D.† Kathryn Sue Howery, B.A., J.D.† Amaan Husain, B.A., J.D. Richard Paul Illiano, B.A., J.D. Derrick Philip Ireland, B.S., J.D.† Yakun Li, B.A., J.D. Bradford Nicholas Lombardi, B.A., J.D. Lisa Marie Mahlum, B.A., J.D. Harper R. Marshall, B.A., J.D.† Elaine Ann Martel, S.B., M.B.A., J.D. Michael Daniel Molloy, B.A., J.D. David Barry Murphy, B.A., J.D.† Joel Monteith Nolan, B. Music, M.S., J.D.† Evan Jane Norton, B.A., M.B.A., J.D. Chukwuka Ochieze, LL.B., LL.M. David Ari Packman, B.A., J.D. Mary Clements Pajak, A.L.B., J.D.† Michelle Renee Phillips, B.A., J.D. Christopher Lee Pope, B.S.B.A., J.D.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Sharon Holland Purtill, B.A., J.D. Roberta Scarpato, Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza Vitor Anunciatto Serafim, LL.B.† Aaron L. Shapira, B.S.B.A., J.D. Andrea Renee Shapiro, B.S., J.D. Jung Kwang Song, LL.B., J.D. Kyle Michael Stewart, B.S., J.D. Ryan Christopher Tassin, B.A., J.D. Joseph Thogo, LL.B. Jonathan Tigeri, B.A., J.D. Juan David Velasco Kerguelen, J.D., LL.M. Carollynn J. Ward, B.S., J.D. Rachel Marie Wassel, B.A., J.D. Geoffrey Christopher Westbrook, B.A., J.D. Anne Chiu Yip, B.A., J.D. Gina Ji-Yeon Yu, B.A., J.D. Summer B. Zeh, B.A., J.D.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Management KENNETH W. FREEMAN, Allen Questrom Professor and Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (B.S.B.A.) Michelle Lindsay Ackerman, CumLaude Steven Adam, MagnaCumLaude† Desmond James Adams, MagnaCumLaude* Keshav Agnihotri Victor Ahluwalia Abraham Ahn Soun Hee Ahn† Salomon Nachshon Aiach Thomas Benjamin Alberini David Michael Alessi II, CumLaude Aziz Bandar Alharbi Evana Amaya Olivia Liebling Amchin, MagnaCumLaude* Michael Gerard Anastassiou Kristyn Fitzgerald Anderson Richard Carl Anderson Michael Anwarzadeh Michelle Etsuko Arawwawela, CumLaude

Craig Evan Arnoff Raja Thangamuthu Arumugam Shadi Ashouri Aamir Ashraf, CumLaude Arisa Aswanichakorn‡ Alexander Steven Au Altug Aynur Tenessa Helene Azar SeungEun Baek, MagnaCumLaude** Kaminie Devita Balkaran Monica Kathleen Ball Matthew Robert Ballew, CumLaude Matthew J. Bang Arjun Bansal§ Miguel Jose Baquero Bogaert§ Mariano Antonio Barrera Amelia Parisa Barros, MagnaCumLaude* Kaylee Anne Bates Michael Denimir I. Baysa Corey Robert Beck Rey G. Bello Stepan Maksimovich Belov Laurel Lee Bennis María Elena Benshimol Bello‡ Lisa Nicole Bensinger Nathan Thomas Bernard Andrew Philip Bernstein, MagnaCumLaude‡

Shalin H. Bhanderi, CumLaude Sarah Elizabeth Bird, CumLaude Zachary Eric Birenbaum Benjamin Marie-David Biscarrat Alexandria Marie Bleecker Amy Michelle Bochner Christine Astley Bolton§ Florent Gregory Bonin Jordan Hana Borkan

Richardson Bosquet† Kasey Deanna Boucher, CumLaude John Bourous, CumLaude Maria Rita Boustany Lauren Marie Box, MagnaCumLaude Christine Marie Boyd Mary Ann Julia Boyd Erica Nicole Brady† Leon Brener-Hellmund Jordan Gregory Brown Lauren Reed Bryant Katrina Ella Bucu Vuong Bui Pearl Berta Rae Burkham, CumLaude Alyssa Marie Callahan, MagnaCumLaude*

Nicholas Richard Canova,

SummaCumLaude Yuan Cao, MagnaCumLaude‡

Kali Elizabeth Cardoza† Melanie Mary Carr Craig Michael Carroll, CumLaude Anika Catherine Cassel-Feiss, CumLaude

James Francis Caufield Ashley Willoe Causey‡ Evan Thomas Cavanaugh Alessandro Lino Cetera Jennifer Chammas, CumLaude Mark Kevin Chandoo Chun Ying Chang Thanawadee Charoenchitmun Achal Kumar Chauhan Hanson Chen, MagnaCumLaude* Hui-Chun Chen‡ Kaiyue Chen, CumLaude Steve Xinyu Chen, MagnaCumLaude* Hei Sin Cheng Lu Cheng, CumLaude Peng Cheng, CumLaude* Jessica Wendi Cheung Samantha Courtney Cheung Tyrone Cheung, MagnaCumLaude Brian Lee Chin Lucca Belle Chin, CumLaude Shi-Hua Chin Jessica Lynn Chiulli Hyun Joon Cho† Jae Hyeon Cho‡ Katrina Cho Nam Hee Cho, CumLaude Joo Hee Choi Stephanie S. Choi Ashish Chopra, MagnaCumLaude*† Ankit Choudhary Shihab Uddin Chowdhury Judy Sung Choy Choi Chun Marco Chu§ Michelle Chu

King Ho Steven Chung† James Christopher Cicalo Ariana Cohen Timothy R. Compernolle Jonathan Andrew Concepcion Bryan Michael Connelly, MagnaCumLaude

Jonathan Marcus Cooper Mitchell Eric Cooper Julianne Louise Corbin, CumLaude Stephanie Corral Margaret Christine Costello, CumLaude*

Myriam Eva Sally Coulibaly John William Cox William James Mountain Cox, MagnaCumLaude

Rachel Katharine Cram† Samantha Lynn Cramer, MagnaCumLaude* Jordan Benjamin Crames Michael G. Cruz Severine Laura Cukierman§ Julia Clare Cullerton Michael Paul Curtin Jonathan Michael Dagle Alexandria Isabelle D’Agostino Nicolás Darré Anik Das Shailee Divyang Dave Sam W. Davidson Jonathan Henry Davis, CumLaude§ John J. DeFelice Angela Catherine DeFranco, CumLaude Ethan James DeLano, MagnaCumLaude*

Rose Mary DeMarco, CumLaude Daniel Brett De Orchis, CumLaude Emily Chaves De Revere, CumLaude Gregory Louis DeSocio, MagnaCumLaude

Meghan Elisabeth Devereux Gabriel Gershon Deverman, SummaCumLaude†

Davesh Vipul Dharia Devika Dhawan Hilary Rose DiSilvio Samy Dolah, MagnaCumLaude Daniel John Donohue Natalya Mikhailovna Dorokhina, CumLaude

Ryan William Dowd Logan Daniel Duarte William Gray Dunlap, CumLaude*‡ William Joseph Dunn, CumLaude† Blair Portmann Eckelberg Drew R. Egan, MagnaCumLaude Neal Alan Eisler Nicholas Isaac Elias

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. *School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee  †January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate



Jessica Erlikh, MagnaCumLaude Anthony James Errico§ Alexandra Catalina Escobar Lopez‡ Ashley Starr Fabrikant Wei (Katie) Fang, CumLaude Rebecca Lee Farmer, CumLaude* Kayvon Farshbaf† John M. Featherston Danielle Finn Phillip Fischer§ Samantha Rose Flaxman Martijn Joseph Hubertus Fleuren, SummaCumLaude* Whitney Tenaya Fraleigh Daniel Michael Freedman, CumLaude Kelsey Danielle Allen Fyfe Estefania Gallego Mary Roseanne Enriquez Gameng Jennifer Anne Erin Gardner, MagnaCumLaude* Nitin Garg† James Patrick Garvey Travis Robert Gentile James Glenn Getonga William Joseph Gilbert, MagnaCumLaude

Genevieve Dawn Gilroy, MagnaCumLaude*‡

Garima Giri, MagnaCumLaude* Taryn Alexandra Glenn Daniel Gnecco Hazal Gokmen, CumLaude§ Laura Elaine Goldsticker§ Michael Golen, SummaCumLaude** Yelena Goncharik Christine Cuenca Gonzales, SummaCumLaude

Ashita Gopal Chelsea Leigh Gosnell Patrick William Goss Alexander William Green Matthew James Griffin Evan G. Gross, CumLaude Vladimir Groysman, SummaCumLaude** Christopher Alabado Gultiano Zachary Charles Gumbardo Manuel Hadjibay, SummaCumLaude* Sang Woo Hahn‡ Ryan J. Hall, MagnaCumLaude* Craig Kendall Hallock Jehan Hassan Hamedi, SummaCumLaude* David Han§ Siyang Han Thomas John Hanes, MagnaCumLaude** Joshua Harounian Lindsay Michelle Harrington Evan Ross Hasson Ian Willis Hatfield Alexandra Rae Hatton Katherine Anne Haubrich Dennis Nicolai Hauser, MagnaCumLaude§

Riho Hayashi Kang Sheng He, CumLaude Ezekiel Paul Hecker Jesse Ryan Hertz† Drew D. Hesketh‡ *School Honors Program

Rizky Rachmat Hidayat, CumLaude† Justin Gregory Hill Ingo Hillenbrand§ Paul Stephen Hlatky Steven Kuan Ju Ho Justin Brett Hochhauser, CumLaude Christian Mark Hoechst Haley Eileen Hoffdahl Jamie Hom, CumLaude Lauren Tui-Ming Hom, CumLaude Jesse Hou, SummaCumLaude**† Alyssa Michelle Howes Chun Han Elizabeth Hsu Sharon Emily Hsu Ke Hu, SummaCumLaude* Carmen Huang Erica Huang Ta-Wei Huang Yu Huang Willemijn Laurine Huizing, MagnaCumLaude

Annie Hung Marc William Hurdle Daulet Muratovich Imankulov‡ Travis Alexander Inwald Larry Ip† Nathan Tsun Wah Ip, CumLaude Leigh Ellwood Irving, MagnaCumLaude Alexa Lindsay Ischia Ozer Isik‡ Vadim Ivanov‡ Evan Izquierdo‡ Michael Norman Jablow Abdulghani Hamid Jabr§ John Hanus Jacobsen, SummaCumLaude*‡ Vivian Janeo Santiago Jaramillo Sfeir Alejandro Enrique Jattin Celedon Jordan Harry Jemison Fengyi Jin Raziq-Omar Jivani Paul Edward Johnson† Danyelle Jones Stephen Gregory Jordan Jr., MagnaCumLaude* Kelly Rose Joyce Thomas Joseph Jump Jr., CumLaude Edwin S. Jung Ian Kachadorian Benjamin Kalmanowicz, SummaCumLaude* Zara Kamal Christ Nicholas Kamberos† Suraj Subhash Kaneria Yejee Kang† Chih-Yi Kao Eldar Karymsakov Jamie Lynne Kasabian‡ Michael Robert McCann Kates Keshav Kaul Daniella Rose Kaye, MagnaCumLaude† Ryan Brett Kaye Yonathan Eyob Kebede‡ David Joseph Hopkins Kennedy† Mark Addison Kermath, CumLaude Hitesh Kewlani, CumLaude*† Tanay Khandelwal† Varun Khetawat Sean Shahriar Kia

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



Kwan Kim§ Min Ku Kim Seung Hwan Kim Evan Todd Klein Katie Elizabeth Kocourek, SummaCumLaude* Brett Jason Kohan Brian Robert Koller Gianna Rae Korpita Karishma Kothari Alex Vladimir Kotlar Liri Kovalski, MagnaCumLaude‡ Thomas Koziel Svyatoslav Kruzement-Prykhodko, MagnaCumLaude

Tessa Ku, CumLaude† Barry C. Kulig Saurab Kumar Vidhi Kumar, MagnaCumLaude* Chin-Yi Kuo Christopher Daniel Kuster, CumLaude Linda Kusumo, MagnaCumLaude† Melissa Mary Kuzoian, CumLaude† Bonnie Kwan, MagnaCumLaude Alexander Kwok Chak-Yan Lai Andrew Yongfu Lam, MagnaCumLaude Patrick Lam Mary E. Lane, CumLaude Heather Elizabeth Lations, MagnaCumLaude

Lai Chuen Lau Christopher William Laucks Peter James Lauria† David P. Lavieri, SummaCumLaude*† Quang Thanh Le§ Sara Beth Lederman§ Chan Sug Lee Dong Gil Lee§ Han Ol Lee‡ Jun Oh Lee Kellie Hana Lee Pada Seth Lee Polai Lee, SummaCumLaude*‡ Rebecca Young Lee Victoria Y. Lee, SummaCumLaude*† Michelle Ann Leung Nicholas Sai-Gat Leung Merrick Levy Paul Lanier Lewis Annie Li, CumLaude David Li§ Fangwen Wen Li, MagnaCumLaude Hua Li, SummaCumLaude* Julia Yan Li Jun Li Sijia Cynthia Li, CumLaude Xinyu Rebecca Li, CumLaude Yichao Y. Li Joshua Li-Jin, CumLaude Stanley E. Likver, SummaCumLaude* Charles Sen Lin Denise Lin Elaine Lin Vincent Lin§ Rachel Soong-En Liou Jurgen Martin Lippert Aleeza Erin Liu, MagnaCumLaude Yee Hang Liu Sandy Weimon Lok, CumLaude

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Albert Chi-Ping Loong,

Joseph Patrick Nangle,


Michael Alexander Lopez, CumLaude Sarah Katherine Lopez Jairo Enrique Loranca Connie Lu, SummaCumLaude* Stephanie Lu Giang Thi Luc Madelyn Patricia Luczycki, CumLaude Surbi Luhadia Annalyn Glenn Lui Kuo Stephanie Anne Lui Qing Ning, CumLaude

Clara Luo Stephanie Elizabeth Lyons, CumLaude Carrie Ma, CumLaude Charles Chunchen Ma, SummaCumLaude**† Lian Lian Ma, MagnaCumLaude Paula Elizabeth Macdonald, CumLaude Cameron Iain Macfarlane Brian John Mache Jung Min Maeng† Justin Timothy Maes Lyndsay Jill Maggin, CumLaude† Shubha Mahawar, CumLaude Howard Benito Male, MagnaCumLaude* Maria V. Malinina William David Mancia Justin William Mann Michael P. Mark Morgan Lewis Marquis Michael Joseph Martinez Michael Keith Martino Konstantine Mastroianni Cristina Mata Marie Antoinette Solis Matschuck Katharine Emily Mau‡ Nicholas Carl Maugeri, CumLaude Alexandra Marie Mauro Teresa Mary Mccahill, MagnaCumLaude* William McColl VI Erin Elizabeth Mcgettigan Eilis Anne Meagher, MagnaCumLaude Hendrik Meelak, CumLaude Peter McGowan Mehlert Vaishakhi Parag Mehta§ Jessica Lynn Meisel, SummaCumLaude** Rishi Mahesh Melwani Matthew Chase Messer Stephanie Mirsky, MagnaCumLaude* Edmond Mishaan Cohen Karan Misra Robert Jacob Mitchell Meikel Marlon Mokry, SummaCumLaude*†

Matthew C. Monarch Sebastian Mueller† Ani Mary Mujukian‡ Leslie Lloyd Mullings Jr. Shiela Murali, MagnaCumLaude* Hye Young Na Akhil Anil Naheta Keerthi Naidu Aravind Ramachandran Nair, CumLaude‡

*School Honors Program

MagnaCumLaude* Wing Sum Ng, SummaCumLaude** Sean D. Nguyen, CumLaude§

Nguyen Duc Tri Ellen Nikonova, SummaCumLaude Alexander Nisenzon Rachel S. Nizhnikov† Christine Elizabeth Norman, SummaCumLaude** Sarah Jeewon Oh Shirley May Okiyama Zhiperng Ooi, SummaCumLaude‡ Steven P. Oranges Aigerim Orazbekova Cameron Joseph Orcutt Falko Sebastian Orsinger, MagnaCumLaude* Ifeoma Linda Ottah, CumLaude Nicholas T. Pacifico Timothy Pak Bryce Randall Palmer Loredana Pamfile‡ Stephanie Yalan Pan Ethan James Panek, CumLaude Jessica Karmen Pang Robin Brianne Panish Lissandra Elena Paredes Emily Athena Parise, MagnaCumLaude† Devon MacKenzie Park Inwoo Park Matthew Joseph Parlengas, CumLaude Alexandra Georgiana Pascu, SummaCumLaude* Arielle Nicole Patack Akshar Bhaskar Patel, CumLaude Dipali M. Patel Nipun Rajni Patel, MagnaCumLaude Prutha J. Patel, MagnaCumLaude§ Radhika Vijay Patel, SummaCumLaude Roma Dilip Patel Ronak Kanubhai Patel Eric Francis Peck† Xholion Pelari Craig Leo Pelletier Andrew Evan Penner Stephanie Rose Pepper Matthew Gabriel Pereira§ Ryan Ethan Pesch Ryan P. Peterson, SummaCumLaude*† Katherine Marie Petrozzi, MagnaCumLaude

David Brian Petrullo§ Karen Pham, CumLaude Jennifer May Philippou, CumLaude Drew J. Phillips§ Florencia Piccinini Sara Elizabeth Pishock, CumLaude† Alexander Victorovich Pobednov Katarina Polacikova, SummaCumLaude*

Michael Thomas Powers, MagnaCumLaude†

Dwi Pratiwi Prayoga‡ Leigh Fallon Pressman† Yanjun Qiu Daniel Queiruga, CumLaude Tara Raam, MagnaCumLaude* Adam Russell Rafalowicz‡

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



Juhin Rafiq Rajani Cristina Ramirez Philip Andrew Ramos Timothy D. Ramos Sasitharan Ranjan‡ Robert Andrew Rappa Andrei Razov, SummaCumLaude** Xiangfei Ren, CumLaude Kathryn Elizabeth Rhine, MagnaCumLaude* Sean Doron Rimokh Gabriel A. Rivas Jr. Leah Sonia Rizkallah, SummaCumLaude*

Riley Stephenson Roberts, CumLaude Stephanie M. Rodriguez Amanda Elizabeth Rogers, SummaCumLaude* Flavia Romani‡ Caitlin Breann Rose Ashley Lynn Rosenkranz Rodney Adam Roth§ David Rothenbucher Javier Ruiz-Galindo, Jr., CumLaude Samuel Haskiel Ruk, MagnaCumLaude Amar Manoj Ruparelia Ethan Waterman Sales, CumLaude Samantha D’Alessandro Salles Ashni Arvind Sanghvi Luiza De Nadai Santos, SummaCumLaude** Raymond Lee Santoso† Eliran Sapir§ Jessica Frances Sardo, CumLaude* Nicole Katherine Saunders§ Christine Marie Schena Daniel Irving Schiffer Ramie Larisa Schneider Colin Matthew Scully, CumLaude Samantha Pearl Secor Michael Joseph Segalowitz§ Andrea Marie Sentovich Sonali Setia Sneha Sett Aashita Prakash Shah Ankeet Hasmukh Shah Nirali Mahesh Shah Simoni Shah James Thomas Shalhoub Erica Faye Shapiro John Stephen Sharkey Divita Sharma Jenna Sharma† Puja Nilesh Shastri Zachary Jonathan Shechtel, MagnaCumLaude†

Saqib Mohammed Saleem Sheikh Shareen Ivana Shelton, CumLaude Anna Shen Katherin Shevchenko Ericson Shi, CumLaude Mina Ming Shi, CumLaude Kiley Ann Shianna, MagnaCumLaude‡ Dong Won Shin, CumLaude Saman Shooshani, MagnaCumLaude* Ariel Ethan-Michael Short, MagnaCumLaude* Matea Joana Shosho† Tan Shu, CumLaude

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Vito Rocco Siciliano† Fernando Sierra Lippmann† Maxwell Lee Silva Jaime Lynne Silverstein Rebecca Ann Simoff, MagnaCumLaude Taylor John Simpson Nicholas John Sinatra, MagnaCumLaude* Amit Singh, CumLaude Chitwanjot Singh Jai Singhania‡ Stella Hoyun Sitt Adam Paul Skierkiewicz-Chovan, MagnaCumLaude*

Alexandra Slender§ Benjamin Curtiss Smith Ming Wai Viola So Stephanie Lynn Soder Rishub Solan, MagnaCumLaude‡ Andrew Ross Solarz Andrew Joseph Somma Benjamin Gordon Sommer Jin Young Son, CumLaude Min Jung Son‡ Alexander Gregory Spanos Kevin Andrew Spector Erich William Staib, SummaCumLaude* Timothy Doyle Staino Zachary James Stearns, CumLaude Stephanie Rae Stein Madeline Anne Steiner, CumLaude Sheng-Min Su§ Kate S. Sullivan Michael David Sullivan, SummaCumLaude* I-Kwan I. Sun Panchalee Suriyaprapadilok† Elizabeth Anne Swahn, SummaCumLaude**† Andrew David Swank, CumLaude Dylan J. Sweeney Lionel Loic Talon§ Riddhi Talreja§ Lance Martin Lu Tan Jesse Elizabeth Tan-Alper

Hor Wei Adam Tang† Jiahua Tang Christopher James Tantoco† Ryan James Taylor‡ John G. Teltsch III, MagnaCumLaude** Diana Teng, CumLaude Rachel Elizabeth Teplitsky Nisharagi Kantibhai Thakkar Kathryn Anya Thal Ashley Rae Theodore‡ Stephanie Leigh Thierer Dyana Elisse Thurston§ Mohamed Taisir Mohamed Tomalieh Junyong Tong, MagnaCumLaude* Stefan Toubia Nhat-Khanh Kim Truong Weichy Tsai Samantha Lok-Yan Tsui Melanie Ginn Tuazon Shannon Elizabeth Twomey‡ Nicholas J. Tymeck, CumLaude Jumpei Uchida John Robert Uchill, MagnaCumLaude* Bharat Vaitla, CumLaude Michiel Armando Van Gellekom Kimrey Ann Van Perre, MagnaCumLaude* Robert William Vatter Carlos Javier Vazquez Alena Vecerova, CumLaude Kimberly Hope Vega Max Glicksman Veggeberg† Edison Thai Trung Vo Max Jacob Vogel Danielle Astrid Volman, CumLaude Fredric Emory von Stange Junjun Wang Po Yuan Wang Shimeng (Cathy) Wang, SummaCumLaude* Shuya Wang‡ Yi Wang Eric Angelo Weiss Erin Michel Wildman,

Shawn Cadette Winslow Alexander T. Wolman Anson Man Ho Wong§ Timothy Ting-Fai Wong† Ashley Modiano Woychowski, CumLaude

Nicholas Foley Wozniak Joshua Lee Wright, CumLaude Sarah Janie Wright Meng Wu§ Justin Jason Wu Chang§ Xiaojing Xia, CumLaude Hongming Xu, SummaCumLaude* Jing Xu, CumLaude§ Michael Yahudaii Di Yang Jason Yih Collin Chun Yin Yip Man Ho Brian Yip Tina Ting Chi Yip Daniel Hahrim Yoo§ Tony Seungwoon Youm Nicole Mary Yu, CumLaude* Raymond Yu, MagnaCumLaude Megan Y. Yung, CumLaude Victor Zaborowski Michelle Marie Zaniboni, MagnaCumLaude

James Elliott Zar Allysa Hope Zemke Menglin Zhang ZinMin Zhang Yingjun Zhou, MagnaCumLaude† Haosi Zhu Shaopeng Zhu, MagnaCumLaude Emily Zhukovsky, MagnaCumLaude§ Militza Nikolova Zikatanova, MagnaCumLaude* Khin Mee Mee Zin, CumLaude† Rebecca Leigh Zulch Dominik Zunkovic‡ Natalie Ellen Zurawin Brent O. Zwirn


Graduate School of Management MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (M.B.A.) Hythem Mohamed Abdelaziz Abde, MB.Bch. Alexander Abdou‡ Renzo M. Aida, B.S. Firoza Akhter, B.S., HighHonors† Matthew James Allen, B.A., Honors Dane Bradley Aloe, B.B.A.§ Eric Clinton Amstutz, B.A.‡ Steven Patrick Annen, B.A.‡ Alison Hirsch Annese, HighHonors Carlos Arellano Quintana, M.D. Domenic K. Armano, B.S.Eng. Daniel Asmar, B.S.B.A. Tejas Vijay Atawane, B.E. Naziha Bagui, B.A.B.A. Nima Bahrehdar, B.E. *School Honors Program

Patrick John Bair, B.S. Shaun Michael Baker, B.S. Daniel Jonathan Bakke, B.A. Martina Barth, B.A.§ Akshay Ashok Basrur, B.E. Andrew Ryan Beitler, B.S. Lisa Ann Belanger, B.S.† Joseph Anthony Bellantuoni‡ Ezra Ralph Benjamin, B.A., M.A., HighHonors†

Gregory Edwards Berman, B.S. Akshaya Bhargava, B.E. Rebecca J. Bhatia, HighHonors‡ Penelope Anne Billington, A.B. Stephanie N. Bloch, B.A. Aaron Lawrence Blum, B.S., Honors§

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



Natalia Bogatova, M.S. Jonas Borkenhagen, B.B.A., HighHonors* Aaron Raymond Bourret, B.S., M.S., Honors†

Courtney Michelle Bowman, B.A.§ Joshua Loren Brodsky, B.S.§ Cyrus Derek Brown, B.S.E.E., HighHonors‡

Devon Hyland Bruce, B.A. William C. Bruce Jr., B.S.B.A. John Reiffel Bry, B.S.A.E., M.P.H. Timothy Fred Buck, B.S., Honors† Jane Bulnes-Fowles, B.A., HighHonors§ Eric Robert Burns, B.S., Honors Venkat Reddy Busanelli, B.Tech., M.S.

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Justin J. W. Bush, B.S. Jaime J. Bustamante, B.Eng., HighHonors* Ivan Gabriel Busulwa, B.Sc.§ Adam Grant Butland, B.S.Eng., M.S.E., HighHonors* Christine Elise Butterfield, B.S., HighHonors

Jason Cameron Butterworth, B.S., Honors†

Joseph Patrick Byrne, B.A., HighHonors‡

Daniel Francis Campbell, B.S.B.A. Dwight Nickolai Campbell, A.B. Kerri Beth Carlson, B.A. Joel Darshan Carlton-Gysan, B.A.§ Eric Todd Carniol, B.A., HighHonors* Orly Carrera Barreda, B.B.A. Lindsay Jane Carver, B.A.† Brendan Stephen Cavalier, B.S.B.A., Honors* Kristen Diane Cecchetti, B.S., M.S., Honors‡

Wing Tai Chan, B.A., B.Sc.§ Pan Shing Chau, B.S.† Guillermo Chavez Arreche, B.A.‡ Albert Wenway Chi, B.S., Honors Arif Khozaim Chiba, B.A. Carol S. Chow, B.A. Adam Daniel Chused, B.S.† Heather Jean Cochrane, Honors‡ Jeffrey M. Cole, B.S., M.S.T.† Sarah Elizabeth Connors, B.A.† David Robert Conte, B.S.M.E., HighHonors* Julie Marie Cordeiro, B.S.† Jeremy Lawrence Cote, B.S., M.S., HighHonors*† Andrew F. Crockett, B.A. Kyle A. Cross, B.B.A. Melissa A. Cyr, B.S., Honors† Rachel Florence Soloria Dacwag, B.S.Eng. Jin Dai, B.Ec. Mark William D’Alfonso, B.S.B.A.‡ Amit Das, B.E., Honors Jeffrey Alan Davis, B.S. Jaclyn M. DeAngelo, B.S.B.A., Honors‡ Nicole Elyce DeFeo, B.A., HighHonors* Joseph Stephen DeLisle, B.S., HighHonors* Erik Justin DeMarco, B.S., B.S., Honors‡ Michael Gregory DeMarco† Timothy DeMichiel, B.S., HighHonors* Matthew Shawn Densmore, B.S., Honors‡

Gaston Derchi Russo, B.S.B.A.‡ Elliot K. DeRemer, B.S.B.A. Karen Lynne Detjen, B.A.† Alin Dev, B.E. Patricia L. Dickerson, B.S. Jason James Dijak, B.B.A.§ Jenny Gloria Doan, B.S.B.A., A.B., HighHonors†

Wesley J. Dobbs, B.S., Honors‡ Haodi Dong, B.S.§ Brian Devin Driscoll, B.S. Philip Francis Duffy, B.A. Chad Emerson Duncan, B.B.A., HighHonors* *School Honors Program

Phuong T. Duong, B.S.B.A.§ Jennifer A. Durkin, B.S. Thomas James Durkin Jr.‡ Nicole Michelle Eagon, B.S.‡ Devron Lamar Eakins, B.S.† Katherine Eclarin, B.A.‡ Drew Francis Edwards, B.S. Andres Elizundia Cusi, B.Ec. Erin Courtney Elwood, B.A., Honors‡ Derek Eamon Evenson, B.S.* Jonathan Fajen, B.S., Honors Li Fan, LL.B. Joseph Edward Farrell, B.A.‡ Michael James Farrell, B.A.§ Patrick William Fedigan, B.A.† Uri Feld, B.S. Cameron Buckminster Feldman, B.S. Sarah Elizabeth Ferguson, B.S., Honors‡ Rebecca Wing Ferry, B.S.‡ Christopher Paul Finn, B.S.B.A.‡ Christiana R. Fischer, B.A.§ Amy E. Fisher, B.S. Breandan Philip Fisher, B.A., Honors Kevin Michael Flaherty, B.A.‡ Candice Rose Flandrau, B.A., Honors*§ Sergio Alberto Bruno Monteiro de Carvalho Floris, B.A.§ Brandon Michael Fogarty, B.A., Ed.M.§ Kristin A. Fountain, B.S.‡ Parker Kenneth Fox, B.A. Christina Roxana Fuentealba, B.S.‡ Jeremy Charles Gagne, B.A., B.S.B.A., HighHonors

George Warren Gainer III, B.S.A. Monica Alejandra Gallegos Saldana, B.S. Balasubrahmanyan Ganesh, B.Tech., M.S.§ Siddharth Garg, B.E. Paris George Gartaganis, B.A. Sindhu Mary George, B.Arch., M.L.A. James Andrew Gerlach, B.S.B.A.§ Sonja Khan Gessling, B.A. Samuel R. Girgis, B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E. Barrett Mckenzie Glasser, B.Sc.‡ Christopher David Glenn, B.S., Honors Katharine Glynn, A.B. Ashish Gohil‡ Jose Santiago Gomez Monte, B.Ec., HighHonors†

Hilary Goss, B.A. Peter Crosby Gray, B.S., B.A., HighHonors*† Jessica Greenberg, B.A., B.A. Nolan Greene, B.A. Erin E. Gregory, B.S.J., B.A., HighHonors* Richard John Griffin, B.S.‡ Anna Jacqueline Gruszecki, B.S.B.A. Abram Nicholas Guerra, B.A. Stephanie Chong Guertin, B.S. Wishwas Kumar Gummanur Mohan, B.E. Bishal Kumar Gupta, B.Tech. Gautam Jagannath Gupta, HighHonors* Mikhail Gurevich, B.S., B.S.E.E. Helene Frances Gwizdak‡ Joseph C. Hachadorian, B.S.E.E.† Sarah E. Haigh Molina, B.Sc., Ph.D.§ Colin Anders Haley, B.S., M.S.‡

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



Meredith Colby Hall, B.S.‡ Eszter Sarolta Hamori, B.B.A. Sana A. Hanible, B.A. Erica Fordon Hansen, B.M. Peter Harakas, B.A., Ph.D. Kevin Bailey Harder, B.S., HighHonors* Nicholas William Harris, B.S.B.A.‡ Christina Beata Harsanyi, B.S.J. Assad Abbas Hasanain, B.E. Shawn Gregory Hay, B.S.M.E. Qiao He, B.S.C.E. Joshua Erich Hildebrand, B.S. Lindsay K. Hoag, A.B.‡ Matthew Lowndes Holcomb‡ Lindsay Cheryl Holland, B.A.† Elana Joy Horowitz, B.A. Kathleen Lorraine Houghton, B.Com., B.M.E.‡ Roya Hu, A.B. Jack Huang, B.S. Carlos Andres Huerta, B.A.S. Luis Carlos Huerta Moreno, B.A. Daniel William Hughes, B.A. Joanna Irene Huh, B.A. Jin Young Hur, B.F.A.§ Cornelius Keefe Hurley, B.A. John Farrell Hurley, B.A.† Ca Lay Ip, B.S., Honors*† Jason Walter Issertell, B.M.E. Shyam Chandramouli Iyer, B.S., M.S., Honors

Ankita Jain, B.S. Erin Colleen Jemiola, B.A. Lindsay Marie Jensen‡ Kyle Albert Johnson, B.A. Lesley Rose Katie Jones, B.A. Sean Francis Judge, B.C.E. James Michael Kalinowski, B.S.‡ Michael A. Kanaan, B.S., Honors* Scott Miles Kanach, B.S.B.A. Susan Kataoka, B.A. Vinoth Kanna Kathappanraju, B.E., Honors§

David Aaron Katz, B.S.B.A., Honors Brian William Kelly, B.S.B.A., HighHonors* Katherine C. Kennedy, B.A., M.S.§ Keith Alan Kenney, B.S. Cassandra Michelle Kern, B.S. David Youngjin Kim‡ Gohree Kim, B.S.B.A.§ David John King, B.A., HighHonors*§ Robert Vincent Klein, B.S.§ Daniel Joseph Knob, B.S., HighHonors*§ Ravi Prakash Kolipaka, B.Tech., M.S., HighHonors* Branden Marcel Kornell, HighHonors† Julia Lynn Krol, A.B., B.S.N., Honors Dinesh John Kurian, Sc.B. Chun-Nan Lai, B.A. Shiao-Hui Lai, B.A., M.A. Colleen R. LaMotte, B.B.A.† Jarett Scott Landman, B.A.§ William Lane, B.A., Honors Heather A. Laplante, B.A. Matthew P. Larkin, B.A. Benjamin Steven Lavoie, HighHonors*§ Tiffany Sue-Kie Lee, B.A. Alexis Lempereur, B.A., B.A.‡ Allison Lewitus†

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Maire Christina Leyne, Honors‡ Xiao Li, B.S.E.E., M.Sc. Catherine Lynn Liang, A.B., M.P.H.§ Jerilyn M. Libby, B.A., Honors Youjin Lim, B.A. John James Linehan, B.S.C.S.† Andrew S. Lippman, B.B.A., Honors Ying Liu, B.Eng., M.Sc., M.Sc. Amina Clarisse Lobban, M.S., B.Sc., HighHonors* Alison J. Loffredio, B.A.† Hélène Nadine Céline Loncin, M.Sc., HighHonors* Toni Ann Louie, B.S.§ Robert Malcolm Lucas, Honors† Margaret M. Lukaszewicz, B.S. Hong Gia Ly, B.L.A. Juan Pablo Machado Roosen, B.E. Pradeep Mady, Honors‡ Scott Edmund Maersch, B.S.§ Ritika Mahal, B.E.T., M.Sc., HighHonors* Priyank Maheshwari, B.Tech., M.B.A. Gaurav Manchanda, B.E. Emily Marcus, S.B., HighHonors* Phillip Michel Mark, B.A.§ Lisa K. Marlette, B.A., Honors§ Erin Elizabeth Mason, B.A. Eli Selvage Mather, B.A., Honors* Corey William Mathis, B.S.E.E. Ian Seth Mazsa, B.S., B.S. Alexandria Michelle Mcauliffe, B.B.A.§ Rita Marie McCusker, B.S.B.A. Ramona Grace Mcfall, B.A.§ Andrew McLellan, B.S.‡ Jeffrey Paul Medor, B.S.B.A. Harindra Meetiyamulla Arachchi, B.A., Honors*† Samir Mehra, M.S.‡ Ajay M. Mehta, B.E.E.‡ Aneesh Jaidev Mehta, B.Com., M.Com. Kavita Mehta, B.E., M.S., HighHonors* Sara Alison Meinke, B.A. Evan Garret Melford, B.B.A.† Alper Memioglu, B.A. Catherine Theresa Mendel, B.A.† John Michael Merriman, B.A., B.A., Honors†

Nathan Gardner Meryash, B.S.E.E. Margaret Rae Meyer, B.A.§ Paul Corbett Meyers, B.A.‡ Ashley Lauren Mikowski, B.S.B.A., HighHonors* Ruchi Mishra, B.E. Alexander J. Misiaszek, B.S.E.E., Honors‡

Claudia Miyagusuku Nakamatsu, Dip., B.S.E. Debabrata Mohanty, B.Tech. Amy Wing-Yu Mok, B.S., HighHonors*§ Charles M. Montemor, B.S.B.A.† Timothy Patrick Moran, B.S.B.A. Sarah E. Moynihan, B.A.S. Lindsey Leonard Muldoon, B.A. Thomas Bowman Muller, B.A., HighHonors‡

Emily Alexandra Mulligan, A.B.† Sean Brennan Murphy, B.A. Benjamin Smith Myers, B.S.B.A.‡ Jeremy Adam Myers, B.A., Honors *School Honors Program

Michael A. Nalli, A.B. David Scott Nash, B.A. Natalie B. Nathanson, B.S.§ Ahmed Mohammad Nawasrah, B.E.E., M.Sc. Sunny Nayyar, B.S. Jennifer Elizabeth Nevins, B.A., Honors James William Newton, B.A.§ Cynthia Ching-Mun Ng, B.S.† Tuan Nguyen, B.A., Honors† Birgit Neitz Nilsson, B.A., Honors‡ William Morse Noble, B.S. Melissa Ann Nolet, B.E.E., M.Sc., Honors†

Sandra E. North, B.A., Honors*§ Andrew Reid Ochs, B.S., HighHonors* James Timothy O’Connor, B.S.B.A. Jon C. O’Connor, B.S. Michael O’Laughlin, B.S.I.E., HighHonors* Kasey Laine Oliver, B.A., Honors† Lauren Elisabeth Olmsted, B.A.§ Christopher Robert O’Malley, B.B.A. Michael Joseph O’Neil Jr., B.A.‡ Michael Miki Osovski, LL.B. Carl Eric Palme, B.S., Honors Ann Julie Bumatay Palmteer, B.S. Nirav Patel, B.A. John Brodrick Pauler, B.B.A., A.B., Honors

Maria Cristina Pedroza Jimenez, B.E.§ Kathryn Elaine Perkins, B.S. Victoria Ai Phung, A.B., HighHonors* Erin Elisabeth Pizzonia, B.A., B.A. Margaret Lacey Plimpton, B.A., HighHonors* Angela Teresa Pontrello, B.S., B.S., Honors‡

Dhatri Pradeep, B.E. Manoj Prakash, B.E., HighHonors Daniel Pralat, B.S. Thiago Preihs Pinto, B.A. Katrina Lynn Privett, B.S.C.S.§ Cuixiang Qu, B.E. Quyen Dat Quan‡ Catherine Esuel Quinn, Honors Daniel Quintero Calle, B.E.E. Mike Rabinovich, B.S., HighHonors* Aizan Radzi, B.S., HighHonors* Khadija Rahman, B.A. Sidharth Ramsinghaney, B.E., Honors Caesar Rana, B.A.B.A., Honors‡ Nathan Robert Reel, B.S.Eng., Honors† Leah J. Ricci, B.A., HighHonors* Leigh Anson Rick, B.A., Honors Lindsey Kristin Riddell, B.A., Honors Abanish Raj Rizal, B.A., M.P.H.† Kristen Elizabeth Roberts, B.S.B.A. Anthony D. Robillard, B.A.‡ Sarah Mitchell Rodermund, A.B. Catherine Powers Rodriguez, B.B.A., Honors

Catherine Louise Rogers, B.A. Tchad William Rogers, B.S., Honors Randy Scott Romano, B.S., HighHonors* Aron Dovev Rosenberg, B.S., M.S., HighHonors†

Ivan David Ross, B.S. Allison W. Rowe, B.S.B.A.

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



Benjamin Jon Roy, B.A.† Evelyn Yuliana Rubio Mejía, B.S.B.A., Cert. Jan Rychly, B.Fin., M.Fin. Burke Joseph Ryder, B.S. Vito Paul Salm, B.A., Honors† Deedar Manmohan Samant, M.P.H., M.B.B.S.‡ Joel Howard Samen, B.A. Sarah N. Samuels, B.A., HighHonors*† Hannah Sandrowski, B.A.B.A. Kira Sargatzke, Dip., HighHonors* Ester Gabriella Schiano, B.A. Frank Schiavone, B.S.B.A., Honors Peter Jacob Schuller, B.S., HighHonors† Jordan Daniel Schulz, B.S.C.E. Dori Beth Schwartz, B.B.A., HighHonors*† Jamie Michelle Schwartz, B.A.B.A. Kerie Ann Seamans, B.B.A., Honors Sriram Seetharam, B.E., M.S. Robert Bruce Segan, B.A.‡ Shweta Sekhon, B.E. Matthew Joseph Seltzer, B.S., HighHonors*§ Stephen M. Sentovich, M.D., HighHonors* Elissa Ching Yen Seto, A.B. Tara A. Sexton, B.S.B.A., Honors‡ Akshay Umakant Shah, B.A. Katherine Eileen Shanahan, B.S., Honors§

Joshua Paul Sheldon, B.Ed., HighHonors†

Lisa J. Sheldon, B.A., Honors* Avanti Satish Shetye, B.E., M.S., Honors* Sandesh Shrestha, M.B.B.S. Steven John Sideris, B.A., Honors Federico Martin Sidero, B.B.A. Molly Alma Silva, HighHonors‡ Humberto Raul Silva Rondon, B.E.E. Renee Sinha, B.S.Eng., M.E.‡ Adam Neil Sinoway, B.A.§ Jacqueline Slater, B.A., Honors Melissa Jane Small, B.A. Jessica Lynn Smith, B.S.B.A. Kevin Charles Smith, B.S.‡ Jose Goncalo Soares Pacheco Pereira, B.Ec.‡ Ben Sobczak, B.S., Honors Maryam Sohraby, B.S.B.A.§ Jitin Pal Singh Sood, B.Sc., Honors† Jeffrey M. Sousa, B.A., Honors† Christopher Michael South, B.B.A.† Dorota Malgorzata Spaulding, B.A., HighHonors* Felipe Spinel Salcedo, B.A.B.A. Leif V. Springer, A.L.B., Honors§ Christopher Lyons Stoeckle, B.Sc. Natalie Marie Stokke, B.B.A.§ Jonathan Stone, B.Arch. Sean Michael Stone, B.A.† Philip Anthony Strazzula, B.S.M.E., HighHonors* Arjun Kumar Sud, B.S.M.E., M.S., HighHonors

Satish Surapaneni, B.E., M.S.§ Laura M. Suslowicz, B.A. Peter Devin Sylvester, B.S.§

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Paul V. Tagliaferri, B.S.† Jay A. Tailor, B.S.‡ Marcel Michael Tam, B.S. Samrin Ahmed Tanzeem, B.A.S., Honors Jeremy Tarr, B.S.† James F. Tau, B.A., M.S.‡ Paul Coder Taylor, B.S., Honors* Maureen Leigh Tedford, B.S., HighHonors†

Laura Elyse Teicher, B.A.§ Anya Marie Thomas, B.A., HighHonors* Jamie Victoria Tomc, B.A., Honors*† Minh Ngo Tran‡ Keith Michael Traverse, B.A. Sameer Trikha, B.S.§ Tsen-Hsin Tsai, B.B.A. John Zachary Tumolo, B.A., M.P.H.†

Jagdish Uddhao, Dip., B.E.,

Richard William Wilhelm III, B.S.B.A.,

Todd Christian Valentine, B.A. Stefan Jacques Vehr, B.B.A. Matthew S. Veilleux, B.S. Gilouse Vincent, B.A. Tiffany Ngoc-Uyen Vo, B.A. Rashmikant Vyas, B.Eng.‡ Michael Thomas Waecker, B.S., B.S.E.E. Julie Palombo Wallace, B.A., Honors David Joseph Walsh, B.A. Fengjuan Wang, Honors‡ Gregory James Watts, B.A.† Katy Mutale Weinberg, B.A. Sabrina Grijalva Wells, B.S.B.A., Honors Linda Weng, B.A. Aaron Craig Wesolowski, B.S. Eric Alan Whitney, B.S.Arch.

Elsa Margot Gelberg Wilson, B.S.‡ Matthew J. Winton, B.Sc., Ph.D.‡ Renee Wong, B.S.E.‡ David Andrew Workman, B.S.‡ Justin G. Wright, B.S., M.A., Honors‡ Chih-Ping Wu, B.B.A.† Andi Yao, B.A., C.A.S. Wind Yee, B.B.A. Canbek Yıldıran, B.S.I.E. Wei-Yi Yin, B.A. Bronwen Mari Young, B.A. Feng M. Yu, B.S. Manuel Carlos Zapata Arca, B.S.E.E. Elizabeth A. Zelie, B.L.A., Honors*§ Kun Zhang, B.S.E.§ Zheng Zhao, B.A.



EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (M.B.A.) Edward R. Bedrosian, Jr., B.A., J.D. Adam Edward Brophy Seema Veerappa Byahatti, B.S., M.D., Honors

Richard Anthony Cammarano, B.A. Keith R. Carlton, B.S., HighHonors Douglass Gresham Cuff, B.S. Sergei Daniel, B.S., HighHonors* James Paul Ely III, B.S., HighHonors* Sean Timothy Foley, B.A. Scott Edward Johnson, B.S. Pramodh T. Koshy, B.E. Lorraine Elisa Laham, B.S., Ph.D., HighHonors

Daniel James Landers, B.S., HighHonors* Gregory Anthony Madden, B.A., HighHonors* Christopher Michael McAloon, B.S., HighHonors* Robert J. McCullough, B.S.B.A., HighHonors* Abhijit B. Mhetre, B.E., Honors Matthew M. Ofilos, B.S.B.A. John Mark O’Mahony, B.S. James Sherman Parker, B.A. Christopher R. Petryshin, B.S. Daniel E. Pikora, B.S., M.S.

Olyvia Rakshit, B.E. Vikram Ramachandran, M.S. Sahar-Madison M. Saba, B.A. Matthew T. Santangelo, B.S., HighHonors

Peter E. Spiess, B.S., Honors Christopher P. Sullivan, B.S.B.A. Prakash Suman, B.E., HighHonors* George Tasiopoulos, B.S., M.S. Andrew FitzGerald Thiel, B.S., Honors Russell J. Todia, B.S., Honors Alan Williams, B.S., M.S., HighHonors Alan Young, B.S.

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS (M.S.I.S.) Hythem Mohamed Abdelaziz Abdelwahab, M.B.Bch., HighHonors Akshaya Bhargava, B.E., HighHonors Guillermo Chavez Arreche, B.A.‡ Joseph Stephen DeLisle, B.S., HighHonors

Derek Eamon Evenson, B.S., HighHonors

Uri Feld, B.S. Monica Alejandra Gallegos Saldana, B.S., HighHonors Siddharth Garg, B.E., HighHonors Christopher David Glenn, B.S., Honors Abram Nicholas Guerra, B.A., HighHonors

Wishwas Kumar Gummanur Mohan, B.E., HighHonors Erica Fordon Hansen, B.M., HighHonors

Kevin Bailey Harder, B.S., HighHonors Joshua Erich Hildebrand, B.S. Elana Joy Horowitz, B.A., Honors Joanna Irene Huh, B.A., Honors Cassandra Michelle Kern, B.S., Honors Margaret M. Lukaszewicz, B.S., Honors Eli Selvage Mather, B.A., HighHonors Carl Eric Palme, B.S., Honors* Kathryn Elaine Perkins, B.S., Honors Manoj Prakash, B.E., HighHonors* Tchad William Rogers, B.S., Honors

Burke Joseph Ryder, B.S., Honors Deedar Manmohan Samant, M.P.H., M.B.B.S., Honors‡ Joel Howard Samen, B.A., HighHonors Akshay Umakant Shah, B.A., Honors Humberto Raul Silva Rondon, B.E.E., Honors

Jonathan Stone, B.Arch., Honors Paul Coder Taylor, B.S., HighHonors Todd Christian Valentine, B.A., HighHonors

Eric Alan Whitney, B.S.Arch., HighHonors

Manuel Carlos Zapata Arca, B.S.E.E., Honors

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICAL FINANCE (M.S.M.F.) Alankrita Agrawal, B.Com., M.S.F.C.† Jessica Hong Eun Ahn, B.S., HighHonors*† Steven Edward Bastin, B.S.† Kulveer Singh K. Cheema, B.E.† Ning Cheng, B.E., M.E., HighHonors† Mudita Dhingra, B.Sc.† Petros Dikaios, B.S.C.S.† Fan Gao, B.Ec.† Sunil Gopal, B.S.†

*School Honors Program

Michael Reed Guidi, B.S.† Jason Peng-Chun Hsu, B.A.† Ashley Meers Jankowski, B.A.† Jingwen Li, B.Com.† Ning Lin, B.E., M.S.† Jackie Liu, B.S.† Jianing Liu, B.A.† Kyle Robert Lythjohan, B.S.† Andres Macias Berrueta, B.Sc., Honors*† Afshan Munir Malik, B.Sc., M.Sc.†

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



Sidharth Malik, B.E.† Maria Lorena Martinez Rodriguez, B.B.A.† Ameya Moghe, B.A.† Michael Alexander Monaco, B.S., HighHonors*† Ankit Nanda, B.A., B.A.† Van Hai Nguyen, B.S.B.A.† Orianna Pamela Olivero Ramirez, B.A., M.A., Honors*†

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Shivani Patnaik, B.S.† Quang Pham Huy, B.Math, HighHonors*† Robert M. Pierce, B.S.† Temelia O’Gina Providence, B.Sc.† Swee Lye Quek, B.Eng., HighHonors† Philip Matthew Rubin-Streit, B.S.†

Pallavi Ranchhodlal Shah, B.Tech., M.B.A.† Ilanit Shtein, B.Sc., HighHonors*† Kateryna Speck, B.S.† Sichares Suppapanya, B.Eng., HighHonors*† Gaurav Taneja, B.Tech.†

Siqi Tang, B.S.† Jacob Thomas Karippaparampil, B.Tech.† Hoyu Wu, B.A.† Michael Xiyu Yang, B.Math† Zi Yang, B.B.A.† Shiwei Yu, B.Ec.†

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (M.S.I.M.) Anas Assara, B.S., Honors Gregory E. Clute, B.S.Eng., M.B.A., Honors

Kristen Elizabeth Colvin, B.A. Carly Ann Condron, B.B.A. Kevin Padric Cullen, B.B.A., Honors Scott Armstrong Darci, B.A., HighHonors* Joseph Matthew Devlin, B.S.B.A., M.S., Honors

Sean Jacobs, B.S., HighHonors Patrick Joseph Joyce, B.S. Christopher Michael Kelley, B.S. Michael Levinson, B.S. Charles J. Lynch, B.A. Brian Moore, B.S.B.A. Meghan Emily Moses, B.S. Sherri Lee Normand, B.S.B.A. Michael Anthony Pappas, B.B.A.

Alexander Raymond Provencal, B.S. Blair Fawcett Ridley, B.A., HighHonors* Joseph Mario Sannicandro, B.S.B.A., HighHonors

Forrest Thomas Simenson, B.A. Jeffrey J. Smith, B.A., M.B.A. Bradley Michael Westendorf, B.S.B.A., HighHonors* Adam C. S. White, B.S.

DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (D.B.A.) Mustafa Kerem Arsal, M.B.A., “Nascence, Growth and Fragmentation in Online Cultural Production” Kyungho Kim, B.A., M.B.A., “Corporate Environmental Strategy, Environmental Performance, and Financial Performance in the U.S.A. Heavy Polluting Industries, 1991–2005”* Jina Mao, B.S., M.S., “Managing the Self in Low Wage Service Jobs: A Case of Fast Food Work”

Muhammad Muntazir Mehdi, B.S.M.E., M.S.M.E., “Aligning Specialty Steel Supply Chain in the US with a New Online Binpacking Algorithm”‡ Nopmanee Tepalagul, M.B.A., “Audit Completion Phase: Determinants and Implications for Audit Quality”*§ Chunlai Ye, B.S., M.S., “Tax Reserves, Auditor-Provided Tax Services and FIN 48”*

Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Ph.D.) Li-Wu Hsu, B.B.A., M.B.A., “The Role of Social Media and Brand Equity During a Product Recall Crisis: A Shareholder Value Perspective”*

*School Honors Program

*Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee

January 2012 graduate



September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Medicine KAREN H. ANTMAN, Dean

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (M.D.) Rami Youssef Abdou, B.S., M.A. Hilal Said Abu-Zahra, B.S., M.A. Melanie Andersen, B.S. Jamie Montgomery Aranda, B.S., CumLaude

Shannon Lotus Ashley, B.S. Christopher R. Baca, B.A. Kara Lorén Baker, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Nicole Mary Bedros, B.A., CumLaude Atisa Beihaghi, B.S. Bryan George Belikoff, B.S., M.A. Jason R. Bellan, B.S. Dana C. Billups, B.S. Kristen Elizabeth Blackmon, B.A. Andrew Christopher Boylan, B.A. Aaron Fabian Brafman, B.S. Benjamin Richard Bralove, B.A. Lauren Ann Branchini, B.A. Alex Brevil, B.S. Jeffrey Wade Brown, B.A. Morenikeji Ayodele Buraimoh, S.B. Paul Monroe Butler, B.S., M.T.S. Viet Lukasz Cai, A.B. Nathan Hamilton Calloway, B.S., M.A. Eric Todd Carniol, B.A. Ebonee Brooks Carter, B.S. Arthur Roland Celestin, B.S. Bora Chae, B.S. Fonda Chan, B.S. Ingrid Tina Chang, B.S., CumLaude Kevin Jeram Chapla, B.A. Luke Thomas Chatburn, B.S., Ph.D. Kir-Wei Chen, B.S., M.A. Jessica Pang Chi, A.B. Andrew James Chrisman, B.S. Tristen Taeho Chun, B.S., M.A., M.S. Winston Wen-Chen Chung, B.A. David Justin Cleary, B.A., M.A. Jed Adam Cohn, B.A. Andrew Thomas Colucci, B.A. Laura D’Addese, B.A. Jessica Margaret Davison, B.A., SummaCumLaude

Ashley Brenna Decker, B.S., M.A., CumLaude

Erica Ann Delsman, B.S. Erkeda Lacherish DeRouen, B.S. Sandra Renae DiBrito, B.S. Albert Do, B.A. Clare Alexis Donnelly-Taylor, B.S. Melissa Margaret Dowd, B.S. Charles Marc Ekstein, B.S. Sridevi Suresh Ellickal, B.A. Carolee D. Estelle, B.S. Philip George Eye, B.A. Anahita Fallahi, B.S. Robert J. Feeley, B.A., M.A. Kui-Tzu Victoria Feng, B.A., M.A., M.P.H.

Caitlin Foor-Pessin, B.S., CumLaude Lisa Marie Force, B.S., SummaCumLaude

Andrew W. Francis, B.A. Joseph David Nickolas Freeburg, B.S. Zachary Patrick Fricker, B.S., CumLaude

Amanda Jean Gallant, B.S., MagnaCumLaude

Joseph James Gallant, B.S. Toya Dewan George, B.S. Ryan Andrew Gise, B.A. Matthew Hans Gonzalez, B.S. Damon Anthony Gray, B.S. Jessica Gray, B.A. Christopher Emilio Graziano, B.S., CumLaude

Matthew Kurth Griswold, B.A. Carly Allison Grovhoug, B.A. Keyona Cheyne Gullett, B.S. Sara Ismail Haidar Ahmad, B.S. Chris C. Han, B.S., M.A. Frank Hao, B.S. Rachel Hathaway, B.S. Aniruddha Hazra, B.A. Shireen Nassim Heidari, B.A. Walter Ferdinand Heine, B.S., M.S.E. Lauren Myrbeck Hittson, B.S. Zi Huang, B.S. Michelle Maduabuchi Igbani, B.S. Monica Jain, B.S. Rachel Clare Jordan, B.A. Jennifer Rose Jorgensen, B.A. Aung Kaung, B.A. Raymond James Kenney, B.S., M.A. Ayanna A. Khalsa, B.S. Naima Khamsi, B.S. Besam Khidhir, B.A. Patrick Bennett Killoran, B.S. Cindy Meerim Kim, B.S., M.S. Sora Kim, B.S. Patrick Burke Kinnaird, B.A., M.A. Andrea Margarita Koploy, B.A. Cassandra Jean Kovach, B.S., CumLaude

Thomas Drew Kozlek III, B.A., M.A., M.B.A. Abirami Kumaresan, B.S. Dinesh John Kurian, Sc.B. Donna Kurowski, B.S. Yinan Lan, B.S. William Lane, B.A., M.A. Alexander Lauder, B.A., CumLaude Ebony Lawson, B.A., M.A. Eugene Chen-Li Lee, B.A. Joseph Hsieh Liao, B.S., M.A. Dana Duo Liu, B.A. Max Raul Lopez, B.A. Patrick Donald Lee Mabray, B.S. Jeremy Gottig Maggin, B.S.

Julia Manasson, B.S. Jacob Alexander Mark, B.S., CumLaude Shanna Allison Matalon, B.A., MagnaCumLaude

Gabriel E. Merlin, B.S. Laura Daniela Michelis, B.S. Hannah Swan Milch, B.A., CumLaude Ilan Mizrahi, B.S. Marissa Mayor Montgomery, B.A. Sharda Mukunda, B.A. Chantale O. Murray, B.S. Latisha C. Murray, B.S. Wissam H. Mustafa, B.S. Lina Nazartchouk, B.S. Kathryn Neubauer, B.S. Jordan Jacob Neviackas, B.S., M.A. Yee Seng Ng, B.S. Ken Duong Nguyen, B.S. Michael Miyazaki Nguyen, B.S., M.A. Nicole Thuy Phuong Nguyen, B.A. Shanedelle S. Norford, B.S. John Paul O’Hara, B.A., M.A. Lauren Elizabeth Owens, B.S. Haig Panossian, B.A., M.A. Jason Amit Paruthi, B.A. James Jacobson Peairs, B.S., M.A. Allison Marie Peluso, B.S., M.P.H. Paul Phillips IV, B.S. Siddarth Rathi, B.A. Lisa Ashley Rauh, B.A., CumLaude Emily S. Reiff, B.S., M.A., CumLaude Casper Reske-Nielsen, B.A. Samara Beth Rifkin, B.S., M.S. Yesenia Risech-Neyman, B.S., CumLaude

David F. Rodriguez, B.S. Max David Rubinstein, B.S. Babak Sadighi, B.A., M.A. James David Saint John, B.S. Davida Marti Schiff, B.S., CumLaude Mariana Schmajuk, B.S. Mason Antone Schmutz, B.S. Max Edward Seaton, B.A., M.A. Ryan Graham Seibert, B.S., CumLaude Anand Selvam, B.A. Neepa Shah, B.A., CumLaude Steven James Sherry, B.S. Ariel Shuckett, B.A., M.A., M.P.H. Lorena Silvestre, B.S. Paramjit Singh, B.S., M.A., CumLaude Kosha Bhupendra Soneji, B.S. Joseph Cameron Stuart, B.S. Catherine Ann Sullivan, B.S., CumLaude Samir Sur, B.S., M.A. Marcel Michael Tam, B.S. Martin Yukpoon Tam, B.A., M.A. Amanda Heather Tang, B.A. Andrew David Tannenbaum, B.S., M.A. Lucas William Thornblade, B.A. Sebastian Tak Chun Tong, B.A.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate



Ichen Sally Tsai, B.S., M.A. Louis Joseph Vaickus, B.S. Mary Alice Vijjeswarapu, B.S. Irina Vovnoboy, B.A. Anthony Scobba Walls, B.S.,

Nicholas Alexander Weida, B.A. Jenna Leigh Wheelhouse, B.S. Nathan Andrew Wigner, B.A., MagnaCumLaude

Aaron Michael Wolfson, B.S., M.S. Christina Ann Woodward, B.A.


Winston Sung Wu, B.S. Jin Xu, B.S., CumLaude Peter Zhao Yan, B.S. Jacqueline Carla Yano, B.S., M.A. Sarah Tsai Yee, B.S. Rebecca S. Zee, B.A.

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Veronica Akle Alvarez, B.S., “Anatomical and Functional Significance of F-spondin and the Role of Circadian Factors in Adult Neurogenesis in Zebrafish” Erika Natalie Ebbel Angle, B.S., “Development and Implementation of New Techniques to Study Biomarkers in Huntington Disease” Bryan George Belikoff, B.S., M.A., “Regulation of the Immunosuppressive Hypoxia-A2 Adenosinergic Pathway: A Potential Therapeutic Target for the Treatment of Bacterial Sepsis” Rebecca Sturtevant Benham, B.A., “BDNF and JAK/ STAT: Partners in Seizure-Induced GABA-A Receptor Downregulation” Johann Sebastian Bergholz Villafañe, B.A., “Role of p63 in Cell Migration and Cancer Metastasis” Sherman Jesse Bigornia, B.S., M.A., “Childhood Adiposity: Measurement and Effects of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage and Dairy Intakes” Madhumita Bogdan, B.S., “Cross-Talk Between Activated Immune Cells Exacerbates Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetes”† Jacqueline Claire Bouchard, B.S., “Immunological Mechanism of Alcohol-Exacerbated Asthma” Michael Robert Breen, B.A., “Cavin-2 Is a Cholesterol Sensor Linking Caveolae to the Adipocyte Cortical Cytoskeleton”‡ Jeffrey Wade Brown, B.A., “Structure, Function, Dynamics, and Cellular Localization of Villin-Type Headpiece Domains” Paul Monroe Butler, B.S., M.T.S., “Religious Cognition in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease” Constantina Christodoulou, B.S., “Modelling of Early Liver Development Using ES and iPS Cells”‡ Leah Leslie Cushing, B.A., “The Role of MIR-29 in Pulmonary Fibrosis”† Alicia Marie Evangelista, B.S., “S-Glutathiolation of the SERCA Reactive Cysteine-674 Is Required for VEGFMediated Endothelial Cell Migration”‡ Lorenzo Ihsan Finci, B.S., “The Molecular Architecture and Catalytic Mechanisms of BH1999 Thioesterase and BetaPhosphoglucomutase”‡ Jennifer Lynn Fitch, B.S., “The Interaction Between Bone Marrow Stromal and Endothelial Cells in Post-Natal Bone Repair”‡ Andrea Elizabeth Gorman, B.S., M.S., “Obesity and Diet Quality Predict Periodontal Disease Development in Men”‡ Daniel Saul Green, B.S., “CD4 Regulation of T Cell Migration”‡ Jian Guan, B.M., M.S., “Role of Stanniocalcin1 in Immunoglobulin Light Chain Amyloidotic Cardiomyopathy” Erica Reneé Harris, B.A., M.P.H., “Neurocognition and SelfRegulation of the Agentic Self in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease”‡ Edward J. Hartsough, B.S., “Molecular Regulation of VEGFR-2 Function and Expression Through PostTranslational Modifications” Ning Hua, B.S., “Studies in Multi-Modal Cardiovascular Imaging: Cardiovascular MRI in Humans and Targeted Fluorescence in an Animal Model of Atherosclerosis”† Shakuntala Karki, B.Sc., M.S., “Multi-Level Action of Fatty Acids on Diponectin Production by Fat Cells”† January 2012 graduate

Amanuel Yohannes Kehasse, B.S., “Mass Spectrometry Based Characterization of Differential Phosphorylation of Signaling Proteins by Epidermal Growth Factor and Nucleotides” Besam Khidhir, B.A., “Radiologic Localization of Pathologic Lesions Using Image Registration” Julia Heewon Kim, B.S., “Growth Factor Regulation of Early Growth Response Factor 3 Localization and Function in Neurons” Juyoun Kim, B.S., M.S., “The First Luminal Loop Confers Insulin Responsiveness to the Glucose Transporter 4” Sarah Anne Krawczyk, B.A., “Antioxidant Effects on Lipid Turnover in Human Differentiated Adipocytes”† Liqun Liu-Yesucevitz, B.S., “The Biology of TDP-3 Stress Granules: Novel Insights About Protein Aggregation in Neurodegenerative Diseases” Tyler Alden Longmire, B.S., “Efficient Derivation of Purified Lung and Thyroid Progenitors from Embryonic Stem Cells”† Larry L. Luchsinger, B.S., M.A., “Control of Myofibroblast Gene Expression by Transcriptional Co-Regulators”† Patrick Donald Lee Mabray, B.S., “Circadian Modulation of the Vasoconstrictive Properties of Cocaine” Xiaohu Mei, B.M., “Structural Studies of Truncated Human Apolipoprotein A-I in Solution and Crystal Identify the Folding Domain and Reveal the Assembly of Discoidal HDL by Dimerization”‡ Le Meng, B.S., “Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 and Heat Shock Protein 72 Play a Critical Role in Her2-Induced Cellular Transformation and Tumorigenesis”† Matthew Alvin Mitsche, B.Ch.E., “Interfacial Properties of the N-Terminal Lipid-Binding Domains of Apolipoprotein B and Their Role in Triacylglyceride-Rich Lipoprotein Assembly”† Supraja Narasimhan, B.Sc., M.Sc., “The Role of the Constitutively Active Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in Mammary Tumor Progression”‡ Nicole Alia Fazo Northrop, B.S., “The Role of Neuroinflammation in Stress & Methamphetamine-Induced Damage”† Laura Esther Packer, B.S., “Determinants of Protein Structure, Specificity, and Stability in Excised Domains of Villin and Apolipoprotein B”† Maria Catalina Perdomo, B.S., “MicroRNAs as Modulators of the Airway Gene Expression Response to Smoking and Lung Cancer”† Victoria Kristina Perry, B.Sc., M.S., “Integration of Copy Number Aberration and Genomic Expression Data in Preinvasive Breast Cancer” Eileen Susan Krenzel Rojas, B.S., “Identification of Fatty Acid and Bilirubin Binding Sites on Human Serum Albumin by 2D-NMR Spectroscopy”† Nadezda P. Sargaeva, B.S., M.S., “Deamidation and Related Problems in Structural Analysis of Peptides and Proteins” Patrick Alan Scott, B.S., “Iodoacetic Acid Induces Photoreceptor Degeneration in the Porcine Retina”‡ Pauline Po Lam So, B.M., M.S., “The Role of Amyloid Precursor Protein Dimerization in Amyloid Beta Peptide Production”‡ Srimathi Srinivasan, B.Sc., M.Sc., “Molecular Regulation of VEGFR-2 Expression and Activation in Endothelial Cells” Louis Joseph Vaickus, B.A., “Cockroach Allergen Induced Asthma: Pulmonary Mechanics, Inflammation and Tolerance”

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate



Erica Marlene Walsh, B.S., “Role of Murine Double Minute 2 and Retinoblastoma Protein in Cellular Senescence and Muscle Cell Differentiation”† Jing Wang, B.S., “Structural Basis for the Formation of a Poliovirus RNA Replication Complex” Nathan Andrew Wigner, B.S., B.A., “Regulation of Aggrecan Gene Promoter During Endochondral Bone Formation and Fracture Repair”

Rebecca S. Zee, B.A., “Cellular Thiol Redox Environment Modulates SIRT1 Activity” Liling Zeng, B.S., M.S., “Jade-1 Acts Through the PI3K-AKT Pathway and the Wnt Pathway to Inhibit Renal Cancer Growth”‡

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (D.Sc.) Passaratep Anurukpaiboon, M.D., “High-Dose Skin Type-Based Dosing of Narrowband UVB Phototherapy”

MASTER OF ARTS (M.A.) Sofia Aba Jebel, B.S.‡ Nasra Abdulkadir, B.Sc.§ Dayle Elizabeth Acquilano, B.S. Ashwin Agrawal, B.S.Eng. Omair Badshah Ali, B.A. Badera Mohammad Al Mohammad, B.S.† Adam Almozlino, B.A. Khalid Misfer A Alshamrani, B.Sc.‡ Roaa Mohammedabonomy N Alsharif, B.A.S.† Katherine Ann Altman, B.S.‡ Tyler Hannah-Marie Andolina, B.A. Jason Michael Andreas, B.S. George Y. Aoude, B.A.§ Stephanie Krystal Aresta-DaSilva, B.A. Amrita Kaur Bajwa, B.A.‡ Safi W. Barqawi, B.S.‡ Oscar Gregory Bascug, B.S.§ Charity M. Battle, B.S.† Geoanna Marie S. Bautista, B.S.‡ Mostafa Elmokhtar Belghasem, M.B.B.Ch.‡ Mamta Rajendra Bhakta, B.A. Jacqueline Margaret Bliley, B.S. Lindsay Amanda Bohnert, B.S. Alexandra Virginia Brewer, A.B. Madeline Frances Brisotti, B.A. Shemika M. Brooks, B.A. Kathryn E. Buchanan-Howland, B.A. Alycia L. Buchheit, B.A. Emily J. Burns, B.A. Robert John Burns, B.A. Darrell Paul Cameron, B.A.‡ Amanda Lowry Cantor, A.B. Marie Lidia Carillo, B.B.A.‡ Sylvia Lou Chang, B.S. Andrew Jacob Chapel, B.S. Leena Maggie Chehab, B.S. Qiu Ming Chen, B.S. Yang Chen, B.S.‡ David Ching-Pin Cheng, B.S.§ Kari Yi-Han Cheng, B.A.† Fei Ying Cheong, B.S. Cheryl Chi, A.B. Entela Cika, B.A. Patrick J. Coleman, B.A. Latoya S. Comer, B.S.‡ Caleb Madden Consenstein, B.A. Benjamin Peter Cooperman, B.S.‡ Kristen Maryrose Corkum, B.A. Cristina Marie Crespo Suarez, B.S.‡

Jenna Leigh Culp, B.S. Arielle Brooke Curtis, B.A.§ Joel Hanson Dankwa, B.A. Sherryl Ann De Leon, B.S.§ Meghen Marie De Santa, B.A.‡ Anal S. Desai, B.S. Parth Vikas Desai, B.S. Smruti Manhar Desai, B.S.‡ Joseph Normand Deschene, B.S.† Snehal Parag Dhake, B.S.† Thomas John Dinsmore, B.A. John Christopher Doehring, B.A.‡ Andrew J. Dolman, B.A.§ Florence Xini Doo, B.A.† Francis James Doyle, Jr., B.S. Marie A. Drottar, B.A.‡ David Andrew Druga, B.S. Farah El Mawas, B.S.‡ Hazem Ibrahim Mohamed Eltawell, B.M.§ Joelle Emery, B.A. Sawyer Franklin Emmer, B.S. James Gleason English, B.A. Eric Wayne Etchill, B.S. Justin R. Eusebio, B.A.‡ Doaa Farid, B.S.‡ Jessica Denise Farnsworth, B.S. Adnan Faruqui, B.S.‡ Brigid Marie Feeley, B.A. John Kyle Feller, B.S. Kristina Huntington Fenn, B.A. Alyssa Lynn Fernandez, B.S.‡ Joseph Daniel Ferrari III, B.S.‡ Lauren Marie Ferrerosa, B.A.‡ Mohsin Fidai, B.A. John Paul Fitzsimons, B.A., D.M.D.‡ Edeliz Flores, B.S. Richard Edward Flynn, B.S.§ Eric Brian Fox, B.S. Marie-Helene Gagnon, B.A. Andrew M. Galica, B.S. Jermie Jay Gandhi, B.A.‡ Matthew Jeffrey Garcia, B.S.‡ Christopher R. Gonzales, B.A. Asia A. Gordon, B.S. Vivek Shrirama Gowda, B.S.§ Erin Marie Guilbert, B.A. Rebecca Therese Gyi, B.S. Jeongcheol Ha, B.A.‡ Emma Halbrooks, B.A. O’Hara Kay Haley, B.S. Yara Hamade Tohme, B.A.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Mary Margaret Hays, B.A. Stephanie Lee Hill, B.A. Audrey Elise Hime, B.S. Kristin Elizabeth Hoffman, B.S. Mike Jager, B.A. Scharukh Jalisi, B.A., M.A., M.D.‡ Alyssa E. James, B.S. Derrick Pyomin Jeon, B.A. Albert Richard Jones IV, B.S. Rebecca H. Jugo, B.S. Ali Mahmoud Karaouni, B.S.§ Raphael-John Hernandez Keegan, B.S. Hadar Keren-Gill, B.S. Azeem Khan, B.A. Anna Kharaz, B.A. Abraham John Khorasani, B.S.§ Jessica Min Joung Kim, B.A. Julia Jung Hyo Kim, B.A.† Sylvia Kim, B.S.‡ Christine Kivork, B.S.† Pardis Koleini, B.A.§ Meryl L. Kopy, B.A.‡ Oze Yaakov Koreh, B.S.‡ Christine Erin Krueger, B.S.B.E. Vidhya Kumar, B.S. Danielle Marie Kumpulanian§ Jason Kung, B.S. Tanaya Kunnenkeri, B.S. John Kenneth Park Kuster, B.A.‡ Jae Hee Kwak, B.S. Michelle Estella Laguerre Michel, B.S.§ Kristen Marie Lang, B.A. Ana Carolina Lara Alvarez, B.S. Vivian Laurens, A.B. Kimberly Ann Leary, B.S.§ Montrice Lynette Leatherwood, B.S.§ Hallie Paige Leavitt, B.S. Flavien Eric Leclere, B.S. Louis Lee, B.S. Nicholas Yong Kyu Lee, B.A. Yoon Jae Lee, B.S. Vincent Michael Levesque, B.S.‡ Richard A. Lewis, B.A.‡ Yahui Li, B.S. Wentao Liang, B.S. Ross Bennett Linker, B.S.§ Brett Adam Linowes, B.S. Bert Liu, B.S.‡ Michelle Marie Loch, B.S.‡ Jenny Estelle Loew, B.S., M.S.‡ Santhi Nalla Logel, B.A. Hsun-Ming Lu, B.S.

Tentative September 2012 graduate



Samantha Ly, B.S. Matthew Robert Mackenzie, B.S. Sundis Mahmood, B.A. Kayla Theresa Mahoney, B.A. Simon Florian Maisel, B.S. Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Maksimenko, B.A., M.A.§ Andres Marquez-Guzman, B.Ch.E. Lindsay Nicole Marszal, B.S. Aaron Daniel Martin, B.S.§ Erin Alexandra Martinez, B.A.† Michael Anton Mayr, B.B.A. Justin Wesley McCool, B.A.‡ Kevin Tyrell Mckenzie, B.S.§ Caitlin Therese McPhelimy, B.S. Kyle Andrew Medeiros, B.S. James Patrick Mendoza, B.S. Meghan Alexandra Meyerson, B.A. Lorraine Elizabeth Miedema, B.A. Jennifer Lynn Eiko Miller, B.S. Mari Trecia Minkel, B.F.A. Nishat Sadya Fahria Mirza, B.S. Isaac Mizrahi, B.A.‡ Kinjal Mody, B.Pharm.§ Ramiz Mogannam, B.S.‡ Rajat Nishant Moman, B.S. Megan Ann Moretti, B.A.§ Travis Yoshida Morioka, B.S. Andrew Arun Moses, B.A. Alexandre Rizkalla Mouchati, B.S.‡ Joey Giovanni Napolitano, B.A.‡ Yanina Romanovna Nersesova, B.S. Alex Thai Nguyen, B.S.§ Anne Nguyen, B.S.‡ Sheela Nimishakavi, B.S. Natalia Del Pilar Núñez, B.S.‡ Maxwell Ibeabuchi Nwaru Jr., A.B. John Paul O’Brien, B.A. Zuri H. Obado, B.A. Jeremy Jaehwan Oh, B.A. Chimela Tobechi Ohaji, M.D.† Christopher August Olm, B.A.‡

Daniel Jose Ortiz, B.A. Alexandra Marie Palmer, B.A. Kristin Mary Parent, B.S. Angela M. Park, B.A. Jade Park, B.S. Heather Marie Patry, B.S.§ Dasun S. Peramunage, B.S.‡ Andrew Gerard Percy, B.S. Erica W. Perlman-Hensen, B.S.† Robert Petrocelli, B.S.‡ Andrew Cong Pham, B.S. Ly-Elaine Pham, B.S.B.A. Tai Anh Phan, B.S.‡ Thien-Kim Thanh Phan, B.A. Toan Anh Phan, B.A. Elizabeth Michelle Piper, B.A. Malgorzata Ptak, B.S.§ Andrew John Raymond Rehs, B.S. Roberto Rivas Jr., B.S. Steven James Robinson, B.S. Michael Geoffrey Roche, B.S. Michael Anthony Roegner, B.S. Kevin Andrew Roodhouse, A.B.‡ Kimoon Ryu, B.S. Oshin Safarian, B.S.‡ Justin Daniel Salciccioli, B.A.† Renee C. Santana, B.A. Jennifer Ann Sardella, B.A. Jonathan Allen Scabich, B.S., M.S.§ Megan Virginia Scott, B.S., M.P.H. Naomi K. Sedani, B.A.§ Claire M. Seguin, B.S. Siddhartha Mohan Sharma, B.A. Ayesha Mariam Shaukat, B.A.‡ Shanta T. Shepherd, B.A. Sheetal Jennifer Sheth, B.A.‡ Robert William Shine, B.S.† Dhurata Shosho, M.D.‡ Jakub Michal Siembida, B.A. Ruth Michelle Simeon, B.S.§ Harjot Singh, B.S.‡ Harnoor Singh Dhaliwal, B.A.

John Nikolhaus Smith, B.A.§ Richalle V. Smith, A.B. Ryan Michael Sofka, B.S.‡ Daniel Lee Solomon, B.A.§ Kathleen Ashley Soltis, B.S. Jonathan Nuesa Soriano, B.S. Christine Soya, B.A. Paula Marie Stewart, B.A. Ashlie Elizabeth Stitt, A.B., Ed.M. Casey Anne Stottrup, B.S. Michael Thomas Stratton, A.B. Michael Jeffrey Stutzman, B.S. Nicole Leigh Tanguy, B.A. Thomas Edward Tanner, B.S. Ian Conrad Teng, B.S.‡ Francesca Marie Tesone, B.S.§ Whitney Lea Thomas, B.S. John Tierney, B.A.‡ Ekaterina Evgenevna Tsymbal, B.S. Jaclyn Robin Tuck, B.S. Katie-Elyse Turner, B.A.§ Jonathan Aaron Urbach, B.A. Maria I. Vasilakos, B.S.‡ Nicolas Damon Vassel, B.S.‡ Jessica Lynn Vick, B.S.† Nicole Renee Visyak, B.S., M.S. Philip Siva Vittozzi Wong, B.A.† John Arkel Westres, B.S.‡ Matthew C. Whitaker, B.A. Ariana Louise Wilkinson, B.S. John Thomas Wille, B.A. Jill Sarah Wolfson, B.S. Alicia Wong, B.A.§ Jonathan Wons, B.S. James Yw Wu, A.B.† Julienne Ashley Yamamoto, B.A. Scott Wayne Yee, B.S., B.A. Elsia Jeein Yoo, B.S. Jin Young Youn, B.S.† Jonathan Richard Young, B.A. Rui Zhang, B.M.† Yan Zhang, B.S.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) Dustin Lin Abbott, B.S.‡ Tabitha A. Abrazinski, B.S. David Agoada, B.A.‡ Exantus Alcimbert, M.D.§ Farhan Tmaish M Alrwaili, B.S. Hala Ashour Ammar, M.B.B.S.§ Sara Melissa Arias, B.A. Toni L. Bark, M.D.§ Michelle Barretta, B.A. Samantha Ann Beglinger, B.S.§ Amelia May Richards Boaks, B.A. Gregory Thomas Bond, B.A.† Ivelt Boyer, M.D.§ Joli Bregu, B.S.‡ John Broderick, B.S.§ Abigail Gunther Brown, B.S. John Joseph Burke, B.S.‡ Tara Louise Caiano, B.S. Laurel Jane Calderwood, B.S. Danielle Nicole Carroll, B.A. Shannon Marie Casey, B.S. Kristine Marie Cavicchi, B.A.‡ Chandrapa Chandrangsu§ Colleen Marie Clark, B.A.

Dayna Frances Currie, B.S. Alan Charles Damiani, B.S. Voraphat Dejsuphong§ Joseph Emillio Dellamura, B.S.§ Napaporn Detchairungrueang, M.D.§ Jonathon S. Dunn, B.S. Ann D. Fasano, B.A.§ Brian Patrick Felschow, B.A.‡ Jean Ford Gorny Figaro, M.D.† Maria Danielle Friday, B.S.§ Laura Ann Fuerstman, B.S., M.A.† Jessica Lynn Gadway, B.S.† Chantal Geneus, M.D.§ Christian Jacques Geneus, B.S.§ Gina Marie Gentiluomo§ Breahna Corinne Giles, B.S.‡ Jacob Samuel Gordon, A.B.† Chelsea Victoria Gray, B.A.‡ Alison Liane Gugliotta, B.S.† Lena Elizabeth Gunn, B.S.§ Joseph Andrew Haegele, B.S. Mark Hartney, B.S. Tori Kaelene Jensen, B.G.S. Jackson Jeong, B.S.‡

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Gretchen Zaneta Johnson, B.S., M.A.† Sandra Lynn Koch, B.A., M.A. David Linn Krikorian, B.S.B.A. Jeremiah August Kunze, B.S.‡ Kristin Elyse Leonard, B.S. Kristin Marie Levandoski, B.S. Natalia Liventseva, B.S.§ Christina Marie Lomba, B.A.§ Paulette Marie Lomba, B.S. Richard B. Marx, B.S.§ Justin Douglas McCullen, B.S.§ Amanda Christine Minnock, B.S.‡ Megan Elizabeth Minter, B.A.‡ Andrea L. Muirhead, B.S. Dickens Pierre-Louis, M.D.§ Tammy Lynn Pimentel-Matthews, B.S.§ Kerry Joy Pine, B.A. Christine Alese Rakay, B.S. Darryl Roland Ricketts, B.A.§ Nicholas Michael Robertson, B.S.‡ Corissa Leigh Rodgers, B.A. Jacques Sainvil, M.D.§ Chidchon Sakjirapapong§ Ciara Elizabeth Shaughnessy, B.A.‡

Tentative September 2012 graduate



Jessica Anna-Marie Shea, B.S.§ Chanpreet Singh, B.A.§ Ashley Ciúine Smith, B.A. Kelly Snell, B.A.‡ Thomas William Sporrer, B.S. Winnie E. Suen, B.S., M.D.

Nabil Hossain Tahan, B.S. Danielle Christine Trull-Donahue, B.A.‡ Evonne Daelia Turner-Byfield, B.A.§ Zachary Ian Vella, B.S. Natalie Ann Vena, B.S.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Jennifer Lynn Walsh, B.S. Lauren Kaye Westling, B.A.§ Shana Michelle Diamond White, B.S. Megan Elizabeth Wogan, B.S. Nicholas Anthony Zell, B.A.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


Metropolitan College JAY A. HALFOND, Dean

BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES (B.L.S.) Francisco Alcorta, CumLaude‡ L’auren M. Alleyne§ Allen Baker, SummaCumLaude§ Charlene Nicole Benjamin‡ Shaun Patrick Bossio John Christopher Braithwaite§ Eric C. Breshears§ Eric Nunes Brook§ Robert Alexander Bullon§ Maria Wilda de los Reyes Camero§ Christopher Mark Connolly James Michael Copell§ Gregory John Costello, CumLaude Kelai Cousseillant, CumLaude Elayne Marie Deschler† Consuelo Diaz† Ralph Theodore Dines§ Mark Richard Donahue Nicole S. Dorsett‡ John Spencer Eldridge III Laura Anne Eustice‡ Michael Furmaniuk, MagnaCumLaude Francis J. Gallagher† Jason Reed Gragg, CumLaude† Ann Marie Henry, CumLaude Mark Baldoví Heymann, SummaCumLaude†

Louis T. Hicks, MagnaCumLaude†

Joshua Curtis Hopes, Sr., CumLaude† Laura Dorothy Hornreich§ Nancy Elizabeth Hume, CumLaude‡ Leroy C. Ivey§ Calvin L. Iwanicki, CumLaude‡ Meredith Joy Johnston† Marwan Kanafani§ David Patrick Kelley† Janice Dorothy Kilfeather§ Jong Yoon Kim§ Brian P. Lannan§ Francis Leach, MagnaCumLaude Tommy Tea Lee§ Daniel Adam Levin§ Alyssa Blaire MacKenzie§ Brandi Christine Marsh§ Erin J. McLaughlin Kelly Marie Milan, MagnaCumLaude‡ John Ingram Mitchell‡ Don Mo Kevin Christopher Molineaux† Benjamin Nash Murray, CumLaude Melissa Marie Neptune§ Sandra Ng, CumLaude Neal Parham† Brian J. Peixoto, MagnaCumLaude Sean Bradley Pillai

Jessica C. Pinkney§ Stephanie Ann Robb† Joseph Lee Roberts, CumLaude Aaron Rogers, SummaCumLaude Ashley Lynn Rose§ Walter Clayton Sanders, CumLaude‡ Lisa Marie Sarraga† Josiah Jon Seppala§ Richard P. Silva‡ Michael Francis Skinner§ Lacy Allen Smith§ Jeffrey Southworth, MagnaCumLaude† Michael Daniel Steinkrauss† Barbara Jeanine Stevenson, CumLaude† Brian James Strait§ John Joseph Sullivan, SummaCumLaude Julia Callanan Sullivan Scott William Taylor, MagnaCumLaude‡ Marie Leotah Tinson§ Peggy Tolan, MagnaCumLaude Toby Julius Wasniewski‡ Lauren Ashley Weiss† Gregory Robert Wheeler, CumLaude† Stacey N. White§ Alvino Ray Williams Jr.§ Jorge Luis Zerquera, CumLaude Amanda Erin Ziegler, CumLaude‡

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) Hashmat Abdul-Rauf Emile T. Abi Hanna, CumLaude Faizan Ahmed§ Mohammed Ait-El-Haj† Idiculla Alexander† Ben Christopher Anderson, MagnaCumLaude

Endris Eshetu Asfaw, CumLaude‡ Tanya Kirilova Atanasova, CumLaude† Alexander John Bakos Balela Judith Milambo Bashala‡ Justin Michael Basque§ Tigist Teklu Bedada§ Woynshet Teklu Bedada§ Othman Benchama‡ William Walter Bennett II‡ Nikeya Shante Berry§ Nisha Jugal Bhagat† JoAn Shawn Blake, CumLaude† Jennifer Bonte‡ Jalal Jay Boutou† Leonid Bratshpis§ Lisa Brenan Jason Deire Buggy, MagnaCumLaude Sandra Catalina Bustamante Lopez‡ Jesus Miguel Cabrera Laura M. Casado Scott Michael Chadwick Debora P. Chase, SummaCumLaude

Joel Brian Cifuentes‡ Katherine T. Concannon, CumLaude‡ John Selden Connolly§ Karen A. Cormier, MagnaCumLaude Diana T. Coronel Veronica M. Cottle-Greaves§ Maura E. D’Arcy‡ Derek J. DaSilva Brendan DeAngelis Christopher Stewart De Bruyn Joanie Decopain§ Vanuza T. DePina† Emilia G. DePina Carrasquillo† Wakjira Seboka Dila, CumLaude‡ Frederick William Dooe† Christopher Peter Dyment§ Steven Craig Eaton Nadia Elysse, CumLaude‡ Jamal E. Farouk§ Jared Fish§ Nicolas Rolferne Francois,

Denise Sylvia Greene‡ Naida R. Greene§ Johanna Gutierrez Panez Sarah Beth Haidul‡ Alison Anne Harlor† Sharif M. Hassan§ Matthew David Hayes Tiara R. Hector Christy Ho James Robert Huggins‡ Chidinma Sandra Ihenetu Lia Uenohara Ingaharro,

Richard Gabriel, CumLaude‡ Melineda Germain Andrew Steven Giaquinta§ Matthew Judson Gibson Kevin Daniel Gilroy Maribel Gomez Jermain Dujon Graham

Lora Eileen West Kinney† Ausrine Korsakaite Heather Lindsay Kough‡ Joan C. Lacey, SummaCumLaude Dae Won Lee Renee Kim LeFevre† Kristina Lefteri, MagnaCumLaude†



Aom Ra Isbell§ Georgi Kamenov Ivanov‡ Akshat Jain Philippe Zongola Kadiobo† Leonid Karan§ Kiana Karbasi, CumLaude Alfred Herbert Katumba† Marybeth A. Kennedy, MagnaCumLaude†

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

Dimitri T. Leonidas Hyissia Lewis Ivey† Timothy R. Littlefield§ Linh My Lu, MagnaCumLaude Lingqi Luo, CumLaude Solomon Waka Mamo, CumLaude Tselote W. Mamo, CumLaude Dilyan Toshkov Marazov† Andry L. McFall Erin Rose McGarry, CumLaude William Patrick Medlin† Breno Alcoforado Melo§ Debora A. Melo§ Fabiana Fernandes Menezes, CumLaude‡

Melissa K. Merolla§ Joezer Mikalixen, CumLaude Otis-Hakeem Miles† Sarah Catharine Mizhir† Christian Boyd Myers Leonid Sergeyevich Nevar, CumLaude Hien Nguyen‡ Lyutsiya F. Nurmieva Edward A. Offutt§ Trevor Charles O’Leary Jessica Christine Orbovich§ Desiree M. Pappenheimer, MagnaCumLaude

Yong Hyun Park§

Darryl Lee Partin Archana K. Patel‡ Dipti Patel, MagnaCumLaude‡ Matthew Douglas Pereira Christopher Heartt Perry§ Ofer Perry§ Lisa Peterson-Mitchell† Thanh Binh Pham Joseph Warren Pitha, MagnaCumLaude Amit R. Rana§ Barbara M. Rebeiro, MagnaCumLaude Terrance Reeve, CumLaude Emily Marguerite Regan† Samantha Rem§ Ryan D. Renzella Diana Leigh Richardson, MagnaCumLaude

Jason Carl Richardson, CumLaude Nathaniel Austin Ring† Beverly Cherie Rogers, CumLaude Mark Joseph Rutkowski Ann Saitta, MagnaCumLaude Maimoona Saleem, CumLaude† Curt Morgan Savoie, CumLaude‡ Kenya S. Scott‡ Mayuko Segawa, CumLaude Rahel A. Sertse† Marriam Shah§

Nasir Shah† Rosaly Silva Lopez William Joseph Stearns Denise Stephens‡ Daniel Lawrence Stollman Hussein Syed Abdoulaye Sylla‡ Maycon Gilberto Tambosi, CumLaude Thomas Teehan Marianne Maya Telfort§ James Edwin Torres§ Enrique De Jesus Torres Batiz Serrano† Elizabeth Ann Trozzi‡ Nicole Patricia Turcotte, SummaCumLaude†

Jaimee Noelle Tyler§ David Laurano Vadala† Cynthia Veiga† Sony Vilbon‡ Selamawit Mamo Waka§ Carly Jennifer Warren Kristina Elaine Watts Junea Christopher Williams§ Audrey M. Wong-Centauro Gary Richard Wood‡ Gregory Laurence Wyman Katherine Yniguez Brhane Abebe Zewdie

MASTER OF CITY PLANNING (M.C.P.) Daniel A. Amstutz, B.A., M.P.A. Lizbeth Bello Sigurany, B.Arch.‡ Bui, Thi Diem Chinh, B.Arch. Van Hao Du, A.B. Daniel J. Farnkoff, B.A. Ashley Elizabeth Fears, B.S.‡ David J. Fields, B.A. Stacy Ann Fox, B.A.†

Ricardo Andrés González Bruno, B.A. Elliot Anthony Guerrero, B.Arch. Sahar Lawrence, B.A.§ Shan-Yi Lin, B.S.S.‡ Shang Liu, B.S.‡ Andrew Martineau, B.S.§ Peter Dominick Monea, B.A.† Sean Michael Pfalzer, B.A.†

Bradley E. Rosse‡ Carsten Brittany Snow, B.S. Jennifer Page Stendel, B.A.‡ Patrick Sullivan, B.A.‡ Elizabeth Anderson Taylor, B.A. Charles Vlahakis, B.A. Lauren Elizabeth Williams, B.A. Hadley Richmond Wilmerding, B.A.

MASTER OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE (M.C.J.) Leilani Dolores Unpingco Ada, B.A.† Michael T. Adkins, B.A.‡ Saeed Sultan Ateeq Juma Al Muhairi, B.S. Ali Mohammed Saeed Rashed Lekhraibani Al Nuaimi, B.C.J.† Anne Atieno Amadi, LL.B. Roy Louis Aquafresca, B.S.‡ Manuel Eduardo Arrieta, B.S. Shannon Nicole Arthur, B.S. Laura Katherine Asbell, B.A.† Eric Peter Ashe, B.A.† David John Atkinson, B.A.‡ Meredith Atkinson, B.A. Michael Howard Baker, B.A.‡ Ashley Elizabeth Barlow, B.A. Matthew David Barter, B.A. Kelly Lee Bayne, B.A.§ Colleen Jara Bednar, B.A. Jacqueline Rae Benson, B.S.† Kimberly Marlene Bethea, B.S.‡ Eamon Michael Blanchard, B.S.§ Crystal Xaviera Boring, B.S. Jaime Lee Bressler, B.A.‡ Leonore Denise Brody, B.S.

Patrick David Brom, B.A.† Ashley Brooke Broschart, B.A.† Gwendolyn Brown, B.S. Tom M. Brown, B.S.† Tony Lee-Edward Brown, Sr., B.S.§ Wendy Frances Brown, B.A.‡ Elizabeth Cynthia Echeandia Buchholz, B.A., M.P.A., Ed.D. Tracy Jean Burke-Carriere, B.A.§ Brian Jeffrey Cain, B.S.§ Jeffrey James Casper, B.A.§ Patricia Chapman, B.A.‡ Rakeem André Chapman, B.A.‡ Lindsay Alice Chastain, B.A.† Lawrence Francis Clark, B.S.‡ Cassandra Shante Colston, B.A.§ Christine Dawn Conradt, B.F.A. Tyrone Conyers, B.A.§ Brandi Dawn Corriveau, B.A.§ Brian Michael Costello, B.S.§ Briana Noelle Counts, B.S.† Elyse Nicole Crane, B.A. James M. Creed, B.A. David Matthew Cron, B.A. Malanienne Ruth Davis, B.S.†

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Jason Ethan Dobson, B.A.† Deanna Winifred Dockery, B.A.† Kurt Robert Donahue, B.S. Brian Andrew Dorety, B.A.§ Matthew W. Drake, B.S.C.E., M.S.C.I.S.‡ Tammy Jessica Drayton, B.A. Lama El Dani, B.A.§ Christian Escobar, B.S. Naomi Kristine Ruffner Evans, B.S.† John Ross Fakner, B.S.‡ Jeffrey M. Favreau, B.A.† Michael Gerard Ferrick, B.S.‡ Patricia Ann Fidler, B.A. Daniel Grady Flanigan, B.S.‡ Ernest Robert Forlini, Jr., B.A.† Ashley Paige Frank, B.A.† Cassandra Frederic, B.A.§ Olivia Aline Marie Furieri, B.A. Daniel Edward Gannon, B.S.† Anatoliy Garayda, B.S. Amy Kathryn Gartner, B.S.† Sharee Shantell Gibson, B.S. Jeffrey Stephen Giddings, B.S. Maria Elizabeth Gil, B.S.B.A.§

Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

Patricia Anna Gonzalez, B.A. James L. Graham, B.S.‡ Tiffany Sheree Graham, B.A.† Richard Lee Green, Jr., B.S. Nicholas Quinn Gregory, B.A.† Ashley Nikole Grzeslo, B.A., B.S. Vivian Thuy Ha, B.A.§ Jennifer Kristen Harris, B.A.‡ Karen Michelle Harris, B.A.§ Jessica Ann Henderson, B.S. Angela Michelle Herbster, B.S.§ Adrian A. Hernandez, B.S.† Jennifer Woodbury Hibbard, B.A.† Melissa Courtney Hillis, B.A.† Gretchen M. Hine, B.S.§ Amanda Marie Womack Hinton, B.S.‡ Jaclyn Alicia Hollingsworth Lankford, B.S. Demetress L. Holmes, B.A.† Mahtab Hosseini, B.A.‡ Kelly Ann Jackson Houston, B.S.‡ Richard Andrew Iafelice, B.A. Danely Rossio Johnson, B.A. Jennifer Beth Johnson, B.A. Khaliah Abena Joshua, B.S.§ Christopher Scott Journey, B.S.‡ Robert Adam Journey, B.A.§ Samantha Meredith Kalinowski, B.A. Megan Chandler Karlsen, B.S.† Melanie Sue Kent, B.S.‡ John J. Kim, B.A.† Jessica Lynn Kluth, B.S.‡ Emmanuel Kolitsis, B.A.§ Lacey Elizabeth Kondracki, B.A.§ Jeremy Patrick Koren, B.A.† Anna Victoria Kornblum, B.A.§ Jennyfer Lynne Krech, B.A.† Ericka Leigh Kuhlman, B.A. Alexandria Tamara Kunz, B.S.† Heidi Morgan Laramie, B.A. Nicholas Channing Larmore† Mark Jangwhee Lee, B.A.§ Alexandra Monica Leek, B.A.§ Kris Lynn Leifer, B.A.§ Jason M. Lewis, B.S. Amanda Leigh Looney, B.S.§ Joseph Brandon Lopresti, B.S.† Michelle E. Lugo Ynoa, B.A.‡ Stephen Thomas Lyons, B.S.‡ Novia Sunday Maduro, B.S. Kelli Teresa Magann, B.S.§ Jennifer Victoria Magnus, B.S.† Raadhaa Maharaj, B.A.‡

Dmitry Malyshev, B.S. Jacqueline Elizabeth Martin, B.A.‡ Brittany Kay Martinez, B.S.‡ Valerie Mathis, B.S.§ Jason Charles Mattia, B.A.† Chelsey Alexandra May, B.S.‡ Anna Dee Mayo, B.S. Kendall Eileen McBrearty, B.A.§ Arleigh McCabe, B.A. Mira Lea McDermott, B.A.§ Christine Frances McGrath, B.A.‡ Robert Gregory Mennona, B.A. Andrew Dennis Meyers Jr., B.S.† JaNina Innette Milligan, B.A. Katie Wonmi Min, B.A.† Baraa Fadel Mohamed, B.A. Jeffrey Allen Moreau, B.A.‡ Jennifer Anne Moschetti, B.A.‡ Sarah Katherine Mullins, B.A. Shannon Elizabeth Neuzil, B.A.‡ Amy L. Newton, B.A. Jon M. Norris, B.S. Quiana Yvonne Olivares, B.A.§ Karen Elizabeth Olsen, B.S. Donald William O’Neill, B.A.† Elizabeth Anne Owen, B.A. Paula Sue Owens, B.A. Judith Owusua, B.A.§ Linda Lee Parish, B.A.† Qadriyyah Nadirah Parsee, B.A.‡ Christine Marie Payne, B.S.† Mary Elizabeth Pepples, B.A. Gabrielle Alejandra Perez, B.A.§ Angel Perkins, B.B.A.§ Cristine Ann Perlin, B.S. Denise Patricia Peters, B.S., M.B.A.§ Ian Daniel Pfaff, B.A.† Jennifer Piñera, B.A.† Laci Danielle Pochie, B.A. Graham Christian Polando, B.A.† Renee Melissa Polletta, B.S. Rachel Amanda Ponder, B.A.§ Jessica Marie Post, B.A. Debra Ann Preston, B.A.‡ John M. Price, B.A.§ Kristina Maree Price, B.A.§ Jason Michael Prigge, B.S.‡ Michael Blanchard Prizio, B.A. Raymond John Prytuliak, B.A.† Tabitha Quick, B.A. Mayura S. Rao, B.A.§ John Daniel Remaley, B.A.§

Christopher Ryan Reynolds, B.M.§ Alexander Rhalimi, B.S.§ Sheila Mary Osborn-Riddle, B.A. Derrick Andrew Rieger, B.A.‡ Miosha Dechett Robinson, B.S.§ Christopher Rodriguez, B.A. Nicholas Cantu Rodriguez, B.A.† Anthony Lee Rootes, B.S.§ Confesor Roman Rosa, B.A.‡ Megan LyAnn Ross, A.B.Ed.‡ Lisa M. Rossi, B.A. Christin Rudell, B.A. Ryan Frank Sarnecki, B.S.§ Steven Edward Sawyer, B.S.§ Rachel Elizabeth Seeber, B.A.† Christina Elaine Sgro, B.A. Stephen Gerard Shields, B.S.§ Gina Gisele Smith, B.A., J.D. Tommy Randall Southwick, B.S.‡ Brent Wesley Spencer, B.A.‡ Valerie Maria Steen, B.S.† Jacqueline Stein, B.A. Justin Michael Stern, B.A.† Scott James Stewart, B.S. Courtney Noelle Straface, B.A.† Karl Anthony Strobach, B.A.§ Angarette Katrice Stuckey, B.A.§ Kahley Elizabeth Sullivan, B.A.‡ John Haig Tarpinian, B.S.B.A.† Christian Israel Tate, B.S.§ David A. Terlemezian, B.A.‡ Evangelline Yee Ching Tsang, B.A.§ Takashi Tsuboi, B.S.‡ Andrea Tsuruta, B.A.† Aaron J. Tucker, B.A. Keith Jay Tucker, B.S.† Tonya Anne Tunnell-Thornhill, B.A.§ Michelle Lee Urbanek, B.A.† Bert J. Van Der Werff, B.A. Dung David Van Vu, B.S.§ Matthew J. Warren, B.A. Massa Kamara Washington, B.A. Clint Brian Whalen II, B.S. Sasha Vinyette Wharton, B.S.† Justin Dean Wingate-Poe, B.A.† Brian Paul Wisneski, B.A.‡ Rosalyn Rebecca Wright, B.A.† James Wu, B.A.‡ Marissa Marane Wyatt, B.A. LaChon Marie Yeldell, B.A.† Michael Peter Zanyor, B.A. Ali Ziab, B.S.§

MASTER OF LIBERAL ARTS (M.L.A.) IN GASTRONOMY Katie Michelle Allen, B.S. Jane Victoria Armstrong, B.A. Mark A. Banville, B.A. Zoe Ilona Baughman, B.A., M.A. Rachel Adams Bennett, B.A. Jillian Nicole Bernardini, B.A.§ Danielle Louanna Ceribo, B.S. Stephanie Chatelanat Marmier, B.S. Annaliese DeNooyer, B.A. Katie Dolph, B.A.§ Sophie Gees, B.A.§ Anne Marie Goldberg, B.B.A.‡ Colleen Janet Harrison, B.S.

Lilly Wang Jan, B.S.† Whitney Brooke Johndro, B.A. Megan Christine Jones Wall, B.A.† Anne Elisabeth Knopf, B.A. Anina Kostecki, B.A.§ Michael Robert Kostyo, B.A. Joyce P. Krystofolski, B.A., M.S. Sarah Ayako Kurobe, B.A. Nicole Elizabeth Leavenworth, B.A. Kristin Lee, B.A.§ Tiesha Andrea Lewis, B.A. Christofer Azzara Malloy, B.A. Rudolf Vincent Tia Manabat, B.S.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Leah Allison Mawson, B.A. Elizabeth Connor McCann, B.A. Jennifer Chia-Ning McJunkin, B.A. Sarah Elizabeth Morrow, B.S. Rona Moser, B.A. Lauren Obregón, B.A.† Emily P. Olson, B.B.A. Ashley Kathryn Pardo, B.S. Ashmi Niranjan Patel, B.S.† Katherine Ann Peterson, B.S.§ Nicole Rose Petricca, B.A.† Erin Janine Powell, B.A. Khalilah Ramdene, B.A.§

Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

Mabel Stephannie Ramirez Reyes, B.B.A. Daniel Alexander Greenhood Remar, B.S. Erin Katherine Ross, B.A.

Avi Benjamin Schlosburg, B.A.† Drew Scott, B.A. Priya Haridas Shah, B.A.† Kristen Day Shelly, B.A.‡ Renee M. Sheppard, B.A.†

Sarah Debora Sholes, B.S. Molly E. Siciliano, B.A.† Christopher Allen Tanner, B.B.A.‡ William Stephen Vasvary, B.S.


Kristen Merrill

Toni Pepe‡

MASTER OF URBAN AFFAIRS (M.U.A.) Omar Basil Aldabagh, B.A. Denice Carryl, B.A. Fabio Colasante, B.A.

Rufus Jackson Faulk, B.A.‡ Brian Michael Magee, B.A.† Linsey Candice Onishuk, B.S.§

John Robert Standard, B.S., M.A.† Ashley Nichole Vincent, B.S.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE Muhammad Abdullah Umair Ahmad Gildas Mikpawé Bah† Guoce (Jackson) Chen Qiushi Chen‡ Martin Chi, B.A.† You Mi Choi† Christen Elizabeth Eulian Daniel David Green† Andrew John Jenkins† Yingjiao Jiang† Zhao Jin† Trevor Jay Kranzusch Jihyeon Lee Chunhui Li

Rucha Arvind Phatak† Ian Ross Ramey, B.A. Gabriel Ka-Teen Sattayapiwat Ya Tang† Chia-Chun Tsai‡ Ravi H. Upadhyaya Long Wang† Chen Yang† Yang Yang† Ting-Yu Yeh† Wei Zhang‡ Xiang Zhang† Chao Zhou† Nan Zhou

Han-Ming Liao† Liu Liu Wenhong Liu† James Parker Loring Xin Lu† Jonathan Edward Miller, B.S. Kavitha Mohan Indira Moldazhanova§ Jee Won Moon, B.A.‡ Van Nguyen† Sungho Noh Szu-Hsin Ou Kailee E. Padolewski, B.A. Sung Jun Paek† Carrie Lynne Palumbo, B.A.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES Michael Joe Abou-Jaoude§ Yvonne Agyare Adjepong Jean Christian Yannick AhoussouKouadio, B.A.B.A.† Mustafa Ak§ Erdem Akilotu, B.A.‡ Michael S. Allain, B.A.† Abdulla Rashed Al Mazrouei† Ahmed Hamed Ahmed Ebrahim Mohamed Al Shawi, B.S. Hasan Hamed Ahmed Ebrahim Mohamed Alshawi§ Jessica C. Angelo, B.S.B.A. Ali Banki, B.A.‡ Kelly Marie Barker Despina Bokios, B.S.B.A.† Halil Ibrahim Bozkus, B.S.E.‡ Katherine Cabral Dume, B.Ec.† Margaux Candide Eleonore Campagnoli Antoine Carré Mustafa Celik Salim Chahine§ Yi-Chun Chen, B.S. Ying Chen, B.Ec.† Lee-Hsien Cheng, B.A.‡ Yi-Wei Cheng, B.A. Yuan Cheng, B.S.§ Ya-Chun Chuang, B.B.A.† Julio Ernesto Concepcion Breton

Frédéric Dagher-Hayeck Julien Dai Azddine Daif‡ Katelyn Marie Daley, B.S. Kien Duc Dao, B.S.C.E.† Zahide Demir, Dip.§ Caterina DeSorbo, B.A. Julien Stanislas Desrez Alexandre Digoin Li-Yu Dong, B.A.† Florian du Fayet de la Tour Melike Duran, B.S.Eng.‡ Alaattin Durmaz, B.S.E.‡ Badr Farid M Enany, B.B.A.§ Tahir Erdem, B.S.‡ Ana Belen Escobar Fernandez, B.A.† Mustafa Esen, B.A.‡ Anatoliy A. Eybelman, M.S.C.E. Ping-Hong Fan§ Nicole Leigh Feldner, B.S.‡ Shih-Ta Feng† Gustavo Adolfo Fernandez Perez, B.B.A.† Robert James Gadbois, Jr., B.S.B.A.† Susan Gallego, B.S. Chenning Gao, B.A.B.A. Emmanuelle Juliette Genin Olha Goldstein, M.L.A.‡ Maria Juliana Gonzalez Sierra§

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Adriana America Gonzalez Tavares, B.S.† Yeliz Gurlek, B.A.§ Carl Victor Hanson, B.S.‡ Mu-Chieh Ho, B.A.B.A.† Yea-Yuan Hsiao§ Chang-Yao Hsieh, B.B.A.† Kun-Lin Hsieh§ Chia-Chen Hsu Hsueh-Chin Hsu, B.B.A.‡ Wen-Ting Hsu, B.A., M.A.‡ Samantha Sumei Huang, B.S.§ Shao-Chien Hung Nansinee Jaruprat§ Chunhui Jiang Xin Jin§ Zhen Jing, B.S.† Fereniki Lida Kalamida, B.B.A. Chia-Ying Kao, B.S.† Wei-Yi Kao, B.L.A. Mehmet Karakus, B.Ec.† Ana Carolina Kawas, B.S.† Tanvir Hyder Khan, B.S.C.E.† Thirachai Khong-Amnuaisak§ Nazih Kishtban, B.A.† Sedat Kurdoglu, B.B.A.‡ David R. Langlais Yi-Te Lee† Yabin Li, B.S.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

Shu-Wen Lin, B.B.A.‡ Yan-Ting Lin§ Kunqi Liu, B.B.A.† Yi-Li Liu, B.A.‡ Wipada Liusirirat, B.S.A.§ Li-Ying Lo, B.B.A.† Roger B. Lovell Jr., B.S. Melissa E. Manolis, B.S.§ Vahe Stanley Manoukian Maxime Antonin Manseau Luis Augusto Martinez Monestina, B.B.A.† Melanie M. Mei, B.S.§ Carmen Morales, B.S. Propa Mujtaba Nicolas Nemeth Cong Niu§ Nils Dominique Patrick Obiergo Freda Nayebare Otafiire, B.A.† Natasha Paredes, B.A.§ Cristina Perdoni† Jennifer Marie Pereira, B.S.† Natthaphon Phianphensiriwong§

Pichayapat Pokasamrit, B.Ec.† Jie Ren Jennifer Ellen Rizzo, B.M., M.M. Thiravut Sabmaneeanant, B.A.† Miguel Alejandro Santana Serra, B.A.† Saurabh Saraswat, B.B.A.‡ Tanakrit Somnimitr, B.A.‡ Narupon Suesatsakul, B.A.† Renata Rasidovna Suleymanova‡ Rubing Sun, B.Ec.† Yuh-Tarng Sung, B.S.† Monmanee Tannapai† Harold S. Tavares§ Casey Devon Titus, S.B.‡ Chia-Jung Sami Tsai† Chun-Jui Tsao, B.B.A. Nizamettin Ucak, LL.B.‡ Hwai-Chern Wang, B.B.A. Jing Wang† Kou Peng Edmund Wang Meng-Kai Wang, B.A.† Sheng-Juin Wang, B.B.A.

Siqi Wang§ Li-Yun Wen, LL.B. Chen-Ning Weng§ Ming-Hwa Wu, B.B.A. Mu-En Wu§ Shuang Xu, B.A.† Qinyi Xue, B.A. Ryusaku Yamamoto, B.Law† Yamei Yan, B.B.A.‡ Ben Yang† I-Huang Yang, B.B.A. Serpil Yasar, B.A.‡ Sebnem Pinar Yesilyurt, B.S.S.‡ Tairzhan Yessenov§ Wahab Adeoumi Atanda Yessoufou§ Mehmet Ali Yilmaz, B.A.§ Dong Yoon Yoo, B.S., B.A.S. Hsiang-I Yu, B.A.‡ Ying Yuan, B.A.† Bibo Zhou, B.A. Le Zhou, B.A.B.A.‡ Lei Zhou, B.A.†

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN ADVERTISING* E. Bruce Berman, Jr. Ryan Powers Callahan, B.A. Keith A. Chachkes, B.S. Ana V. Cosmas Max Graham Jillian B. Horvath, B.A.

Jidekene Amara Iruka‡ Siuzanna Khachatryan, B.A.† Adam Richard Krueger‡ Jesse Mallon Macomber‡ Holly Sue Ann Nunes† Katerina Upevche Potter

Nicole Racicot, B.S.† Michelle Charlene Roberts§ Benjamin Elliot Sacks Jessica St. Clair Smith§ Allie Michele Wassum†

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN ARTS ADMINISTRATION Dana Adli Ahmed Mohamed Alaseeri§ Nora Abdulrahman Aldabal‡ Cara Lynn Allen, B.A. Man Bao, B.A.† Rachel Elizabeth Baptista, B.A.‡ Kristina Le Dain Beaudett, B.A. Carla Michelle Berrios Cruz† Sarah Megan Berry† Cheryl Angela Bodah Carolyn Mary Brown, B.A.‡ Anne Rothier Claflin Amanda L. Coley§ Julia Catherine Cuellar Martin David Erik Dell† Allison Elzanita Engelsma-Mosser, B.A. Jessica Rahn Finch Hannah Craig Hankinson Gathman, B.A.

Erin M. Grundman† Mariela Hardy Guerrero, B.A.† Lisa Haubenstock, B.A.§ Hsuan-Yu Hong§ Lara Felice Kahn, B.A. Jillian Angela Levine, B.F.A.§ Oi Sze Liu, B.Law‡ Sang Liu, B.A.† Yin Liu, B.A.† Katherine Aletta Ludington, B.M.§ Jerrie Ksenia Lyndon, B.A.‡ Jacqueline Maureen McCoy, B.A. Ryan Courtney McMahon‡ Jodie Elizabeth McMenamin† Annalise T. Mecham Alissa Sage Minot§

Natalie Kay Moore† Laura Margaret Norris, B.A. Debra Ann Nunes, B.A.‡ Jessica Dora Pappathan† Michelle Rush Megan Kathleen Searcy, Mus.M.† Deborah Marie Sharp Jennifer Grace Simmons, B.A. Michael Duncan Smith‡ Sarah Elizabeth Spinella, B.A., B.A.§ Carey LaOna Stipe, B.F.A.§ Signe Martina Swenson‡ Beverly E. Verla Margaret Emily Winikates, B.A. Lauren Alissa Wright Ching Yeo

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT Joseph Kofi Adjei, B.S.† Alain Auguste, B.S. Talita Azalea Sultan Z. Baig‡ Lesley Victoria Blackburn-Collette, B.B.A. James Albert Brewer, B.A. Katrina Battle Bumpers, B.S. Russell Corona, B.S.§ Chad Charles Czerwinski

Ryan T. Day, B.A.† Robert A. Derrickson‡ Lixia Duan, B.A., M.A. Damien Michael Ghee Jo Anne Gibson Eric Paul Gundersen, B.A. Paula K. Heffron, B.A. Lara Ann Hoffman, B.A.† Matthew M. Hogan† Jemini K. Joshi, B.S.B.A.†


John William Kenefick, B.B.A. Dastan M. Khamzin† Soyoung Lee, B.S.§ Andrew Mario Leone, B.S., M.S.† Judith Massawe, B.S.† Brian Douglas Matthews‡ Jonathan Michael McColgan‡ William F. McGue, B.A.§ Gregg McNamara, B.S. Mellada Miskaryan, B.B.A.

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication


metropolitan college

Nirmalya Mitra‡ Katherine Anne Morgan, B.S.B.A.† Ryan James O’Connell, B.A. Onwosi Odefa, M.A.‡ Olatunde T. Oduwole‡ Richard Jones Onyeneho† Ethel Kanan Pippin† Stacy-Ann Alicia Powell

Laura E. Ridge Yurii Sergiyovych Rudenko† Vincent P. Smith Craig E. Squires, B.A.† Yuliya Staggs† Steven M. Stano, B.A.§ Seraphine Ufitinema† Carlos A. Uscategui, B.S.†

Mario Velarde, B.S.§ Smith Vioselin Laura Viviana Viveros Rubiano, B.A.‡ Julian Raymond Vulliez, B.S.‡ Bradley David Wheelus‡ Chad Charles Williams† Michael David Zulawski, B.A.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Daniel Vega Atienza† Mark Orin Bailey, B.S.† David Barnes§ Anne Elizabeth Buono§

Steven R. Green Jr.† Jesse Jaramillo Michael David Johnson‡

Richard M. Reed‡ Carmen Rochelle Smith‡ Jessica Marie Weinbrenner, B.A.‡

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN BUSINESS CONTINUITY & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Rafael R. Avramov, B.S. Gary Eugene Bailey† Elizabeth Ashley Carlson, B.A.‡ Nelson Carvalho, B.A.† Ronald James Courter, B.S.† Jordan Duane Crotty, B.A.‡ Sallie Patricia Edwards†

Alejandra Glass, B.A.§ Nicholas Matthew Granillo, B.S.‡ Gerard Vincent Hennelly‡ Brittney Klaas† John Jay Lohrfink‡ James Terrance Long‡ Miachelle Marie Marzullo

Dahlia I. Mihyar‡ Patrick Mugambe§ Jerlyn Camille Parel, B.S.‡ Thomas Joseph Platt Jose Santiago III, B.B.A. Kelly Ann Sosnowski, B.A.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS Andrew Sharif Aboudaoud, B.A. Michael Robert Adams, B.S. Nanette Elisa Agor‡ Troy Shannon Albright, B.A.§ Ivan Zilotti Alencar‡ Panagiota Katerina Alexiadis, B.A.§ Hussain Ali‡ Dawar David Alimi‡ Khader Mohiuddin Allahbaksh, B.E. George Luis Altiery, B.S. Brian William Ames§ Iqbal Amiri† Jeffrey Michael Arey‡ Gaurav Arora† Raman Arora, M.C.A. Talal Pervez Balouch‡ Manajit K. Barman, B.E.‡ Robert D. Barnes, B.S. Eoin Barry, B.Sc. Girma Beka, B.S.† Ruby Olaya Berge† Allen Roberto Bermudez† Christian Ashley Bernardo† Pritam Jithendra Bhat§ Qianlong Bian, B.A., M.B.A. Andrew Jeffery Bifolck, B.A.§ Joseph Thomas Bingaman† Jay Paul Black, B.S. LuAnn Born† Earl R. Bostic, Jr., B.S.§ Carissa Lyn Bousfield, B.S. Travis Channing Bowen‡ Cindy Carol Bragg† Adam Scott Breed‡ William Albert Brier Jr.‡ Christopher Michael Brookover§ Franklin Gerard Buck‡ Gregory Wayne Buckley† Patrick Ryan Burke†

Chad D. Burkholder† Elizabeth Bierman Burns, B.S.B.A.§ Racquel Danay Caloza‡ Leslie Danielle Carano, B.S. Jaime Alberto Carazo Del Toro‡ Tejay Elwood Cardon‡ Damon Zachary Cassell, B.S. Toni Charlot, B.S. Yi-Ting Chen‡ Chandrashekar Chidirala† Santosh Kumar Chintakayala, B.Com. Keshia Natasha Clarke, B.S.§ Brian Rodney Cleavelin‡ Blithe S. Clinton† Adam Robert Cohen‡ Marc J. Cohen, B.S. Christopher Charles Collymore† Michael William Contois, B.S. Jamente Michael James Cooper Sarah Cortes, A.B.‡ Scott Robert Croskey, B.S.E.E. Patrick D. Crowe† Rani A. Crozier, B.S. Robert Cruz† Peter Cuddy, B.A., M.B.A. Andrew James Curcio‡ Denever Elcover Davis, B.S. Robert Neil Davis‡ Paul Michael DeBone, B.S. Michael Todd Deckman, B.A. John Joseph Deltuvia, Jr., B.A.§ Amy L. Dembinski, B.S. Bennett Bryant DeSadier† Tejas M. Desai, B.S.§ Matthew Thomas DiCapua‡ Nathalie T. Dickson† Angela DiMiceli Bawcum† Roshini Dominic‡ Andrew Peter Doran†

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Brian Lee Dorris‡ Kevens Dorsainvil§ Glenn Derek Duhon II Matthew John Eaton† Jake Carlton Engle, B.S.B.A.§ Sergio Omar Esquivel† Rachel Elaine Etter‡ Scott Steven Ewers, B.S.B.A. Ahmed Farooq, B.S., B.A. Pamela Murphy Farr, B.A. Lloyd H. Ferdinand, B.S.† Matthew Brian Firtion, B.S. Bryan Fitzmartin, B.A. Kevin Joseph Flynn† Tzvi D. Friedman, B.B.A. Darling Nelson Garcia, B.S.C.S.† Ernest George Gardner‡ Nicholas K. Garza‡ Shanty K. George, B.A.† Karl Francis Grandel† Philip Karim Gray, B.S. Jeffrey Paul Green, B.A. Sasanka Sekhar Griddalur Suhas D. Gudihal† Steven M. Guertin Daniel Hahn‡ Brian S. Hale, B.S.‡ Donald M. Hardy, B.S.Eng.† Kathleen P. Harris† Christopher Michael Harrison† Nancy J. Hebert, B.S.‡ Carl Nicholas Eugene Hefele, B.S., M.B.A. Donald Patrick Hegarty, B.S. David Louis Hicks† Torry Lawan Hickson‡ John Hildebrant‡ Michael Todd Hite† Alexander Hoppe†

Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

Jacqueline Yee Hsieh Wojan§ Yi-Yuan Hsu‡ Angela Green Huneycutt, B.S.§ David L. Hunter† Luke Edward Huston† Tuan Anh Huynh, B.S. Catina Marie Hyman, B.A.† Collins E. Igberaese‡ Jacky Ismeus‡ Devon S. Jarman, B.S.§ Daniel Mark Jarvis† Eugene Charles Jiongco† Tennyson Garfield Johnson‡ Johnnie Dwight Jones† Brian Edward Jurczyk† Matthew Kapala† Eleanor C. Karvoski‡ Cindy Lynn Keltner, B.S., B.S.B.A. Firoz Nazirullah Khan, B.S. Salman Ali Khan† Kyung Hee Kim Tae H. Kim, B.A. Gary Edward Klama‡ Carlos Koo, B.S.§ Daniel John Kovach, B.B.A. Joseph George Kovba, B.S.Eng. Amit Ranjan Kumar‡ Rosanne M. Kysar§ Dino Laguerre, B.S.E.E. Ha Lam† Rona Charlene Ong Lao† Robert Nicholas LaRocca Jr.† Kevin Tin-Ching Lau‡ Brian William Lawrence† Erin Beth Leonard† Bryce Hsu Levin, B.S. Roger E. Leyou Leyou‡ Yi-Shun Liao† James Gavin Lillevig, B.S. Nancy Lee Lopez-Zapata, B.S.§ Zhong Lu§ Subbiah Mahalingam, B.E. William L. Mansfield‡ Diego Mauricio Martinez, B.G.S. Jeffrey Charles Mathena‡ Joshua Thomas McDonald‡ Shawn Michael McElhinney, B.S. Jonathan David Meade† Dawit Mekebib Nabil Meziani, B.S.‡ Robert Clement Michaud† Alonza Levon Mitchell‡

William Joseph Monagle III, B.A. Donald Charles Moody† Anthony Warren Moore, B.S. Rebecca Morgan‡ Clyde Adolph Morris‡ Vincent Joseph Moser, B.S. Sampada Shashikant Mulaye, B.Com. Edward Munoz‡ Brian Patrick Murphy, B.S.§ William Allen Murray, B.B.A. Icar De Villa Napiza Chitra Yashwant Nawale, B.E. Hasan Nazir† Arben Ndrenika, B.S., B.S. Robert James Neil Michael Clay Nelson, B.S. Tuan Quoc Nguyen Susan Ann Niederkorn‡ Mike Nithaworn‡ Boadu Nkrumah, B.S.§ Tracey Rachelle Norwood, B.S. Hamed Okasi Matthias Adedapo Omisore, B.S.† William Ostrowski Jr., B.S., M.A.§ Anthony P. Palazzo‡ Avani Patel‡ Daniel James Piekarski, B.L.S.† Nicholas F. Pinheiro B.S.§ Theresa Marie Popson† Jeremiah Anthony Puleo, B.A. Joseph Dwight Purvis, B.A. Lorraine Linnea Quackenbush, B.S. Pranav Raichura‡ Asha Ramadas, B.Com. Carlos Ramos, B.A.§ Gilbert Anthony Reyes‡ Ivelise Rivera, S.B. Adam Joshua Roberts‡ Richard Ralph Rococi† Kevin Barry Roden‡ Andrew Christian Rossing‡ Mary Elizabeth Ruff, B.T.M.§ Robert E. Rupe Jr.‡ Kristopher John Russo, B.S.§ Althea Joan Saldanha† Isaac Benjamin Salles, B.B.A. Paul Joseph Salvetti Jr. Andrew Joseph Samuel† Michael M. Santos, B.S.B.A., B.S.§ Daniel R. Schlegel, B.S. John Thomas Scott‡ Giovanni Guiseppe Antonio Sealey, B.S.§

Kyle Weston Seath† John Henry Servatt, B.S.§ Zahir Osama Shareefi, B.S.C.S.§ Ian Paul Sharpe§ Shrikant Shenoy, B.Sc., M.Sc. Vitaly Shusterov† Siong Ie Eugene Sidharto, B.S.C.S.§ Denis Sinelshchikov Olga Smolyar, B.A. Artem Smorodin, B.S. Matthew Randall Sousley, B.S., M.A. Nichole Suzanne Stein‡ Troy Alan Stiffler† Benjamin Lee Stillwagon, B.A.§ Matthew Bryan Swan‡ Lance Douglas Taylor, B.A.§ Sunil S. Taylor† Jason Teeple‡ Naveen Kumar Thankappan† Karthick Thiruvenkatam, B.E. Michael Thommen, B.Sc.§ Alexander Trska† Wai Man Tsoi, B.Eng.§ Vailahi Ramsay Tuita‡ Michael David Turner† Muhammad Umair, B.S. Steven James Ursillo Jr., B.S. Alberto Luis Valedon† Lindsey Elizabeth Van Klei‡ Pablo Sebastian Vega† Jocelyn Catindig Visco‡ Jimmy Thanh Vo, B.S.§ William Joseph Wallace† Dennis John Walsh, B.S. Jing Wang, B.S. Scott Michael Ward† Brian James Weidner‡ Mark Kirwin Weingartner, B.S. Tome Justin Weldy, B.A. Michael R. West† Christopher White, B.S.C.S. Scott David Whitman‡ Tyler Jacob Whitney, B.S. Jeffrey M. Williams† Alexander Elliott Wilson, B.S. Thomas Neil Wynne, Jr.† Kavitha Yalamanchi‡ Lisa Bizzie Zanes Kim Zavala† Xin Yi Zhang‡ Lu Zhao†

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Mohammad Saeed M Alghamdi† Aruna Alla† Tyrone David Baltimore, B.S. Ryan David Berger, B.S.§ David Thomas Bonczar‡ Kevin Cabral, B.S. Andrew Salvatore Cannizzo, B.S.§ Michael James Coviello Wendy Derstine‡ Erica Lynne Dominguez, B.S.C.S.§ Jeffrey Patrick Dunn, B.S.E.T. Dale Martin Earnest Nathan John Ferry, B.S.‡ David Jeremy Gillespie, B.Sc.§

Kishore Kumar Gopalakrishna, B.Sc.§ Ilyas Hamdi, B.S.E.E.‡ Sandeep Haridas, B.S.Eng.‡ Ernst Frederick Herard Jason Lon Hu, B.A.§ Peter Robert Iannuzzo Payal Jain Kambala, B.T. Brian Jewell, B.S.B.A.† Ajai Joy, B.E., M.S. William J. Joyce, B.A. Shruthi Alekha Karthik Rao, B.E. Alan Roger Keniston, B.S.† Fazle Samad Khan, B.S. Javier Kielmanowicz, B.S.C.E.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Andrew Lyman Kittredge, B.A.† Yang-Ying Liu, B.S. David Scott Lutkins, B.A.‡ Michael Richard McDevitt, B.A.† Jeff Meoli, B.S.C.S.† Chad Raymond Nagle† Robert K. Neeb, B.S.§ Kenneth Nimley, B.S.§ Laura Marie Perdomo, B.S.B.A. Parasuraman Ramakrishnan, B.E. Eric K. Reeve, B.S.‡ Bryan Keith Rickman, B.A., B.A.§ Matthew Lee Shaw, B.S.C.S. Prateek Shokeen

Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

Jeremiah David Small John Wallace Spencer, B.S.† Darath Sreng, B.S.C.S. Sarah-Grace Horne Thomas‡

Parastoo Vakili, B.S.† Ricardo Villamil, B.S. Michael Augustus Williams, B.S.

Wei-Hsiang Yang, B.S.† Emily Lynn Ziegler, B.S. Jacob D. Ziegler, B.S.

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN HEALTH COMMUNICATION* Erika Michelle Abe, B.A. Jennifer Marie Barrett‡ Sarah L. Beams, B.A. Danielle Taylor Benjamin, B.A.‡ Jeffrey Bruce Benyacar§ Yvette Jimenez Bernal, B.A.‡ Jill Beth Bloom, B.S. Elizabeth Whitney Brandt, B.S.‡ Sheila Elizabeth Brion, B.A.‡ Charles McBrayer Broadway III, B.A.† Karl Uldis Bucus, B.A.‡ Stephanie L. Burke, B.S., M.H.S.A.† Erica S. Collins, B.A.† Melanie E. G. Cousins, B.A.§ Lydia Curtin-Wilding, B.A.‡ Sylvia Diane Davis, B.S.§ Stephanie Lynn DeBoer, B.A. Meeghan Donahue De Cagna, B.A. Margaret Victoria Delashmit, B.S.Ed., A.M., Ph.D. Daren Dean Denniston, B.S.§ Erin Dilber, B.S.B.A. Linda Jean DiPersio, B.L.S. Ellen M. Druckenmiller, B.S.‡ Bennet R. Dunlap, B.S.§ Adib Qaadir El-Amin, B.S.† Anna S. Elgart, B.A. Amanda Leigh Estes, B.A.

Erica Lynn Fabo, B.S.‡ Ferren Leah Farah, B.A.‡ Sara Kathryn Friend, B.S.§ Margaret M. Gavan, B.S. Rebecca Ann Gomez, B.A. Gabrielle Christine Hathaway, B.S. Jamar Michael Hawkins, B.S.§ Debra Leigh Henderson, B.A.‡ Tammy Herro, B.A.§ Jane C. Hildebrandt, B.A.§ Theresa Jacobellis, B.S.† Amy Lahoma Jennings, B.A. Deann Marie Jepson, B.S.‡ Pamela Marie Jones, B.S.‡ Karen Brislin Julius, B.A.† Abbie Derrick Kozomara, B.S. Katherine Layer Kraines, B.S.‡ Joseph W. Krause, B.A. Susan Jill Lackey, B.B.A.‡ Jody Renee LaVerdure§ Robert Alan Mansfield§ Chanelle Mars, B.S.§ Lauren Wheeler McCoy, B.A. Carolyn Marie Mongillo, B.A.‡ Jennifer Lynn Morss, B.A.† Jacqueline Newell, B.S. Lindsey Bateman Nichol, B.A.

Evangelyn Chigozirimu Nkwopara, B.A.† Barbara Jean Noble, B.A.‡ April L. Norris, B.S.‡ Payal Patel Jolene Nicole Posey, B.S.§ Lauren Marie Prodouz, B.S. Alison Elizabeth Ralbovsky, B.A. Amy Margaret Ramsay, B.A.‡ Celina Louise Ramsey, B.A.§ Malavika M. Rao, B.A. Janice Teresa Robinson, B.A. Vecepia Poneia Robinson, B.S.† Claudia Roth, B.S.N.‡ Patricia Andrea Salomon, B.A. Arynne Saunders, B.A.† Rachel Eileen Slamon§ Nancy Stricklen-Juneau, B.S. Letitia Antoinette Stryk, B.S.† Samuel Abie Thomas, M.B.B.S.† Laura Nicole Torgerson, B.L.A.‡ Kimberly Fisher Uccellini, B.S. Amy J. Walencik, B.S.‡ Robin R. Wearley, B.S.† Lisa Palacios Welch, B.A. Ayla Mariel Withee, B.S.§ Michele Mary Wojtowicz, B.A. Kirstin Amanda Yokel, B.S.


MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN INSURANCE MANAGEMENT Malika Elodie Adams, B.B.A.† Trina C. Boone† Jason Michael Burnett Tucker Corey Brent Carter, B.S. Camille P. Dahdouh, B.S., M.B.A.§ Sonia Dolan, B.A. Sarah Jane Dressler‡

Brian M. Fiore, B.B.A. Tara Kunkler, B.A. Michael James McGonigle, B.A. Greg Ryan Morris§ David Paul Niziolek, B.S.‡ Patrick Nsereko, B.L.S.† Paul A. Peirce

Jenny T. Pye, B.A.‡ Jennifer Carroll Santucci, B.A. Cady McKim Sinks, B.A. Benjamin Andrew Stahl, B.S.§ Brayden Delbert Whitney† Andrew W. Zastrow, B.S.‡

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT Marianne Abreu, B.A.† Talia Janelle Aguilar, B.A. Idrees Olanrewaju Ajakaiye Catherine R. Alton, B.A.§ Tracy Adrianne Annis, B.S. Simone Arami‡ Adam David Basilio, B.S. Angela Z. Berry, B.A.§ Eric Lewis Bilodeau, B.S.B.A. Alisha Sharlene Cargill, B.A.§ Connie Cheung, B.S. Kevin Andrew Copas‡ Ryan Austin Cox, B.S.‡ Lauren Michelle Croop, B.S.§

Eric Christopher Dahl, B.A.‡ Debra Jane Dangelo, B.L.S.§ Alison Fujii† Diana Marquez Gellidon, B.S.‡ Megan Gural Oepen, B.A. Emily Anne Heller, B.S. Allen Hodge Benjamin Sayre Hoopes, B.S. Ashley Elizabeth Ivkovic Eric Leif Ian Jasper, B.S. Hubbard E. Jordan Jr., B.A.† Joseph M. Juarez, B.S.‡ Sarah Kennedy† Rados Klikovac‡  †

Michael N. Kuczmarski, B.S.‡ Charlene Chialing Lee, B.A. Nicole Elaine Miller Gail Joyce Mitchell, B.S. Roland P. Nutter, Jr., B.S. Alisa Wanda Nweke, B.B.A.‡ William Payne, B.A. Joseph David Perry, B.A.§ Radhika Rangachar Christopher James Rosko, B.S. Sherrie Lee Savela‡ Behdad Shahossini‡ Bryan Curtis Simmons, B.A.† Kyle Brandon Smith‡

January 2012 graduate   ‡September 2011 graduate  §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication


metropolitan college

Maitriya Verma† Lucjan Jerzy Zaborowski, B.A.§

Beth Anne Taylor† Kelly M. Van Cott, B.A.

Juan Carlos Zambrano, B.A.§

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN LEADERSHIP Gary L. Baskerville Andrea Anjanette Bowman Linda Bivins Branch§ Clint J. Burbach David Castellano Christopher James Dingler James Lamont Fischer Jr.‡ Daniel Joseph Gibbons† Amy Nicole Goss‡ Mark Alan Greenlief§ George B. Harrell Thomas M. Harris

Misty Rain Rasmussen‡ Brian Richard Reed Ladessa H. Reed Michael J. Schulte Brian M. Sharp§ Kenneth Sims§ Mindy A. Vanes Morgan D. Veyna§ James Alvin Washington Jr. James H. Williamson III‡ William Peter Witzig‡

Ronnie L. Harrison† Stephen Hathaway, B.S.‡ Jacob Ighile Peter Sungwu Kim† Allan R. Lindsley† Tiffany Danielle Lung, B.S. Michelle Lynn, B.S. Arthur Cameron McLean§ Samuel D. T. Monk‡ Susette A. O’Neal† John John E. Orille Shanelle A. Porter§

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT Marcia Jeannette Abreu Arun Kumar Aggarwal† Haggar Hilda Ampadu, B.S.† Kathleen Anne Barber, B.S. Michael Martin Bayer‡ Bethany Anne Belice Warrick Lonsdale Benjamin‡ Michael Allen Bishop‡ Brienna Rae Blades, B.A.† Stephen Linwood Boardman II Kristen L. Bonkoski, B.B.A.† Istvan Bonyhay, M.D., Ph.D. Bradley Scott Brezinski† Luis D. Castillo, B.S.‡ Katy Celeste Cecere‡ Deborah Lynn Chipperfield, B.A. Shawn Robert Cornell, B.B.A., M.B.A. Consuelo Corrales, B.S.‡ Edmond Gerard Cronin† Katelyn Victoria Crowley, B.A.‡ Kevin Alexander Cunningham‡ Waseem Dabag, B.S.‡ Camala Daly, B.S. Sagar S. Damania, B.S.‡ Donna Clair Davis Wilmari Carrasquillo Delgado§ James Desjardin, B.S. Jason Matthew Dodge, B.S.‡ Jeffrey Miles Dunn, B.S. Haissam El Aawar, B.E. Laura Elizabeth Ewell, B.S.‡ Jason David Faries, B.A.§ William Joseph Feaster IV, B.S.† Carolyn Grace Fenley, B.B.A.† Jessica Allyn Flatley† Virginia Flores‡ Maria Galarza, B.S. Alexander Gerela† Shelby Antoine Goodman‡ Shaina Kawohikukapulani Granillo, B.S.‡ La Toya Denise Green, B.A.‡

Joanne M. Greene-Blose, B.S.§ David Allan Greer§ Maria Frances Gregory Glenn Howard Hall‡ Ashley Elizabeth Hayden, B.A.§ Cassie Ayana Higgins† Ann Marie Hinshaw, B.F.A.† Chioma Eberechi Igwe, B.A. Cartier S. Jarveaux, B.S.† Kevin T. Johnson Julia Jolly‡ Ashwina Keertikar, B.S. Shamim Khan Kenisha Kidd-Albright, B.A.† My Tuyet Lac, B.A.† William Robert Lauff, B.S. Lespinasse Leveille† Jonquil Li, B.S. Nicole Isidoros Luosey, B.F.A. Meredith Ann Macha‡ Michael Marcelle Mann† Rachel L. Manzi Leigh Adele Grace Martin, B.A. John Mason, B.S.‡ Scott Sean Mayberry, B.S. Aalaa Milagro‡ Derrick Dwayne Mills‡ Douglas Lee Miorandi, B.S. Juan Manuel Mogollón Canal, B.S. Martha Aleida Motta-Delgado, B.S. David Jorge Luis Mudek, B.S. Maureen Kaina Mukelabai Oscar W. Murray, B.S., M.S.C.I.S. Dylan Jules Neidorff, B.S. Andrew Sebastian Netto, B.S.B.A. Uy X. Nguyen, B.S. Nicole Genevieve Norton, B.A., B.S.† Theresa Lynn Ogden‡ Michael Ross Olive, B.S.§ Oscar Osores, B.A.‡ Cheryl L. Palmer David G. Paradiso†

Miguel Alonso Perea† Lisa Marie Pierce, B.A. Fabio de Almeida Pinto‡ Robert James Purviance III‡ Karthik Puttichanda, B.A.‡ Janelle Rafferty Manimaran Ramalingam, B.S.‡ Kshitij Ranjan, B.E.§ Robert M. Raphael, B.S. Rhonda Elaine Reinke, B.A.B.A.† Carol J. Reynolds, B.A.‡ Eric Ribitsch, B.S.‡ Matthew Edwin Richard‡ Julio Arquel Rodríguez, B.S. Michelle Arlene Sabia, B.S.B.A. Max Fraser Sabo, B.S.† Trudy Brenda Samuels‡ Luis Fernando Sanchez Maldonado, B.S.† Mark Kenneth Scarpa, B.S.† Frank Schoster, B.A.‡ William Neal Simpson III† Paramjit Singh, B.S. Kurt Edward Smith, B.S.† Marnie Spadaro-Wilkins, B.S.‡ Christine S. Stelter Peter C. Stickle Jr., B.A.‡ Andrea Janelle Stroud, B.A.§ Brian Michael Sundell† Sanjay Sidhartha Swamy Denise L. Talley, B.A. Anish Philip Thomas, B.S.† Arumugam Vadivel, B.A. Steven Michael Valinski, B.S.† Aeisha Y. Wallace, B.S.§ Ryan Michael Wedemeyer, B.S.‡ Christine Louise Weeks, B.A.† Angela Yvette Williams, B.S. Jeremy Wine, B.A.‡ Dorothee Winkler† Caryl Lynn Yenny, B.S.†

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN Telecommunication Chae Cho, B.S.§

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


metropolitan college

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) IN LEADERSHIP, Overseas Daria Ivanova† Tomas Jakimavicius Elitsa Katsarska† Nicolina Justine Elisabeth Lilly† Jessica Lena Lukyamuzi Kawalya‡ Kathleen Marie Machet Megan Inés McIntosh† Victoria Parsegian‡

Jeanette Abi Saleh Dalia Alhaider§ Valerio Bargado§ Chloe Blieck‡ Luca Defendi Pieter-Jan De Koster§ Claire Demaria† Tyler Fleming

Eva-Christina Peterzéns‡ Supornphan Prongthura§ Claudia Ritter§ Hasnae Senhaji Onur Simsek§ Conrad Toft§ Florence Ugochi Umeh Mirsad Enver Uruci†

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.M.) IN MANAGEMENT, Overseas Florin Inte‡ Matias Medina‡

Fabien Joseph Yves Morel†

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Christopher Adam Waecker‡

Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Public Health ROBERT F. MEENAN, Dean

MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH (M.P.H.) Hayat Sara Abdulkerim, B.A.† Joy Aigbogun, B.S. Adeola Adetola Akinlonu, M.B.B.S. Leslie E. Allen, B.S. Shelley Anne Amberg, B.A. Hillary Katherine Anderson, B.A.† Kimberly Anderson Eshleman, B.A.‡ Erik Holmes Andrews, B.A.§ Lindsay Danielle Andrus, B.A.† Ehimen Chima Aneni, M.B.B.S.† Gauri Arun Apte, M.B.B.S. Kira Anne Armajani, B.A., M.S.W. Deepa P. Arya, M.B.B.S., M.D.‡ CarmenLeah Ascencio, B.A., M.S.W. Nissa A. Askins, B.A. Beza E. Ayalew, B.A. Elizabeth M. Bachman, B.S. Sarah Jane Baker, B.A. Sophia E. Barberich, B.A.† Patrice Barrett, B.S. Jenna M. Barry, B.A.† Amanda N. Bartholomew, B.A.† Miriam Bassi, B.A.† Monica A. Baytos, B.S.‡ Emily Kathryn Bean, B.A. Meagan Lynn Beasley, B.A.† Jared Alan Beaumont, B.S. Zachary Martin Beck-Goss, B.A., M.S.W. Kathleen Marie Bell, B.A.‡ Michelle R. Berardi, B.A.† Michael Gardner Best, B.A.† Amy Lauren Bettano, B.A. Alexandra N. Black, B.S. Kalina Crystal Black, B.A., M.S.W. Meredith Anne Black, B.A. Danielle A. Bolduc, B.S., M.S.W. Carolyn M. C. Borsch, B.S.† Rachael K. Brem, B.S.† Christine Breuer, B.A. Maureen K. Brophy, B.A. Siobhan C. Brown, B.A. Samantha Lee Brown-Stonbraker, B.A. Allison Rose Bryant, B.A.† Rachel Faye Burns, B.S.† Isaac J. Burrows, B.S. Ivan Busulwa, B.Sc.§ James Henry Buszkiewicz, B.A. Kerrie E. Canavan, B.S. Rebecca E. Cantor, B.A., M.S.W. Daisy Cardenas, B.S. Emily Catherine Carroll, B.S. Carolyn C. Case, B.A., M.A.‡ Debora Atherton Case, B.A.‡ Leah Michele Casner, B.A.‡ Emily Rebecca Cellana, B.S. Dominique H. Chambless, B.A. Arthika Chandramohan, B.S.† Alicia Charleston, B.A.§

Kari Yi-Han Cheng, B.A.† Cassandre Chipps, B.S. Jacqueline S. Cho, B.S.‡ Sevan Nazareth Chorluyan, B.S. Adam Chu, B.S.† Cathleen Sheila Cisse, B.A. Katie L. Clifford, B.Sc.† Alexander Macleod Cohen, B.A., B.A., M.S.W.‡ Julia Margaret Coit, B.A.‡ Patrick J. Coleman, B.A. Erin C. Collins, B.A. Latoya S. Comer, B.S.‡ Ariana Coniglio, B.A. Thomas Brian Cotter, B.A. Robert William Stewart Coulter, B.S. Stephanie J. Cox, B.S. Lucy Morgan Cox-Chapman, B.A.† Leslie Shermina Craig, B.Sc.† Andrea L. Crete, B.S. Elizabeth Joy Crosby, B.S.N.‡ Rachel Florence Soloria Dacwag, B.S.Eng. Natasha Maria D’Agrosa, B.A. Joel Hanson Dankwa, B.A.§ Lauren A. DeBerry, B.S. Parth Vikas Desai, B.S. Smruti Manhar Desai, B.S.‡ Dominique Y. Devaris, B.S. Daniella Marie DiNizo, B.S. Melinda Sue D’Ippolito, B.S., M.S.W. Albert Do, B.A. Sarah Virginia Doersam, B.S. Caroline T. Donahue, B.A.† Sarah Lyn Dowal, B.A., M.S.W. Danielle A. Dresner, B.S. Erin Lindsey Duffy, B.A.§ Cheryl L. DuMond, B.S.§ Ashley Jeanne Dunkle, B.S. Jennifer N. Dutcher, B.B.A.† Alla Dziuma, B.S.§ Justine Michelle Egan, B.A. Varun Umesh Ektare, B.Pharm. Heidi Elsinger, B.A.† Eric Wayne Etchill, B.S. Omar Fareedi, B.S. Theresa L. Feeley-Summerl, B.A., B.S.† Allison Helget Fels, B.A.† Eliza V. Fernie, B.A.‡ Zhandra Carolina Ferreira-Cesar Suarez, B.A.† Anna Collins Finestone, B.A.† Rebecca Vivian Fink, B.S.‡ Mariya Mikhailovna Fishbeyn, B.A. Brittany Aleksandre Fisher, B.A. Katherine Lyn Flaherty, B.S. Gina M. Foianini, B.A. Heather S. Friedman, B.S.† Martha H. Friedman, B.A.

Taryn L. Fusco, B.A.‡ Anna Fydrych, B.S.† Nollascus Owuor Ganda, M.B. Jermie Jay Gandhi, B.A.‡ Bemnet Gessesse, B.S. Meredith Anne Gilbert, B.A.‡ Casey B. Godbout, B.S.† Samuel Elias Goldman, B.A.† Anshuman Goswami, B.S. Stephanie Ann Gottsch, B.A. Qing Gu, M.B. Dalit Michelle Gulak, B.S.N., B.A.† Preeti Gupta, B.A.‡ Brook Hailu, B.S.† Laura J. Hajar, B.A. Ela Halilaj, B.S. Mary E. Hanley, B.S.† Elizabeth M. Havener, B.A.‡ Mary Margaret Hays, B.A.§ Cheryl Jane Hendrickson, B.A. Rebecca Skye Herman, B.A.† Kristen L. Herrick, B.S. Shannon L. Heuklom Danielle Marie Hinchey, B.S. Bretta Lynne Hixson, B.S. Christen Wilhelm Hoedt, B.A. Eric R. Howald, B.S.† Chun-Wei Hsu, B.B.A. Adam T. Hughes, B.S.H.S. Alexandra Hollyday Hulme, B.A. Stephen Anthony Iacono, B.S. Diana Marie Ivans, B.S.N. Hari Subramaniam Iyer, A.B.† William Braxton Jackson II, B.S. Natalie Chavi Jain, B.S.§ Nandini Jayarajan, B.A. Maithili Jha, B.S.† Kate Elizabeth Johnson, B.A.† Jennifer Rose Jorgensen, B.A. Claire Ann Joseph, B.Sc. Kelley Wallace Journey, B.A.§ Kavon Christopher Kaboli, B.A. Jaskeerat Kailey, B.S. Nicolas I. Karr, B.S. Shobha Kaushik, B.A.† Danit Yael Kaya, B.A.† Sheryl A. Kelley, B.S. Karey Kenst, B.A.§ Julia E. Keosaian, B.A.‡ Madina Khamzina, B.A. Priyanka J. Khandhar, B.S. Kara A. Kimball, B.S.† Alicia Christine Kimbrel, B.S.‡ Jennifer Ashley Kincaid, B.A. Kathryn W. Kinzel, A.B.† Lindsay Ann Ricci Kirsch, B.A. Jessie Rae Klapper, B.A.† Maximilian Klar, M.D.† Lauren B. Kleimola, B.S.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of public health

Robert Alan Knox Jr., B.S.† Carol Hunsberger Kopelman, B.A., M.B.A. Ellen Claire Glow Kreida, B.A., M.S.W. Chelsea Elizabeth Krieger, B.S. Lana Kwong, B.A.§ Breanne K. Langlois, B.A. Kindra L. Lansburg, B.S.Ed.† Jennifer E. Lavin, B.S. Abiola Lawson, B.S.§ Katherine M. Lee, B.S. Vonne Letah Moanamalieokanaloa Lee, B.S.† Anne Kathryn Lewallen, B.A. Donna Li, B.S. Christopher Patrick Libby, B.A. Vijeta Limbekar, B.S. Abigail Link, B.S.N.† Jessica Ellen Long, B.S. Katherine A. Louer, B.A. Jenna D. Lovaas, A.B.‡ Esprit Ma, B.S.† Lameck Cyliacus Machumi, M.D. Kelly A. Macnee, B.S. Natalya P. Maharaj, B.A.‡ Neha Maheshwari, M.B.B.S.† Francine L. Maloney, B.A. Bozena Krystyna Malyszko, B.S., M.S., M.D. Roselande Marcellon, B.A., B.S.§ Asween Marco, B.D.S. Jessica Mariah Martin, B.A., M.A.† Prerna Martin, A.B.‡ Adam Brett Mathias, B.A.§ Ned James McCague, B.A. Danielle Lauren McCloskey, B.A.† Lia Meisinger, A.B., M.D. Roanne Mae De Guzman Mejilla, B.S.Eng.† Rachelle Suzanne Mercier, B.A.‡ Jamie Cassidy Merrill, B.S.† Elizabeth M. Meuser, B.S.§ Margaret Meyer, B.A.§ Michelle Estella Laguerre Michel, B.S.§ Joanne Greer Miller, B.A. Amira Mithavayani, B.S. Eden A. Mohammed, B.S. Lauren E. Molotnikov, B.S.† Katharine R. Mooney, B.A. Holly Marie Moore, B.A. Erin M. Morehouse, B.S. Elena V. Moroz, B.A.S. Margaux A. Morrison, B.S.† Janet L. Mozes, B.A., B.S.N., M.S.N. Casey Allyn Mulligan, B.S. Johnna Stephanie Murphy, B.A. Austen Fedele Musso, B.S. Yerlan Nanarov, B.M.† Stephen Bonin Nicholson, B.S.‡ Sheela Nimishakavi, B.S. Gedalia Reuven Niram, B.S. Sonia Grace Nixon, M.D. Manka Nkimbeng, B.S.N. Kathleen E. Noddin, B.A.†

Hannah Caitlin Oakley, B.A. Aya P. Obara, B.S.† John Paul O’Brien, B.A. Andrew T. O’Connell, B.S.† Sharon Naa Akuyea Odametey, B.A. Tricia L. O’Donohue, B.S.N.† Michele L. Osborne, B.S.† Jahera Mugelle Otieno, B.S.† Nadia L. Oussayef, A.B., J.D. Eghosa I. Oyegun, B.S. Margaret R. Pancost, B.S., M.S.‡ Angela M. Park, B.A. Micah Rae Pepper, B.A.† Ann Peralta, B.A.§ Meghan Ellen Perkins, B.A. Erica W. Perlman-Hensen, B.S.† Anne Amelia Perthou, B.A.† Jeremy Colin Petruska, B.A.† Andrea C. Pinzon, B.S., M.Ed.† Jasmine E. Plummer, A.B.† Katherine E. Poirier, A.B.‡ Alison Elizabeth Puckett, B.A.† Sarah Hannah Puklin, B.S. Daniel M. Purnell, B.A. Deepa Raj, B.A.† Sanjay Penumetsa Raju, B.S.† Steven Joseph Ralston, B.S., M.D.‡ Sudha Ram, M.B.B.S.† Nora Guadalupe Pina Ramirez, B.A. Lalithya Reddy, B.S. Craig R. Regis, B.S.† Katherine Elizabeth Reid, B.S. Sergey Rekhtman, D.Pharm. Naomi Mitzvah Rennard, B.A.† Stephanie J. Reynolds-Bigby, B.S.‡ Janis Scanlon Rice, B.A. Sadie Christina Richards, B.A.† Katherine E. Riley, B.S. Natasha Neha Rishi, B.S.† Hira Rizvi, B.A. Laken Camille Roberts, B.S. Sarah Phoebe Roberts, B.A. Kathryn M. Rodgers, B.S. Danielle Marie Roncari, B.A., M.D.‡ Ainsley Ross, B.A. Ivan David Ross, B.S. Alee M. Rowley, B.S. Jaime L. Rubin, B.A., M.A.† Aurelia M. Rus, B.S. Arian Rustemi, A.B. Molly M. Ryan, B.A.† Radha Sadacharan, B.A.† Hiroki Saito, M.D.‡ Heather K. Sauls, B.S. Joseph W. Scarpelli, B.A. Lisa Simone Schottenfeld, B.A., M.S.W. Teresa Erin Schrader, B.A.‡ Brennan Hollis Scott, B.A., M.A., M.Sc. Eileen Frances Searle, B.S.N.† Robert Bruce Segan, B.A.‡ Jeral Patrece’ Self, B.S.B.E. Jhill Shah, B.S. Affan T. Shaikh§

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Keren Shani, B.A. Shanta T. Shepherd, B.A. Elaine Shu, B.S. Adrianna Sicari, B.S.§ Aude Sicsic, B.A.† Aayesha Siddiqui, S.B.† Taryn Marisa Silver, B.S.H.S.‡ Melanie Tia Silverman, B.S. Ankura Singh, B.A. Tiffany Skogstrom, B.A. Erin Marie Smith, B.S.‡ Kathryn Ashe Soderholm, B.A. Andrew P. Solomon, B.S. Benjamin Dwight Spozio, B.S.† Shruti Sreepathi, B.A.§ Amber Dawn Steorts, B.S.§ Gretchen M. Stoddard, B.A.† Eric Alexander Stratton, B.S., B.S., M.T.S.‡ Michelle Kendra Surdyk, B.A. Margaret Doerfler Swift, B.S. Joy Marie Sylvester, B.A. Thomas Edward Tanner, B.S. Laura M. Tarko, B.A. Catherine R. Taylor, D.Pharm.† Whitney Leigh Taylor, B.A.† Alat S. Tigunait, B.S.† Laura F. Tinkham, B.A. Hailey Noel Tipton, B.S.† Christopher M. Toretsky, B.S., B.A.† Alayna Irene Tress, B.S.B.A.† Sandy M. Tsai, B.A., M.Ed.‡ John L. Tucker, B.A.‡ Elizabeth A. Umphrey, B.A. Shamaila Ahmad Usmani, B.A. Consolate Uwamariya, B.A.‡ Heather Kay Valente, B.S., M.S.W. Jennifer Longacker Valerio, B.S. Lauren S. VanDixhorn, B.A. Marisa Ann Van Osdale, B.A. Brandi T. Vaughan, B.A.‡ Leslie C. Verploegen, B.S.† Naya E. Villarreal, B.A.† Barbara Lynn Waldorf, B.S.N. Joni Leigh Waldron, B.A.† Meredith Olson Wallace, B.A.† Alexander M. Wasserman, B.A.† Meredith Rose Weiner, B.S. Andrew Michael Well, B.S. Bryony Whipp, B.S., M.B.B.S.† Jessica Lee White, B.A.† Rashmi Sansun Wijeratne, B.S. Eve Szamreta Wilder, B.A.† Tracey Allyson Wilkinson, B.A.‡ Alix Mackenzie Wilson, B.A.‡ Heather A. Wise, B.A. Douglas C. Wistner, B.S.† Alicia Wong, B.A.§ Emily Yukjan Wong, B.A. Tianzhong Yang, B.S.† Olga Yevtukhova, B.A., J.D.‡ Felix Isaac Adam Zemel, B.S., M.C.P.† Rebecca C. Zwickl, B.A.

Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of public health

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) Environmental Health Diana N. Ekman, A.B.

Joseph Michael King, B.A., M.P.H.

James Douglas Watt, B.A.†

Epidemiology Deborah E. Dreyfus, B.A., M.D. Peter C. Grayson, A.B., M.D.‡ Naomi M. Hamburg, A.B., M.D. Mary Elizabeth Howard, B.S.‡

Tal Henia Kopel, B.S., M.D.‡ Christine Kee Liu, B.A., M.D.‡ Webb E. Long, B.S., M.D.

Jared W. Magnani, B.A., M.S.W., M.D. Azadeh Nasseh, M.D.‡ Christine Pace, B.A., M.D.

Health Services Research Kathleen Nugent Conroy, B.A., M.D. Kelly A. DeLong, B.A.‡ Gudjon Hauksson, B.S.N.†

Nicole Marie LaRue, B.A., M.D. Hema N. Magge, A.B., M.D.

Erika Nicole Oleson, B.A.‡ Peng Xu, B.S.†

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Environmental Health Traci Nicole Bethea, A.B., M.P.A., “The Role of Place in Health: Investigating How Life Environment Influences Chronic Disease”‡ John G. Minnery, B.S., B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., “Quantifying Uncertainty in Pathogen Removal, Membrane Integrity Monitoring and Health Risks in the Treatment of Drinking Water”

Deborah Jean Watkins, B.A., M.P.H., “Human Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Indoor Environment”‡

Epidemiology Katherine Antonia Ahrens, A.B., M.P.H., “Consequences of Controlling Viral Diseases During Pregnancy: Antiherpetic Medication and Influenza Vaccination” Lin Li, B.M., M.S., “Safety of Opioids for Non-Cancer Pain”†

Se Li, B.M., “Adverse Health Outcomes Associated with Conditions During Reproductive Years in U.S. Black Women” Amanda B. Wilson, B.A., M.P.H., “Risk Factors in the Occurrence and Diagnosis of Myeloid Neoplasms”§

Health Services Research Donald Allensworth-Davies, B.S., B.Sc., M.Sc., “Assessing Localized Prostate Cancer Post-Treatment Quality of Life Outcomes Among Gay Men”† Meredith Manze D’Amore, B.A., M.P.H., “Quality of Sexual Health Care for Vulnerable Populations: Patient Perceptions of the Interaction with and Role of Clinicians”‡ Jonathan Delman, B.A., M.P.H., J.D., “Young Adults with Mental Illnesses: Their Active Participation in Medication Decisions and in Research”

Barbara Lerner, B.A., M.S., “Communication During the Disclosure of Genetic Susceptibility to Alzheimer’s Disease: Patterns and Provider Flexibility and Their Effects on Patient Outcomes”‡ Hillary Jane Mull, B.A., M.P.P., “Developing and Testing Tools to Improve Patient Safety in Surgery”‡

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (D.Sc.) Epidemiology Noelle Marie Cocoros, B.A., M.P.H., “Influenza and Other Infections: Surveillance and Long-Term Health Effects”†

January 2012 graduate

Ryan Edward Ferguson, B.S., M.P.H., “Predictors of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)”†

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of public health

DOCTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH (Dr.P.H.) International Health Syamak M-Moattari, M.D., “Community-Based Participatory Program Development for Controlling Road Traffic Injuries in the City of Boroujerd, Iran”‡

Maternal and Child Health Sara Mary Alice Donahue, A.B., M.P.H., “Implementing Junk Food and Beverage Marketing Bans in Schools”‡

Elaine L. Fitzgerald, B.S., M.I.A., “A Quality Improvement Initiative to Develop and Implement an Infant Feeding Strategy for Healthy Start”§

Social & Behavioral Sciences Christine R. Ayash, B.A., M.H.S., “Clinic-Based Interventions to Address Childhood Obesity: Part of the Solution to the Public Health Problem”‡ Amanda Jo Dennis, B.A., M.S., “Assessing and Addressing the Reproductive Health Care Needs of Women with Epilepsy”§

January 2012 graduate

Arundati Muralidharan, B.A., M.A., “Constrained Choices: Understanding Help Seeking Behavior of Young Unmarried Women for Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs in a Mumbai Slum”§

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College GLORIA S. WATERS, Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.S.) Rebecca Brown Adlman, CumLaude† Priscilla F. Agyemang, CumLaude Emily Marie Alano, SummaCumLaude‡ Robert Glenn Ali, SummaCumLaude Michael Vincent Amato‡ Christopher Michael Ang Alfonso Jonathan Arevalo Andrea Margot Baer Victoria E. Bagwell Isabel Chandhana Balachandran Kristely Ninon Bastien Philip John Beaudry Daniel Eric Beauvais, SummaCumLaude Nicholas Chang Bene, CumLaude‡ Leorah Sara Bernstein, CumLaude Christine Alyse Binko Alice Cavitt Binns Allison Elisabeth Bitto Paige Courtney Bookoff Shinjini Bose Meghan Marie Bratton, MagnaCumLaude

Christina Mary Brigante, CumLaude Michelle Hannah Brosbe Alana Nicole Burchman, SummaCumLaude

Nina Victoria Burke, MagnaCumLaude Tiffani Laurin Burks Chelsea Lyn Burton, CumLaude‡ Bridget Elyse Bussell Jeremy Richard Butz‡ Zachary Anthony Cabana Alena Linda Campo Jennifer Cano Brittany L. Carlin Michelle C. Carson, CumLaude‡ Gary Michael Chan Regis Chang§ Violet Keyao Chang Waylon Chen Willis Chen Daniel Ming-Shyang Chiang Alex Chin Danielle Choi Min Young Choi Meghan Jean Chura Melissa Alexis Cloutier Blake Ashley Cohen Sarah Grace Collier Julie Elizabeth Collins Danielle Janay Colon Elizabeth Strand Cook, CumLaude† Rachel Elizabeth Corrado Erica Cousins Catrina Marie Cropano, SummaCumLaude

Carrianne Stathers Crummett Jiayi Cui, MagnaCumLaude Maya J. Cumento†

Michelle Lynne Curran Stephanie Ann Curreri Renata Ribeiro Dalla Costa, SummaCumLaude‡

Jena Eve Daniels Kelly Marie David, MagnaCumLaude Alisa Ann Davidoff, CumLaude Alexandra Delaney Gina DeLisio Sara Renee DeVoe, CumLaude Kaitlin E. Dicks, MagnaCumLaude Melissa Suzanne DiFabio Danielle Yee DiMarco Shannon Jane Doherty Alisa Nicole Domanski, CumLaude Stephanye Allyson Doucette Paul William Duduit§ Laura Anne Eldred Fatema-Zahra El Rhermoul Jessica Lora Emilfarb Kristina Feld, CumLaude Emma Margaret Finch, CumLaude Alannah Christine Flanick, CumLaude Charlotte Louise Foley, CumLaude Saskia Melissa Forester† Lindsay Alexandra Forman Hannah Marie Frey Lauren Elyse Friedman Alicia Maria Gadomski, CumLaude Sara Marie Gagne Amber Lynne Gannon Jennifer Bo Gao§ Manoushka Gedeon Nouha M. Georges Michael Thomas Geraghty Justin Michael Gilmartin Dina Ginzberg, CumLaude Elizabeth Girault David Jude Glover† Jessica L. Goeters, MagnaCumLaude Julie Hannah Goldberg, CumLaude Dafna Leah Goldwasser, MagnaCumLaude

Winifred Gong Yesenia Gonzalez Jessica Michele Graber Bethany Jayne Grace Joanne Han Stacey Nicole Hardin, CumLaude‡ Julie Marie Harkins Sarah Ann Healy Constance Ruth Hillyer,

SummaCumLaude Dana Jill Hindman, CumLaude Amalia Rose Hirsch, MagnaCumLaude†

Sarah Elizabeth Hodge, SummaCumLaude

Nicholas Michael Horvath Andrew Scott Howland

Eric Hwang Farzad Khushru Irani Michael Norman Jablow Justin James§ Tamika Danielle Jeune Christopher Eugene Jin§ Courtney Jean Johnson Sarah Ann Kanarek Alexandra Grubow Kathman Christine Mary Kelly Michelle Marie Kielty, MagnaCumLaude

April Sohee Kim Hilary Perl Knack Chantelle Alyssa Knott Ece Koprulu Jacob Mathew Koshy, MagnaCumLaude Theresa Elizabeth Kreiser Maxine Y. Kuang‡ Claire Alexandra Kuehnel Hope Elizabeth Ladd Giulia Lais, CumLaude Elizabeth Ashley La May Leeann Michelle Laverty Olga Fedoryshyn Lawrence, CumLaude Robert Harry LeBlanc III Minseok Lee Hannah Elizabeth Letbetter, MagnaCumLaude

Huajun Li Fernando Jamoralin Limbo III Angela Lin Jeffrey Lu Lorah Leigh Ludwig Jessica Ann Luscinski, MagnaCumLaude

Anna Shui Yu Mak Allison Anne Manfreda Kathryn Lyn Manley Gregory Marcellin Sarah Ann Marchese Lauren M. Marias Michelle Campagna Markle Kristen Marie Marotta Sophie Evelyn Martin-Tsoupas, SummaCumLaude

Samantha Marie Mastanduno, CumLaude

Antigone Sophia Matsakis, CumLaude Amanda Julianna Matteo, CumLaude Kathryn Elizabeth Matthews, MagnaCumLaude

Lauren Emma Mayer, MagnaCumLaude†

Devin Deanne McClintock Krista-J Shanice McEwan Patrick John McTague Kathleen Meehan† Ashini S. Mehta, CumLaude

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of Health & rehabilitation sciences: sargent college

Winnie Mei Lisa Marie Menendez, CumLaude Raquel Alessondra Minasian, MagnaCumLaude

Arianna Sophia Mitropoulos Alexa Louise Moccia, CumLaude Marissa Hale Moran Sarah Lynn Morris Luba Widad Riyad Muaddi† Christina Marie Murphy, CumLaude Shakeela T. Najjar Samantha Lynn Nguyen, CumLaude Hannah Emily Nichols, MagnaCumLaude

Neha Nidamarti Remy Laura November Catharine Grace Novikoff Rachel Lorraine O’Canas Onyemaechi Chiekwue Onyekwu Oscar Orengo Cai Min Ou Miranda Gail Ouellette, MagnaCumLaude

Michelle Diane Padreza Sudha Rathna Panneerselvam Sophia Pascual Dhruv Indravadan Patel Jayesh Patel Parth Vijay Patel Roshni Umeesh Patel, MagnaCumLaude Shiv Hasmukh Patel, CumLaude Dana Marie Pelerin, SummaCumLaude Devin S. Peuser, CumLaude Justin Marshall Pezick‡ Cecil Philip† Alexandra Maria Prochorski, CumLaude

Gretchen Erin Proulx Lauren Stephanie Pryharski Gabrielle Louise Purcell,

Jessica Moniz Ramalho Shreshtha B. Ramanlal Sucheta Shokeen Ravindran Juliana Jeanne Reinold,

Natalie Nichole Stump Joanna Marie Stumper, MagnaCumLaude


Michelle Rivera Maria Pia Rivero Sarah Michelle Robertson, MagnaCumLaude‡

Chelsea Robson Dennis Joseph Rocheleau Alyson Leigh Rofrano Keren Rokhman, MagnaCumLaude Ivan Ignacio Romero Kathleen Peridas Rosales Michele Alexa Rostowsky Richard Rueda IV Jessica Lauren Safer Brian Zygmund Saindon Ryan Frank Sarnecki‡ Sumire Dorothy Sato Michelle Erika Saulnier Laura Marie Savella, CumLaude Yu-Ting Saw Amanda Kathryn Schmitz, CumLaude Heather Ann Schuler Katharina Schwan, MagnaCumLaude Julia Mary Sementelli, CumLaude Janvi Vikram Shah, MagnaCumLaude Peter Sarko Shahinian, MagnaCumLaude

David Alexander Sherman Marlena Leigh Sherman Clark Sebastian Shirley Michaela Conlon Sleight Paul Joseph Smith Emily Ingram Snack† Madeleine Solomon-Magraw, MagnaCumLaude


Hannah Claire Putnam, CumLaude

Julie Elizabeth Solovyova Noah Benjamin Sosin§ Sarah Grace Stone, CumLaude

Sean R. Sullivan‡ Jenna Lee Tamburello Magina Tepliz Jason Thai, SummaCumLaude Kaitlin Claire Thompson, CumLaude‡ Wendy J. To, MagnaCumLaude Georgina Alejandra Toledo Casey James Traylor Laura Anne Truex, CumLaude Katherine Zoe Tsagaris, CumLaude Elicia Suzanne Turcotte Anya Geiss Veremakis, CumLaude Brittany Lee Vieira, SummaCumLaude Meredith Caroline Wasserman, CumLaude

Tara Leigh-Anne Watchorn Emily Robin Weingart Caitlin Elizabeth Welch‡ Katie Ann Weller Jeffrey Ernest Wessell, CumLaude† Krystal Marie Weston‡ Matthew Kevin Whitney Abigail Louise Williams, CumLaude Kiyanna Marie Williams, MagnaCumLaude

Anna Marie Winston‡ Paige Dianne Winter Vivian Wong Sara Catherine Woolcock, MagnaCumLaude

Jade Weilan Yim Colleen Margaret Young Morgann Beverly Saari Young Yevgeniy Zenchenko, MagnaCumLaude Lilun Zhang April Zhou, CumLaude Karen Michelle Zucker, CumLaude Pamela Ellen Zucker, SummaCumLaude Christina Denise Zuñiga Quiñonez

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.S.) Maggie Elizabeth Abbate, B.S.§ Nahar Khalid Bader Albudoor, B.S.‡ Jason Tolentino Baena, B.S. Galelea Ballestero, B.S. Yorine Bélizaire, B.S.† Cristine Bertochi, B.S.§ Whitney Leigh Boglioli, B.A. Dasha Bulatov, B.A.§ Rachel Peninah Bye, B.S.† Josianne Cadieux, B.A.§ Margaux Marie Canevari, B.S. Gina Marie Capriccio, B.S. Briana Caruccio, B.A.§ Matthew John Casserly, B.S.† Maria Nicole Chapekis, B.S. Tina T. Chilampath, B.S. Erin Keely Columbia, B.S. Kerry Coughlin, B.A.§ Kathryn Jessica Davidson, B.S. Shari Annette Davis, B.S. Caroline Jeannette Davit, B.S. Linda Della Porta, B.S. Colleen Herlihy Doyle, B.S., M.S.T. Andrew Rich Duckett, B.S.Ed.

Lauren Ferraro, B.A.† Carlie Morgan Geiger, B.A.‡ Taylor Robinson Gillis, B.S.§ Kyle Marc Gobeil, B.S. Clara Elizabeth Gordon, B.A.‡ Lara A. Greenberg, B.A.§ Kristin Elizabeth Hammond, B.S. Laura Patrice Harney, B.S., M.A.T.§ Lauren Elizabeth Hecht, B.S. Emily Blair Hinckley, B.A.‡ Stephanie Dirocco Horton, B.A.‡ Christine E. Howard, B.S. Laura E. Jacobs, B.A. Laura Michelle Kasparian, B.A. Lauren Catherine Kennedy, B.S. Sarah Ann Kenney, B.A.‡ Hee Kim, B.S.‡ Jae sook Jessica Kim, B.S.§ Katherine Mae Kinney, B.S.‡ Diane Elizabeth Kresser, B.A. Jeanine Nicole LeDoux, B.S.§ Sylvie Lee, B.S.‡ Eliza Blake Leone, B.S. Anthony John Lever, B.A.

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Brooke Hyland Littleton, B.S.‡ Chi Jung Lu, B.S.‡ Kristin Nicole Marceau, B.S.† Alessandra Marino, B.S.† Hannah M. McGlynn, B.S. Irene Valerie Michel, B.S.‡ Jennifer Nicole Milavec, B.A.§ Hillary Ely Monroe, B.A.§ Beth Natalie Morse, B.A.‡ Geeta Santosh Nath, B.S.§ Ashley Colette Packer, B.S.† Sara Margaret Patterson, B.S.Ed.‡ Sarah Jeannette Paul, B.S.§ Jessica Amber Peters, B.S. Jessica Lynn Putnam, B.S.§ Elise Eileen Radford, B.A.‡ Charlotte Uteva Richardson, B.A.§ Caroline Maria Richman, B.A. Kelly Marie Ruth, B.A.‡ Colleen Arielle Schad, B.S. Katie Nevin Schweitzer, B.S. Rebecca Faye Shrago, B.S.§ Katherine Keating Simons, B.B.A.‡ Kelly Lynne Siss, B.A.§

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of Health & rehabilitation sciences: sargent college

Vanessa O’Toole Supple, B.A.§ Lay Lay Tan, B.S.§ Sarah Noelle Villard, B.A., M.A.§

Melissa M. White, B.S.§ Erica Lee Widegren, B.S. Marla Faith Wolfe, B.S.§

Stephanie J. Wysocki, B.A. Jenny Yamauchi, B.S.

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (M.S.O.T.) Amy Elizabeth Alaniz, B.A.§ Kristine Badillo, B.S.† Sarah Jean Barton, B.S.§ Margaret Elizabeth Bell-Walker, B.S.† Sara Ana Bonderud, A.B.† Alissa Ann Bonjuklian, B.S.§ Christine Margaret Carifio, B.S.† Anna Marie Curby, B.S.† Leah Elizabeth DiBiccari, B.S. Caitlin Anne Fanelli, B.S.† Jessie Rae Franco, B.S. Jenilee Catherine Frost, B.S.† Kara Elizabeth Gleason, B.S.† Deborah Lauren Greenstein, B.A.† Theresa Marie Griffin, B.S.†

Ariella Michal Haber, B.A.† Elizabeth J. Kearns, B.S.† Alaina Majella Krumbach, B.S.† Erin Allison Lanke, B.S. Tina Lau, B.S.§ Anne U. LeBorgne, B.S.† Leigh Rose Makely, B.S.† Jacqueline Rose Markowitz, B.S. Jessica Joy McAteer, B.S. Emily Katherine Meibeyer, B.S.† Jillian J. Melican, B.S.† Michelle Morgan Narro, B.A.† Natasha Michelle Nesbeda, B.A.† Marissa Pilon, B.S.† Nicole Deanna Price, B.S.

Aviva Marta Pruzinsky, B.A.† Barbara Lynn Roth, B.S. Emily Ann Rubenstein, B.S.† Larissa Jill Sachs, B.S.† Kara A. Schreier, B.S.† Jamie Allison Schub, B.S.† Laura Elizabeth Seidel, B.A. Samantha S. Slocum, B.S.† Danielle Denise Sotelo, B.A.† Lindsay Kate Sposato, B.S.† Stephanie Lynn Troiano, B.A.§ Nicole Dupre Urbanowski, B.S.‡ Constance Kumiko Wauthier, B.S.

DOCTOR OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (O.T.D.) Denise E. Finch, B.S.† Barbara Carol Gilbertson, B.S., M.S.

Mary Hostetler Brinson, B.S., M.S.† Julie Alison Dorsey, M.S.

Theta A. Grimaud, B.S. Lisa J. Schubert, B.S.†

DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY (D.P.T.) Elizabeth Nicole Abbott, B.S.§ Bernardine Gemma Aguirre, B.S. Andrea Ruth Alter, B.S.§ Jennifer W. Auyeung, B.S.‡ Julia K. Baldenko, B.S.‡ Inna Basanskaya, B.S.‡ Catherine Ching Basco, B.S. Aiena Laya Angeles Bautista, B.S.‡ Rodolfo Belida, B.S. Paul Richard Berkeley, B.S.‡ Samantha Anne Block, B.S.‡ Brittany Lynn Bolton, B.S.§ Alana Marie Brembs, B.S.‡ Megan Janelle Brooks, B.S.§ Jose Ma Alberto Isidro Bugay, B.S. Jaclyn Rose Cameron, B.S.§ Jonna Joy Carroll, B.S.‡ Janice Chia-Yun Chen, B.S.§ Christine Michele Chisholm, B.S.§ Gwen Huyen Chu, B.S., M.S. Neville Chu, B.A.§ Kerry Robin Considine, B.S., M.P.T. Margaret Ann Conte, B.S.‡ Geoffrey Cox, B.S.§ Sara Marie Crandall, B.S.§ Kelly Abigail Csinsi, B.S.§ Rebecca Whitney Dail, B.S., M.S.P.T. Molly Elizabeth Daniels, B.S.§ Darin Lloyd Deaton, M.S.† Jeffrey Torres Dela Cruz, B.S.P.T.† Michelle Marie Dellascio, B.S.‡ Lauren Louise Detmer, B.S.§ Allison R. DiGiacomo, B.S.§ Celeste Mazzeo Douglas, B.S.§ Elizabeth Paige Dow, B.A.§ Tamara Duncalf, A.B.§ Andrew Thomas Duncan, B.S., M.S.

Erin Marie Fabian, S.B.§ Colleen Marie Farrell, B.S.§ Mona Fazzina, B.S.‡ Jennifer Florio, B.S.† Samantha Francucci, B.S.‡ Laura Frances Furey, B.S.§ Brendan Michael Gallagher, B.S.‡ Megan Christine Gonzalez, B.S.‡ Caitlin Alicia Grabowski, B.S.‡ Deborah Lynn Grant, B.A., M.P.H.‡ Caroline Christine Hall, B.S.‡ Dana Harnik, B.S.§ Paul F. Hartmann, B.A.§ Charlotte June Hillery, B.S.‡ Kaitlin M. Hiserote, B.A.§ Heather Whitney Hoglund, B.S.‡ Colin B. Hoobler, B.S., M.S., M.P.T. Stefanie Leah Howlett, B.S.§ Brett James Hutchinson, B.S.‡ Emileigh Waisei Ip, B.S.§ Adel Iqbal, B.S. Anne Maureen Jackson, B.S.† Kathryn Johnson Critchfield, B.S.‡ Yumiko Kawakami, B.S.§ Tiffany Dawn Kendig, B.S., M.S.‡ Mila Kim, B.S. David Kazimierz Koszyk, B.S.† Belinda Kathryn Krebs, B.S.§ Vijay Kumar, B.S.† Kristen Michelle Lally, B.S.‡ Rebecca Lynn Lemberg, B.S.§ Deanna Lesmeister, B.S. Joyce Liau, B.S.§ Jessica Marie Liberty, B.S.§ Adam Linsalata, B.S.§ Molly Marie Loder, B.S.§ Emily Ruth Malkin, B.A.§

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Deirdre Jane Manning, B.S.§ Kevin Mao, B.S.‡ Philip Salvatore Marchese, B.S.‡ Deborah Adrian Marotta, B.S.‡ Jezille Martinez, B.S.P.T. Heather Lynne Massie, B.S.‡ Allison Joy Mayer, B.S.‡ Martha McClure, B.S.† Sara Alexander McEvoy, B.S.‡ Meghan Elizabeth McGoldrick, B.S.‡ Kyra Anacleta Mihalick, B.S.‡ Heather Mariette Milne, B.S.§ Jennifer Anne Mohns, B.S.‡ Laura Elizabeth Morgan, B.S., M.S. Annei Rose Calo Navidad, B.S.† Jolene Rachelle Nelson, B.S.‡ Timothy Jon Nordahl, B.S.‡ Rochelle Ethlyn Peiffer Panichelle, B.A.‡ James Parado, B.S.P.T.† Gaurav B. Parikh, B.S. Brian Matthew Parow, B.S.‡ Lisa Pataky, B.S.§ Khushbu Pankaj Patel, B.S.‡ Tulsi M. Patel, B.S.§ Rachel Peary, B.S.§ Elizabeth Ashley Perreault, B.S.‡ Mathew D. Procopio, B.S.§ Ashley Marie Rex, B.S.§ Lucy Little Richert, B.S.§ Jonathan Adam Rogers, B.S.‡ Susan Regina Rogers, B.S. Andrew Jeremiah Roth, B.S.‡ Catherine Gervais Royal, B.S.‡ Robert Sayers Russ, M.S.† Joseph Russolello, B.S.§ David A. Sanchez, B.S.‡ Supriya Sathish Kumar, B.S.§

Tentative September 2012 graduate


College of Health & rehabilitation sciences: sargent college

Kristen Elizabeth Sawyer, B.S.‡ Kevin John Schell, B.S.‡ Lindsay Suzanne Scott, B.S.‡ Ruchi R. Shah, B.S. Brenda Sheridan, B.S.§ Ashley Kay Short, B.S.§ Laura Alexander Smith, B.S. Steven Zachary Smith, B.S., M.S.P.T.† Brenda Dela Cruz Solano, B.S.† Christopher Robert Stackpole, B.S.‡ Althea Stanislaus, M.P.T.‡ Mallikarjuna Prasad Suryamoni, B.S.†

Angela Po Yee Tam, B.S.‡ Tiffany May Tang, B.S.‡ Amy Elizabeth Tible, B.S.‡ Megan Leigh Tkach, B.A.§ Rebecca Lauren Towers, B.S.§ Meghan Tubridy, B.S.‡ Tammy Lynn Vanevenhoven, B.S. Thomas Frederick Van Ornum, B.S.‡ Mary Willcox Vaughan, B.A.§ Jessica Lyn Vernier, B.S.‡ Jennifer Corina Vicinay, B.S.‡

Leah Gasgonia Villanueva, B.S.P.T. Kristen Lyn Wade, M.P.T.† Rachel Christine Watkins, B.S.§ Jamie Lynn Whitefleet-Smith, B.S.‡ Emma Iwanicki Wilcox, B.S.‡ Amie Katherine Williams, B.S.‡ Jessica Christine Wilson, B.S.‡ Carol Joan Wilson-Smith, B.S., M.A., M.P.A. Danny Wong, B.S. Zachary Slade Zerbonia, B.S., M.B.A.

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (Sc.D.) Robert Ryan Caron, B.A., M.A. Cheng-Chieh Lin, B.S., M.S.

Gail Marie Monaghan, B.Sc. Inbal Sapir, M.S.‡

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Farah Zaheer, B.S.†

Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Social Work GAIL STEKETEE, Dean

MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK (M.S.W.) Karyn Anderson, B.A. Jennifer Ann Andrade, B.A. Jennifer Jeanne Apps, B.S.§ Julie Elizabeth Aresco, B.A., M.A. Lynsey Brynn Avalone, B.A. Kevin Louis Avitabile, B.A. Norene Harris Baker, B.S.H.S. Jonathan Samuel Baum, B.A. Nicole Belanger, B.A. Allison Nicole Berg, B.S.W.‡ Kevin Berney, B.A. Elizabeth Anne Black, B.A. Lauren Kathleen Black, B.A. Nely Blackwell, B.A. Lindsay Michelle Brenner, B.S.W.‡ Julianna Brody-Fialkin, B.A. Heidi J. Bruggink, A.B. Kim Burkland-Ward, B.A., M.A. Aaron Drew Camp§ Crystal Chevonne Carrington, B.A. Todd Michael Cassidy, B.S.W.‡ Raquel Castro, B.S.W.‡ Joseph D. Cavanaugh, B.A. Bonnie S. Chang, B.S., M.S. Denise Shellene Chazin, B.A. Charles Chear, B.A.‡ Annie Elizabeth Tomasek Clock, B.A. Caroline Amy Cohan, B.A. Katherine Meredith Hall Cole, B.A. Elizabeth Conner, B.A.† Kelly Lynne Connolly, B.A. Jordana Pamela Connor, B.A. Toni-Ann Cormier Talea Cornelius, B.A. Francis Bianco Correa, B.A. Meghan Eleanor Coyle, B.A., J.D. Amy-Marie Davidson, B.A. Jacqueline Diaz, B.S.W.‡ Ashley Lynn Diniz, B.S.W.‡ Ashley Elizabeth Dow, B.S.S.W.‡ Elaina Christine Elias Svetlana Emelyanov Andrea M. Ericksen, A.B. Billie Jo Fairbrother, B.A. Charlotte Ashford Farber Sarah Elizabeth Farver, B.A. Caroline Antoinette Favulli, B.S.W.‡ Masha Feldman§ Abigail Catherine Fellows, B.A. Bryan Trevor Fiscale, B.A. Aubrey Fessenden Fitzpatrick, B.A. Robert Sloane Franklin, B.A. Renee Lynn Franzis§ Amanda Elizabeth Frates, B.S. Allison Elizabeth Freeburn, B.A. Laura Aimee Freeman, B.S.‡ Alexander William Froom, B.A. Lizeth Wakuthii Gatei, B.A.§ Kara Corrigan Gaughen, B.A.

Katherine Marie Gillespie, B.A. Katie Gilley, B.S.W.§ Elizabeth K. Gillott, B.A. Debora Dantas Guimaraes, B.A.‡ Andrew Christopher Ian Hare, B.A. Jill Alexis Harrington, B.A., M.A. Dontie Harris, B.S.W.‡ Yvonne Collette Hitchens Daniel William Hogan, B.A. Jaimie Lee Hogan, B.A. Kelly Alicia Hogan, B.S.W.‡ Patricia Marie Jamiol, B.A. Kenyora Lenair Johnson, B.A.§ Catherine Browning Johnston, B.A. Heatheranne Fayth Kantrowitz, B.A. Justin Christopher Kasarsky, B.A. Andrea Anne Kelley, B.A. Whitney Meleia Kemp§ Stephanie E. Kietlinski, B.S.W.‡ Meghan Elizabeth Kirtland, B.A. Lauren Nicole Kozlowski, B.A. Sarah Kroesser, B.A., Sc.M. Amanda Marie Leins, B.S.W.§ Nicole Marie Lora, B.A. Kalie Jane Lounds, B.S. Jennifer Lynn Mahoney, B.A.‡ Alexandra Shoghagat Margosian, B.S. Shelly Santos Marshall, B.S. Cristina Rodriguez Martin, B.S.‡ Sarah Beth Maxner, B.A. Kathleen A. McCarthy, B.A. Leo Patrick McCarthy, B.S.‡ Ashleigh Adria McClenthen, B.S.W.‡ Elise Christine McDonald, B.A. Amelia Meredith McGowan, B.A. Courtney Allison McGuire, B.S.W.‡ Christie Lyn McKnelly, B.A. Alexandra Marie McLain, B.A. Jennifer Anne Memmen Lauren Cosette Mettam, B.A. Maya Milic-Strkalj, B.A. Mary Lisa Mills, B.A. Ladan Nasser Miremadi, B.A. Gina Mittal, B.A. Amy Lynn Moran Christopher Glendon Morawski, B.S.† Julie Elaine Morgan, B.S.‡ Stephanie Barrett Morris, B.A. Angelica Vajbar Morse, B.A. Rutendo Faith Moyo, B.A.† Erin Elizabeth Neil, B.S. Carmen Rosa Noroña, B.S., M.S.§ Christine Karangwa Ntagengwa, B.D. Kate Follett O’Hara, B.A. Ann Elizabeth Olson, B.A., M.Div. Sarah Archambault Ouellette, B.A.‡ Michele R. Pacholec, B.S. Amelia MacKenzie Paini, B.A. Kerry Ann Paradis, B.A.

Sarah Beth Parkerson, B.A. Emily Jean Partridge, B.A. Emily Marlys Peeler, B.S.W.‡ Jill Leslie Placzek, A.B., B.S.‡ Ashleigh Nicole Poirier, B.S. Sarah Michelle Pomerantz, B.S.W. Paige E. Rawlins, B.A.‡ Rebecca Lynn Raymond, B.A. Audrey Jane Reffie, B.S.W.‡ Thomas J. Reis, B.A., M.A. Vickery Rendall, B.A. Meryl R. Rewolinski, B.L.S.‡ Leigh Catherine Riazi, B.A. Leah Michelle Rice, B.S.W.‡ Rachael Jae Roberts, B.A.§ Margaret Ruth Robinson, B.A., M.A. Tali Leah Rojem, B.A. Nora Rose, B.S.W.‡ Matthew Anthony Roselli, B.S.§ Avital L. Ruskin, B.A. Sarah A. Satgunam, B.A. Nicole Marie Sauve, B.A. Elana Gelbart Schwartz, B.A. Rhetta A. Scott, B.A.§ Gina Sheehan, B.S.W.§ Raessa Valencia Singh§ Nicole Marie Sinopoli, B.A. Izabela Skorska, B.A. Elizabeth Ann Slate, B.A. Melinda Freshman Slovinsky, B.A., M.S. Sarah Elizabeth Smith, B.S.W.‡ Sherolde Valencia Smith, B.A. Hannah Elizabeth Snyder§ Anna Lee Soloway, B.S.‡ Allison Jean Staley§ Megan Rae Stolze, B.A. Ann Marie Sullivan, B.S. Thomas N. T. Swift, B.A.‡ Jillian Treacy Sypole, B.S.W.‡ Grace Catherine Taylor, B.A. Chantell May Teed, B.A. Kylee Ann Thomson, B.A. Valerie Jean Tobia, B.A. Amneris Jenice Torres§ Alexis Gayle Verbin, B.A. Kristyn Mary Wakelin§ Kristin Elizabeth Wedel, B.S.W.§ Sarah Whitby, B.S.S.W.‡ Amanda White-Lief, B.A. Ann Michelle Whitfield, B.A., M.Div. Catriona MacLeod Wilkey, B.A. Danielle Sandra Williams, B.S. Kathryn Wood, B.A.§ Brynn Elizabeth Woodland, B.A. Scotney M. Young, B.A. Seyhmus Yuksekkaya, B.A. Katie Elizabeth Zagame, B.S.W.‡ Marisa Devina Zúñiga, B.A.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


School of Social work

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.)* Sociology & Social Work Cesar Gabriel Abarca-Guevara, B.A., M.S.W., “Securing Work and Keeping the Family Together: A Study of Latino Immigrants in New Mexico”† Terrence Omar Lewis, B.A., M.S.W., “The Phenomenon of LGBT Affirming Black Churches and Their Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis in Black America”†

Jennifer A. Meade, B.A., M.S.W., “Who Has the Power? Diversity and Discourse Within Domestic Violence Organizations”† Kelly Ann Mills-Dick, B.S., M.S.W., “Voices from the Street: Exploring How Older Adults and Outreach Workers Define and Mitigate Problems Associated with Urban Elder Homelessness”†

January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate *Ph.D. in Sociology & Social Work awarded by the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


School of Theology MARY ELIZABETH MOORE, Dean

MASTER OF DIVINITY (M.Div.) Casey Edward Bradley, B.S.W. Michael Douglas Brown, B.A. JungMin Byon, B.A., M.A. Elizabeth Angeline Cademartori, B.A. Taeseob Cho, B.Th. HyungYong Choi, A.B.† Charles Micah Christian, B.A. Katherine Meredith Hall Cole, B.A., M.S.W. Kasey Marie Cox, B.A. Amy Durfee West, B.A., J.D. Alexander William Froom, B.A., M.S.W.

Sarah Rebecca Goodloe, B.A. Nathan Daniel Griffith, B.S.† Amanda Orr Harmeling, B.A., M.A.† Cassandra V. Helms, B.S., M.A.T. Allison Renée Hoffman, B.A. Sungmin Jeon, B.A. Aidan Myers Kelley, B.A. Laurie Center Kilgore, B.A., M.S.W. Dong Youn Kim, B.S.E. Yunki Kim, B.A.† Tyler Brandon Kirk, B.A.

Meghan E. Kirtland, B.A., M.S.W. Andrew Coy Kjorlaug, B.M. Norma Vedan Leachon, B.S. Eunjung Min, B.A., Th.M. Phillip Robert Nase, B.A. Jaime Kyle Pangman, B.A. Myungeun Park, B.A., M.A.† Edith A. Poland, B.S., M.Ed., M.S. David Anthony Rohr, B.A. Sieglinde Barbara Sampson, B.S. Mark Jeffrey Schol, B.S.†

MASTER OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES (M.T.S.) Emily Laura Barth, B.A. Bradley P. Bauer, B.S., M.A. Landon B. Capps, B.A. Lianna Hamilton Chong, B.A. Casey Monique Conway, B.A. Christopher Alexander Damien, B.A.

Tyler Paul Day, B.A. Sean P. Finnegan, B.S., B.Th.† Elibariki Phillip Kutta, B.A., M.Div. Felix Percy Longdon, B.Th.† Bum Shik Min, M.T.S.†

Zachery Frederick Oliver, B.A. Melko Rasica, B.A., M.A.‡ Franklyn F. Schafer III, B.A. Elizabeth Ann Slate, B.A., M.S.W. Trevor Lee Winn, B.A., M.L.S.

MASTER OF SACRED MUSIC (M.S.M.) Sara Elizabeth Guill, B.M. Adam Quinn Kurihara, B.M., M.M.

Nathan Alexander Skinner, B.M.

Stephen Andrew Stacks, B.M.

MASTER OF SACRED THEOLOGY (S.T.M.) Seong Moon Ahn, B.A., M.Div.† Jason Michael Apicella, B.S.Ed., M.Div.‡ Jeffrey Todd Barker, B.A., M.Div. Sean Anthony Barley, B.A., M.Div. Vincent L. Crouse, B.A., M.S. Brandon Thomas Crowley, B.A., M.Div. Timothy D. Gault, B.A., M.Th. Jonathan Robert Heaps, B.A., M.A.

Samuel Eunsu Hong, B.A., M.Th., M.A. Eunjoo Kim, B.A., M.Div. Heetae Kim, Th.B., M.A., M.Div. Sung Joong Kim, B.A., M.Div., M.A. Keon Pyo Lee, B.A., M.Div.† Li-Chiou Li, M.A.R., B.S., M.S., M.Div. Bernardo André Luís, B.D., M.Div.

Marcus Tourè B. McCullough, B.A., M.Div. Intek Oh, B.Th., Th.M., M.Div. Zhenhua Ou, B.Phil., M.Phil.† Justin Leavitt Pearl, B.A., M.T.S. Monica Isabel Rey, B.A., M.A. Benjamin L. Thompson, B.S., M.T.S.

DOCTOR OF MINISTRY (D.Min.) Biblical & Historical Studies Imani-Sheila Newsome-Camara, B.S., M.Div., M.Ed., “An Historical and Critical Analysis of Leadership Education of African American Protestant Clergy within University-Based Black Church Studies Programs”

Ministry in Church & Society James Joseph Olson, B.S., M.Div., S.T.M., “A Connecticut Yankee at the Gates of Heaven: A Study of the Rites Surrounding the Death of a Christian in the Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century”

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


school of theology

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Practical Theology Nell M. Becker Sweeden, B.A., M.Div., “Christian Hospitality in Light of Twenty-First Century Migration” Paul Dongwon Goh, B.A., M.Div., “Save All Beings from Suffering: A Practical Theological Exploration of Christian Evangelism in Correlation with Contemporary ChristianBuddhist Spiritual Dialogue in the USA”

Joshua R. Sweeden, B.A., M.Div., “The Church and Work: A Study of the Ecclesiological Grounding of Good Work” Kirk Alan VanGilder, B.S., M.Div., “Making Sadza with Deaf Zimbabwean Women: A Missiological Reorientation of Practical Theological Method Toward Self-Theologizing Agency Among Subaltern Communities”‡

DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY (Th.D.) Biblical & Historical Studies Ryan Nicholas Danker, B.A., M.Div., “Constrained to Deviate: John Wesley and the Evangelical Anglicans” Kenaleone F. Ketshabile, Diploma, M.Div., M.Th., “Methodist Burial Rites: An Inquiry into the Inculturation of Christianity Among the Barolong of Mahikeng, South Africa”

Samuel Watuka Muindi, Th.M., M.S., M.Div., “Interpreting Ezekiel’s ‘ruach’ in an African Theological Context: African Pneumatology as a Hermeneutical Lens for Understanding Ezekiel’s ‘ruach’ ” Stephen Michael Squires, B.S., M.A., S.T.M., “Absolution and the Universal Priesthood from Luther to Spener”

Philosophy, Theology & Ethics Winiko Patrick Luwanika, Diploma, S.T.L., “Malawi Population-Ecology Crisis: A Challenge for Catholic Social Thought and Christian Socioecological Ethics”

Ministry in Church & Society Stephanie Anne Budwey, B.A., M.S.M., “Mary Star of Hope: Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the United States from 1854 to 2010, as Seen Through the Lens of Roman Catholic Marian Congregational Song”

January 2012 graduate

September 2011 graduate


Tentative September 2012 graduate


University Professors Program SIR HANS KORNBERG, Director

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) Aaron M. Faust, B.A., “The Ba’thification of Iraq: Saddam Hussein and the Ba’th Party’s System of Control” Eric Malczewski, B.S., M.P.P., “The Elements of ‘Social’ Science: An Essay Concerning the Set of Elemental Empirical Phenomena that Underline and Distinguish Social Scientific Inquiry”†

Tereza Novotna, “Negotiating the Accession: Transformation of the State During German Unification and the Eastern Enlargement of the EU” Zhenyu Zhu, “Love, Rome, and Dante’s Comic Vision”† Alex M. Zito, B.A., M.A., “Prosperity and Purpose, Today and Tomorrow: Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba and Discourses of Work and Salvation in the Muridiyya Sufi Order of Senegal”

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


Division of Military Education DOUGLAS SEARS, Director

RESERVE OFFICERS’ TRAINING CORPS Army Second Lieutenant Chase Lee Baker, College of Arts & Sciences and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Leon Denis Barker, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Jonathan Richard Broderick, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Jeremiah Joseph Cioffi, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Benjamin Frederick DeDominici, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Sarah Jane Funk, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Rebekah Kim, School of Hospitality Administration Second Lieutenant Lyle Ray Thomas Loewen, School of Education Second Lieutenant Ian Jeffrey Marecic, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant William Kyle Mathews, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Timothy James McHugh, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Robert Jacob Mitchell, School of Management Second Lieutenant Daniel Hongmin Yun, College of Arts & Sciences

Navy & Marine Corps Ensign Richard C. Anderson III, School of Management Ensign William F. Anthony, College of Engineering Ensign Thomas D. Belna, College of Engineering Ensign Matthew D. Brooks, College of Engineering Ensign Jessica H. Choi, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant George G. Drouillard, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Patrick M. Ehrlicher, College of Engineering Ensign Timothy R. Fitzpatrick, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Matthew J. Fowler, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Drew C. Gresh, College of Arts & Sciences Second Lieutenant Melanie J. Helmer, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Anthony J. Kardelis, College of Engineering Ensign Colin P. Kipping-Ruane, College of Engineering Ensign Emily K. Lane, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Rachel L. O’Canas, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Second Lieutenant Andrew A. Pate, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Keith Michael Schrumpf, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Russell J. Shomberg, College of Engineering Ensign Nicholas B. Stiegman, College of Engineering Ensign Margaret K. Strabala, College of Arts & Sciences Ensign Kaila M. Summers, College of Arts & Sciences

Air Force Second Lieutenant Christopher John Petrik, College of Engineering Second Lieutenant Christopher Douglas Tommila, College of Engineering

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages. Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2011 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them. † January 2012 graduate ‡September 2011 graduate §Tentative September 2012 graduate


Academic Traditions ACADEMIC DRESS: The academic dress worn by today’s graduates reflects a tradition begun in the late twelfth century, when universities were taking form. Originally the dress may have had a practical purpose: to keep the student warm in unheated buildings. Today it is ceremonial. American colleges and universities subscribe to a code of academic dress first adopted in 1895. The Academic Costume Code is divided into three parts: caps, gowns, and hoods. The traditional cap is the mortarboard, which is worn by our bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates. The colored tassels worn from the mortarboards identify the graduate’s discipline or field of study. Boston University’s doctoral candidates wear an octagonal tam with gold tassels. The gown for the bachelor’s degree is simple, with open sleeves. The master’s gown has a long, curved extension at the­ bottom of the sleeve, and is narrow at the wrist. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns are always untrimmed. The more ornate ­doctoral gown is faced with velvet and features three velvet bars on each sleeve. The velvet is black for all disciplines except law, dentistry, and medicine, which are faced with those fields’ traditional colors: purple, lilac, and green. The sleeves are bell-shaped and billowing. Bachelor’s candidates at Boston University do not wear hoods as part of their dress. The master’s hood is three and one-half feet in length, and the doctoral hood is four feet with panels on the sides. The lining of the hoods is unique to the university: every university, according to the Academic Costume Code, has a distinct pattern. The Boston University hood is lined with a single white chevron on a scarlet field. The color of the velvet edging of the hood corresponds to the graduate’s field of study. Academic disciplines and associated colors seen at today’s Commencement include: Arts, Letters, Humanities—white Business, Management—drab Dental Medicine—lilac Education—light blue Engineering—orange Fine Arts—brown Law—purple Medicine—green

Music—pink Philosophy—dark blue Physical Therapy—teal Public Health—salmon Sciences—yellow Social Work—citron Theology—scarlet

THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION: The University Marshal presides over the Academic Procession, standing at the front of the platform. He raises the mace to signify that Commencement is ready to begin; as he lowers it, the music begins and the graduates begin to march onto the field. The faculty procession follows the student procession. The platform party follows the faculty; the President is the last person in the procession. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the University Marshal leads the President and the platform party off the field, followed by the faculty. There is no student procession at the end of Commencement. Graduates and guests are asked to remain in their places until the platform party and faculty have left Nickerson Field. PRESIDENT’S COLLAR: The collar is a chain of repeating decorative links. Such collars were often worn in the Middle Ages as a badge of office. The Boston University collar, symbolizing the office of the President, is composed of the University seal alternating with the letters BU; a larger seal is suspended from it. The collar was designed in the 1980s by the late Dr. Arthur G. B. Metcalf, alumnus, Associate Founder of the University, and Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees. MACE: The mace was originally a weapon of war; heavy, often with a spiked metal head, it was designed to damage an ­opponent’s armor. It has evolved into a symbol of institutional authority. The academic mace, representing the authority of the university, is carried at the front of formal academic processions. The Boston University mace was also designed in the 1980s by Dr. Metcalf. It is fashioned of sterling silver and has two University seals intertwined on the button end. In today’s ceremony, it is borne by the University Marshal.





























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Softball Field










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Day/Time Place

College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Doctoral Hooding Ceremony (Ph.D. only)

Fri. 5:30 pm

George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall 775 Commonwealth Avenue

African American Studies

Sat. 4 pm

Departmental Offices 138 Mountfort Street

American & New England Studies

Sun. 9 am

Metcalf Science Center Auditorium 590 Commonwealth Avenue


Sun. 4 pm

Photonics Colloquium Room 8 St. Mary’s Street, Ninth Floor


Sat. 5:30 pm

Tsai Performance Center 685 Commonwealth Avenue


Sat. 5:30 pm

College of Arts & Sciences 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 522

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Sun. 4 pm

Tsai Performance Center 685 Commonwealth Avenue


Sun. 9 am

Fitness & Recreation Center 915 Commonwealth Avenue


Sat. 5:30 pm

Sun. 9 am

Metcalf Trustee Center One Silber Way, Ninth Floor

School of Hospitality Administration

Editorial Institute

Sat. 4 pm

Departmental Offices 143 Bay State Road

Political Science

Sun. 9 am

George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall 775 Commonwealth Avenue

School of Law

George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall 775 Commonwealth Avenue


Sun. 4 pm

Walter Brown Arena 285 Babcock Street

Fuller Events Facility 808 Commonwealth Avenue


Sun. 9 am

Photonics Colloquium Room 8 St. Mary’s Street, Ninth Floor

College of General Studies Auditorium 871 Commonwealth Avenue

Romance Studies

Sun. 4 pm

Fuller Events Facility 808 Commonwealth Avenue


Sun. School of Management Auditorium 9 am 595 Commonwealth Avenue Room 105

College of Communication (Master’s candidates)

Sat. 2 pm

College of Communication Auditorium 640 Commonwealth Avenue

(Bachelor’s candidates)

Sun. 4 pm

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

School of Education

Sat. Noon

Walter Brown Arena 285 Babcock Street

Sat. 5:30 pm Sun. 9 am Sat. 5:30 pm

History of Art & Architecture

Sun. 9 am

Tsai Performance Center 685 Commonwealth Avenue

International Relations

Sat. 6 pm

Walter Brown Arena 285 Babcock Street

Marine Program (BUMP) Sat. 5:30 pm

Metcalf Science Center Auditorium 590 Commonwealth Avenue

Mathematics & Statistics

Sun. 9 am

College of General Studies Auditorium 871 Commonwealth Avenue

Medical Science

Sun. 9 am

Photonics Auditorium 8 St. Mary’s Street, Room 206

Modern Languages & Comparative Literatures

Sun. 9 am

Sargent College Auditorium 635 Commonwealth Avenue

College of Engineering (Doctoral candidates)

Sat. 6:30 pm

School of Management Auditorium 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 105

Day/Time Place Sat. 10 am

George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall 775 Commonwealth Avenue

Sun. 9 am

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

Fri. 12:30 pm

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

(Master’s and Doctoral candidates)

Fri. 5 pm

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

School of Medicine

Sat. 10 am

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

Graduate Medical Sciences Division (Master’s candidates)

Fri. 10 am

George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall 775 Commonwealth Avenue

(Ph.D. & M.D./Ph.D. candidates with School of Medicine)

Sat. 10 am

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

Metropolitan College

Sat. 6 pm

Track & Tennis Center 100 Ashford Street

School of Public Health

Sat. 5 pm

Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue

School of Management (Bachelor’s candidates)

Music Sat. (with College of Fine Arts) 11 am

Track & Tennis Center 100 Ashford Street

(Bachelor’s and Master’s Sun. candidates) 4:30 pm

Track & Tennis Center 100 Ashford Street

College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College

Sun. 9 am

Track & Tennis Center 100 Ashford Street

School of Law Auditorium 767 Commonwealth Avenue

Neuroscience Program

College of Fine Arts Concert Hall 855 Commonwealth Avenue

College of Fine Arts

Track & Tennis Center 100 Ashford Street

School of Social Work

Fri. 4 pm

Fitness & Recreation Center 915 Commonwealth Avenue

Life Sciences & Engineering Auditorium 24 Cummington Street


School of Law Auditorium 767 Commonwealth Avenue

Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Walter Brown Arena 285 Babcock Street

School of Theology

Sun. 4 pm

Marsh Chapel 735 Commonwealth Avenue

Sun. George Sherman Union 9 am 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Fifth Floor Faculty Dining Room

Computer Science

Sun. 9 am Sat. 5:30 pm




Classical Studies

Earth Sciences

Day/Time Place

Fitness & Recreation Center 915 Commonwealth Avenue

Geography & Environment

College of Fine Arts 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Concert Hall


Sun. 4 pm


(B.A. and M.A. candidates)

Day/Time Place



Sun. 9 am Sat. 5:30 pm

Sat. 11 am Fri. 3 pm


Prelude Concert Fanfare from La Péri

Paul Dukas

“O Magnum Mysterium”

Morten Lauridsen

Festival Celebration Music (in a Russian Style)

Elena Roussanova Lucas


Bulgarian Folk Song

Suite Americana No. 1: “Son de México”

Enrique Crespo

Symphony for Brass and Percussion, Con moto

Alfred Reed



Vienna Philharmonic Fanfare

Richard Strauss

Keystone Celebration

John Cheetham

Processional Music Flourish for Wind Band

Ralph Vaughan Williams

Pavane “La Bataille”

Tielman Susato

Pomp and Circumstance March, No. 1

Edward Elgar

Recessional Music “Go BU”

Ranny Weeks and Bernie Fazioli

“Hey! Baby”

Margaret Cobb and Bruce Channel

Theme from Star Trek

Alexander Courage and Michael Giacchino

Suite in F, Op. 28, No. 2, March

Gustav Holst


Clarissima Dean B. Doner

Brenton C. Patterson, 1911

New lyrics for “Clarissima” were written by the late Dean B. Doner, a Vice President of Boston University from 1973 to 1986.



Lee Claflin

Isaac Rich

Jacob Sleeper


Augusta E. Corbin Chester C. Corbin Albert V. Danielsen Edward H. Dunn Rafik B. al-Hariri Charles Hayden

Arthur G. B. Metcalf Stephen P. Mugar Anne A. Ramsey John R. Robinson Roswell R. Robinson

Alden Speare Dewey David Stone Harry K. Stone Gerald Tsai, Jr. An Wang


Robert A. Knox, Chairman

John P. Howe III, Vice Chairman

Robert A. Brown, President

Richard D. Cohen Jonathan R. Cole Shamim A. Dahod David F. D’Alessandro Richard B. DeWolfe Kenneth J. Feld Sidney J. Feltenstein Ronald G. Garriques Richard C. Godfrey SungEun Han-Andersen Bahaa R. Hariri Robert J. Hildreth Stephen R. Karp

Rajen A. Kilachand Cleve L. Killingsworth, Jr. Elaine B. Kirshenbaum Andrew R. Lack Eric S. Lander Alan M. Leventhal J. Kenneth Menges, Jr. Carla E. Meyer Alicia C. Mullen Peter T. Paul C. A. Lance Piccolo Christine A. Poon Stuart W. Pratt

Allen I. Questrom Richard D. Reidy Sharon G. Ryan S. D. Shibulal Richard C. Shipley Hugo X. Shong Bippy M. Siegal Adam W. Sweeting Nina C. Tassler Andrea L. Taylor Peter D. Weaver Stephen M. Zide


Shamim A. Dahod, Chairman Edwin D. Fuller, Vice Chairman Warren J. Adelson James Apteker Merwyn Bagan Steven R. Becker Gayle R. Berg William D. Bloom Thomas M. Bowers Fred A. Bronstein Robert J. Brown Jay M. Cashman

Earle M. Chiles Cassandra M. Clay Gerard H. Cohen Suzanne Cutler Derek Davis Patricia K. Donahoe Maya Ezratti Bruce J. Feirstein Ryan K. Roth Gallo Lucy Landesman Halperin Kathleen L. Healy David E. Hollowell

Esther A. H. Hopkins Karen Elliott House Linda Sloane Kay Raymond L. Killian, Jr. William H. Kleh Leif C. Kvaal Peter J. Levine Melvin B. Miller Jay Roewe Kenneth Z. Slater Marshall M. Sloane Marcy Syms


Terry L. Andreas Christopher A. Barreca John L. Battaglino Robert J. Brown Frederick H. Chicos Earle M. Chiles Howard L. Clark, Jr. Suzanne Cutler Edson D. de Castro Dexter A. Dodge

Patricia K. Donahoe Norman E. Gaut Gerald L. Gitner Vartan Gregorian Leon C. Hirsch Esther A. H. Hopkins Karen Elliott House James M. Howell Richard R. Joaquim Luci Baines Johnson


William F. Macauley Edward I. Masterman JoAnn McGrath Melvin B. Miller John R. Robinson Marshall M. Sloane John F. Smith, Jr. Laura Walsh Strandskov Robert E. Yellin

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.